Top 3 Apps Similar to Calendario Scolastico

TimetableCalendar 1.0.17
Timetable is an easy-to-use application for you to manage youroryour children's school timetable! You can make your owntimetablepatterns, select a theme to customize your timetable. Itis veryeasy to set your own timetable pattern. Pattern setting isto tap"Pattern Setting" button above the timetable, then you canmakeyour own patterns you need. You can save maximum 10 patternsandafter saving your patterns, just flip the screen or tap the"Left"and "Right" buttons above the timetable to change patterns.Press"Menu" button, tap "Setting" and select a calendar designfrom"Theme" for your timetable. There are 4 different themes(calendardesign) to choose from. After saving your timetable andthen goback to the calendar, you can see the contents of thetimetabledisplayed in the below list of the calendar. Tap eachsaved subjectin the list then select and save "attendance","absence","tardiness" , "recess" and memo. Those saved informationwill bedisplayed in the list of the calendar so you can seeeverything atone view on the calendar. ①Mark: You can add 2 markson each date.②Setting: Select a theme (calendar design) from 4different designsand select a starting week of the calendar etc…③Password: Set apassword. *From the left button of the belowcalendar. ①"Timetable" button: Tap this button to move to thetimetable. ②"Today" button: Go back to today's date. ③ "Left" &"Right"buttons: Move the date right and left. ④ "List" button: Youcan seethe contents of saved timetable in the list. ⑤"Note&Pencil"mark on the date of the calendar: When you saveboth timetable andmemo, this mark will be displayed on the date. ⑥"Note" mark on thedate of the calendar: When you only savetimetable, this mark willbe displayed on the date. ⑦ "Pencil" markon the date: When youonly save memo, this mark will be displayed onthe date. ⑧ Displayof lower part of the calendar: *When there is nosaved timetable:Select a date → tap "Memo" then Memo Enteringwindow appears. *Whenthere is saved timetable: Select a date → Thecontents of the savedtimetable will be displayed here. Tap one ofthe subjects → anotherpopup window appears then you can select andsave " Attendance","Absence", "Tardiness", "Recess" and Memo.Select a category thengo back to the calendar. You can see savedinformation here.*Buttons ① "Pattern Display" button: You can seethe name of thecurrent pattern. Tap here to change the name ofpattern. ② "MovePattern" button: You can move patterns by tappingthose arrowbuttons. ③ "Pattern Setting" button: Pattern Settingwindowappears. You can make your own patterns and name them as youlike.④ After pattern setting, select a pattern in the Timetablescreenthen tap the screen to enter subjects and classroom etc…(SubjectEntering window appears.)
Calendario Fases Lunares 2.0.0
Con Calendario Fases Lunares Gratissabráelcalendario lunar del mes ACTUAL y totalmente gratis.Lasfaseslunares se producen por la interacción entre losmovimientosdelsol, la luna y la tierra. En un año la lunarealizatrecerecorridos en torno a la tierra, es decir trecelunaciones.Cadalunación tiene una duración de 28díasaproximadamente.Normalmente, conocemos cuatro tipos de faselunar,que son la LunaNueva, Cuarto Creciente, Luna Llena yCuartoMenguante. Pero comola Luna demora aproximadamente 28 díasenrepetir sus fases, ellapasa no sólo por las cuatroantesmencionadas, sino que porinfinitas fases intermedias a lascualesla tradición no les hapuesto nombre. Este es el motivo de quelosastrónomos, se refierana las fases lunares en porcentajedeiluminación. De ese modo, laluna nueva es 0%, la llena es 100%,ytanto creciente comomenguante son 50%. Con nuestra aplicaciónsabráel calendario lunardel mes ACTUAL y totalmente gratis.DescargayaWith CalendarMoonPhasesFree you know the lunar calendar of the current monthandtotallyfree. The lunar phases are produced by theinteractionbetween themovements of the sun, moon and earth. In oneyear theMoon goesthrough thirteen tours around the earth, iethirteen lunarmonths.Each lunar cycle lasts about 28 days.Normally, we know fourtypesof moon phase, which is the New Moon,First Quarter, Full MoonandFull Moon. But as the moon takes about28 days to repeatitsphases, it involves not only the four mentionedabove, butbyinfinite intermediate stages to which the tradition hasnotnamedthem. This is why astronomers, the moon phasesrelatelightingpercentage. Thus, the new moon is 0%, the full is100%, andbothgrowing and shrinking are 50%. With our applicationyou willknowthe lunar calendar of the current month and totallyfree.downloadnow
Calendario Adviento 1.12
Metta Apps
Advent Calendar 2023 for fathers and mothers - Achieve yourdreamsat Christmas