Top 6 Apps Similar to Decision Maker App Art

3D beautiful decision maker 1.0
Simple, brilliantly beautiful "Decision maker" will help Youmakeright decision
What to Eat 1.1
What are you going to eat today? Spin the wheel and getsomesuggestions.
Career Decision Maker 1.0
Our career decision maker app helpsyouchoosebetween two different occupations. This is a fast andeasyway tomake a career decision. Enter two different careerchoices.Selectthe attributes that are important to in choosing yourcareer.Forexample, income, helping people working close to home.You canevenadd your own custom attributes. You can add asmanycustomattributes as you like. After selecting your attributesourappwill allow you to rate their importance on a scale from1-10.Whenyour done you will see which career is best for you.
Group Decision Maker 1.0.0
Quickly determine the best decision among a group of people.
The Art of Thinking Clearly 1.0
Secrets of Perfect Decision-Making for Work, Life and Business.
Decision Maker 1.0
Stanley Yu
We always have hard time inmakingdecisionslike what color I should wear today, where to havelunch,should Ibuy this, am I lucky today, who is my secretadmirer,should I sayyes when someone proposes, should I keep onstudying ortake abreak, who of this group of people will win thisprize,etc... Thisapplication helps making decisions and selectionsin afast andeasy way. The result is randomly generated. When youseethe resultand your mind will tell you if you like the randomresultand youprobably have an idea whether to follow theresultdecision.