Top 2 Apps Similar to How To Overcome Shyness

Build More Self Confidence 2.0
Shyness is a widespread problem.Ourmodernlifestyle fosters shyness over interaction. Weareincreasinglysurrounded by machines and immersed in theonline,impersonalworld. For anyone living under the dark spell ofshyness,it's adeep issue.Shyness originates in the psyche, and thoughthepharmaceuticalcompanies would like for you to believe that youcanjust pop apill and banish your timidness, true change mustcomefrom within.Perhaps you have tried thesepharmaceutical'band-aids,' orperhaps, like most who suffer fromshyness, youdon't even considerit fixable. It's just part of yournature,right? "I was justcreated that way," you say.But shyness is curable. You were not born thatway.Somewherealong the way, you nurtured shyness withinyourself,possiblywithout knowing. Perhaps others labeled you as shyand youboughtinto that assessment. However it came about, you dohave thepowerto reverse your timidness and find confidence in yourdealingswithothers.This app includes:The Confessions of a Shy GuyShyness and the Road to ConfidenceIndifference - The Core of ShynessSuccess Through a New PhilosophyThe Mindset of a Confident PersonHard Work Pays Off - Techniques for Conquering ShynessAnalysis - The Key to SuccessThe 21 Day Blueprint to Overcoming ShynessA Toast to the New Confident You
كيف تتخلص من الخوف و الخجل 4.0.1
يختلف كل منا في طريقة تعامله مع الأشخاص ٬ فالإنسان كائنإجتماعيبطبعه، مهما بلغت درجة خجله يسعي دائما لخلق وتكوين علاقاتإجتماعيةجديدة معمن حوله فهى فطرة قد خلقنا الله عز وجل عليها، ولكنيبقىالإتفاق على أنالأشخاص القادرين على بناء علاقات إجتماعيةناجحةوقوية يكونوا أكثرنجاحاً من المنطوين على أنفسهم . إن كنت تعانيمنضعف الشخصية و الخوف والخجل الإجتماعي، تطبيق كيف تتخلص من الخوفوالخجل يقدم لك افضل و اسرعالطرق و النصائح كي تتخلص من الخجل والخوفو إلى الأبد . ◄ لا تنسواالتصويت للمساهمة في تطوير البرنامج.