Top 5 Apps Similar to Spanish Basque Country Travel

Basque Country 2.5.7
The most original and detailed travelguidethatwill help you discover the Basque Country, totallyfree,withoutadditional roaming charges and daily updated.The visitor can find almost everything in this smallterritory.Thistravel guide will help you explore the Basque Countryanddiscoverits modern and busy cities as well as the smallvillagesand fishingtowns open to the sea.The Basque Country Guide is available in Spanish, EnglishanFrenchand compatible devices include Android, iPhone, iPodTouch&iPad.Features• TRAVEL GUIDE DIRECTORY: Get massive amounts of infoonBasquemuseums, landmarks, bars, restaurants, entertainment,hotelsandmore. Get descriptions, ratings, reviews and picturesoftouristattractions. Get opening hours, contact information andevenviewprices. Find new places add them to the travel guide andevensharethem with other mTrip travelers. Get unlimitedfreeupdates.• DEFINED ITINERARIES: Numerous proposals for theBasqueCountry.More than 500 tourist attractions with itsratings,comments andreviews made by other travelers, descriptionsandimages. With allthe functions to trace you and deploy thebestpath in off-linethanks to your GPS.• OFFLINE NAVIGATION & DIRECTIONS: Have the guidelocateyouon the map and show you the best route to each destinationbybus,tram or by foot. Use all map features offline with noroamingfees.100% OFFLINE (except for updates and sharing).• AUGMENTED REALITY: Display the city area in real-timewithiconsof all places super-imposed on your phones display. Seethedistance,ratings, opening hours and more for each placedisplayedall theplaces around you. No Internet connection requiredand noroamingfees.• SHARE postcards via Facebook & Email.• Special Highligths:NO ROAMING FEESTHE ONLY TRAVEL GUIDE WITH FREE DAILY UPDATES!The Basque Country Guide is available in English,FrenchandSpanishCompatible devices include: Android, iPhone, iPodTouch&iPad.
Be Your Guide - Bizkaia-Bilbao 1.22.4
Enjoy the full GUIDE BIZKAIA for FREE.
Playas Euskadi 1.7
Aplicación gratuita cuyo objetivoprincipalesinformar. Descubre la costa del Pais Vascoconociendoespecialmentelas playas más importantes que nos podemosencontraren Bizkaia yGipuzkoa.Infórmate sobre:- Características de las playas(descripción,servicios,seguridad…)- Itinerario hacia la playa con conexión a google maps- Predicción para hoy y mañana en algunas delasplayas:Temperatura máxima, sensación térmica, temperaturadelagua,pleamar y bajamar (Datos recogidos de la AgenciaEstataldeMetereología (AEMET))Recopilación de documentación de playas obtenidadediversaspáginas de internet.Para cualquier sugerencia, comentario o crítica esperoquesepongan en contacto conmigo.Informatzea helburu daukan aplikazioa da.Euskalkostaldeaezagutarazteko, bereziki Bizkaiko etaGipuzkoakohondartzagarrantzitsuenak.Informazioa jasotzeko balio dau:- Hondartzen ezaugarriak(deskribapena,zerbitzuak,segurtasuna…)- Hondartzetara heltzeko ibilbidea,GoogleMaps-ekokonexioarekin- Gaurko eta biharko eguraldiarenaurreikuspenahondartzabatzuetan: Tenperatura altuena, sentsaziotermikoa,urarentenperatura, itsasgora eta itsasbehera.(EstatukoAEMETmetereologia agentziak emondako datuak)Interneteko hainbat orrialdeetatikjasotakohondartzendokumentazioa.Edozein iradokizun, iruzkin edo kritika egitekonigazharremanetanjarri mesedez.
San Sebastián Donosti 1.0
Tourist information about San Sebastian - Donostia.
Donostia - San Sebastián 8.0.1
Tourist and Commercial Guide Donostia-SanSebastian, Spain. Basque city located 460 kilometersfromMadridand 520 km from BarcelonaPlaces of interest, hotels, hostels, restaurants,pintxos,tapas,Basque foodTours and excursions for San Sebastian, Donosti, namedasEuropeanCapital of Culture in 2016.Beautiful pictures of Playa de la Concha, Catedral delBuenPastor,Auditorium Kursaal, Monte Urgull, MariaCristinabridge.