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Japanese Street Fashion 1.0
While considered by many asdaring,outlandishand provocative, Japanese fashion has come a longwayfrom beingjust about kimonos and school uniforms. Theireye-poppingandflamboyant outfits have largely been influenced byJapan'shugeunderground club scene. Tokya and Osaka is whereJapaneseStreetFashion is at its best. By adopting a mixture ofcurrentandtraditional trends along with foreign and locallabels,Japaneseyouth have created their own unique blend offashion.Japanese street fashion has a variety of trends andstyles.Youthwere more elaborate in their dressing patterns andmake-up.Brightcolours, eccentric patterns, hand-made garments,heavyjewellery,mixing and matching jeans and tank tops withtraditionalwear likekimonos, is their way of making statementsabout theirculturalinfluences and way of life. Lolita, Kogal,Cosplay, Ganguroaresome of the most sought after styles thatJapanese youth displayonthe streets.Lolita is a style with many subcultures, such as PunkLolita,wherechains, beads, lace and wristbands are popularaccessoriesalongwith pink and peach colour prints. Gothic Lolitafocuses onstylesemerging from the Victorian age such as darkcolours,blackmake-up, heavy brooches, and ribbons.The Ganguro art of dressing is similar to North Americanyouthtryingto replicate tanned and blonde celebrities and models.Thelookconsists of light or dark tanned bodies, bleached ordyedhair,summer dresses and platforms. Their exaggerated looksandoutfits, istheir attempt at westernizingthemselvesdramatically.The Kogal style is where young Japanese women displaytheirwealththrough various tastes in music and fashion. Wealthyparentsoftensupport young girls who are into this style. Theykeepthemselvesup-to-date with Japan's ever-growing mobiletechnology.They adornthemselves with big boots, skirts pinned veryhigh,dramaticmake-up and the latest in American fashion brands.Many seethegrowth of Gothic Lolita to be a reaction to thematerialismdesirethat emerges with the Kogal trend.Costume Play, shortened to Cosplay is a trend wheredressingofcharacters from manga, anime, fantasy movies andvideogamesisencouraged.Japan’s street fashion scene is famous around the globeforitsever-changing face - from over-the-top cute and colorfultoextremedarkness, from haute couture to hardcore sneaker heads,fromstylesinspired by ancient fairy tales to looks fromthecyberfuture.While there are other places in Japan where streetfashionalsothrives, Harajuku is the undisputed heart and soul oftheJapanesestreet fashion scene. To understand the state ofJapanesestreetfashion in 2016, we need to take a look at thecurrent stateofHarajuku.The general feeling on the streets of Harajuku over the lastyearisthat big changes are coming to the neighborhood. Manypeopleareoptimistic, some are not. Time will tell what the futureholds,butfor now here are 10 things that you need to know about thestateofJapanese street fashion in 2016.