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Kids Playground Ideas 1.0
Children between 3-6 years need a specialplayarea and at the same time, you need to monitor them when theyareplaying. Your backyard can fulfill the requirements of both youandyour child. Whatever may be the size of your backyard, bigorsmall, you can turn it into a very beautiful and exciting playareawhere your children can be themselves. Let us take a look atsometips and suggestions on how to design a backyard for kids.Keep your backyard open and do not fill it with toomanyelements. Open space allows the kids to play a variety ofgames,without any space constraints. A flat grassy area can improvethelook of the backyard, and so you can install a syntheticlawn.Fencing the backyard is necessary to ensure safety of yourchild.After implementing the landscaping and fencing ideas, it istime toadd some real play area ideas. Given below are some of them...If you've been planning to turn your backyard intooneinteresting place for your kids to play in, then a play houseissomething you should definitely consider. What's more, therearenumerous options when it comes to designing a cute littlehousewhere your kids can sit together and play for hours onend.Depending on the size of your backyard and your budget, youcaneither go for ready-made models resembling a miniature fort,ormake one yourself using wood, or even fencing posts. Just makesureyou add a window on each wall of the house, and a door attheentrance. Paint it in vibrant colors and see your kid's eyeslightup with joy!Remember those childhood days when you used to have funbuildingbeautiful sand castles on the beach? Now imagine your kidshavingsuch fun time right in the backyard! Well, all you need to doisget a sand box, fill it with sufficient quantity of sand,andvoila! Your miniature beach is ready! Now, throw in a fewshovelsand sand buckets in vibrant colors, or a fewbeach-themeddecorations to add to the "feel". You can even hidesmall toys orchocolates in the sand for a fun game of treasurehunt. However,don't forget to keep it covered if you don't want tofind strayanimals sleeping in it! When your kids grow out of it,you caneasily convert the sand box into a flower bed.A little pool somewhere in the backyard, is something kidswillcherish, especially during the summer months. If there'sanexisting swimming pool in your backyard, you can throw insomefloating boards, tubes and floats in cheerful colors to makeitlook inviting to kids. However, even if you don't have a pool,youcan get a small inflatable plastic pool, fill it with water,andplace it in a cozy corner of your backyard. Just get somefloatingtoys for your kids to play with, and they'll thank you forafun-filled summer like never before!Playing basketball can be an exciting and challengingactivityfor kids of all ages, and a basketball hoop is all thatyou'll needto initiate your little one into this beautiful game.You can beginwith a plastic hoop, and then as your kid grows up tobe a skilledplayer, you can move on to a high quality hoop for slamdunk shots.Team sports play a key role in the all-round developmentof achild, and the afternoons spent playing the game withfriends,would help your kid become a better person. What's more,you canbond with your little one on weekends, over a game ofbasketball.Sounds great, isn't it?