Top 7 Apps Similar to Chate con Oso Frontino ChatBot

HAL9000 Chatbot 1.2.2
Chatbot app with learning
Assistente e chatbot Melissa 0.9.28
Melissa é uma assistentepessoalinteligente parecida com a Siri para Android. Ela tambémé umchatbot em Português desenvolvida para simular umamulherbrasileira na conversação usando inteligência artificialereconhecimento de voz.A assistente foi desenvolvida para realizar várias tarefas úteiseresponder perguntas, sendo uma verdadeira ajudante virtualaoexecutar comandos por voz ou texto.O aplicativo não requer internet para conversar, ou seja,aAssistente Melissa funciona muito bem offline, excetoparasolicitar serviços que exigem a web como previsão do tempooutradução, por exemplo.Além de conversar com o usuários, a chatbot Melissa atua comoumassistente virtual, permitindo obter informações úteis erealizandoações como abrir aplicativos, obter a data e a hora,consultar aprevisão do tempo, fazer contas, pesquisar no Google,mostrarsinopses de filmes, além de responder perguntas sobresignificadosde palavras e responder quem é ou quem foi determinadapessoa ouempresa. Outro recurso legal do assistente é a busca porletras demúsica.Recursos incluídos recentemente no assistente virtual Androidaindapermitem a criação de alarmes, o envio de SMS, a realizaçãodechamadas telefônicas offline e a abertura de sites comcomandossimples. A assistente pessoal Melissa também aprendeu acontarpiadas, fazer charadas e ler haikais, entre outras coisas.Sequiser o usuário pode trocar o avatar com uma simples frasecomo"troque a roupa" ou "troque o cabelo". A boneca também podeserpersonalizada trocando a cor dos olhos e da boca.A assistente virtual utiliza uma interface estilo MessengerouWhatsApp e não requer internet para ser usado, exceto emsituaçõesque requerem obter dados externos como a consulta dotempo,pesquisa no Google, pesquisa de sinopses de filmes e letrasdemúsicas, tradução de frases e palavras, programação de alarmes,porexemplo.A interação entre a chatbot Melissa e o usuário também podeserfeita usando a voz através da engine de reconhecimento defalapadrão do Google. Se o dispositivo tiver suporte, basta tocarnomicrofone e falar. Senão, o usuário pode usar o tecladoparadigitar as perguntas.Algumas frases e perguntas que a assistente Melissa responde(osexemplos marcados com asterisco requerem conexão comainternet):"Que dia é hoje?""Que horas são?""Qual o seu nome?""Quantos anos você tem?""Em que dia você nasceu?""Troque de visual""Troque a sua roupa""Troque de cabelo""Mude seu nome para x" (troque x pelo nome que quiser)"Quanto é vinte vezes dois?""Fale uma frase""Fale um ditado""Conte uma piada""Conte uma charada""Leia um haikai""Fale um palavrão""Ligue para Fulano" ou "Ligue para x" (troque x pelo númerodetelefone)"Mande um sms para x dizendo y" (substitua "x" por um nomedecontato ou número de telefone e "y" pela mensagem)"Qual é a capital da França?" (troque França por qualqueroutropaís.)"Que dia da semana e hoje?""Quem é Steve Jobs?" *"O que é Android?" *"Mostre a letra da música Bang da cantora Anitta" ou "letradamúsica Show das Poderosas" *"Qual o significado de x" (substitua x pela palavraquequiser)"Como fala professora em inglês" *"Traduza 'eu te amo' do português para o francês""Traduza 'eu te amo' do português para o espanhol""Como está o tempo?" *"Previsão do tempo" *"Qual a previsão do tempo para Porto Alegre?" (ou qualqueroutracidade do mundo) *"Me acorde às sete da manhã""Onde eu estou?""O que você sabe sobre mim?"E muito mais.Melissa is apersonalassistant Smart similar to Siri for Android. She is alsoa chatbotin Portuguese developed to simulate a Brazilian womaninconversation using artificial intelligence andvoicerecognition.The wizard is designed to perform various useful tasks andanswerquestions, being a true virtual assistant to execute commandsbyvoice or text.The application does not require internet to talk, ie,MelissaWizard works well offline, except to request services thatrequirethe Web such as weather or translation, for example.In addition to talking with the users, the chatbot Melissa acts asavirtual assistant, allowing useful information andperformingactions such as opening applications, get the date andtime, checkthe weather forecast, reckon, search Google, showsynopses films,as well as answer questions about word meanings andanswer who isand who was determined person or company. Another coolfeature isthe assistant to search for lyrics.recently included features on the Android Virtual Assistantalsoallow you to create alarms, sending SMS, conducting phone callsandoffline to open sites with simple commands. The personalassistantMelissa also learned to tell jokes, do puzzles and readhaikus,among other things. If you want you can change the avatarwith asimple phrase like "change clothes" or "change the hair." Thedollcan also be customized by changing the color of eyesandmouth.The virtual assistant uses a Messenger style interface orWhatsAppand does not require internet to be used except insituationsrequiring retrieve external data such as query time,Google search,synopses of films research and lyrics, phrases andtranslationwords, alarm programming, for example.The interaction between the chatbot Melissa and the user can alsobemade using the voice through the standard Google speechrecognitionengine. If the device is supported, simply tap themicrophone andspeak. Otherwise, the user can use the keyboard totypequestions.Some phrases and questions that Melissa assistant answers(examplesmarked with an asterisk require internetconnection):"What Day is Today?""What time is it?""What's your name?""How old are you?""What day were you born?""Change the look""Change your clothes""Switch hair""Change your name to x" (replace x with the name you like)"How much is twenty times two?""Speak a sentence""Contact a saying""Tell a joke""Tell a charade""Read one haiku""Speak a word""Call John Doe" or "Call x" (x change the phone number)"Send an sms saying to x y" (replace "x" with a contact nameorphone number and "y" for the message)"What is the capital of France?" (Replace France by anyothercountry.)"What day of the week is today?""Who is Steve Jobs?" *"What is Android?" *"Show the letter of the Bang Music singer Anitta" or "the lyricsofPowerful Show" *"What is the meaning of x" (x replace the word you want)"As a teacher speaks English" *"Translate 'I love you' from Portuguese into French""Translate 'I love you' from Portuguese to Spanish""How is the weather?" *"Weather forecast" *"What is the weather forecast for Porto Alegre?" (Or any othercityin the world) *"Wake me up at seven in the morning""Where I am?""What do you know about me?"And much more.
Robotic Chat 4.0
Many robots are waiting for you to haveaconversation.Select one and start talking about whatever you want.
Talbot, the chatbot 6.3.01
Talk with Talbot, the AI you (won't) expected.
Zerfoly - Chatbot Maker 1.0.3
Zerfoly Team
Create imaginary persons and teach them to talk to eachother.Revolutionary AI!
Kitty Cat ChatBot with Cats 1.0.2
SnD Apps, LLC
Chat with a cat Kitty Cat Bott - Chatterbot - Free ChatterbotAppFor Android - Discover the Joys Of Chatterbot-Free Chat AppForAndroid. Kitty Cat Bot let you Chat with a Cat. Free mobilegameapps have invaded the market in a big way. There are millionsofengaging and interactive apps that can be downloaded onyourcompatible Android smartphone. One interesting app forandroidusers is Chatterbot. This is a free chat app that can bedownloadedand installed in your device from online app store fromGoogle.Free android apps are highly sought after in the market bymobileenthusiasts today. This is the reason why they are graduallyrisingin popularity and taking over the smartphone market in a bigway.Stimulate Interesting Conversation With a cat! Kitty Cat Bot istheartificial intelligent bot you chat with in this free chat app.Theapplication needs to be installed in your android device beforeyoucan begin conversation. This free chatter bot app is acomputerprogrammed bot that replies to you like an intelligentrobot. Youoften find examples of these bot services in places whereyou needto acquire information or for personalized service. Forbeginning aconversation you need to enter something in the messagebox for thebot to respond. There is also a “share” button for youto tell yourfriends about if you like using it. You can also tellthem aboutthis interesting app and too can try out how it feelslike chattingto an artificial intelligent bot. Would You Like ToTalk To KittyCat Bot? Kitty Cat Bot is the interactive and friendlybot waitingfor you to ping a message so that she can respond andstart anengaging conversation with you. For installing theChatterbot appyou need to visit SnDApps on Google Play. There is asearch stringwhere you can enter Chattybot- the name of theapplication. Thereis a blue speech bubble that appears with theword “AI”. Clickingon the “install” option will begin thedownloading and theinstallation process immediately. Once theprocess is over you canimmediately type in a few lines and getstarted with an interestingconversation with Kitty Cat Botimmediately. SnD Apps also has anumber of other interesting freemobile game apps for your Androiddevices. There are amazing reallife sound applications you caninstall on your mobile device,educate, and entertain your kids.Some of these apps are informativeand educative. All you have todo is visit the SnDApps store tobrowse the various categories ofapplications. You can open each appand check out their detailsbefore you click on the “install” buttonto download the app andenjoy. They are free and thanks to thestorage capacity of yoursmartphone you can download all of them allat once! By downloadingthis app you are agreeing to our terms ofservice;
アイン~おしゃべりプログラム~ 1.5.16
You can also you touch the touch function added. Someone to talktoyou at any time be able to chat, enjoy the Ain and conversation!