Top 5 Games Similar to Young Living Essential Oils

Young Living Oils Free 1.1
This is the essential app for Young Living vendors andcustomers,with more helpful features than any other YL app outthere.With this app, you can:- Shop the full catalog of Young Living oils and otherproducts,broken down by purpose- Keep up with the official YL blog, D. Gary Young's Blog, andYL'sFacebook page- Access your virtual office directly- See upcoming YL events- Watch official YL videosUpgrade to the full version to remove ads.
XavvyLicious 4.0.1
Applify SG
XavvyLicious was founded by Serene Seah.Itaims to provide clients and interested individuals withampleknowledge and support via an interactive platform on the rangeofproducts from Young Living Oils Essential. An excitingexperienceawaits you. Explore our app to find your essentialneeds
A-Z Guide to Essential Oils 1
No ads!Whether doTERRA, Young Living, or any other essential oilvendor,you can know immediately which essential oils to use forwhichsymptoms. Always know, wherever you go!An encyclopedia of Essential Oils on the go. Includesdescriptionsand the uses of various essential oils, recommendationsfor variousphysical and mental ailments.Search by oil or by symptom!Easy navigation and access at your fingertips and on the go!• Essential Oil descriptions for more than 30 essential oils• Over 200 symptoms and uses: Mental health, First Aid, aches,painsinfections, skin care, and more!• Directions for typical essential oil use: aromatherapy,topicaluse, internal use• Suggestions for first aid and common ailments
Essential Oil Cards 5.0
This beautifully hand-drawn app contains messages fromtheplantspirits behind essential oils.Plant spirits are here to help support all of life. The focusofthiscard deck is to help first with spiritual alignment:theconnectionto your higher self and the Divine. Also, every timeyouuse anessential oil, you have the opportunity to connect withthespirit ofthe plant and the Earth.This app includes 77 cards which allows you to:- Get a reading anywhere, anytime- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse mode or as a ListinListmode- Search by message and see what oils apply- Share readings through Facebook, Email, TwitterandInstagram- Save your readings- Assist in a positive flow of energy between you andtheplanet.There are a number of successful ways to use the cards.Youcansign up to have daily or weekly guidance underthe“info”button.To draw a card for a reading, select “My Reading”. Thenaskaquestion and select a card. To get the full descriptionofthecard, touch the card again and it will turn over for you.You can also use “Search by Message” to find thefrequencyyou’relooking for and be guided to which oil could helpyou. Therereallyis no wrong way!The Cards: if you get a card and have a positive reactiontoit,please follow the guidance. If you get a card and haveanadversereaction to it, please follow the guidance. The cardcomesto youfrom plant spirit and has a purpose. We don’t alwaysknowwhat weneed, where we’re blocked, what’s in our unconsciousmind.Followalong and be freed of any limitations.Many of us are instruments for grace. Sometimes we get acardnotnecessarily meant for just ourselves, but for those weloveormight bump into that day. By following along and allowingtheplantspirits to work through you, you’re supportingyourself,others andthe Earth.Gender: some of the guidance may appear gender specific.Ifyouget an oil that seems not for your gender, pleaseproceed.Followthe guidance and use the oil. Males and females bothhavemale andfemale energy. It’s a good idea to check in with bothyourmale andfemale energies for deeper alignment and balance.Application: When using an essential oil it’s important toconnectasmuch as possible with your intuition, to get a feel forthe oil.Usewhatever advised application that feels most aligned toyou andyourneeds.Please follow safety guidelines.Vision: the vision on each card describes how thatplantspiritinitially appeared. The vision begins with themostunbalancedstate the oil addresses and ends in an aligned state.Theenergy ofeach plant is embedded in the vision. You might noticeasyou readthe ‘vision’ section of the card that your higheralignmenthasbegun. By following the guidance and application, yougroundtheplant essence all throughout your energeticsystem.Sopowerful!Source: where an essential oil is sourced ishugelyimportant.When a plant is farmed and harvested in its nativelandtheenergetic potency is much stronger. When you use an oilthatwascultivated in its native land you significantlydeepenyourconnection to the spirit of the plant as well asyourconnection tothat land. Spiritually, you create a positiveloopthrough yourphysical body into the earth that curves back upintothe nativeland of the plant. It connects you more deeply withtheEarth,connects you more deeply with the plant spirit andmoredeeply withall life. This greatly facilitates the assistanceallhumanityneeds: the heartfelt knowledge that we are all one.
YL Lavender Lifestyles Team
Amy Perry
This is a must have app for anyone newtousingYoung Living Products, or any one interested inalternativemedicineand home remedies. We have new tips, tricks,recipes, andDIY'severyday for you to experience essential oils manydifferentwaysthrough out the day!! This is also an excellent toolto haveforSharing on the go!!Choosing natural, safe, alternative solutions to helpcareforyou, your family, your home and your pets health isawisedecision. Replacing man-made synthetics and harmfulchemicalswithnatural, plant-based essential oilsremovesquestionableingredients from your home and adds countlessbenefits.Whether youuse essential oils to infuse your favoritedishes withflavor,clean your home without harmful chemicals,they're sure tosafelyand naturally enhance your experience.We are delighted to share with you our YoungLivingLavenderLifestyle from the whole family. Our Essential OilBasicsoffersinformation on what essential oils are, why YoungLiving, HowtoUse Oils and much more useful tools and informationfor anyonetobe able to use oils. Stay up to date on all thingsYoung LivingviaFacebook and Instagram feeds right here in the app.Also learnmoreabout Young Living's Products with their newEssential Oils,AtHome, Healthy & Fit, and Personal Carecategories!