Top 26 Apps Similar to eMerMed Science

Academic presentations - ICU patient care Adults
Medicina de Urgencias Mayores 1.0.8
Application of Major Emergencies
Medicina de Urgencias 1.1.17
An essential tool for the use of drugs in hospital emergencies
Poker Legends - Texas Hold'em 0.6.12
Texas Holdem Poker Games With Online World Tournaments
Diagnósticos de Enfermería 2.1
Nanda Nursing Diagnostics 2018-2020
Terapias de Insulina en UCI 1.1
App that calculates insulin requirements of hyperglycemicICUpatients.
DosisPedia 3.1.12
DosisPedia | The Mobile App for pediatricians
High School Doctor ER Emergency Hospital Game 18
High School Doctor ER Emergency Hospital Game is a unique mixofhighschool simulator & hospital simulation, in which youdoEmergencytreatment in High School games. In this DoctorHospitalgames youwill treat student girl & school boy who getinjuredon first dayin the school. You are an experienced EREmergencyDoctor in cityhospital Simulation working in hospitalEmergencyRoom. In HighSchool Doctor ER Emergency Hospital Game,school boyskeep coming into clinic of ER Doctor Hospital afterplayingsports. You’re the onlyemergency doctor who can providefirst aidto school kids in DoctorGames. ER Doctor sterilize yourdoctortools, fix ER doctor chair& prepare emergency room togivefirst aid and medical care inbest Doctor Games.
Guía Terapia Intravenosa 1.2.0-1200
Intravenous therapy. Evaluation and Selection of vascularaccessdevices
Medicamentos vía parenteral 4.3
The app aims the medicines might be administered correctlyandsafely.
Soporte Nutricional 1.1
Guidelines for nutritional support in hospitalized andcriticallyill patients.
Código Sepsis 1.2
Esta aplicación contiene una edición revisadayactualizada de las directrices internacionales para el manejo delasepsis severa y el shock séptico. La información estáestructuradade una manera práctica que permite una orientaciónrápida en laforma de actuar siguiendo la filosofía de la campañaSobrevivir a laSepsis ...... "el tiempo es vida".This applicationcontainsa revised and updated edition of the internationalguidelines formanagement of severe sepsis and septic shock. Theinformation isstructured in a practical way that allows a quickguidance in howto proceed following the philosophy of the SurvivingSepsisCampaign ...... "Time is life".
Código Infarto 1.8
Con Código Infarto puedes salvar tu vida olade otra persona. Anticípate para ganar tiempo, aprende lossíntomasde un infarto del corazón, organiza tu información defactores deriesgo y condiciones cardiovasculares, modifica tuestatus deriesgo, responde a los síntomas en los primeros minutos,localizade inmediato los hospitales con capacidad para atender uninfarto,comunícate sin demora con los servicios de ambulanciasdisponiblesen el sitio en donde te encuentres, obtén la ruta alhospital máscercano acreditado con Código Infarto.Funciones educativasCódigo Infarto orienta a las personas con dolor de pecho quepodríanestar presentando un infarto agudo del corazón, situaciónclínica endonde los segundos cuentan y es urgente llegar alhospital adecuadopara una valoración médica. Habitualmente elinfarto es ocasionadopor un coágulo que obstruye una arteria delcorazón. La falta decirculación produce daño en el músculocardíaco alimentado por laarteria coronaria obstruida. El objetivocrucial del tratamiento eseliminar la obstrucción, a lo que sedenomina REPERFUSIÓN.La reperfusión con medicamentos, conocida como FIBRINOLISIS, esmásefectiva si se realiza en los primeros 30 minutos después delallegada del enfermo al hospital.La reperfusión mediante cateterismo cardíaco e implante de unSTENTen los primeros 90 minutos de la llegada al hospital se conocecomoANGIOPLASTIA PRIMARIA y se considera la terapia ideal paraelinfarto del corazón.Funciones de localizaciónAnte una emergencia por dolor de pecho, Código Infarto permitealusuario encontrar los hospitales acreditados por la SociedaddeCardiología Intervencionista de México (SOCIME), para realizaruncateterismo y Angioplastia Primaria.Posteriormente se agregarán hospitales que no cuentan con saladecateterismo cardíaco pero tienen eficientes programasdefibrinolisis con medicamentos.En el futuro Código Infarto estará disponible en otros paísesendonde las sociedades cardiológicas lo soliciten.Al activar Código Infarto aparecerá un mapa con la ruta alhospitalmás cercano. Si el usuario lo desea podrá elegir otrohospital. Laaplicación lo comunicará al servicio de ambulanciasdisponible parasolicitar atención.Funciones de ExpedienteCódigo Infarto posibilita al usuario guardar sus datos personalesydesignar contactos para notificaciones en caso deurgencias.Permite almacenar información médica en su dispositivo,conapartados para los factores de riesgo cardiovascular,antecedentesde enfermedades cardiovasculares y condiciones médicasque aumentanel riesgo de hemorragias en caso de requeriranticoagulantes parael tratamiento de un infarto del corazón. Losfactores de riesgo sedestacan en color verde cuando están ausentesy en color rojocuando están presentes con la finalidad de que elusuario conozcalos elementos que conviene modificar.También podrá guardar y actualizar sus exámenes delaboratorio,medidas básicas de signos vitales, peso y estatura,medicamentosindicados, así como alergias a medicamentos.Toda esa información se almacena en la memoriadeldispositivo.Código Infarto no tiene acceso a ninguno de los datos personalesdelusuario ni a su expediente clínico, por lo que su privacidadestágarantizada.La aplicación enviará notificaciones periódicas para recordaralusuario que actualice su expediente clínico.El usuario puede compartir con su médico un resumen delexpedienteclínico mostrándolo en pantalla o simplemente enviándolopor correoelectrónico.With Myocardial codeyoucan save your life or someone else's. Plan ahead to savetime,learn the symptoms of a heart attack, organize yourinformationrisk factors and cardiovascular conditions, risk statuschanges,responds to symptoms in the first few minutes immediatelylocatehospitals with capacity to handle an infarction, contactwithoutdelay with ambulance services available on the site whereyou are,get the route to the nearest hospital credited withMyocardialCode.Educational functionsMyocardial Code aimed at people with chest pain could be havinganacute heart attack, clinical situation where seconds count anditis urgent to get to the right hospital for a medicalevaluation.Usually the stroke is caused by a clot that blocks anartery of theheart. Lack of circulation causes damage to the heartmuscle fed bythe blocked coronary artery. The crucial goal oftreatment is toremove the obstruction, to what is calledreperfusion.Reperfusion with drugs known as fibrinolysis is more effectiveifdone in the first 30 minutes after the arrival of the patienttothe hospital.Reperfusion by cardiac catheterization and stent implantation inthefirst 90 minutes of arrival at hospital is known asprimaryangioplasty and is considered ideal for heartinfarctiontherapy.Functions location In an emergency for chest pain, myocardial Code allows users tofindaccredited by the Society of Interventional Cardiology ofMexico(SOCIME) hospitals, for catheterization andprimaryangioplasty.Later hospitals that do not have cardiac catheterization roombuthave efficient drug programs will be added fibrinolysis.Code Infarction in the future be available in other countrieswherecardiology societies request.Myocardial code to activate a map showing the route to thenearesthospital appear. If the user wishes, you can chooseanotherhospital. The application shall notify the ambulanceserviceavailable to seek care.File functionsMyocardial code enables the user to store their personal dataanddesignate contacts for notification in case of emergency.Allowsmedical information stored on your device, with sectionsforcardiovascular risk factors, history of cardiovascular diseaseandmedical conditions that increase the risk of bleeding in caseyouneed anticoagulants for the treatment of a heart attack.Riskfactors are highlighted in green when they are absent and redwhenthey are present in order for the user to know the elementsthatshould be amended.You can also save and update your lab, basic measures vitalsigns,weight and height, medications prescribed, anddrugallergies.All this information is stored in the device memory.Myocardial code does not have access to any personal informationnorto their medical records, so your privacy is guaranteed.The application sent periodically to remind users to updatetheirmedical records notices.The user can share with your doctor a summary of clinicalrecordsshowing it on screen or just emailing.
Emergencia 9-1-1 1.15.7
official application for the 9-1-1 Emergency Service Uruguay.
TestOpos Auxiliar Enfermeria 1.0.59
The free app to get your nursing assistant oppositions.
Enfermería Blog 1.1.3-30
App reference for professionals and nursing students.
OSDE Móvil 6.2.23
Grupo OSDE
Primer OSDE Mobile for Android devices
PineApp 5.5
Put healthcare in the palm of your hand with the brand new PineApp
Test Auxiliar Enfermería 23.0.0
Estudio Nemo
easily approve the oppositions Nursing Assistant with our test
Bomberos CR 3.0.19
Notifications of emergencies Fire serving Costa Rica.
QuickEM 5.6
Bill Dirkes
Emergency medicine differential diagnoses, tests, treatmentsbychief complaint.
Doctr – ER wait times in Canad 3.1.4584
Real-time emergency rooms wait times for hospitals in Canada.
FIRST AID in case of emergency 1.0.115
We invite you to use a free application that is a compendiumofinformation on first aid and other rescue actions. It has beenmadeby policemen, paramedics, firemen and Internal SecurityAgencyofficers. You can find there algorithms of first aid, rescueandterror threat situations as well as cardio-pulmonaryresuscitationassistant, locator, full scope of emergency numbers,videotutorials and many other useful issues. Applicationco-authored by:Regional Police Headquarters in Bydgoszcz (Poland)RegionalEmergency Ambulance Service in Bydgoszcz (Poland) InternalSecurityAgency (Poland) Rescue and Fire Unit ?1 MunicipalHeadquarters ofthe State Fire Service in Bydgoszcz (Poland) Anapplication isprovided in Polish and an English language version.Algorithms offirst aid, rescue and terror threats areinternational. Phonenumbers refer to Polish territory. You are freeto copy and shareit with others. We would appreciate anysuggestions on improvingthe application. An application was madethanks to free mobileapplications creator KINETISE .Facebook: Listof allissues: CALL FOR HELP • emergency numbers – all emergencynumbers,automatic dialing. • gps locator – localisation map,geographicalcoordinates. • correct call for help – algorithm •medical centresindex –links to intergrated patient guidelines formedical centerssearch • toxicology centres – an active list ofcentres telephonenumbers CARDIO-PULMONARY RESUSCITATION ASSISTANT •audio version,helping to carry out a cardio-pulmonaryresuscitation, Polish andEnglish language version MEDICAL ISSUES –activities algorithms inchosen situations: • first aid in mass-incidents • assessment ofthe accident scene • preliminaryassessment of victims • cardio -pulmonary resuscitation • automatedexternal defibrillator • traumaexamination • hemorrhages – wounds •choking • near-drowning •sample scheme interview • chest pain •stroke • safe position •fractures, sprains, luxations • convulsions• swoons (syncope) •hypothermia • diabetes • burns • heatstroke •dehydration • strongallergic reaction • drugs and enhancers(designer drugs) • theminimal first aid kit content DANGER OF FIRE• domestic fire •evacuating buildings and rooms on fire 46+47 •cardio – pulmonaryresuscitation • carbon monoxide • a domestic fireextinguisher •man on fire • car engine fire • wildfire • burningthe grass SAFETYON WATER RESERVOIRS • safety rules on the ice •self rescue from anair hole • rescuing a person from an air hole •near-drowning •hypothermia • flood TERRORIST THREATS • activeshooter / terroristattack • triage • segregation of the injured ina mass accident •poisoning and chemical contamination • the adrtable - dangerouscargo • the adr table index WARNING REPORTS (inPoland) • weatherconditions warning • up-to date air qualitymeasurements in poland(chief inspectorate for environmentalprotection) • nationalbathing waters service of the state sanitaryinspectorate • levelmeasurement in polish rivers • the map of banson entering theforest in the territory of poland
Doctor2U- OneStopHealthcareAPP 5.5.6
Malaysia Airports, BP Healthcare, SuperApp for Healthcare
Hayaat - 360-Degree Healthcare 3.2.0
Find blood donors, book doctor appointment online &nearestemergency center.
Pre-hospital Emergencies 2.9
All the necessary and nothing more, in Pre-hospital UrgenciesandEmergencies