Top 14 Apps Similar to Bharath Hospital

National Hospital 1.0
يعتبر المستشفى الوطني (رعاية) من الصروحالطبيةالتي اكتسبت خبرة واسعة وسمعة حسنة من خلال ما اشتهر به من أداءمميزوجودة خدمات عالية وعلى مدى أكثر من (45) عاماً من التميز فيالرعايةالطبية دأب المستشفى الوطني بجميع هياكله بدءاً من الإدارةووصولاًإلى الكوادر الطبية والفنيين والعاملين، على العمل بخطى ثابتةلتحقيقالرؤية المتمثلة أن يكون المكان المفضل لتقديم الرعايةالصحية.افتتح المستشفىالوطني بالرياض عام 1388هـ كأول مستشفى خاص فيمدينةالرياض, وعبر هذه السنين تطورالمستشفى الوطني من حيث الأجهزةوالمساحةوالخدمات وتم تصنيفه من مستشفيات الدرجةالأولى للمستوى الرفيعالذيوصل إليه.المستشفى الوطني أصبح بفضل الله من معالم مدينة الرياض ذلك إنهأولمستشفى خاص يفتتح في العاصمة وبدون مبالغة قد تجد أن الكثير منسكانالرياض هم من مواليد المستشفى الوطني.كما ان المبنى الجديد للمستشفى سيوفر للزوار 400 موقفللسياراتبالإضافة إلى 200 موقف للموظفين والطاقم الإداري .لقد قامت الكثير من الشركات والمؤسسات بالتعاقد مع المستشفىالوطنيلعلاج منسوبيها مثل شركة أرامكو السعودية , سابك ،كذلكالاتصالاتالسعودية ، وذلك لتوفرالخدمة الطبية المتميزة والتكلفةالمعقولة لثباتوانخفاض الأسعار مقارنةبالمستشفيات الخاصةالأخرى.The NationalHospital(care) of edifices medical gained extensive experience anda goodreputation through what is known for its exceptionalperformanceand quality of service high and over more than 45 yearsofexcellence in medical care consistently National Hospital withallits structures ranging from administration through tocadresMedical technicians and workers, to work at a steady pacetoachieve the vision to be a favorite place for the deliveryofhealth care.Alospyaloutna opened in Riyadh in 1388 as the first privatehospitalin the city of Riyadh, and over these years theNationalTtoralamschwy terms of hardware, space and services wereRankedhospitals Darjhalawly for the high level reached.National Hospital thanks to God became landmarks of Riyadh thatheis the first private hospital to open in the capital, andwithoutexaggeration, you may find that a lot of residents were borninRiyadh National Hospital.As the new building of the hospital will provide 400visitorsparking lot in addition to the 200 position for staffandadministrative staff. I've had a lot of companies and organizations to contractwiththe National Hospital for the treatment of its employees, suchasSaudi Aramco, SABIC, Saudi Telecom as well, so as toTovralkhaddmamedical excellence and affordability for thestability and lowerprices Mgarnapalmschviac other special.
Taiba Hospital 1.0
Taiba Hospital’s app is your personalguidetoall the information you may need about Taiba Hospital.Ourfreeapplication provides you with full access to allofourdepartments, doctors and services. The app alsofeaturesthefollowing:-The latest promotions & events-Quick body checkups (BMI Calculator, Sleep Cycle Calculatorandmanymore)-Taiba Magazine-Media Center (Events, Pictures and News)-Contact details (Numbers & Maps of our locations)-Feedback Form
Nawaloka Hospitals 1.2
Private healthcare plays a significant roleinSri Lanka at present than ever before. Understanding theimportanceof providing state-of-the-art medical facilities andmedicalexpertise, Nawaloka Hospitals stands in the forefront ofhealthcarein the country.Nawaloka Hospital is the first fully-fledged Privatehealthcareinstitute established in 1985 in Sri Lanka. The LateDeshamanyaH.K. Dharmadasa was the brainchild of Nawaloka, which hasbecomethe pioneering and the leading hospital. Nawaloka operateswith theprime objective of serving as the center of excellence inmedicaltechnology and curative facilities.As such, Nawaloka enhances and upgrades facilities forbetterhealth, greater comfort and convenience of patients and takespridein being the hospital with the highest number of beds inonelocation.Further, Nawaloka Hospital takes pride in being thefuturehealthcare provider to obtain the ISO certification9001:2008. Ourwell-established presence and expertise acquired overthe years, aswell as technologically advanced medical facilitiesmakes us aninvaluable partner in the healthcare sector.
Aadil Hospital 6.1.1
Naveed Khalid
Genex' Aadil Hospital DHA Lahore is aprojectofAbdul Waheed Trust and is affiliated with AvicennaMedicalCollegeLahore. Aadil hospital is equipped with themostmodernelectro-medical equipment, its emergency services are ofveryhighrepute. It is a high tech hospital with a goodcredibilityamongstvarious local and multinational Corporations.The Aadil Hospital application, which is free ofcost,allowsaccess to the complete hospital services when you are onthego.Focus was to make user / patient friendly.Features include:- Access to appointments for Doctors / Help Desk- Information about Specialist, Qualification and Departments- Specialist Room / Location, Days and Timings- Access to Diagnostic Laboratory Tests and e-Reports- Access to Diagnostic Radiology Tests and e-Reports- Access to miscellaneous Diagnostic Tests and e-Reports- Access to all Tests offered by Hospital- Emergency Panic Button- Emergency Call Button- Access to Help Desk for each Hospital Department- Access to Patient's / User Profile- Insurance Coverage - Panel List and Profile- Corporate Companies - Panel List and Profile- Information and Appointment for Peads and AdultVaccinations- Information about Disease, Diagnostics, TreatmentsandRelevantDoctor- Calculate Body Mass Index, Daily Water Intake andPregnancyDueDate- Hospital News and Announcements- Hospital Camps and Hospital Events- Information about Genex' Aadil Hospital andRegularityHealthAffiliations- Customer FeedbackGenex' Aadil Hospital's mobile application will giveasingletouch access to patients 24/7 to accesshealthservicesconveniently.We are confident that this app will not only enhance thelevelofservice but also help you make better, moreinformedhealthdecisions.
Hospital Zambrano Hellion 1.400
HZambrano es una aplicación creadaporelHospital Zambrano de TecSalud en la que podrás estarencontactodirecto con nosotros y nuestros Institutos, asícomorevisar tusresultados de laboratorio, llamar aEmergencias,realizar tupre-admisión, tener acceso a promocionesexclusivas,consultarnuestro calendario de eventos, entre muchasfunciones más.Algunas de las funcionalidades que encontrarás enAppHZambranoson:Llamar a Emergencias.Buscar médicos especialistas.Leer noticias y artículos.- Revisar resultados de laboratorio.- Realizar registro de pre-admisión.- Confirmar asistencia a eventos.- Obtener promociones.- Llamar a Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores. - Llamar aInstitutosdeSalud.- Mandar correo electrónico a Institutos de Salud.HZambrano isanapplicationcreated by Zambrano Hospital TecSalud where you canbein directcontact with us and our Institutes and check yourlabresults,emergency call, make your pre-admission, accesstoexclusivepromotions, please refer our calendar of events, andmanymorefeatures.Some of the features you'll find HZambrano App are:Emergency Call.Search specialists.Read news and articles.- Review laboratory results.- Perform pre-admission registration.- RSVP to events.- Get promotions.- Call Major Medical Insurance. - Call Institutes of Health.- Send email to Institutes of Health.
Zulekha Hospitals 1.9.0
Zulekha Hospital represents Total Healthcare that's accessibletoanyone in need of any kind of medical attention.Aprofessionallymanagedmulti-specialty facility offering modernmedical solutions.ZulekhaHealthcare Group. As we grow with yourappreciation, weremaindedicated to providing the best... also inon-linehealthcareassistance. Vision "To be the most efficient,competentand courteousproviders of comprehensive healthcare in theworld."Our Values •Honesty & Integrity • Privilege&Responsibility • Planning& Implementation • QualityService& Continuous Improvement •Courtesy & CompassionMission"To provide easy accessibility tohigh quality healthcare"TheZulekha Hospital Philosophy • Qualityhealthcare ataffordablecosts. • Continuous improvement in termsofinfrastructure andpatient care. • Meticulously adhered to ourfocus- "Your healthmatters"
Hospitals - Andhra Pradesh 1.1
Pls visit our visit our website - www.24x7healthprotect.comAP being HUB and India's Diabetic Capital and out ofevery10individual 3-4 are diabetic. Also, with so manycomplicationsofDiabetic and various other diseases, its necessaryto havesuchinformation handy in your mobile.This App, contains entire hospital lists of Andhrapradesh,Citywise.This App, not only contains Hospital Address, contactnumberbutcontact person name as well. Its found that when wecalltohospitals, most of the hospitals do not respond well andtakesmuchof time in Reception only, but interestingly if you takenameofOwner / Sr. Doctor or any other contact of hospitals,theyrespondimmediately. And this will help others to get theservicefast:).
Hospital Contact - Ireland 6.0.2
***INTRODUCING MEDICAL MESSAGING***We're always working on Hospital Contact to maketheAppbetter....and now we have added Medical Messaging to thelistoffeatures. Safely and quickly chat with colleagues andjoingroupsto discuss, share information (Images &Documents)andcollaborate. To set up messaging, all we need is toverifyyourmobile number and then you're all set up, it'scompletelyFREE!! Wecan't wait to see what you make of this greatnewfeature.If you work in one of the hospitals in Ireland thisshouldsoundfamiliar:“What’s the number of x-ray?”“Switch is busy...Does anyone know the number ofhaematology?”“I haven’t been paid. What number are salaries at?”“Bleep the porter and send those samples to the lab”Free up the switchboard. Carry all the useful phone, faxandbleepnumbers in your pocket.Features include:- Useful hospital phone, fax and bleep numbers.- Dial directly from your phone or lookup the numberanddialinternally.- Contact numbers for all the national hospitals.- Local services e.g. takeaways, taxis, etc.- Notes function allows you to add furtherusefulcontactinformation.- Favourites function allows you quicker access tofrequentlydiallednumbers.- Search function allows for another way to locate the numberyouarelooking for.DisclaimerThis app is designed for use by healthcare professionalsonly.Whileevery effort has been made to ensure the accuracy ofallinformationcontained within this app, the authors do notacceptliability forany errors or omissions and reserves the righttochange content asis necessary. The app does not containallcontact numbers for thehospitals featured but rather numbersthatthe authors feel arefrequently used.The design and update of this app has been kindlysponsoredbyMSD.MSD’s contract with Hospital Contact is throughanadvertisingarrangement only.MSD makes no claims or warranties as to the accuracyorcompletenessof this app.Contact.If you would like to us to design a similar app for yourhospitalorif you feel there is a number that should be included inthisappplease contact us at [email protected] hope you find this app useful and that it contributes tofastandeffective communication within your hospital.Regards,The Hospital Contact team.
Huntington Hospital 1.1
Welcome to Huntington MemorialHospitalinPasadena, California!Enhance your experience while visitingHuntingtonMemorialHospital in Pasadena, California with the all newnativeuniversalandroid mobile app.This app showcases important informationregardingtheaward-winning Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, CA aswellashighlights and variety of what the city of Pasadena hastooffervisitors of Huntington Memorial Hospital.The Huntington Memorial Hospital PasadenaVirtualConciergeuniversal mobile app includes:• Hospital Information and important resources• Calendar of Events• Physicians Directory and Hospital Directory• Directions from and to the hospital frompopularnearbyairports and attractions• Local Concierge Dining Recommendations showcased nearbyandinPasadena• Includes the latest most up to date dining menus,photosanddirections for each restaurant.• Ability to reserve reservations and read reviews rightfromeachrestaurant feature• Local Nearby Attractions based on localConciergerecommendationsfor the family and adults• Weather ForecastIt's the perfect application for current and futurevisitorsandguests of Huntington Memorial Hospital. The Appprovidevaluableinformation including directions to nearbyattractionsandestablishments as well as reviews and so muchmore.We hope you enjoy your experience in Pasadena whilevisitingtheHuntington Memorial Hospital.
Hospital app is used for tofindNearesthospitals, and list of all hospitals in India
Moulana Hospital 1.0.1
Moulana hospital is one of the multispecialityreferral centre in Malabar having all major specialityand superspeciality departments and an inpatient capacity of 500beds.
Amandeep Hospital 1.0
Amandeep Hospital App provide an easywaytosearch doctors with online appointment managementfacilitywithSmart Phone App. It provides 24/7 Emergency Helpline,BloodBank,Our OPD Clinics and more.Useful Featured provided:1). One Touch call to our Emergency helpline 24/7.2). Emergency message notification.3). Search Facility available for blood bank.4). Search for Doctors based on area of expertise.5). List of Our OPD clinics along with MAP.6). Locate us through Google Maps.
Emirates Hospital 1.1
Emirates Hospital - Mobile Apps, United Arab Emirates
Thumbay Hospital 1.1
Thumbay Media
Thumbay Hospital is a leadinghealthcarechainin the region. At Thumbay Hospital we aimtoprovideexceptional quality of care with latest technology,highlyskilledmedical work force from 20 nationalities, speakingmore than50languages, treating our guests from more than175nationalitiesworldwide with warm Arabian Hospitality. Thehospitalis managed byqualified professionals with wide range ofexperiencein hospitalmanagement.The Thumbay Hospital App is available to everyone freeofcost,allows access to the complete hospital information whenyouare onthe go, offers a range of utilities for patients tofulfilltheirmedical and healthcare requirements. With the option ofFindaDoctor, helps them find relevant doctor informationanditsprofile.Features of App:- Doctor Information and Profile through Find a doctor- Specialties - Navigation to various hospital locations- Information regarding events and news- Separate section of women wellness, Medical TourismYour valuable feedback is required to continueimprovingyourexperience with Thumbay Hospital App.