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Changing Hair Photo tips 6.0.1
Try out a new hair color in just seconds.Allyou have to do is choose your own photo, draw the outline ofyourhair, fine tune the hair mask, and then adjust to differenthaircolors what you want. With Hair Color, you can be a creativeandtry on different color combination by you own.Share your photo and let's your friend surprise with your newhaircolor photo- Hair color change Tips and tricks!- Step-by-step tutorials on changing color!- Learn how to achieve violet gradient color!- Before vs. After comparison- Do your own multicolor!
ZMaster Оператор красоты №1 1.0.71
Ramil Zakirov
ZMaster – это удобный сервис для клиентовимастеров индустрии красоты.Теперь записаться к парикмахеру, стилисту, визажисту,мастеруманикюра в салон или вызвать его на дом можно за 2 минуты,прямо вприложении.На территории России более 150 000 салонов и 230 000 мастеров,иблагодаря ZMaster каждый клиент найдет своего специалиста,аспециалист не останется без клиентов!ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА ДЛЯ КЛИЕНТОВ:• быстрый поиск ближайшего салона/мастера или поиск поуслуге,цене, имени мастера• доступ к перечню услуг и цен специалиста в его профиле• выбор мастера по рейтингам и реальным отзывам• запись на удобное время в онлайн-журнал• вызов мастера на дом• звонок в салон из приложения, если есть необходимостьчто-тоуточнить• добавление мастера в избранное, возможность порекомендоватьпослеполучения услуги• доступ к акциям салонов и последним новостям бьюти-индустрииПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА ДЛЯ МАСТЕРОВ:• реклама без вложений, дополнительный поток клиентов• личный кабинет с возможностью разместить свое фото, фотосалонаили оборудования• демонстрация дипломов и сертификатов,подтверждающихквалификацию• удобный электронный журнал с расписанием• самостоятельная запись клиентов• возможность отказаться от записи или предложить другоевремя• звонок клиенту прямо из приложения, чтобы подтвердить визит• увеличение базы за счет отзывов и рейтинга• доступ к контактам (имя, телефон, адрес) и статусу клиента• автоматическое присвоение статуса постоянного клиента после3посещений• сохранение клиентской базы даже при смене салона или адреса• оповещение клиентов об акциях, специальных предложенияхиновинкахВам нужно срочно сделать макияж, маникюр или педикюр, стрижкуилиукладку? Хотите найти постоянного мастера с хорошейрепутацией?Решение одно – приложение ZMaster! Установите его прямосейчас и вывсегда будете прекрасно выглядеть.Вы – мастер, и вам нужны клиенты? ZMaster – самый простойспособих найти.Хотите узнать о нас больше? Давайте дружить!Сайт компанииСкачать для IOS в Instagram в ВКонтакте в Facebook в ОдноклассникиВ приложении вы найдете следующие услуги:Категории услуг1. Парикмахерские2. Ногтевой сервис3. Визаж4. Косметология5. Загар6. СПА – процедуры7. Массаж8. Эпиляция9. БарберСПИСОК УСЛУГПарикмахерскиеСтрижкаЖенская стрижкаМужская стрижкаУкладкаПрическиОкрашивание волосВыпрямление волосЛаминирование волосМелирование волосНаращивание волосХимическая завивкаДетская стрижкаКератиновое выпрямление волосЭкранирование волосНогтевой сервисМаникюрПедикюрДизайн ногтейНаращивание ногтейМаникюр с шеллакомЭкспресс маникюрЭкспресс педикюрФранцузский маникюрФранцузский педикюрМаникюр для мужчинПедикюр для мужчинВизажМакияжНаращивание ресницКоррекция бровейСвадебный макияжПерманентный макияжПрофессиональный макияжКосметологияЭпиляцияЗагарСолярийСПА - процедурыОбертываниеМаскиПилингУходМассажКлассический массажАнтицеллюлитный массажТайский массажЭпиляцияГлубокое бикиниШугарингЭлектроэпиляцияЭпиляция бикиниЭпиляция голенейЭпиляция для мужчинВыщипывание бровейЛазерная эпиляцияУдаление усовЭпиляция бедерЭпиляция грудиЭпиляция рукЭпиляция спиныЭпиляция ягодицБарберСтрижка бородыСтрижка усовБритьеZMaster - is aconvenientservice for customers, and masters of the beautyindustry.Now enter the name to the hairdresser, stylist, make-up, manicureinsalon or call him at home, you can in 2 minutes, right in theapp.In Russia, more than 150,000 saloons and 230,000 artists,andthanks ZMaster every customer will find their professionalandspecialist will be left without customers!CUSTOMER BENEFITS:• quick search of the nearest saloon / master or search fortheservice, price, name of the master• Access to the list of services and prices in itsspecialistprofile• choice on the ratings of the master and real reviews• Record at a convenient time in the online magazine• a challenge to master home• Up to the interior of the application, if there is a needtoclarify something• Add to Favorites master, the ability to recommend theserviceafter receiving• access to the shares of the salons and the latest news ofbeautyindustryBENEFITS FOR MASTERS:• advertising without attachments, an additional streamofclients• Personal Area with the possibility of posting yourphotos,interior photos and equipment• demonstration of diplomas and certificatesconfirmingqualifications• user-friendly e-zine with the schedule• Customer self-recording• the possibility to refuse entry or to suggest another time• Up to the customer directly from the application to confirmthevisit• an increase in the base due to reviews and ratings• Access your contacts (name, phone, address) and the status oftheclient• Automatic assignment of the status of a regular customer, after3visits• customer retention even when changing the cabin or address• alert customers about promotions, special offers and updatesYou urgently need to do make-up, manicure or pedicure, haircutorstyling? You want to find a permanent master with agoodreputation? Solution one - ZMaster app! Install it right nowandyou'll always look great.You - the master, and you need customers? ZMaster - theeasiestway to find them.Want to know more about us? Let's be friends!The site of the company for IOS in Instagram in VKontakte on Facebook to Classmates you will find the following services:service Categories1. Hairdresser2. Nail salon3. Hydration4. Cosmetology5. Sunburn6. SPA - procedures7. Massage8. Hair Removal9. BarberLIST OF SERVICESHairdressingA haircutWomen's haircutMen's GroominglayingHairstylesHair coloringHair straighteningLamination of hairHair highlightsHair extensionPermChildren's hair cutKeratin hair straighteninghair ScreeningManicureManicurePedicurenail Designnail extensionManicure with shellacExpress manicureExpress pedicureFrench manicureFrench pedicureManicure for menPedicure for MenHydrationMakeupeyelashEyebrow correctionWedding make-upPermanent makeupProfessional makeupCosmetologyEpilationA tanSolariumSPA - proceduresenvelopmentMasksPeelingCareMassageClassic massageAnticellulite massageThai massageEpilationDeep bikiniShugaringelectrolysisbikini Hair RemovalEpilation lower legsHair removal for meneyebrow pluckingLaser Hair RemovalRemoval of whiskersWaxing hipsWaxing the chestHair removal handback Hair RemovalWaxing buttocksBarberGrooming beardMowing mustacheShaving
Hair Color Ideas 1.0
Hair Color Ideas gives you inspiration about how to coloringyourhair by seeing gallery pictures of latest hair color ideas.TrendyHair Color. Make your two-tone hair color bold by choosinganunnatural, vibrant color for one of the two tones, such ashotpink, electric blue, neon green or purple. In order to achievethemost vibrant tones, you will want to use peroxide first onthesections that you wish to color in the unnatural shades in ordertogive yourself a fresh palette. Fortunately, not all purpledyesneed to be applied to bleached hair. So, if you are trying toavoidhair damage, purple may just be the color for you. If you'reaimingfor lavender or a neon purple, you'll probably have to bleachyourhair to a platinum white before proceeding. Hair ColorforBrunettes. Lovely, rich brown hair can benefit fromlowlightsbrunets, too. Brunette hair is best complemented byred-tonedlowlights like cinnamon, auburn or rust. If you have blackhair,you might consider adding dark brown lowlights to createdimensionand texture. Blond colors are not advisable for brunettesand thosewith black hair because they often appear unnatural. Fallhaircolor. If you've been feeling a little drab and out ofsorts,changing your color is one of the easiest ways to get intouch withyourself by drawing on whom you are as a person andchanneling thatthrough your hair for everyone to see. Takeinspiration from thehair colour ideas and individualize them toyour heart's desire. Orif you are working on a budget, many ofthese styles are alsopossible to achieve in the comfort of your ownhome.
Color Your Hair 1.0
You still want to color your hair?Learn how to color your hair and give yourself highlightsfromthe top Salon colorist in these application hairtutorials.In this application we will help you to learn step by step Howtocolor your Hair:1- How to Find a Hair Color that Best Suits Your Skin Tone2- How to Pick a Hair Dye3- How to Dye Your Hair at Home4- 6 Tips about Blonde Hair Dye5- 6 Tips about Brown Hair Dye6- Pros & Cons of Natural Hair Dye7- Can You Dye Your Hair While You're Pregnant?8- 3 Key Tips about Temporary Hair Dye9- How to Maintain Your Hair Color10 -How to Color Your Hair to Hide Thinning11 -How to Dye Your Hair Online12 -What to Look for in Red Hair Dye13 -Best At-Home Hair Dye for Asian Hair14 -How to Get Ombre Hair at Home15 -What You Need to Know before Bleaching Your Hair16 -What You Need to Know about Bleaching Black Hair17 -How to Dye Bleached Blonde Hair Back to Natural Brown18 -How to Prevent Pool Chlorine from Turning Your Hair Green19 -What to Know before Highlighting Your Own Hair20 -How to Punch Up Drab Hair with Highlights21 -How to Pick the Best Highlights for a Natural Blonde22 -How to Get Chunky Hair Highlights at Home23 -Dark Hair Highlights Do's & Don'ts24 -How to Add Colored Highlights, Part 125 -How to Add Colored Highlights, Part 226 -How to Add Pink, Purple or Blue Highlights withExtensions27 -How to Get Hair Color like Rihanna28 -How to Get Hair Color like Sarah Jessica Parker29 -How to Get Hair Color like Jennifer Aniston30 -How to Get Hair Color like Beyonce31 -How to Get Blue Hair like Katy Perry32 -How to Get Hair Color like Drew Barrymore33 -How to Get Hair Color like Gwyneth Paltrow34 -How to Get Hair Color like Julia Roberts35 -How to Get Hair Color like Debra Messing36 -How to Get Hair Color like Angelina Jolie37 -How to Get Hair Color like Ashlee Simpson38 -How to Get Hair Color like Scarlett Johansson39 -How to Get Hair Color like Kim Kardashian40 -How to Get Hair Color like Carrie Underwood41 -How to Get Hair Color like Miley Cyrus42 -How to Get Beautiful Highlights at the Salon43 -How to Color Your Hair with AJ LordetDownload it for free! You can enhance your natural colorwithhighlights and other shades.**If you like it, please support us by rating it ★★★★★.
Hair Colors Trend 2016 1.0
Mueeza Apps
Hair colors trend 2016 is agreatapplicationabout the best hair colors in the world.Hair color is not just about choosing a plain shade andnevermovingoutside your comfort zone. The best hair colorideasshowcase yourinner personality and vibrancy to the outsideworld.They are notjust a style, but also a reflection of the uniqueandwonderfulperson within.If you've been feeling a little drab and out ofsorts,changingyour color is one of the easiest ways to get in touchwithyourselfby drawing on who you are as a person and channelingthatthroughyour hair for everyone to see.Take inspiration from the following ideas andindividualizethemto your heart's desire. Or if you're working on abudget, manyofthese styles are also possible to achieve in thecomfort ofyourown home.If you want to take your hair from brown to blonde, and youhaveacool skin tone, this application will help you identifyblondehaircolors you might like to try. To help guide you in yourhaircolorchoices, we have selected celebrities with cool skintonesand dyedblonde hair to help inspire you.this application can help you to find hair coloringstylesthatwill make you look more charming. Other than that,inthisapplication have many hair colours ideas such as,blondehaircolors, red hair colors, hair dye colors, dark brownhaircolors,natural hair dye color and other many more ideas. Soyoudon't behesitate because you will can the best hair colorsideas.Downloadand enjoy now!
Jasmines Hairdressing Studio 1.0.6
Qualified In Hong Kong With NewZealandAndOverseas Work ExperienceJasmine‘s personalized touch of trend and glamouristrulyrelaxing, warm and friendly.Thanks to the loyalty of all the clients over last 32years,thatJasmine has proved her positive attitude towards hercareer andhasgained tremendous knowledge on Hair care,latesthaircuts,coloring, hair sets and much more.To meet the continually changing needs of yourhairandfashion;Jasmine’s Hairdressing studio carries a Certified plantbasedrangeof products “Delorenzo”. Delorenzo's Nova colors areplantbasedand professional. Their styling products have noanimalingredientnor are they tested on animals. Theyareenvironmentallyresponsible plant based products.Jasmine is always pleased to serve all new andexistingclients.
FABsquad 1.3.0
The FABsquad App is the beauty &wellnessprofessionals’ must-have. Accept customer bookings forin-homebeauty & wellness services. Currently serving Bangkok.Accessthe App once you complete an offline registration andonboardingprocess. Benefits you get as a member of the FABsquadare:+ More Customers, without losing your freedom- Access new customers and get more appointments- Fill your downtime, without losing your existing clientbase- Work the hours you want, where you want+ More Control, over your time and money- Better control over your time - access open booking requests,andaccept appointments according to your availability- Manage your finances better- Greater visibility on your own performance andprofessionaldevelopment+ More Benefits, as you grow with us- Be a part of the FABbrigade unique story and team- Opportunity for various press and PR features to enhanceyourprofessional profile- Earn cash bonus and other perks for top performance (bycustomerstar rating, match rate, commitment to joint success)If you currently fit the following, we would love to hear fromyouand offer the opportunity to be part of our FABsquad! :-1. GLAMbrigade – Professional makeup artists and/orhairstylists2. SPAbrigade – Qualified massage therapists3. OMbrigade – Certified yoga, pilates or personalfitnessinstructors4. NAILBrigade – Experienced nail artists and/or therapistsHow to become a member of the FABsquad: Joining is easy, , call us at +66 61 856 3333 [email protected] the FABsquad App is free, but access to theabovebenefits requires successful registration to FABbrigade.
Студия красоты SOHO-STYLE - этосочетаниеуникальной идеи и безупречного качества. Удобный форматгородскогоцентра, созданного для заботы о вашей красоте.SOHO-STYLE - команда профессионалов , которые любят своюработу,нас объединяет одна идея - сделать мир ярче и красивее. Мыработаемдля тех, кто ценит качество и время, поэтому мы работаемежедневнос 10 утра до 12 ночи.Парикмахеры стилисты позаботятся о цвете и стрижке вашихволос,специалисты ногтевого сервиса готовы предложить всенеобходимыепроцедуры для здоровья и красоты ваших ногтей. У насвсегда можноприобрести подарочные сертификаты и продукцию дляпрофессиональногоухода за волосами, лицом и ногтями от ведущихмировых брендов.Beauty Studio SOHO-STYLE-a combination of unique ideas and impeccable quality.Well-sizedurban center that was created to take care of yourbeauty.SOHO-STYLE - a team of professionals who love their work, weareunited by one idea - to make the world brighter and morebeautiful.We work for those who appreciate quality and time, so wework everyday from 10 am to 12 midnight.Hairdressers stylists take care about the color of your hairandhairstyle, nail service specialists are ready to offerallnecessary procedures for health and beauty of your nails. Wecanalways buy gift certificates and products for professionalhaircare, face and nails from the world's leading brands.
hairstyles DIY Diagram 2.0
this is a selection of dozens of popularhair,including hair fashion, boys hairstyles, ladies hair, shorthair,real estate broker hair, hair of the Japanese, South Koreanhair,original hair. Reference others developed person DIY skills,youcan begin to DIY your own hair!this selection of hairstyles is worth all collection!Welcome more suggestions, we added more hair to everyone!女明星不僅鍾愛短髮也鍾愛盤發,短髮清爽簡潔,盤發能凸顯出一種高貴的氣質。精選髮型圖解-化妝必備是精選的幾十個流行髮型,包含時尚髮型,男生髮型,女士髮型,短髮髮型,纖手髮型,日係發型,韓國髮型,原創髮型等參考別人美髮達人的DIY技巧,自己可以動手DIY自己的髮型哦!軟体第一期精選的髮型值得大家收藏哦!歡迎多提意見,我們增加更多的髮型給大家!