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Mining Daily Log 1.0.18
Mining Daily Log app is ideal to report logs daily thatincludeinformation about employees, mined minerals andobstacles/issuesthat happen while mining. Managers or supervisorscan selectemployees from a list to save time on data collecting,record audioand video as well as take pictures of violations toreport to theoffice. The app works offline that makes it especiallyhelpful touse under ground and in areas that have a limitedcoverage. MiningDaily Log app can be 100 customized to meet yourpersonal andbusiness needs by Snappii. Summary app featuresinclude: - Abilityto create a list of employees to pick them laterfrom - Track aworking schedule - Report working hours - Add minedminerals andtheir amount - Report violations by using your devicecamera orrecord audio - Work offline and complete data submissionswhen youget connected to Internet - Email daily logs - Save dailylogs onyour device, edit and re-send them on demand - Create PDFand Excelreports that can be shared via email, uploaded to clouddrives andprinted out Mining Daily Log app is a universal solutionfor miningindustry and offers some obvious benefits like: - Savetime - Saveexpenses - Accurate reports - Ability to reportviolations toresolve them on demand Contact Snappii today to getthis appcustomized or create a new one. By downloading, you agreeto theTerms of Use at In addition tousingfree Mining Daily Log app version you can get unlimited numberofform submissions by subscribing via an optional In-App Purchaseandremove all ads by purchasing onetime fee. Subscribe fromyourdevice and access these services via mobile app.In-AppSubscription Details: • Ad Removal is $0.99 US dollarsone-time fee• Monthly Unlimited Form Submission Subscription to getis $11.99US dollars per month • Annual Unlimited FormSubmissionSubscription to get is $99.99 US dollars per year •Payment will becharged to Account at confirmation of purchase • Nocancellation ofthe current subscription is allowed during activesubscriptionperiod • Account will be charged for renewalautomatically