Top 10 Apps Similar to GOZOA - Leg & lær matematik+

GOZOA - På shopping 1.2.1
LEG OG LÆR! SHOP AMOK, STYLE GOZOA,TAGBILLEDER AF DIG SELV OG GOZOA, LØS REGNESTYKKER OGOPTJENGULDMØNTER - DER ER TIL MANGE TIMERS LEG OG LÆRING!"Det er genialt tænkt. Vi vil varmt anbefale Gozoa til jeralle.Den er virkelig god!" - MORSAPPS.COM❤❤❤❤❤ "Der er ikke noget negativt at komme efter. Koncepteteranderledes, nytænkende og spændende i forhold til andre appstilbørn." - APPNYT.DKGOZOA, hans venner og Skurken søger seje børn, der elskeratklæde sig ud som ninja, prinsesse, cowboy eller bare elskeratsætte bluser, bukser og sjovt tilbehør sammen. Der er masser aftøjog tilbehør i butikken og det kan sættes sammen på et utal afsjovemåder. Men før du kan gå på shopping i butikken skal dutjeneguldmønter ved at løse regnestykker. Plus, minus oggangestykkerskal løses ved at kombinere tøj og tal. Sværhedsgradenvælger duselv (3 niveauer). Guldmønterne kan derefter brugesitøjbutikken.Du kan også tage et billede af GOZOA og hans venner - duvælgerselv baggrund. Måske du selv vil være med på billedet? De 9senestebilleder vises i butikken.TIL FORÆLDRENEVærdien af penge er svært at forstå for mange børn mellem 5-9år.Sammen med GOZOA – På shopping kan barnet lære om tal, værdienafpenge og blive mere fortrolige med tal. Gennem leg og spilopnårdit barn en bedre forståelse for, at penge skal tjenes ind førdekan bruges samt hvilken værdi de repræsenterer.HVORFOR VIL BØRN ELSKE DET?- Man kan style og sammensætte tøj – det elsker de flestebørn- Hundredvis af unikke tøj og accessories muligheder- De kan selv vælge hvilken type regnestykker de vil løse(3niveauer)- Kamera funktion så man kan tage billede af ensunikkestyling- Op til 3 forskellige spil kan være i gang på samme tid- Man kan navngive sin egen profil- Kan spilles uden forældrenes hjælp og uden at barnet kan læseGOZOA – På shopping er en del af GOZOAs univers.Etdanskproduceret og anmelderrost børneunivers, hvor børn mellem 5og9 år kan lære svære skolefag mens de leger. Se også andre appspå!- Denne app fungerer på smartphones og tablets- Alle billeder gemmes lokalt såfremt der giver tilladelse tildetteved opstart af app’en.- Ingen ekstra køb – fuld pris 7 kr.- Ingen skjulte reklamer eller eksterne links.Har du kommentarer, ris eller ros er du velkommen til atskrivetil [email protected] & LEARN!SHOPAMOK STYLE GOZOA, TAG PHOTOS OF YOURSELF AND GOZOA, DETACHEDRAINCUTS AND EARN GOLD COINS - THERE ARE MANY HOURS OF PLAYANDLEARNING!"It is brilliant thought. We would highly recommend Gozoa toyouall. It's really good!" - MORSAPPS.COM❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ "There is nothing negative to come by. Conceptisdifferent, innovative and exciting compared to other appsforkids." - APPNYT.DKGOZOA, his friends and villain looking for cool kids who lovetodress up as a ninja, princess, cowboy or just love to putblouses,pants and fun accessory. There are lots of clothing andaccessoriesin the store and it can be put together in a variety offun ways.But before you can go shopping in the store, you earn goldcoins bysolving math problems. Plus, minus and time pieces to besolved bycombining clothes and figures. The difficulty for you tochoose (3levels). Gold coins can then be used in clothingstore.You can also take a picture of GOZOA and his friends - youchoosebackground. Maybe you even want to be in pictures? The 9most recentpictures are displayed in the store.FOR PARENTSThe value of money is hard to understand for many children aged5-9years. Along with GOZOA - On shopping, the child can learnaboutnumbers, the value of money and become more familiar withnumbers.Through play and games give your child a betterunderstanding ofthat money to be earned before they can be used andwhat value theyrepresent.WHY WILL KIDS LOVE IT?- You can style and build clothes - it loves most children- Hundreds of unique clothing and accessories options- You can choose the type of math problems they will solve(3levels)- Camera mode so you can take picture of one's unique styling- Up to 3 different games can be started at the same time- You can name your own profile- Can be played without parental help and without the childcanreadGOZOA - the shopping is part of GOZOAs universe.ADanish-produced and critically acclaimed children's universewherechildren between 5 and 9 years can learn difficult schoolsubjectswhile they play. See also other apps on!- This app works on smartphones and tablets- All images are stored locally if that gives permission for thisatstartup of the app.- No additional purchases - total price of DKK 7- No hidden advertising or external links.Do you have comments or suggestions please feel free to [email protected]
Ordleg - Lær at stave 1.0.1
Gi-Labs AS
Ordleg er den perfekte App til børn somskallære at læse!Spillet er lavet til aldersgruppen 4 – 7 år, men passer ogsåtilalle som gerne vil lære at læse.Over 150 almindelige danske ord fra 2 til 8 bogstaver.En 6 årig pige udtaler alle ordene. Når der trykkespåbogstaverne bliver ordlyden udtalt.Pigen kommer med ros når ordene er stavet rigtigt.Når man har stavet 10 ord rigtigt, bliver man belønnet medenmedalje og der råbes hurra!Word game is theperfectApp for children to learn to read!The game is designed for ages 4-7 years, but are alsosuitablefor everyone who wants to learn to read.Over 150 common Danish words from 2 to 8 letters.A 6 year old girl pronounce all the words. Pressing thelettersare words pronounced.The girl comes with praise when words are spelled correctly.When you have spelled 10 words correctly, you will berewardedwith a medal and shout hurray!
Gus Learns Danish for Kids 3.0.4
toojuice, LLC
Kids learn Danish vocabulary with interactive lessons and games.
GOZOA - Leg & lær matematik 1.1.1
DANSK TALE, LEG & LÆR, LØSMATEMATIKOPGAVER+ HOP OG LØB I PLATFORMSPILLET. TIMER MED MASSERAF SPAS.GRATIS SMAGSPRØVE!!! Dette er en opdelt version med 3 køb til7kr. per køb, der findes også en fuld version til 13 kr. Denneapper designet til tablets med mindst 1GM RAM.★★★★★ "Vellykket læringsapp gør matematik og regning til enleg."- BØRNIBYEN.DK★★★★★ "Af alle de læringsapps der er testet hører Gozoa tilitoppen." - APPNYT.DK"En app, der faktisk virker efter hensigten. Vi giver spilletdevarmeste anbefalinger." - FOLKESKOLEN.DK"En super lækker og lærerig app til børn. App ´en er heltklartgodkendt." - MORSAPP.COM“En app der kan bruges mange timer på, gennemarbejdet ogmangeopgaver.”- SKOLEAPPS.COMEn sjov og lærerig app til børn mellem 5-8 år. App’energodkendt og kvalitetssikret af lærere og pædagoger og over 250børnfra hele landet har været med til at teste spillet. Opgaverne i app’en er baseret på folkeskolens ”Fælles Mål”formatematik og udviklet i samarbejde med matematiklærere ogbørn.GOZOA er en perfekt balance mellem leg og læring.Læringsspilleneer designet så matematikniveauet stiger jo længereman kommer ispillet.LÆRINGSOMRÅDER★Genkende tal op til 20★Skrive tal op til 9★Tælle★Sortering efter form og farver★Opbygge talforståelse ved at forbinde talnavn, symbologantal★Addition gennem simple regnestykker★Geometriske former★Symmetri og spejling★Begrebsforståelse (færrest/flest,størst/mindst,højest/lavest)★10´vennerFEATURES❤Dansk tale – og kan spilles uden at barnet kan læse.❤Sjovt platformspil med 9 baner fordelt på 3 verdener❤Man får tildelt stjerner efter hvor godt barnet klarer sig❤20 forskellige opgavetyper og over 50 opgaver❤Tøjbutik: Mønter i spillet kan bruges til at købe tøjtilGOZOA❤Op til 3 forskellige spil kan være i gang på samme tidDit barn kommer på et matematik eventyr med ensammenhængendehistorier, der fordeler sig over tre unikke universeropdelt i 9baner. Historien går ud på at barnet skal vinde allestjernetallenetilbage fra den onde Skurk ved, at gennemføre allebanerne, hvorhan/hun undervejs bliver udfordret medinteraktivematematikspil/lege og samtidigt motiveret ved, at samlemønter opsom han/hun senere han bruge til at klæde GOZOA og hansvenner på.Denne kombination gør at dit barn ikke mister motivation,men fårlyst til at lære mere.HVAD GØR GOZOA UNIK?❤I modsætning til andre matematikøvelser, der hurtigt kanblivekedelige, kombinerer GOZOA matematik opgaver med etplatformspil,som børn kender fra computerspil.❤Tegneserieunivers og ørehængende musik.❤En ”spiller historie” sektion, der viser forældre og lærerehvilkematematiske færdigheder barnet har brug for at øve.GOZOAunderstøtter op til 3 spillerprofiler.❤Følger matematikpensummet fra indskolingen.OBS!Denne app er anbefalet til tablets med mindst 1GM RAM.Denne app rapportere ikke eventuelle brugerdata. Alle datablivergemt på din tabletFor at anvende hele spillet forekommer 3 in-app køb til 7kr.hver.Denne app indeholder ingen reklamer eller eksterne linksHar du problemer med spillet, ris eller ros skriv til [email protected]. Vi garantererhurtigtsvar😄DANISH SPEAKING,PLAY& LEARN, DETACHED MATHEMATICS TASKS + HOP AND RUNNINGINPLATFORM GAME. HOURS WITH LOTS OF SPAS.FREE FOOD TASTING! This is a divided version with 3 buy at £7per purchase, there is also a full version for 13 DKK This appisdesigned for tablets with at least 1GM RAM.★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "Successful læringsapp do math and arithmeticabreeze." - BØRNIBYEN.DK★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "Of all the læringsapps tested belongs Gozoa to thetop."- APPNYT.DK"An app that actually works as intended., We give the gamethewarmest recommendations." - FOLKESKOLEN.DK"A super delicious and educational app for kids. App 'oneisdefinitely approved." - MORSAPP.COM"An app that can be used many hours, worked many jobs."-SKOLEAPPS.COMA fun and educational app for children aged 5-8 years. The appisapproved and assured quality of teachers and educators and morethan250 children from across the country have helped to testthegame.The tasks in the app are based on public school "Common Goal"formathematics and developed in collaboration with mathematicsteachersand children. GOZOA is a perfect balance between play andlearning.Learning games are designed so that mathematics levelincreases thefarther you get in the game.LEARNING AREAS★ Recognize numbers up to 20★ Writing numbers up to 9★ Counting★ Sort by shape and color★ Build numeracy by connecting talnavn, symbol and number★ Addition through simple arithmetic★ Geometric shapes★ Symmetry and mirroring★ Conceptual Understanding (lowest / highest, biggest /smallest,highest / lowest)★ 10'vennerFEATURES❤ Danish speak - and can be played without the child canread.❤ Fun platform game with 9 courses spread over 3 worlds❤ We are given stars according to how well the child is doing❤ 20 different job types and more than 50 tasks❤ Stores: Coins in the game can be used to buy clothesforGOZOA❤ Up to 3 different games can be started at the same timeYour child comes at a math adventure with a coherent storiesthatspread over three unique worlds divided into 9 tracks. Thestory isabout the child must win all star numbers back from theevil villainby implementing all the courses in which he / she ison the way arechallenged with interactive math games / play and atthe same timemotivated by collecting coins up as he / she later heuse to dressGOZOA and his friends on. This combination makes sureyour childdoes not lose motivation, but will want to learnmore.WHAT DO GOZOA UNIQUE?❤ Unlike other math exercises that can quickly becomeboring,combines GOZOA math homework with a platform game that kidsknowfrom computer games.❤ Comic Universe and catchy music.❤ A "player history" section that shows parents and teacherswhatmath skills your child needs to practice. GOZOA supports up to3player profiles.❤ Following matematikpensummet from primary school.Attention!This app is recommended for tablets with at least 1GM RAM.This app did not report any user data. All data is stored onyourtabletTo use the entire game occurs 3 in-app purchase for £ 7 each.This app contains no advertising or external linksHaving trouble with the game, or suggestions write to [email protected]. We guarantee aquickresponse 😄
GOZOA - Play & learn math 1.1.1
PLAY & LEARN, SOLVE MATH TASKS + JUMPANDRUN IN THE PLATFORM GAME. HOURS WITH LOTS OF FUN.FREE DEMO!! Important! This is a version with 3 in-apppurchases.A full version is also available. This app is designedfor tabletswith 1GM RAM and up.★★★★★★ "EDITOR´S CHOICE" -TOPBESTAPPSFORKIDS.COM★★★★✶ "An app you don´t want to miss!" - BESTAPPSFORKIDS.COM
★★★★✶ "The concept is unique and wonderful."-THEIPHONEAPPREVIEW.COM
Rated 9 out of 10 by - APPSTOREARCADE.COM
Chosen as a TOP PICK by - FUNEDUCATIONALAPPS.COMWelcome to an exciting math game adventure.The evil Villain has stolen all the star numbers and you have towinthem back by completing the 9 levels and solve all themathassignments. If you need to take a math break, you’re alwaysableto spend your collected coins in the shop and dress up GOZOAandhis friends.GOZOA – Play & learn math is a math edutainment appforchildren aged 5–8. The app is approved and quality-assuredbyteachers, educationalists, app reviewers and kids.GOZOA strikes a perfect balance between play and learning.Thelearning tasks are designed so that the level ofmathematicsincreases the further you advance in the game.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★LEARNING AREASRecognize numbers up to 20Write numbers up to 9Count
Sorting things based on shape and colour
Build up numeracy skills by connecting names of numbers,symbols,and quantity
Addition by solving simple math problems
Geometric shapesSymmetry and reverse imagesConceptual knowledge (fewest/most, biggest/smallest, etc.)Adding up to 10
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★FEATURES
- English voiceover – can be played even if the child cannotread.
- Fun platform game with 9 different levels dispersed over3worlds.
- The child earns stars depending on how well he/she solvestheproblems.
- 20 different types of math tasks and more than 50taskstotal
- Clothing shop: coins can be used to buy clothes for GOZOA.- Up to 3 different games can be in progress at the same time.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤WHAT MAKES GOZOA UNIQUE?A recipe for fun. Combines math tasks with a platform game,similarto computer games.A cartoon universe and catchy music. 
A “player history” section, telling parents and teachers whichmathskills the child needs to practice. GOZOA supports up to 3playerprofiles. 
Follows the math curriculum.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤NB!!This app is designed for tablets with 1GM RAM and up.
This app contain 3 in-app purchaseThis app does not report any user data. 
This app contains no advertisements or external links.If you have any problems with the game, criticism orpraise,please write to [email protected] guarantee a quickresponse.
Learn Danish - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Danish. Speak Danish 8.7.9
ATi Studios
Learn Danish quickly. Speak & study - vocabulary, grammar,funcourses & more
Learn Danish - Fabulo 1.2.8
Learn Danish by recognizing words and pictures, andcompletingsentences.
Learn Danish - 50 languages 12.3
Learn Danish! "Danish 50 languages" ( lessons that provide you with a basic vocabulary. Thisfree apphas 30 lessons. With no prior knowledge, you will learn tofluentlyspeak short sentences in real-world situations in no time.The50languages method successfully combines audio and textforeffective language learning. 50languages corresponds to theCommonEuropean Framework levels A1 and A2 and is therefore suitableforall types of schools and students. The audio files can alsobeeffectively used as a supplement in language schools andlanguagecourses. Adults who have learned a language in school canrefreshtheir knowledge using 50languages. 50languages is availablein over40 languages and in approximately 1600 languagecombinations, e.g.German to English, English to Spanish, Spanish toChinese etc. The100 lessons help you to quickly learn and use aforeign language invarious situations (e.g. in a hotel orrestaurant, on a vacation,small talk, getting to know people,shopping, at the doctor, at thebank etc.). You can download theaudio files to your mp3-player and listento them anywhere- at a bus stop or a train station, in the car, andduring a lunchbreak! To get the most out of 50languages, learn onelesson a dayand regularly repeat what you have already learned inpreviouslessons.
Learn English 2.2
This software will be the most entertainingwayyou have learnt English so far!***Please note that the supported interface languagesareChinese, Korean, Japanese, Danish, Dutch, Swedish,Polish,Hungarian, Portuguese, Italian, German, Russian,Spanish,Norwegian, Hindi, Czech, Finnish, French and Hebrew.When you run the program, select your language and thenchooseone of the following features:☆ Choose the image: select the appropriate image for theEnglishword that is shown.☆ Guess the word: guess the English word by guessing thelettersit contains.☆ Spelling test: spell the English translation of the wordshowncorrectly.☆ Anagram: rearrange the jumbled up word to spellitcorrectly.☆ Word search: find the hidden words in the grid.☆ Memory match: find the pairs of English words andtheirtranslations.☆ 16 flashcard categories for learning new vocabularyincluding,alphabet, verbs, numbers, food, family, and so on.