Top 39 Apps Similar to L'Hotel

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Book a getaway! Cheap hotel deals from all the leadingbookingagencies in 1 app
HOTEL INFO Biz 3.0.3
+++ FOR CORPORATE USE ONLY +++ Find the perfect hotel foryourtripwith the HOTEL INFO Biz app! HOTEL INFO Biz is theidealcompanionfor your trip. Benefit from intuitive and fasthotelbooking aswell as customized solutions before, during andafteryour hotelstay. HOTEL INFO Biz negotiates special conditionswithhotels forregistered My HOTEL INFO Biz Members with up to30percentdiscount. Flexibility is especially importantforbusinesstravellers, as appointments can changespontaneously.That's why wealready show you in the hotel resultslist at a glancewhich hotelscan be canceled free of charge. Highestquality, lowprices andonly real hotel reviews. Detailed hoteldescriptions,informativephotos and videos, and around five millionhotel reviewsmake iteasy to search for hotels in the app. On thehotel resultslist,you can see the most important hotel informationat a glanceandcan conveniently filter or sort it according toyourpreferencesand wishes. The special thing about the hotelratings:Only guestswho have booked and stayed at the respectivehotel canleave arating. This means that you can see real hotelratings foreachhotel. Exclusive advantages for My HOTEL INFO BizMembers Withafree My HOTEL INFO Biz account, you benefit frommanyexclusiveadvantages in the app, such as the HOTEL INFOBizBusinessDiscount. This allows you to save up to 30% or more atthebesthotels. In addition, HOTEL INFO Biz negotiatesfreeadditionalservices such as parking spaces directly at thehotel,freeupgrades to the next higher room category or latecheck-out.Under"My Bookings" in your personal My HOTEL INFO Bizaccount, youcanalso easily change your bookings flexibly on the go,cancel themorsimply view the hotel details, such as address,check-in timesorphone number of the hotel. This way, you have yourhotelbookingswith you at all times and can react flexibly ifthingsdon't golike clockwork. Contact Convince yourself of ourexcellentHOTELINFO Biz customer service. You can reach us aroundthe clock.Youare not yet a HOTEL INFO Biz app user? Download theHOTEL INFOBizapp now!
Mister Aladin - Travel & Shop 4.1.1
Your best app for hotel, flight, train ticket booking, and buyyourdaily needs
Hotwire Hotel & Car Rental App
Hotwire, Inc
HotwireGreat deals on hotels and car rentals. Now! Exclusive mobileonlydeals available only on your phone.When you travel for a last-minute work trip or a relaxingvacation,book your trip with Hotwire. It’s fast, easy and you’llget bigdiscounts (Hot Rate 4+ star Hotels up to 60% offretail/publishedrates and Hot Rate Economy Cars from as little as$10.99 a day) onbrands you know and trust.Hotels• Cheap and easy bookings for hotels tonight or next week• Choose from thousands of great deals: stay in casinos inLasVegas, boutique hotels in Chicago, or relaxing beach-sideresortsin Miami.• Find great deals in 40,000 cities including popular hot spotslikeNew Orleans, San Diego, and New York City• Hot Rate 4+ star Hotels up to 60% off retail/publishedrates• Book your hotel with just a few taps• Check out the neighborhood, find hotel deals nearby andcompareprices in the area with interactive maps• Check your hotel booking in seconds with "My Trips"• All hotels backed by Hotwire’s Low Price GuaranteeCars• Choose from thousands of cars from major brands, likeEnterprise,Alamo, Hertz, and more.• Save big on Economy Cars as low as $10.99 a day with HotwireHotRates• Smart Search: quickly find cars at airports, cities&locations closest to you• One page details & billing - See car information andreserveyour vehicle, all on one screen• Rental car Insurance - Add coverage to help protect you in caseofan accident.• Clean and sleek design makes renting a car fast and easy• All car rentals backed by Hotwire’s Low Price GuaranteeAccess your account to view your flight, rental carorhotel bookings.Express check-out for logged in customersSave information securely to streamline booking and easilyaccessitinerariesTap to call us 24 hours a dayHotwire’s secret: Hotels use Hotwire to fill their unsold roomsatprices so low, hotels will only reveal their identity afteryou’vebooked the room.Need to know which hotel you're booking? Now you can get thehotelname and full details before you book, with our StandardRateHotels.Contact us anytimeCall 1-866-HOTWIRE (1-866-468-9473)[email protected] the mobile siteHotwire, part of Expedia, Inc.
idealo Hotel Preisvergleich
Finden und vergleichen Sie Hotels,Hostels,Ferienwohnungen und andere Unterkünfte – so günstig undeinfach wienoch nie! Alle Hotelangebote in einer App.Hotels suchen, vergleichen und zum besten Preisbuchen:Mit der idealo Hotelsuche-App finden Sie das Beste ausallenwichtigen Buchungsseiten für Unterkünfte jeder Art.Verschaffen Siesich in Sekunden einen Überblick über aktuelleAngebote von mehrals 1 Mio. Hotels, FeWos und anderen Unterkünften.Für jede sehenSie außerdem eine Zusammenfassung weltweitabgegebenerBewertungen.Das kann die idealo Hotel App:▶ Günstige Unterkünfte für jeden Trip: ob Stadt oderStrand,Billiges Hostel, B&B, Pension,Wellness-Resort,Ferien-Appartement, günstiges Motel u.v.a.▶ Smarte Qualitäts- und Merkmalfilter zum Personalisieren derSucheauf Ihre Vorlieben▶ Top-Deals: Profitieren Sie vor oder während dem Urlaubvonaktuellen Angeboten▶ Buchen Sie Ihren Urlaub in bester Lage: Erkunden Siediegewünschte Stadt oder Regiondank der Standort- und Kartensuche inkl. Routennavigation inderApp▶ Inkl. unserer beliebten Suchfilter für Business, Familie,Luxus,Billig, Wellness und Design▶ Persönliche Favoriten zum Schnellzugriff aufIhreLieblings-TripsWeitere Vorteile der App:▶ Alle Travel-Services und Funktionen zum▶ Alle verfügbaren Unterkünfte in einer Übersicht(Hotel,Privatunterkunft, Bed and Breakfast, Ferienwohnung,Ferienhaus,Hostel, Apartment, Zimmer, Motel, etc.)▶ Direkte Weiterleitung: Buchen Sie beim Anbieter oder beiderUnterkunft selbst▶ Hotel finden leicht gemacht: einfaches Design undintuitiveBedienung für die ganze Familie▶ Billige Unterkunft gefunden? Travel-Angebote bequem anFreundeweiterleitenWie funktioniert das Ganze?Jeder kennt es: Vor einer geplanten Reise will man das Hostel,Bedand Breakfast oder Apartment bzw. die FerienwohnungoderPrivatunterkunft seiner Träume günstig buchen. Oder man reistdaserste Mal an einen bestimmten Ort und weiß nicht, worauf esdortbei der Unterkunftswahl ankommt. Das Problem: VieleHotelanbieter,Travel-Dienstleister und Buchungsportale bieten nichtalle Zimmerund jeden Deal an. Die idealo Hotelsuche schon. Siemüssen nur dasSuchformular ausfüllen, den Preisvergleich startenund dieErgebnisse Ihren Präferenzen anpassen. Filter-undSortierfunktionen führen im Nu zum passenden Hotel unddemgünstigsten verfügbaren Preis. Gleiches gilt fürFerienwohnungensowie andere Unterkünfte und Zimmer.Hotel suchen, Hotel finden, Hotel vergleichen – alles ineinemRutschEgal, ob Sie last-minute ein günstiges Messezimmer,Wellness-Hotelmit viel Luxus, Hostel, Ferienhaus oder eineFerienwohnung für dennächsten Familien-Urlaub buchen wollen – imidealo Preisvergleichhaben Sie beim Hotel suchen stets Zugriff aufalle Zimmer- undPreiskontingente.Darauf können Sie sich verlassen:▶ Die eine Hotelsuche-App zur Buchung Ihrer Reisen für unterwegsundvon überall▶ Die billigsten Preise der weltweit wichtigsten BuchungsportaleundHotelanbieter im Vergleich▶ Für jede Art Reise geeignet: Last-Minute-Trip, UrlaubfürFrühbucher, FeWo-Städtereise, Deal, Geschäftsreise, ApartmentamStrand, Pension für Ski etc.▶ Beim Hotel suchen nützliche Infos statt nerviger Werbung▶ Transparente und unabhängige Suche: Lassen Sie sich nichtvonunterschiedlichen Preis- und Verfügbarkeitsangaben anderer AppsundWebsites verwirren, sondern seien Sie beruhigt, dass Sie beimHotelvergleichen immer die besten Angebote im Blick haben▶ Seriös und zuverlässig: Alle bei idealo angebotenenHotels,Ferienwohnungen, etc. werden ständig qualitätsgeprüft▶ Alle Hotels, Hostels, B&B, FeWos und andere Unterkünftezumgünstigsten Preis – machen Sie den Vergleich!Feedback & Support:Gefällt Ihnen die App? Dann freuen wir uns über eine Bewertunghierim Store.Unterstützen Sie uns, die App für Sie weiter zu verbessern,indemSie Ihr Feedback an [email protected] schicken.Find and comparehotels,hostels, apartments and other accommodations - so cheap andeasierthan ever! All hotels in an app.Search Hotels, compare and book the best price:With the idealo Hotel Search App to find the best of allmajorbooking sites for all types of accommodations. Get in secondsanoverview of current offers of more than 1 hotels, homes andotherlodging million. For each addition, you will see a summarygivenfor most reviews.The can idealo Hotel app:▶ Cheap accommodation for each trip: whether the city or thebeach,Cheap hostel, B & B, guesthouse, wellness resort, Holidayflat,priced motel u.v.a.▶ Smart Filter feature quality and to personalize the search toyourpreference▶ Top deals: Profit before or during the vacation of thecurrentoffers▶ Book your holiday in a prime location: Explore the desired cityorregionthanks to the location and map incl. route navigation intheapp▶ Incl. our popular search filter for Business, Family,Luxury,Cheap, Wellness and Design▶ Personal favorites for quick access to your favorite tripsOther advantages of the app:▶ All Travel services and features for the price▶ All available accommodation in an overview (hotel,privateaccommodation, Bed and Breakfast, Holiday Houses,Hostel,Apartment, room, motel, etc.)▶ Direct forwarding: Book offered or services themselves▶ find hotel made easy: simple design and intuitive operationforthe whole familyFound ▶ Pensions? Forward Travel offers comfort to friendsHow does it work?Everybody knows it: Before a planned trip you want, Hostel, BedandBreakfast or apartment or the apartment or private property ofhisdreams Book. Or you are traveling for the first time toaparticular place and do not know what is important here intheaccommodation choice. The problem: Many hotel providers,travelservice providers and booking portals do not offer all theroomsand each deal. The hotel search idealo already. Just fill inthesearch form, start the Compare and adjust the results toyourpreferences. Filtering and sorting capabilities result in notimematching hotel and the cheapest available price. The sameappliesto apartments and other accommodation and rooms.Search Hotel, find hotel, compare hotel - all in one visitWhether you want last-minute a discount exhibition rooms, spahotelwith luxury, hostel, cottage or an apartment for the nextfamilyvacation book - in idealo price comparison you always lookingatthe hotel access to all room and rate quotas.Then you can rely on:▶ One Hotel Search App to book your travel on the go andfromanywhere▶ The cheapest prices of the most important booking portalsandhotel providers compared▶ Suitable for any kind of journey: Last minute trip, vacationforearly booking, home-city trip, deal, business, Apartment onthebeach, Pension for skis etc.Search ▶ When Hotel useful information instead ofannoyingadvertising▶ Transparent and independent search: Do not be confusedbydifferent price and availability information of other appsandwebsites, but rest assured that you compare the hotel alwayshavethe best rates in view▶ Serious and reliable: all hotels offered at idealo,apartments,etc. are constantly quality checked▶ All hotels, hostels, B & B, homes and other accommodationatthe best price - you make the comparison!Feedback & Support:Like the app? Then we look forward to a vote here inthestore.Support us to improve the app for you further, [email protected].
Calendar Notes 1.0.18
Simple and easy to use calendar notes application. Add your ideaasa daily note
Hotels Scanner 2.5.11
Booking cheap hotels and motels around the world. Best finder apptobook rooms
HolidayCheck - Hotels & Reisen
Suchen, vergleichen, buchen!7.5 Millionen Hotelbewertungen, 9MillionenUrlaubsbilder, über 650.000 Hotels – mit derHolidayCheckApp finden Sie schnell und bequem Ihr Traumhotel.Sie planen gerade Ihre nächste Reise und sind auf der Suchenacheinem tollen Angebot? Sie möchten die besten Hotelsanhandehrlicher Bewertungen suchen oder eigene Erfahrungen mitanderenUrlaubern teilen? Dann ist unsere HolidayCheck App genaudasRichtige für Sie!Die wichtigsten Funktionen im Überblick1. Gemütlich stöbern🌞  Hotels oder Reiseziele suchen🌞  Angebote nach Belieben filtern und sortieren🌞  Interessante Hotels auf den Merkzettel setzen🌞  Merkzettel mit Freunden oder der Familie teilen2. Inspirieren lassen & Traumhotel finden🌞  Echte Urlaubsbilder ansehen🌞  Allgemeine Hotelinformationen einsehen (z.B.Ausstattung,Lage)🌞  Hilfreiche Hotelbewertungen lesen und vergleichen🌞  Fremde Welten entdecken im HolidayCheck Magazin Away3. Preise vergleichen & sicher buchen🌞  Verschiedene Angebote und Preise vergleichen🌞  Bequem und sicher per Smartphone oder Tablet buchen4. Erfahrungen und Eindrücke mit anderenUrlaubernteilen🌞  Hotels mit nur wenigen Klicks bewerten🌞  Eigene Urlaubsbilder hochladen🌞  Eigene Beiträge jederzeit ansehenSie haben Fragen, Feedback oder Verbesserungsvorschläge?Dannkontaktieren Sie uns einfach über die folgenden Kanäle:E-Mail: [email protected]: freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht!, ComparebookSearch7.5 million Hotel reviews, 9,000,000 holiday picturesabout650,000 Hotels - with HolidayCheck app you will findgetting toyour dream hotel.You're planning your next trip and are looking for a great offer?Tofind the best hotels based on honest reviews or share theirownexperiences with other travelers? Then our HolidayCheck appjustright for you!The main functions in detail1st Cozy Browse& # 127774; & # 8195; Find hotelsordestinations& # 127774; & # 8195; filter and sort packagesatwill& # 127774; & # 8195; set Interesting hotelstowishlist& # 127774; & # 8195; share notepad with friendsorfamilysecond For inspiration & Dream Hotel& # 127774; & # 8195; View realholidaypictures& # 127774; & # 8195; General hotel information,see(for example, equipment, location)& # 127774; & # 8195; read useful reviewsandcompare& # 127774; & # 8195; Alien worlds discoveredinHolidayCheck magazine Awaythird Compare Prices & Save Book& # 127774; & # 8195; Various offers andcompareprices& # 127774; & # 8195; Convenient and safe to bookbyphone or tabletfourth Experiences and impressions with other travelerstoshare& # 127774; & # 8195; rate the hotels just afewclicks& # 127774; & # 8195; Upload your ownholidaypictures& # 127774; & # 8195; View your posts atanytimeYou have questions, feedback or suggestions? Then contact usthroughthe following channels:E-mail: [email protected]: are looking forward toyourmessage!
Cheap Hotels & Vacation Deals
Love to travel and are looking forsomeawesomely cheap vacations? We´ve handpicked cheap airlinetickets,hotel deals, vacation packages and cruises for you to savemoney.Get the best travel deals in our app - for free!Are you a jetsetter looking for last minute travel deals or doyouprefer booking ahead? We have both types of offers. Have youeverasked yourself, “where are the cheap hotels near me or cheapmotelsnear me?” What about an amazing place for your weekendstaycation?Just check our app!We have the best travel deals to suit your needs, from cheaptickets(including plane tickets with error fares), cheap hotels&motels, vacation packages or vacation rentals, cruises, citybreaks,and weekend getaways.So what kind of cheap flights or getaways can you expectwithTravelDeals24? Take a peek at what we have to offer:+ $49 - Direct Roundtrip Airfares to Las Vegas+ $198 – City break to Orlando incl. cheap airline tickets &4*Accommodation+ $69 - Cheap Roundtrip plane tickets to New YorkthroughSpring+ $153 – Roundtrip flight tickets to Cancun, MexicoWe check reviews by going onto TripAdvisor, Trivago, and manyothertrusted review sites, so even our last minute travel dealswillstill provide great quality for your money.We put together the greatest itineraries and trips not onlywithinthe USA & Canada, but also to Mexico, the Caribbean,Cuba,Europe and Asia.Here´s the scoop on how we find great last minutetraveldeals:Last minute flights / Cheap ticketsLet’s say you are looking for cheap flights / cheap tickets.Wecheck all travel sites such as Expedia, Skyscanner,Momondo, daily for you, and they notify us whenthey havespecial sales on cheap plane tickets. Our trusty editorsthendouble-check all these cheap airfares to see whether thecheaptickets for last minute flights are still available.Hotel DealsWe find “cheap hotels near me” and cheap hotel deals the same waywefind you cheap airfares. Our job is to scour search engineslikeTrivago and Hotwire, and hotel websites like,Agoda,Expedia, Travelzoo, and select only the absolute best lastminutehotel deals and vacation rentals.Use our app to find hotel deals for all major cities in theUSA& Canada. Just search, what are cheap hotels near me? Youcanalso use our app to search for a short distance getaway, alongweekend, or even a staycation. We also research these reviewsonTripadvisor, Trivago, Agoda and to make sure youseeonly the best bargains.City breaks & city tripsWe love city breaks, and what’s greater than a city trip toNewYork, LA, or Las Vegas during the holiday season? As wedescribed,we search for the cheapest flights and cheap hotel deals,and thencombine them to create the perfect bargain for you.Sometimes wemight even add theme parks or other attractions to thedeal. Ofcourse, we also check many travel sites to see if they haveoffersfor city breaks which already include plane tickets.Vacation packages & cruisesAll inclusive vacation packages (e.g. from itravel2000) are oneofthe best ways to relax and truly enjoy traveling to a niceallinclusive resort, perhaps during the holiday season. Those kindsofpackages mostly come from tour operators and cruiseoperators,whose special offers we check regularly. We also createfantasticcruise deals when we combine cruises with one of our cheapairfaredeals or other on-board offers.Please consider:We at TravelDeals24 are not travel agents but independentexpertswho search through trusted travel sites for cheap flights,andcheap airline tickets etc. This allows us to give you atrulyunbiased overview of only the best offers, no matter whichairlinesor cheaptickets websites have them for sale. Since we cutout themiddleman, you´ll just book your cheaptickets, hotels nearme, allinclusive vacations or cruises etc, directly on the websitewherewe found the offer.
Hotels Malaysia 29.0
Best hotel booking app for fast convenient and easy roomreservationworldwide
Choice Hotels
Travel Connected with the Choice HotelsApp.Everything Choice Hotels in one place.Search nearby hotels, manage your stays, and book rooms witheaseand at the lowest price, guaranteed. Whether you’re planningabusiness trip, family vacation—or just need to make alast-minutereservation—the Choice Hotels App for Android makestravelingeasier.★ FIND THE BEST HOTEL ★Locate hotels by city, address, zip code, airport,popularattractions or your current location.· Conveniently view search results, hotel photos andstreetmaps.· Browse hotel information, room details, amenities and360-degreevirtual tours.· Let your friends know where you’re staying! Easilyshareproperties via text message, email or social media.· Get immediate access to real user reviews fromrecentguests.★ BOOK WITH EASE ★Enjoy seamless booking at your fingertips.· Add the hotels you love to your “Favorites” list.· Save your credit card information for easy checkout.· See future and past hotel stays.· Add upcoming stays to your calendar.★ EARN POINTS & REDEEM REWARDS ★Make the most of your trip with Choice Privileges®, our FREErewardsprogram.· Take advantage of members-only savings.· Redeem points for free nights*.· Manage and redeem Your Extras: Use points to earn fuelrewards,digital gift cards and more.· Book using Points Plus Cash. Members can combine ChoicePrivilegespoints and cash to reserve a room.· Not a Choice Privileges member? Download now and enroll tostartearning points towards free hotel room nights, gift cards andotherrewards.Get the Choice Hotels Android App® for the best bookingexperienceon your mobile device. Enjoy your stay at any of ourbrands:Comfort Inn®, Comfort Suites®, Quality Inn®, Sleep Inn®,Clarion®,Cambria® hotels & suites, Mainstay Suites®, SuburbanHotels®,Econo Lodge®, Rodeway Inn®, and our Ascend HotelCollection®.*Free Nights: There are no blackout dates. Restrictions, taxesandfees apply. See Terms and Conditions for details. Amenities varybylocation. There are more than 1,500 Choice Hotels withrewardnights available at 8,000 points or less. Reward nightsatlocations worldwide are available from 6,000 to 35,000points(excluding Australasia, where reward nights required up to75,000points). Point requirements may vary based on time of for details and redemptionlevelinformation.
Secret Escapes
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Best hotel booking app for fast convenient and easy roomreservationworldwide
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Best hotel booking app for fast convenient and easy roomreservationworldwide
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SPG: Starwood Hotels & Resorts
The SPG App for Android — with you everystepof the way.SPG® is always striving to provide new and better tools for youtotake on the road. The SPG App for Android™ is loaded withfeaturesto make your travels simpler and smarter.• Discover nearly 1,100 hotels and resorts in over 100countriesacross all 9 of our brands — including Westin®, Sheraton®,and W®Hotels — within 1 app.• Book anywhere, anytime, through touch orvoice-activatedsearch.• Access the benefits of our state-aware technology,personalizedfor you whether you’re planning a trip, en route orcheckingin.• Manage your SPG account and track your Starpoints®,memberbenefits and special offers.• Get around-the-clock assistance from the SPG support team.• Access your hotel room number in an instant — nomoreforgetting.• Have in-language addresses at the ready, when you’retravelingabroad.• Get driving directions to your hotel and more!Get with the program.Not an SPG member? Learn more and enroll todayat use of this mobile application is governed by the SPGprogramterms of use. Find moreinformation., SPG Preferred Guest, Sheraton, Four Points, W,Aloft,The Luxury Collection, Le Méridien, Element, Westin, St.Regis andtheir respective logos are the trademarks of StarwoodHotels &Resorts Worldwide, Inc., or its affiliates.
Hotels Mecca 29.0
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Avila Beach Hotel 2.3
Welcome to Avila Beach Hotel in Curaçao.Enhance your experience while staying with us at TheAvilaHotel.The Avila Hotel Virtual Concierge Smartphone universalandroidmobile app showcases resort highlights, amenities andofferings aswell as the finest local attractions and dininghotspots inCuraçao.The Avila Hotel Curaçao Virtual Concierge universalandroidmobile app includes:• New and current hotel information including amenitiesandservices• Hotel Dining menus and meeting charts• Includes latest dining menus for the best restaurantsinCuraçao• Local Maps and directions available for local attractionsinCuraçao• Access to Restaurant Videos, Menus, Reviews and ReservationsWe hope you enjoy your stay with us while visiting the islandofCuraçao and The Avila Hotel.The Avila Hotel Curaçao Virtual Concierge universalandroidmobile app is now available for current and future hotelguests onthe Google Play store.
Captain Pip's Florida Keys 1.4
Download our FREE app for live discountsandevents listings. Save a bunch when your here visiting us intheKeys!Captain Pip's Marina & Hideaway in Marathon, FloridaKeys(Mile Marker 47.5) is known for its spotless accommodationsandfriendly island atmosphere. Located on Florida Bay a half milefromthe Seven Mile Bridge, there's easy open water access to thebayand the ocean. We offer quality Florida boat rentals andbeautifulFlorida Keys accommodations in our tropical vacationsuites.The bayside harbor includes Porky's Bayside Restaurant,whereyou'll enjoy all-American Bar-B-Q and fresh catch seafood withlivemusic in a casual, tropical, on-the-water setting. Ouruniquelocation has hosted famous Keys visitors since the 1950's-including such notables as Ernest Hemingway and Jimmy Hoffa.Visitour small resort and make Captain Pip's your FloridaKeysaccommodation and fishing vacation hideaway.Some of the best charter fishing captains in the FloridaKeysclaim Captain Pip's Marina as their home port. Our charter boatrowincludes Johnny Maddox Fishing Charters, Catch 'Em All andtheSpirit Snorkeling catamaran.SCUBA diving and snorkeling in Marathon, the heart of theFloridaKeys.Captain Pip's also offers the perfect Florida Keys divevacationfor our customers interested in snorkeling or SCUBA divingin theFlorida Keys. Our Florida Keys vacation rentals with boatmake itpossible for all members to enjoy the beautiful tranquilitythatthe Florida Keys have to offer.Marathon Florida Keys AccommodationsYou'll enjoy clean and comfortable accommodations. Guestrooms,efficiencies and one- and two-bedroom apartments. Add one our20ftto 24ft rental boats to your stay for even more fun.Amenities Include: FREE WiFi, Iron, Ironing Board, HairDryer,Free Coffee, Shampoo, ConditionerMarathon Florida Keys Boat RentalsEnjoy the best of fishing, snorkeling, or sightseeing onourwell-maintained19- to 24-ft. Florida Keys rental boats.Email for AvailabilityRent one of our clean, well-maintained 19- to 24-footpowerboatsfor a day, multi-days, or a week and enjoy the freedom offishing,diving or sightseeing at your own pace. We feature thesturdy andwell-designed Cape Horn & Parker boats. Our boatshave swimplatforms and ladders, depth/fish finders, GPS, livewells, T-topsor large bimini canopies for maximum shade and allU.S. Coast Guardsafety equipment. Fish, dive or simply explore withthe premier FLKeys boat rental.Save on your boat rental when you stay with us.Certainrestrictions & black out dates apply. Please call usat1-305-743-4403 to ask about our current sale ratesforaccommodations. Rates could be much lower than published,dependingupon availability.The ultimate Florida Keys fishing and boating experience.Kayaks and Paddle BoardsAvailable for rental. Please call 305-743-4403.Single Kayak Rentals $29 daily, $69 for 3 days, $129 weeklyZayak Rentals $39 daily, $79 for 3 days, $139 weeklyPaddle Board & Double Kayak Rentals $49 daily, $99 for3days, $149 weeklyReservation Policy Renters must be over 21 years old.A 50% deposit is required for reservations—deposit is appliedtothe rental.A $300 credit card security deposit (per item) is requiredwhenthe Kayak, Paddle Board or Zayak is rented. If you plan to doamulti-day rental & keep any equipment at a dock otherthanCaptain Pip's Marina, a $500 credit card security deposit(peritem) is required.Renter is responsible for any damage caused to equipment, orthefull value of equipment if lost or stolen.Rates are effective May 1, 2014, plus tax and securitydeposit.Prices may change without notice.Cancellation policy: Reservation deposits for our FloridaKeysKayaks, Zayaks & Paddle Boards are fully refundable 48hours ormore before reservation begins. We reserve the right tocancel areservation.
Wotif Hotels & Flights
The Wotif app brings the Home of Holidaystoyour fingertips. Explore thousands of mobile-exclusive dealsthatcan save you up to 40% on your holiday. Book on the go andmanageyour trips anywhere, any time.STAY• Get access to hotel deals only available on the freeWotifapp• Search millions of rooms in thousands of destinations aroundtheworld• Find accommodation across Australia and New Zealand, whetheryourdream holiday is in Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Bali, Fijior inthe heritage lanes of London and New York• Find the perfect accommodation for a winter holiday or anexoticromantic getaway• View hotel search results on an interactive map plus findhotelsnear your current location• Book with confidence with millions of hotel reviews fromaroundthe world• Log in and save your details to make your next bookingevenfasterFLY• Booking return or one-way flights to thousands ofdestinationsaround the world is now easier than ever• Hundreds of airlines to choose from including lowcostcarriers• Make the most of 2016, fly to the sun-baked beaches ofHawaii,Indonesia, Thailand and China or book flights for theperfectwinter trip to Auckland, Rotorua or the ski slopes ofNewZealand• Sort flight options by price, time or duration• Compare prices across Virgin Australia, Qantas and lowcostcarriers including Tigerair and JetstarCAR RENTALS• Choose from economy to luxury cars for that perfectweekendgetaway• Discover pickup locations near you or pickup your car hirewhenyou arrive at the airport• Only available on phoneACTIVITIES• Discover events, tours, festivals, shows and hundredsofactivities around the world. Wedding in Vegas anyone? Or maybejusta transfer to your hotel from the airport• Book the Sydney Opera House tour or the MelbourneAttractionsFlexi pass among more adventurous getaways acrossAustralia and NewZealand• Only available on phoneMANAGE YOUR TRIP• Travel like a pro. View all of your Wotif booking, while you’reonthe go• Don’t get caught out. Mobile alerts about flight delays,hotelcheck out times and more• And don’t forget to brag about it: Share your itinerarywithfamily and friends via email or text message
BYHOURS: Hotel Microstays 4.0.2
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Royal Hideaway Playacar 5.4.0
Benefits for the Hotel Costumer:Requests any service without waiting time, directlyfromtheTablet, in your room and in your own language.All services are with pictures (Menu of the Restaurant,Spa,Sports,hotel products , etc. . ) and in severallanguages.Reduces waiting time by facilitating internal andexternaldecision-making processes.Provides guest reliability to select recommended servicesbythehotel.Facilitates information on events promotions of the HotelandCityduring the stay.
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