Top 21 Games Similar to 主公很有事

三国志-英雄的黎明 1.4.6
三國!這麼玩 1.3
《三國!這麼玩》不落一般三國遊戲的俗套,強烈特色的百人征戰場面,造型風格迥異的可愛武將們等你來蒐集,讓您在2015年重溫當年遊玩三國的感動!獨特的的即時技能連發系統,讓您在無盡的三國荒原說殺就殺!三國名將養成、擺兵步陣、真人語音元素、洗鍊裝備、跨服排行、強大軍團聯合爭霸、武將突破系統、跨服世界競技場、世界BOSS,讓策略遊戲不再單調!將你帶入一場前所未有的奢華遊戲體驗,讓你盡情享受每一場華麗的戰鬥。超強技能、韜略加成,超乎你的想像!◎火牛、伏兵、軍中、冰龍、堅壁五種技能隨你施放!◎20多種韜略隨你配置,增加軍團BUFF提升武將戰力!◎文韜武略,奇門遁甲,軍團韜略加成,提升你的武將,招喚出小萌撒豆兵來助陣!多項數值影響創造十萬種變化,戰局勝負難料!◎最多可同時上陣9位武將,武將萃取融合升星、武將帶兵數提升、兵種進階、裝備鍊化武器,並各自擁有獨特技能◎鍊化系統:可讓武將的武器、頭巾、衣服、配飾、篇書、坐騎提升洗鍊來增加戰力,並且新增洗鍊鎖功能~可保留橙色屬性!◎分久必合,合久必分,一城一地,方寸之爭!「聯盟爭霸戰」就是為了爭奪城池來獲得更多資源,玩家能夠對通過菁英地圖的城池進行攻打,佔領後可派武將駐守,並且隨著累計時間獲得爭霸點,快聯合你們的盟軍,在亂世中拿下一方屬於自己的領域吧。◎每週一0點選出戰力最強的七個聯盟為“本週聯盟七星”,第七到第一依次戰鬥,層層推進,當擊敗了前一聯盟後,才能繼續迎戰下一聯盟。◎擊敗三國梟雄,制霸爽感,讓你橫跨全伺服世界戰力排行,成為最強第一人!◎天下英雄,各顯神通!跨服競技場正式啟動!◎武將突破系統~讓你的紫將不在單單只是隻小兵~快來突破武將,創出屬於自己的陣容吧!◎世界BOSS新系統「天魔境」等你來挑戰!魔化孫權、魔化曹操、魔化劉備、魔化董卓皆有獨特的攻略方法~一同來挑戰!遊戲官網:粉絲團:客服中心: 一起遊戲:http://www.1767game.com1767App 粉絲團:
硬硬硬der三國-武神轉生 1.0.4
《硬硬硬der三國》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位三國英雄名將勾勒出的成敗興衰。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。---遊戲特色---●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!--------------------------------------------------------------客服回報:粉絲專頁:
三国群英传1 1.3.1
三国群英传1是一款由奥汀(Odin)公司出品的策略性小游戏,游戏的角色头像都是采用3d图会制而成的,在百人对百人大对决的战场上,采用了可调整镜头远近、具有3D景观的视角,武将技在高彩模式的画面下有着眩丽的光影效果非不中给力。三国群英传游戏与以往的三国游戏相同的是统一全国,不同的是它的时间(应该说是年代)的表示方法是即时的,也就是说它不是回合制的,而时间是以月来计算的。游戏的重点是战争而非内政,玩家可亲临前线,在沙场上杀敌,也可运筹帷幄。FBI Warning:仅供个人娱乐学习,请勿用于商业用途该游戏由 liangxc 移植!Three Heros 1 is a byOdin(Odin) company produced a strategic game, the game'scharacters arebased on the 3d map will head from the system, inthe hundreds ofpeople on a hundred battlefields NPC showdown,using adjustable lensdistance, with the perspective of 3Dlandscapes, generals skills inhigh-color mode screen with dazzlinglighting effects Lai is not inthe non-force. Three Heros game thepast three games with the sameunified the country, except thatit's time (it should be said thatthe era) representation isimmediate, meaning that it is notturn-based, and the time iscalculated in months a. The focus is onthe game and not theinternal affairs of war, players can visit thefront lines,fighting the enemy on the battlefield, but alsostrategizing.FBI Warning:For personal entertainment and learning, not for commercial useThe game consists of liangxc transplant!
三國戰戰戰-一指定江山 1.0
《三國戰戰戰》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位史詩名將揮灑出的成王敗寇的壯闊歷史。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!●跨服約戰,群雄逐鹿誰能比我硬別還在伺服器內得意自滿自以為是天下第一了,跨服挑戰其他伺服器霸主,讓他們看看誰讓誰硬到叫爸爸~遊戲官網:官方Facebook粉絲團:※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。"Three war war war"gamefamiliar background of Wei, Shu and Wu-third of the worldstory,magnificent epic history of more than one hundred famous swaythewinner takes all. In order to reflect the three heroesusestrategy, Veda dominate the world, a unique style of gamesystemslineup armed forces, as well as generals fetters, magicskills andother features, make love three stories of the players,as long asfingertips, you can easily manage Three one hundredfamous,dominate the three countries.● Cards armed forces first hand travel policyultrahardcoreFront, middle and rear three services lineup, testall-aroundstrategic play, the only real strategist to commanding,dominatingthe world!● Higher Order generals Free lesson gold, GEEK can become atoughguyAscending Order generals unique system that allows you tocreatehigh-end generals, no longer have to worry about pumping lessthan6 Star card, you want the best generals, easy to developyourown!● strong Austrian partner aid, total group strength legionhardenough!Make like-minded friends, co-group three corps, have moreresourcesand more abundant corps, the strength to leap a thousandmiles!● brush their own equipment, systemic Gold my most hard!Indiana Super practical system, God himself will be able tobrushout the super loaded, not the hardest, only harder!● inter-service gathers, who crowded harder than IDo also complacent self-righteous world inside the server first,theinter-service hegemony challenged by other servers, so thattheylook hard to call my dad who Who ~Games official website: http: // official Facebook fan group: https: //※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
主公你嘜走 1.1.0
han gexia
【狂送武將】新服次日登錄送武將,新服7日登錄送武將。每月簽到第2天即送新武將!【超級福利】新服開服7天,免費玩家也可獲得大量元寶!【開服基金】開服花費1000元寶,即可得到10000元寶的成長基金!遊戲特色:【特色一】立體畫面顏值爆表是否已經厭煩了平面卡牌?精美的3D畫質來滿足你!遊戲採用Unity3D引擎,斥重金打造手遊頂級3D畫面,Q版清新萌動的三國武將、酷炫的動作、華麗的特效、逼真的戰場、全新演繹的三國劇情帶給你極致的視覺體驗。【特色二】指尖微操勁爽熱鬥是否已經厭煩了卡牌碰碰碰?真實的3D戰鬥來點燃你!戰鬥告別無腦觀看的傳統模式,玩家指尖微操可以掌控武將必殺技和主公桃酒技能的釋放時機,實現技能諸葛亮經天緯地連招控制、許褚金剛伏魔打斷、關羽武神乾坤秒殺等多種高階玩法,帶來前所未有的戰鬥感受。【特色三】三國名將全新演繹是否已經厭煩了開局魚腩雜兵?開局就有3星名將來輔佐你!三國名將悉數登場,經典故事完美還原,三國殺原版人馬傾力配音,帶給你最熱血的三國世界。三英戰呂布、關羽斬華雄、張飛戰馬超、火燒赤壁群英薈萃……帶你重回三國,聚天下群英,戰三國亂世!【特色四】排兵佈陣鬥智鬥勇是否已經厭煩了無腦的數值比拼?攻守陣型排兵佈陣來挑戰你!防守和進攻都可以自主設定不同陣型,根據陣型陣位元效果選擇不同的武將組合。利用前後排武將出手順序組成連招套路。利用陣位武將朝向和攻擊範圍來集火武將或者躲避敵方控制。官方網站:官方粉絲團:[Generals] Kuangsongnewclothes the next logon to send troops, the new service on the7thlogin to send generals. Monthly attendance the first twodaysJisong new generals![Welfare] super new service open service seven days, freeplayerscan also get a lot of gold![Open service] to open service fund spending 1000 ingot, you canget10,000 ingot Growth Fund!Game Features:[Features] a stereoscopic picture color value burst tableAre tired of flat card? Beautiful 3D picture quality to meetyou!The game uses Unity3D engine, invested heavily to build handtourtop 3D screen, Q version of the three generals sprout fresh,coolaction, gorgeous special effects, realistic battlefield, anewinterpretation of the Three Kingdoms story to bring youtheultimate visual experience.[Two] fingertips micromanagement Features fresh coolhotbucketAre tired of cards bumper touch? Realistic 3D battle to igniteyou!Fighting for no brain to watch the traditional mode, playerscancontrol the generals nirvana fingertip micromanagement andreleasetiming lord peach wine skills, achieve skills Zhuge LiangTianweieven move control, Xu 褚金刚 Demon interrupted, Guan Yu andotherhigh-end spike universe Valkyrie gameplay, unprecedentedcombatexperience.[Three] three famous specialties new interpretationAre tired of beginning belly weapon? 3 star names start tohaveassisted you in the future! Three star full debut, the classictaleperfect reduction, three killed effort to dub the originaltroops,bring you the most passionate of the three countries oftheworld.三英战吕布, chopped Hua Xiong Guan Yu, Zhang Fei horsesChao,Huoshaochibi Qunying ...... take you back to the ThreeKingdoms,poly world of heroes, fighting the three troubledtimes![Four] formations wits FeaturesAre tired of brainless value Competition? Offensive anddefensiveformation formations to challenge you! Defensive andoffensive cancustomize set different formation, formation array biteffectaccording to choose different combinations of generals. Theuse offront and rear shot of a sequence of generals even moveroutines.Use array bit generals to set the direction and scope ofthe attackor evade enemy fire generals control.Official website: http: // fan group: https: //
謝丞相 1.0.2
這一夜,魯肅在船上一臉困惑….這一夜,周瑜在房裡來回踱步….這一夜,曹操望著霧中的鼓聲….這一夜….諸葛孔明引領眾士卒齊聲向對岸大喊:「謝丞相賜箭!!」謝丞相,借了我們一款這麼好玩的三國遊戲!而且,還借不用錢,借不用還!【遊戲特色】●● 掐指一算,就決定是派你們出擊了!●在4 X 8的經典棋盤格中佈局你的將兵們,各類兵種的互剋關係更是扭轉戰局的關鍵因素!●● 關聯武將組隊,合體一擊超必殺!●●  獨創合擊特殊技能,將有關聯的武將一起組隊,將可在戰場上使出強大的終極必殺技,猜猜把劉備關羽張飛三人放在同一隊,會發生什麼事?●● 3D重現赤壁史詩格局,謝丞相賜箭 ●● Unity 3D引擎製作氣勢恢弘的古代戰場,如赤壁火燒連環船上讓玩家體驗到烽火連天的年代。●● 完整收錄三國名將,進階升段真鬼神!●● 戰神呂布、少年趙子龍、機靈小喬等傳說將領將一一現身,絕不缺席!更可以分別進化至不同的「真。鬼。神」階段,以一擋百!●● 嶄新劇情,多元玩法,開創三國新格局~ ●● 幽默風趣的劇情對話,讓三國戰役玩起來更有趣了!而PK競技、破陣考驗、過五關斬六將等試煉正等著玩家加入挑戰!
熱血戰將 3.0.2
客戶服務:郵箱:[email protected] ID:rxzj歪打正著做出了策略卡牌遊戲,不認真企劃顛覆三國歷史亂入又惡搞,美術半睡半醒畫出原創特色欠打Q版武將英雄…從未所見的超KUSO三國遊戲,這款遊戲很熱血!很無雙!【遊戲簡介·熱血戰將】由Unity3D引擎全新打造的《熱血戰將》是一款三國RPG+SLG的卡牌遊戲,除了顛覆傳統三國劇情的發展外,還導入了許多特色玩法如武將英雄羈絆系統、奧義技能混搭、將魂收集、闖關奪寶、擂台比武、過關斬將等,同時藉由新穎的3D技術的襯托,三國武將超華麗的奧義大絕施放,讓您邊享受遊戲的進行,還能滿足視覺感官上的無雙滿足。超豐富的內容讓你一直玩一直…玩不完,《熱血戰將》絕對是喜愛三國題材玩家最好的選擇!【遊戲背景·熱血戰將】故事發生在東漢末年的亂世,群雄割據,大漢岌岌可危,人人有奪天下之心。初平3年,天降一隕石落入東海小島,巨響震天,似有天兆。此石高約兩丈,寬約六尺,通體黑色,似有隕鐵。各地能工巧匠聞訊,欲效仿春秋幹將以隕鐵鑄劍,紛紛前來登島尋石。由於前來人數眾多,難免因奪石而廝殺爭鬥。最後眾人決定,將巨石鑿開,分成多塊,各家均分。但當工匠開斧鑿石之際卻發現,此石堅硬無比,普通斧鑿根本無法動其毫釐。最後眾人只得作罷,決定先將其以大船運走,日後再尋良法。船行兩日後,適逢暴雨,風雷交加,一道閃電擊中船上巨石,巨石左側掉落一角,內部露出模糊的圖案。眾人倍感驚奇,這巨石斧鑿都不能破,為何石中竟有圖形。一番清洗擦拭過後,圖案愈發清楚。而定睛一看,眾人更為驚恐,這豈是什麼圖形花紋,這分明是一首詩。石上寫道:爭霸各一方天命自有常下授君王意唯得蟬於旁曹吏覓明主而使闊城邦不亞齊桓世終日必為王正當所有人惶恐之際,巨浪襲來將載有隕石的大船掀翻,不時便沉入海底,隕石自此不見蹤影。之後,一些人死裏逃生,回歸故土,而此事也廣為流傳。天下名士紛紛解讀詩中奧秘,其一句“下授君王意,唯得蟬於旁”成為了懷有帝王之夢的關鍵。司徒王允有一義女,名為貂蟬,有閉月之貌,似天仙下凡,天下無雙。傳此女乃為九天玄女轉世,得此女子者必獲王侯之福。國賊董卓,篡漢之心昭然若知,且是個不折不扣的**之徒。他假借選妃名義,霸佔貂蟬,藏於梅塢。十八路諸侯聚義起兵討伐,名為剿賊扶漢,實為爭搶有奪帝象徵的貂蟬。但世人不知,這上天授意之詩其中另有玄機。各路諸侯當中唯有,劉備、曹操、孫堅、參悟此中奧秘。但他們不知,這背後還隱藏著一場持久的驚天陰謀,而這個陰謀將由同為一方諸侯的你去揭開...【遊戲特色·熱血戰將】★顛覆三國的歷史劇情:主軸劇情改編三國題材,無厘頭爆笑新劇情,挖掘曹操不為人知的陰謀,絕對捧腹大笑。★打造華麗3D視覺體驗:公認最順最流暢的Unity 3D打造新手遊,逗趣Q版武將超欠K,技能奧義大絕保證震撼。★三國名將全體上陣:很好很耐玩,專屬四種武將屬性、百種技能及裝備搭配,八名武將齊上陣打造最強隊伍。★輕鬆簡單好上手:有什麼難?五歲小屁孩到七十歲老爺爺都會玩,操作好上手,簡單快速享受遊戲樂趣。★高自由度新玩法:事不宜遲立即下載,自由搭配陣型,隨心所欲養成,武將羈絆搭配,要怎麼玩就怎麼玩。★豐富的遊戲內容:好多卡片好多挑戰關卡,獨特趣味闖關奪寶,緊張刺激爭霸比武,絕對欲罷不能一直玩。★好康的活動獎勵:玩就送商城元寶,豐富活動獎勵天天都有,定期更新內容回饋超大手筆,絕對超乎想像。Customerservice:E-mail: [email protected] ID: rxzjLucky hit to make a strategy card game, do not seriously planningtosubvert the three countries into chaos and spoof history, artandoriginal features owe half asleep draw play Q-generals superhero... never seen KUSO three games, this game is very passionate! Itis unparalleled![Game Description] · Blood TroopersNew building by the Unity3D engine "blood war" is a three RPG+SLG's card game, in addition to subvert the traditional threestorydevelopment, but also introduced a number of characteristicssuchas the generals heroes play fetters system, esoteric skill mix,thesoul collect, pass through Indiana, ring contest, throughthetrials and so on, at the same time set off by new 3Dtechnology,three generals ultra large esoteric absolutely gorgeouscast, soyou while enjoying the game, but also to meet the Warriorsmeet thevisual senses. Ultra-rich content to let you have beenplaying ...playing endless, "blood war" absolutely loved the threethemes ofthe best players to choose!Games background • blood warrior]The story takes place in the Eastern Han Dynasty chaos,warlordsseparatism, Han stake, everyone has won the world's heart.Firstlevel for three years, a meteorite falling into the East ChinaSeaislands heaven, loud thunder, like one day trillion. This stoneofabout twenty feet high, six feet wide, whole body black,seemssiderite. Heard the news over the craftsmen, dry spring andwillwant to emulate meteorite swords, they have come to look forthestone landing. Due to the large number of people to come, itisinevitable due to rock and fight the battle won. Finally thepeopledecided to rock drilling, into a plurality of blocks, eachsharing.But craftsmen open stone chisels occasion they found thisextremelyhard stone, ordinary chisels can not move it the leastbit.Finally, everyone had to give up, decided to take the first ofitslarge shipping future Zaixun good law. Boat trip two dayslater,coincides with heavy rain, thunder and lightning, lightningstruckthe boat boulders, boulders falling on the left corner,theinside-out fuzzy pattern. People feel surprised, this rockchiselscan not be broken, why rock as much graphics. After somecleaningwipe pattern is becoming clear. And a closer look, peopleare morefrightened that something is what the graphic pattern, thisisclearly a poem. Stone wrote:Each party hegemonyChang own destinyUnder Italian king grantedWei was beside cicadaOfficials seek Cao Ming masterLeaving the city-wideNo less Qihuan WorldDay will be for the kingWhile everyone on the occasion of fear, waves hit the shipcarryingthe meteorite overturned, from time to time it sank, themeteoritehas since disappeared. After that, some people survived,return totheir homeland, but this also widely circulated. The worldfamousmystery after another interpretation of the poem, "meaningkinggranted under, only to give cicada beside" which has become akeyphrase cherished imperial dream. Situ Wang has a goddaughter,namedDiao Chan, has closed on the landscape, like the angel downtoearth, unparalleled in the world. Pass this woman is for thenineheaven reincarnation, was this woman who must eligible princesofblessing. Traitor Dong Zhuo, usurped the Han heart plain ifknown,and was an avid believers **. Princess under the guise of thenameof his election, to occupy Diao Chan, hidden in Maywood.Eighteenroad Houju Yi Zhu revolted crusade, called Thieves helpHan, infact, have won the competition a symbol of Diao ChanEmperor. Butthe world did not know, that God inspired the poem inwhich anothermystery. Among dysfunction only, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, SunJian, ponderthe mystery herein. But they do not know it hiddenbehind a lastingsinister, and this conspiracy will be the same asthe one youprinces to uncover ...[Game Features · passionate warrior]★ Three Kingdoms historical subversion plot:Spindle story adapted three themes, nonsensical hilarious newstory,mining Cao unknown conspiracy, absolute laugh.★ create gorgeous 3D viewing experience:Most recognized along smoothest Unity 3D to create a noviceswim,funny Q version generals over less K, esoteric skills mustensurelarge shock.★ all three famous battle:Very very playable, the exclusive property of four kindsofgenerals, one hundred kinds of skills and equipment with,eightgenerals into battle to build the strongest team.★ easy and simple good to get started:What is difficult? Year-old kid actor to seven-year-oldgrandfatherwould play, operating good to use, simple and fast toenjoy thegame fun.★ high degree of freedom in new ways:Without further ado immediately download, free withformation,arbitrary develop, generals with fetters, how to play howtoplay.★ wealth of game content:Many card many challenge levels, unique taste pass throughIndiana,exciting contest for hegemony, has been absolutely unableto stopplaying.★ goodies Activity Award:Play send mall ingot, rich reward activity every day,regularlyupdated content back super generous, absolutelyunimaginable.
君將之魂 神將出戰 2.7.1
主公嘜走OL 1.1.0
li yijiang
三國第一3D動作卡牌手遊,為三國玩家傾情推薦!年度最夯三國卡牌遊戲,免費玩家也能玩的毫無壓力!【狂送武將】新服次日登錄送武將,新服7日登錄再送武將。每月簽到第2天即送新武將!【超級福利】新服開服7天,免費玩家也可獲得大量元寶!【開服基金】開服花費1000元寶,即可得到10000元寶的成長基金!遊戲特色:【特色一】立體畫面顏值爆表是否已經厭煩了平面卡牌?精美的3D畫質來滿足你!遊戲採用Unity3D引擎,斥重金打造手遊頂級3D畫面,Q版清新萌動的三國武將、酷炫的動作、華麗的特效、逼真的戰場、全新演繹的三國劇情帶給你極致的視覺體驗。【特色二】指尖微操勁爽熱鬥是否已經厭煩了卡牌碰碰碰?真實的3D戰鬥來點燃你!戰鬥告別無腦觀看的傳統模式,玩家指尖微操可以掌控武將必殺技和主公桃酒技能的釋放時機,實現技能諸葛亮經天緯地連招控制、許褚金剛伏魔打斷、關羽武神乾坤秒殺等多種高階玩法,帶來前所未有的戰鬥感受。【特色三】三國名將全新演繹是否已經厭煩了開局魚腩雜兵?開局就有3星名將來輔佐你!三國名將悉數登場,經典故事完美還原,三國殺原版人馬傾力配音,帶給你最熱血的三國世界。三英戰呂布、關羽斬華雄、張飛戰馬超、火燒赤壁群英薈萃……帶你重回三國,聚天下群英,戰三國亂世!【特色四】排兵佈陣鬥智鬥勇是否已經厭煩了無腦的數值比拼?攻守陣型排兵佈陣來挑戰你!防守和進攻都可以自主設定不同陣型,根據陣型陣位元效果選擇不同的武將組合。利用前後排武將出手順序組成連招套路。利用陣位武將朝向和攻擊範圍來集火武將或者躲避敵方控制。官方網站:官方粉絲團: first 3D actioncardhand travel for three players portrait recommended! Most ramannualthree card game, free players can play without pressure![Generals] Kuangsong new clothes the next logon to sendtroops,the new service on the 7th login sending generals.Monthlyattendance the first two days Jisong new generals![Welfare] super new service open service seven days, freeplayerscan also get a lot of gold![Open service] to open service fund spending 1000 ingot, you canget10,000 ingot Growth Fund!Game Features:[Features] a stereoscopic picture color value burst tableAre tired of flat card? Beautiful 3D picture quality to meetyou!The game uses Unity3D engine, invested heavily to build handtourtop 3D screen, Q version of the three generals sprout fresh,coolaction, gorgeous special effects, realistic battlefield, anewinterpretation of the Three Kingdoms story to bring youtheultimate visual experience.[Two] fingertips micromanagement Features fresh coolhotbucketAre tired of cards bumper touch? Realistic 3D battle to igniteyou!Fighting for no brain to watch the traditional mode, playerscancontrol the generals nirvana fingertip micromanagement andreleasetiming lord peach wine skills, achieve skills Zhuge LiangTianweieven move control, Xu 褚金刚 Demon interrupted, Guan Yu andotherhigh-end spike universe Valkyrie gameplay, unprecedentedcombatexperience.[Three] three famous specialties new interpretationAre tired of beginning belly weapon? 3 star names start tohaveassisted you in the future! Three star full debut, the classictaleperfect reduction, three killed effort to dub the originaltroops,bring you the most passionate of the three countries oftheworld.三英战吕布, chopped Hua Xiong Guan Yu, Zhang Fei horsesChao,Huoshaochibi Qunying ...... take you back to the ThreeKingdoms,poly world of heroes, fighting the three troubledtimes![Four] formations wits FeaturesAre tired of brainless value Competition? Offensive anddefensiveformation formations to challenge you! Defensive andoffensive cancustomize set different formation, formation array biteffectaccording to choose different combinations of generals. Theuse offront and rear shot of a sequence of generals even moveroutines.Use array bit generals to set the direction and scope ofthe attackor evade enemy fire generals control.Official website: http: // fan group: https: //
三國有衝突-掠奪大亨 2.8.3
《三國有衝突》以中國風的畫面展現一個宏大的三國歷史背景.你將暢遊歷史篇章,在這個恢弘的世界中扮演君主,與神將、軍師、美人、甚至平民邂逅,開啟你征伐天下的野心之旅!你將是下一個野心梟雄曹操嗎?你將是下一個謀略天下的諸葛亮嘛?你將是下一個善用人才的劉備嗎?你將是下一個美豔無雙的貂蟬嗎?無所不能,成你所想!入駐《三國有衝突》,SHOW出你的三國戰略屬性!【神將養成系統】封將、特訓、試練等多元的培養方式,排兵佈陣,一騎當千你也行!【軍師特色系統】三軍增益BUFF,“攻無不克”說的就是三軍靈魂之軍師!【後宮美眷系統】三千佳麗,夜夜相陪,後宮“臨幸”還有獎勵拿唷!【攻城掠地】突破傳統,創新零距離的攻城體驗!軍功、玉石、甚至龍魂,等你來戰!【萬軍團戰】每日定時的大型多人線上副本,挑戰天下最高巔峰!攻城伐地、治水、華容道、主城建設等更多謀略體驗,貂蟬諸葛邀你一起玩!新服加開,火爆公測中!立即入駐《三國有衝突》,限時贈送軍師“諸葛亮”!※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。※本遊戲涉及輕微暴力,依商店分級法定為輔12級。※本遊戲免費使用,遊戲內部另外設有付費道具和項目。"Threestate-ownedconflict" In China the wind screen to show a grandhistoricalbackground of the Three Kingdoms. You will swim chapterin history,played the monarch in this grand world, and God will,militaryadvisor, beauty, and even civilian encounter, open yourworldconquest Ambition tour!You will be the next ambition Lawrence of Cao Cao it?You will be the world's next strategy Zhuge Liang incorrect?You will be the next use of personnel of Liu Bei it?You will be the next glamorous unparalleled Diao it?Omnipotent, as you think! Assigned to the "threestate-ownedconflict", SHOW out your three strategic property![God] will develop a systemMultiple training methods will seal, Gifted, Trials,etc.,formations, Ikkitousen you also OK![Strategist characteristics of the system]TRI gain BUFF, "conquering" the armed forces of the soul that isthemilitary advisor![Harem Meijuan System]Three thousand contestants, every night Xiangpei harem"graced"There are rewards to get yo![Encroaching]Traditional, innovative Zero siege experience! Medals, jade,andeven dragon soul, waiting for you to fight![Wan regiment war]Regular daily massively multiplayer online copy of the challengeofthe world highest peak!Siege Levitra, flood control, Huarong, the main citybuildingstrategy and more experience, Diao Zhuge invite you toplaywith!Add a new service to open, hot open beta! Now settled in the"threestate-owned conflict", limited gift strategist "Another"!※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.※ This game involves mild violence, according to thestatutoryclassification, supplemented by 12 stores.※ This game is free to use, within the game has paidadditionalitems and projects.
三国天武~本格戦略バトル~ 三国志ストラテジー 1.6.7
Worldwide 30 million download breakthrough! Even if you do notknowthe Three Kingdoms hooked! Full-scale strategy / strategybattlegame!
仲謀天下 指尖智謀輕取天下 2.7.1
【遊戲介紹】《仲謀天下》全新國家玩法來襲!手機中運籌帷幄,手指間操縱天下,全新國家玩法耀世降臨!另外還有嶄新場景、技能與角色傾情推出!【神將養成系統】封將、特訓、試練等多元的培養方式,排兵佈陣,一騎當千你也行!【軍師特色系統】三軍增益BUFF,“攻無不克”說的就是三軍靈魂之軍師!【後宮美眷系統】三千佳麗,夜夜相陪,後宮“臨幸”還有獎勵拿唷!【攻城掠地】突破傳統,創新零距離的攻城體驗!軍功、玉石、甚至龍魂,等你來戰!【萬軍團戰】每日定時的大型多人線上副本,挑戰天下最高巔峰!攻城伐地、治水、華容道、主城建設等更多謀略體驗,貂蟬諸葛邀你一起玩!新服加開,火爆公測中!立即入駐《仲謀天下》,限時贈送軍師“諸葛亮”!※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。※本遊戲涉及輕微暴力,依商店分級法定為輔12級。※本遊戲免費使用,遊戲內部另外設有付費道具和項目。[Game Description]"Zhongmou world," a new play attacking country! Phonestrategist,between your fingers to manipulate the world,Yao Shi new countries come play! Another new scene, skillsandcharacter portrait launched![God] will develop a systemMultiple training methods will seal, Gifted, Trials,etc.,formations, Ikkitousen you also OK![Strategist characteristics of the system]TRI gain BUFF, "conquering" the armed forces of the soul that isthemilitary advisor![Harem Meijuan System]Three thousand contestants, every night Xiangpei harem"graced"There are rewards to get yo![Encroaching]Traditional, innovative Zero siege experience! Medals, jade,andeven dragon soul, waiting for you to fight![Wan regiment war]Regular daily massively multiplayer online copy of the challengeofthe world highest peak!Siege Levitra, flood control, Huarong, the main citybuildingstrategy and more experience, Diao Zhuge invite you toplaywith!Add a new service to open, hot open beta! Now settled in"Zhongmouworld", limited gift strategist "Another"!※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.※ This game involves mild violence, according to thestatutoryclassification, supplemented by 12 stores.※ This game is free to use, within the game has paidadditionalitems and projects.
더 이상, 어설픈 삼국지에 배반 당하지 마라!모바일 삼국지에 궁극의 출사표를 던지다. 삼국부심!▶ 게임 특징- 멋지고 아름답게 구현된 300종 이상의 다양한 삼국 영웅!·타의 추종을 불허하는 누구나 갖고 싶게 만드는 삼국 영웅의 모습을 확인해 보세요!·삼국 영웅 중 동경의 대상이 있나요? 삼국부심에서 등용하고 전장의 영웅이 되어 보세요!- 풀 3D로 구현된 전장과 다이내믹한 전투 장면!·장수와 병사, 필드와 성문 등 풀 3D로 제작된 고품격의 전장!·장수마다 부여된 화려한 스킬과 움직임, 삼국부심에서 보여 드리는 다이내믹한 전투를 경험해 보세요!- 레벨만 높으면 쉽게 이긴다? 삼국부심이 보여 드리는 끝없는 전략과 전투!·장수의 병과, 성향, 진형, 거느리고 다니는 병사들, 그리고 장수들끼리 맺어지는 특별한 인연으로물고 물리는 끝없는 상성 관계의 전투·레벨? 강화? 굉!장!히! 중요합니다. 다만, 삼국부심에서는 조합이 더 중요하게 작용합니다!- 영웅만 삼국지는 가라! 방대한 삼국지 스토리가 삼국부심에!·삼국지 스토리가 녹아 있는 전장 구성과 삼국지 스토리를 경험해 보세요.·게임도 재미있게, 삼국지 스토리도 재미있게 즐기시면 되는 겁니다!- 정말 정말 즐길 컨텐츠가 많은 게임, 삼국부심!·성지 구축 및 발전, 약탈, 경기장, 무한모드, 보스전, 길드전과 국가전, 그리고 서버 대전까지! 쉴틈이없군요!·대전 외에도 다양한 지원 시스템(이벤트)과 편의 시스템으로 무장한 강려크한 게임, 삼국부심!많은 것을 보여 드리겠습니다. 주저 하지 마시고, 바로 삼국부심의 세계로 빠져 들어 봅시다!▶게임 이용 권장사항- 삼국부심은 아이폰4 이상, 갤럭시S3 이상 스펙의 기기에서 이용을 권장합니다.- 아이폰4, 갤럭시S3 이하 스펙의 기기에서도 설치 및 플레이는 가능 할 수 있지만, 원활한 플레이가 되지 않을수있습니다.▶공식 커뮤니티-▶고객센터 메일상담-▶개발자 연락처 / 고객센터 전화상담- 02-2038-9150----개발자 연락처 :02-2038-9150More over, do not beputbetrayal in flimsy Three Kingdoms!Chu Shi Biao cast the ultimate in mobile Kingdoms. RefereeThreeKingdoms!▶ Game features  - Variety of Three Kingdoms heroes more than 300kindsof wonderful and beautifully implemented!    · Unparalleled check the appearance oftheThree Kingdoms heroes make anyone wanna have!    · Is the object of longing heroes oftheThree Kingdoms? Appoint judges from the three countries andBecomethe hero of the battlefield!   - Implemented in full 3D battlefieldanddynamic battle scenes!     · Longevity and soldiers, a fieldwithhigh-quality full-length gates made of such full 3D!     · Brilliant skills and movementsthatgive each longevity, experience the dynamic battle'm showing intheThree Kingdoms struggling!   - Only high-level wins easily? EndlessBattleof the Three Kingdoms strategy and assistant referees areofferingshow!     · Longevity of thedisease,disposition, started, geoneurigo attending to soldiers, andspecialties that join together in longevity       Endless Battle oftheanomalies bite biting relationship     ·level? reinforce? very! Itisimportant. However, the combination of the Three Kingdomsjudgesact more important!   - Heroes Kingdoms is just go! MassiveThreeKingdoms story on the Three Kingdoms struggling!     · Experience thebattlefieldconfiguration and Three Kingdoms story, which melts theThreeKingdoms story.     · Fun game, Kingdoms will alsobesimyeon Have fun story!   - I really enjoy a lot of game content,theThree Kingdoms struggling!     Holy Land, building anddevelopment,looting, Stadium, limitless mode, boss battles, guildbefore thecountry before, and servers to War! Airhead this breaktorest!     · In addition to charging a varietyofsupport systems (events) and armed with convenience riversystemryeokeu game, Kingdoms struggling!I'll show you a lot. Do not hesitate, let's hear directlyoutinto the world of the Three Kingdoms struggling!▶ game for recommendations- Three Kingdoms Judge recommended for use in devices overtheiPhone 4, Galaxy S3 or higher specification.- IPhone 4, Galaxy and play equipment in the installation of theS3specs below, but you can not possible, play may not besmooth.▶ Official Community- Http://▶ Contact e-mail consultation- Https://▶ developer Contact / Customer Service Hotline- 02-2038-9150
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------------遊戲介紹-------------2015年度海戰策略大作,鋼鐵巨艦戰爭題材,SLG深度策略玩法,完美詮釋了二戰海戰的實景。派兵佈陣,資源掠奪,稱霸世界。今夏上演二戰大型海戰,戰爭準備打響!-------------遊戲特色-------------◆城邦建築,打造帝國遊戲的主城,以建築玩法為主核心,玩家可以通過建造、升級建築獲得更多資源,以及生成更高級的軍艦。每個採礦場由您隨意放置,打造屬於自己的城邦。◆艦隊佈陣,智慧海戰軍艦兵種之間能相互克制,洞察敵人陣型,排兵佈陣,是致勝的關鍵。智慧將為您帶來勝利。◆資源掠奪,世界大戰資源掠奪,讓全體玩家無國界,無時限的進行掠奪PK,這是一場實力的較量,戰爭就是要激烈!◆多種戰艦,隨您選擇潛艇、航空母艦、巡洋舰、護衛艦,每一個兵種都有自己分支,讓你指尖間操控二戰所有的軍艦。-------------特色系統-------------經營系統:任性經營,自主分配資源建築陣型技巧:靈活運用兵種特性,排兵佈陣特色軍團:萬人集火副本,特色軍團戰,軍團技能長官技能:不一樣的屬性操作,締造自己的軍團配件系統:軍艦深度改造,技能大進階掠奪系統:無國界,無時限,全球掠奪關卡系統:詮釋二戰每一個經典戰役軍艦系統:各大軍艦,隨心開發,隨心操控-------------聯繫我們-------------官方網站:官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]綫上客服:客服熱線:臺灣 02-2657-0366;香港 +852 81279251
名將爭霸-繁體版 1.2.8
《名將爭霸》,三國武將開口說台語啦!正港a在地化手遊,J丟洗愛台灣啦!《名將爭霸》是一款是以三國歷史背景為題材,採用目前全球最夯戰略玩法及武將養成手遊!輕鬆手指連點就能源源不絕地不斷補充兵力,搭配耳熟能詳的三國猛將,各個身懷絕技陪你一起進攻進攻再進攻!另外《名將爭霸》更不學一般網路遊戲一大堆伺服器把親朋好友都分開來哦~全球玩家統一只有一個伺服器,與來自各國的豪雄一同逐鹿中原,看看誰才是成就天下的亂世霸主!遊戲背景:東漢末年,民生塗炭。太平道人張角以黃巾為號,揭竿而起,點燃萬裏烽火。各路諸侯借平亂之名紛而自立,往來攻伐相互吞併。亂臣董卓挾天子以令諸侯,大漢江山岌岌可危!當此乾坤崩壞之際,作為一方雄主, 是積蓄實力,厚積薄發還是雷厲風行,掃平六合?魏蜀吳爭霸戰局從此顛覆!三國歷史從今日起由您書寫!特色玩法:●全球同服:【全球同服決戰巔峰】全球玩家不分區、不分服,激起台灣人的民族意識~一起組盟對抗他國強敵吧!頂級天梯系統,動態智能公平匹配對手,挑戰世界頂級高手,稱霸環宇!●群雄爭霸:【手指單挑唯我獨尊】全球最流行的手指連點出兵玩法,看著螢幕上源源不絕的小兵,搭配千百種特殊武將技能,誰說我攻不下你的城!?還有每日定時武將激戰,各路猛將大亂鬥!絕對的武力與絕妙的佈陣組合才能迸射出勝利的火花!●台味配音:【原汁原味正港台語】特別聘請台灣專業聲優用最標準正港的台語配音,讓三國猛將們激鬥的同時,也把最親切的一面龍總猴力!●英雄招攬:【三國群雄震撼再現】招攬縱橫三國的英雄豪傑,超過140名武將任君差遣,呂布,諸葛亮,關羽,曹操等絕世名將,與主公吞食天地!●特殊進化:【武將融合超絕進化】玩家可以「免費」將2隻武將融合重生成隨機的強大高星等神將,傳說級的人物意外現身肯定讓你驚喜連連!●一統天下:【史詩級三國戰略對攻】九州地圖氣勢磅礴,歷史事件即時觸發!告別單方面碾壓,AI系統不甘示弱!戰爭局勢,瞬息萬變!●養精蓄銳:【迷幻陣法易守難攻】建設威武雄城,訓練精銳軍隊,搭建防禦工事,一方豪強怎能沒有堅實的後盾?●輕鬆交友:【戰友之情血の羈絆】隨時隨地搜索附近的主公,切磋技藝,赠送體力,合縱連橫,攜手並進!【常勝】揮浴血力士,百戰成鋼之虎賁,以弱勝強,斬萬軍中上將首級如探囊取物!締造常勝將軍神話!【不敗】戰如狼似虎,洶湧襲來之鐵騎,以少勝多,筑固若金湯,萬夫莫開之要塞!譜寫不敗軍神傳說常勝VS不敗!蒼茫大地,誰主沉浮?名將爭霸——策略類創新遊戲臻品!名將爭霸——震撼來襲,重裝出擊!【聯繫我們】玩家如有任何問題,我們將即時指派專人為您處理◆ 客服信箱:[email protected]◆ 服務時間:24小時全年無休更多遊戲資訊請關注官方訊息:◆ 粉絲團:本遊戲依中華民國法律規範應列為輔導12歲級本遊戲情節涉及暴力注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲本遊戲部分內容或服務,需另行支付其他費用