Top 20 Apps Similar to Lotto King

Universal Lotto Generator Plus 1.1
Universal Lotto Generator PLUS is a programtohelp you to generate numbers to any kind of lottery in theworld.It's easy to use and we are happy to help you on dotheconfiguration.The Plus version allow you to have more than just onegameconfiguration and don't have ads.If you are not sure yet, try our free version: "UniversalLottoGenerator"!
黃大仙台灣樂透威力彩大福彩 2.0
台彩大樂透統計 1.01
統計台彩大樂透號碼StatisticaltablecolorLotto numbers
樂透彩券樂透即時對獎 6.2
樂透彩券樂透即時對獎提供最即時最新「台灣樂透彩券樂透即時對獎」相關開獎資訊及離線對獎的小程式。即時取得「大樂透」與「威力彩」的累積頭獎總額,並同時提供大樂透、威力彩、今彩539種離線對獎工具有了這個程式,你不用再辛苦去查詢各種樂透及發票獎號,也不需要再辛苦靠眼睛一個一個來對獎。大樂透:提供每一期"大樂透"開獎資訊查詢威力彩:提供每一期"威力彩"開獎資訊查詢今彩539:提供每一期"今彩539"開獎資訊查詢大福彩:提供每一期"大福彩"開獎資訊查詢隨機功能 : 隨機 搖一搖 幸運號碼問題回報:不用客氣, 若有任何的錯誤或建議, 可以直接回報給我們評價功能 :如果您覺的這程式有幫助到您, 可以在給我們一個評價,謝謝本程式並非是台彩公司及財政部官方程式,跟台彩公司及財政部並無任何關係,開獎資料如有錯誤,以台彩公司及財政部公告獎號及金額為準。免責聲明(下載本程式即表同意):對於本程式所載資料的準確性、可用性、完整性或效用,概不作出明確或暗示的保證、聲明或陳述;在法律許可的範圍內,對於提供或使用這些資料而可能直接或間接引致任何損失、損壞或傷害,亦不負任何法律承擔或責任(包括疏忽責任)。Instant lotteryticketsfor Lotto prizeProvide the most immediate date "Taiwan instant lotteryticketfor the lottery prize" lottery-related information andoff-line toaward a small program.Bona Fide "Lotto" and the total cumulative jackpot "power color"andsimultaneously provide big lottery, the power of color, thiscolor539 kinds of offline tools for awardWith this program, you do not have to work hard to make inquiriesofvarious lotto and invoices Jiang Hao, do not need to workhardagainst one of the eyes of a prize.Lotto: providing each of the "Lotto" lotteryinformationinquiryThe power of color: providing each of the "power color"lotteryinformation inquiryThis color 539: providing each of "this color 539"lotteryinformation inquiryBig Lottery: providing each of the "big Fucai" lotteryinformationinquiryRandom function: random shake lucky number Question returns:You're welcome, if any errors or suggestions, you can return tousdirectlyThe evaluation function:If you feel this program has help to you, you can give usanevaluation, thank youThis program is not the Taiwan company and the Ministry ofFinanceofficial color program, with Taiwan companies and theMinistry ofFinance does not have any color relationship, lotteryinformationis subject to error, to Taiwan companies and theMinistry ofFinance announcement Jianghao color and amount shallprevail.Disclaimer (download this program namely table agree):For accuracy, availability, completeness or usefulness oftheinformation contained in the program, shall not be made, expressorimplied, statement or representation; the extent permitted bylaw,for the provision or use of such information which may directlyorindirectly result in any loss, damage or injury, but alsowithoutany legal commitment or liability (includingnegligence).
Estrazioni Lotto e 10eLotto 3.9
Lotto extractions, extractions always at hand!
Lottery Machine 16.0
Lottery Number Picker
台灣樂透彩券超大字體顯示結果即時版 3.01
台灣樂透彩券超大字體顯示結果即時版提供即時最新「台灣樂透彩券」相關開獎資訊及離線對獎。即時取得「大樂透」與「威力彩」和「今彩539」的累積頭獎總額,並同時提供大樂透、威力彩、今彩539種離線對獎工具有了這個程式,你不用再辛苦去查詢各種樂透,也不需要再辛苦靠眼睛一個一個來對獎。-超大字體顯示台灣樂透彩券結果 -非常方便老人家,老花,弱視人群 - 心水號碼儲存, 自動核對 - 繁簡中文支援-大樂透:提供每一期"大樂透"開獎資訊查詢 -威力彩:提供每一期"威力彩"開獎資訊查詢-今彩539:提供每一期"今彩539"開獎資訊查詢如果您覺的這程式有幫助到您,可以在給我們一個評價,謝謝本程式並非是台彩公司及財政部官方程式,跟台彩公司及財政部並無任何關係,開獎資料如有錯誤,以台彩公司及財政部公告獎號及金額為準。免責聲明(下載本程式即表同意):對於本程式所載資料的準確性、可用性、完整性或效用,概不作出明確或暗示的保證、聲明或陳述;在法律許可的範圍內,對於提供或使用這些資料而可能直接或間接引致任何損失、損壞或傷害,亦不負任何法律承擔或責任(包括疏忽責任)。
TW Powerball 2.1.0
Wing Chan
TW Powerball - probably the best TW Powerball APP
Lotto Ergebnisse Deutschland 1.3
Konsultieren Sie die ErgebnissederdeutschenLotterie einschließlich der Lotto, Euro Jackpot,KenoundGluecksspirale Live und 24/24 und 7/7.Die Anwendung ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Geschichte der Abzügefürdielotto, eurojackpot, keno und gluecksspirale.1-lottozahlen samstag - lottozahlen Deutschland.2-Lotto Ergebnisse Deutschland ist eineAnwendungfürLottozahlen.3-Lotto Deutschland.4-Lotto 6 aus 49.5-lotto am samstag, lotto am mittwoch.6-lotto samstag, lotto mittwoch.7-Spiel77 und Super6.8-Lotto Deutsch9-Keno Deutschland - Keno Deutsch10-Eurojackpot Deutschland - Eurojackpot Deutsch11- Gluecksspirale Deutschland - Gluecksspirale DeutschKonsultierenSiedieErgebnisse der deutschen Lottery einschließlich derLotto,EuroJackpot, Keno Gluecksspirale Live und und und 24/247/7.Die Anwendung ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Geschichte der fürdieAbzügelotto, EuroJackpot, keno und gluecksspirale.1-Lottozahlen samstag - Lottozahlen Deutschland.2-Lotto Ergebnisse für Deutschland isteineAnwendungLottozahlen.3-Lotto Deutschland.4-Lotto 6 aus 49.5-samstag am lotto, lotto am mittwoch.6-samstag lotto, lotto mittwoch.7-Spiel77 und Super6.8-Lotto Deutsch9-Deutschland Keno - Keno Deutsch10-Eurojackpot Deutschland - Deutsch Eurojackpot11- Gluecksspirale Deutschland - Deutsch Gluecksspirale
Lottery numbers manager
Free of charge and ad-free! With prize-optimizing randomnumbergenerator
Lottery statistics with generator and results 1.7.152u
George George
The Lottery app has more than 280 lotteries from all aroundtheworld that can be chosen from. Send an email to developer toaddthe lotteries that are missing. This app is verycustomizablelottery application, that it lets you adjust thestatistics ofprevious results before you generate numbers. Newfeatures areadded to each release. The latest features include thegraphic ofstatistics, graphic of results and compare generatednumbers withprevious results of games. Features available in theapp: • Thelottery results are updated after every draw and let youknow ifyou have matching numbers, if the user sets the played dateandnumber of times played. • Compare a set of generatednumbersagainst previous results of a lottery. • Unique statisticsfornumbers of each lottery result, like: average of numbers,minnumber, max number and more. It also has the common statisticsofwarm numbers and cold numbers. • Set the favorite andexcludednumbers that will be taken into consideration whengenerating thelotto numbers. • Users can use the magic wand toadjust thestatistics to an optimal set of statistics and generate aset ofnumbers. • The lottery app allows picking the numbersmanually, bya child or a pet: a dog or a cat. • Users can pick aset of numbersfrom a list of generated numbers. • The app has aspecial page withlottery news from all around the world. • Receivenotification withlatest results and the biggest jackpots in theworld. • Watch avideo (on the main page of the app) of how the appworks and thefeatures available. • Read the help page from insideof the app orask a question to developer. I am a single developerthat I amdoing my best to maintain the lottery app and to updatethe lottoresults. I would appreciate if you share the app with yourfriendsand family on social media networks. The app doesn’t allowusers toplay or to bet on the lotteries, this is a Google Playstore rule,that doesn’t allow gambling in any apps in the store.With supportat any point in the app, send an email to:[email protected] the developer will respond. GOOD LUCK!
Tutto Lotto 2.96.1
Lotto Superenalotto tenelotto eurojackpot you wineverythingvincicasa millionday
UK Lotto Checker 43
UK Lotto & Raffle Checker, automatically checks yourstorednumbers.
VerificaVincite 10eLotto Lotto 1.3
VerificaVincite ti permette di verificareunaricevuta di gioco del lotto ,10elotto (10elotto ogni 5 minuti e10e lotto legato all'estrazione) e del SuperEnalotto.Puoi utilizzare il nuovo Qr Code oppure il codice a barre perleschedine del Lotto e 10 e Lotto.La schedina della Lottomatica (Lotto e 10eLotto ) con il Qr Codeèmolto semplice da controllare , basta inquadrare il codice qrel'app riporta l'esito della giocata , in alternativa sullastessaricevuta è presente sul retro sotto il codice a barre unastringadi 17 caratteri che può essere utilizzata qualora la stampadel qrsia sfocata.Per la versione con il codice a barre invece devi selezionareilgioco da controllare lotto oppure 10 e lotto.Puoi inserire anche manualmente il codice numerico di 14cifrepresente nella parte inferiore del codice a barre oppureancora piùfacilmente puoi inquadrarlo con la fotocamera dopo averpremutol'apposito pulsante.Basta premere il pulsante "Verifica" ed avrai subito l'esitodellatua giocata !La schedina della Sisal (SuperEnalotto) può essere controllatasiainquadrando il Qr code che inserendo il codice alfanumerico.La verifica con il qr code è molto semplice da effettuare,bastainquadrare con la fotocomera il qr code dopo aver premutoilpulsante verifica.A volte capita che la stampa del qr code sia sfocata per cuiènecessario l'inserimento manuale del codice della schedina.IMPORTANTE PER LE SCHEDINE DEL LOTTO E 10ELOTTOLA GIOCATA NON RISULTA VINCENTE PER UNO O PIU' DEISEGUENTIMOTIVI:- giocata non vincente- giocata relativa ad una estrazione non ancora effettuata- giocata relativa ad una estrazione pubblicata nelBollettinoUfficiale da più di 60 giorni- è stato selezionato il gioco sbagliatoEsonero da responsabilitàLe informazioni contenute in questa app sono fornite senzaalcunagaranzia di completezza, correttezza, o di altro genere,implicitao esplicita, e pertanto si invitano gli utenti averificare lestesse sul sito di www.lottomaticaitalia.come/ utenti di questa app accettano di accedere ai suoi contenutiaproprio rischio.Il titolare dell'app non risponderà di qualsiasi dannosubitorelativamente a questa app.Il titolare dell'app ha verificato le informazioni fornite datalisiti di terzi nel modo migliore consentito dalle sue conoscenzeecon diligenza professionale.I links sono disponibili per comodità dell'utente e nonimplicanoun'approvazione del titolare del sito e del lorocontenuto.Il titolare dell' app non risponderà della disponibilità edelcontenuto di tale app di terzi o di eventuali danni olesioniderivanti dall'uso degli stessi.VerificaVincite allowsyouto verify a lottery receipt, 10eLotto (10eLotto every 5 minutesand10 related to the extraction and batch) andSuperEnalotto.You can use the new QR code or barcode for Lotto cards and 10andLotto.The coupon of Lottomatica (Lotto and 10eLotto) with Qr Code isverysimple to control, simply point the qr code and the app reportstheoutcome of the spin, alternatively on the same receipt ispresenton the back below the bar code a 17-character string thatcan beused when printing the qr is blurred.For the version with the bar code instead you have to selectthegame to control or lot 10 and lot.You can also manually enter a code number to 14 digits in thelowerpart of the bar code or the more easily you can frame it withthecamera when you press the appropriate button.Just press the "Check" button and you will have immediatelytheoutcome of your bet!The coupon of the Sisal (SuperEnalotto) can be controlled bothbyframing the Qr code that inputting the alpha-numeric code.Inspection with qr code is very simple to do, just pointwithfotocomera the qr code after pressing the test button.Sometimes it happens that the press qr code is blurred so youmustmanually enter the number of the ticket.IMPORTANT FOR Lotto cards and 10eLOTTOTHE WINNING IS NOT PLAYED FOR ONE OR MORE 'THEFOLLOWINGREASONS:- No winning selection- played relates to an extraction not yet carried out- played extraction relating to a published in the OfficialBulletinby more than 60 days- is the wrong game selectedDisclaimerThe information contained in this app are provided withoutwarrantyof completeness, correctness, or otherwise, express orimplied, andtherefore encourage you to check the site and / or www.aams. of this app agree to access its content at theirownrisk.The holder of the app is not liable for any damage sufferedinrelation to this app.The holder of the app has verified the information provided bythesethird-party sites in the best way possible by his knowledgeand withprofessional integrity.Links are available for your convenience and do not implyanendorsement of the owner of the site and their contents.The owner of 'app will not answer the availability and contentofsuch third party app or any damage or injury resulting from useofthe same.
Lotto Pomocnik 1.3.0
Com Mobile
Aplikacja Lotto Pomocnik jest przeznaczona dla wszystkichtych,którzy grają w popularne polskie gry liczbowe lub chcielibyzacząćgrać. Zarówno puszczający kupony sporadycznie jak i staligracze napewno chcą wygrywać częściej oraz większe kwoty. Z tąaplikacjąstaje się to możliwe i całkiem proste. Dzięki szerokiejpaleciefunkcji dostarczanych przez Lotto Pomocnika takich jakGeneratorZłotych Liczb czy różnego rodzaju statystyki typowaniewłaściwychliczb staje się znacznie prostsze. Aplikacja pozwalatakże naefektywne zarządzanie kuponami gracza i na bieżącodostarczainformacji o najnowszych wynikach losowań oraz wysokościwygranych.Lotto Pomocnik obsługuje wszystkie najpopularniejsze grytakie jakLotto (wraz z plusem), Ekstra Pensja, Multi Multi (wraz zplusem),Mini Lotto oraz Kaskada. Pobierz aplikację Lotto Pomocnik ibądźjednym z tych, którzy wygrywają dużo i często.
Lotterien App 4.1.2
The official app of the Austrian Lotteries
the Lott Lite - Lotto Results 3.0.0
Tatts Group
Australia's Official Lottery Results App! The Lott Lite appisthefastest way to know the results of your favouritelotterygamesdirectly from Golden Casket, NSW Lotteries, Tatts andSALotteries.Looking to play our games? Google's policies don'tallowus toprovide an app in the Play Store where you can play,howeveryoucan visit the Lott website to download our full app orpopintoyour nearest retail outlet to buy your next entry. ForplayersinWestern Australia check out the LotteryWest website.VIEWLOTTORESULTS: View the latest lottery results including afullprizedivision breakdown so you can know exactly how muchyou'vewon: -Saturday Lotto (includes Gold Lotto, X Lotto andTattsLotto)- OzLotto - Powerball - Set for Life - Monday &Wednesday Lotto-Lucky Lotteries CHECK YOUR TICKET: Purchased yourticket instore?You can scan your ticket using the Lott Lite app andfind outifyou're a winner! FIND AN OUTLET: With over 4,000retailoutletsacross Australia, we'll let you know the closest onetoyouwherever you are at the tap of your finger. ABOUT US: TheLottisthe mark of trust that unites Tatts Group’sAustralianlotterybrands including Tatts, NSW Lotteries, GoldenCasket andSALotteries under one banner. Originally calledTattersall’s,TattsGroup has been in the Australian lottery businessfor morethan 134years. Tatts Group operates theofficial,government-regulatedlotteries in Victoria, Tasmania, theNorthernTerritory, New SouthWales, the Australian CapitalTerritory,Queensland and SouthAustralia. For more information youcan visitthe Lott website orpop into your nearest retail outlet.NEED HELP?For assistance withusing our app, our Customer SupportTeam isavailable on 131 868between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday toSaturdayand 8:00am and 2:30pmSunday (AEDT).
10 e Lotto ogni 5 minuti 1.2
Visualizza le estrazioni del 10 e Lotto ogni5minuti.- E' possibile consultare l'archivio estrazioni degliultimitrenta giorni.- E' possibile visualizzare l'estrazione precedenteoppuresuccessiva con lo swipe left/right.L' app preleva i dati direttamente dai maggiori siti diriferimento,qualora tali server dovessero essere non funzionantioppure occupatiperchè soggetti a numerosi richieste (tipico delsabato sera) sipotrebbero verificare dei rallentamenti e/ol'estrazione potrebbeessere non disponibile.Esonero da responsabilitàLe informazioni contenute in questa app sono fornite senzaalcunagaranzia di completezza, correttezza, o di altro genere,implicitao esplicita, e pertanto si invitano gli utenti averificare lestesse sul sito di www.lottomaticaitalia.come/ utenti di questa app accettano di accedere ai suoi contenutiaproprio rischio.Il titolare dell'app non risponderà di qualsiasi dannosubitorelativamente a questa app.Il titolare dell'app ha verificato le informazioni fornite datalisiti di terzi nel modo migliore consentito dalle sue conoscenzeecon diligenza professionale.I links sono disponibili per comodità dell'utente e nonimplicanoun'approvazione del titolare del sito e del lorocontenuto.Il titolare dell' app non risponderà della disponibilità edelcontenuto di tale sito di terzi o di eventuali danni olesioniderivanti dall'uso degli stessi.View extractions of 10andLot every 5 minutes.- It 's possible to browse through the archive extractions ofthethirty days.- It 's possible to see the previous or subsequent extractionwiththe swipe left / right.The 'app fetches data directly from the historical reference,ifthose servers were to be not working or busy because subject toanumber of requests (typical Saturday night), you mayexperiencedelays and / or extraction may be unavailable.DisclaimerThe information contained in this app is provided withoutanyguarantee of completeness, accuracy, or otherwise, expressorimplied, and therefore users are advised to check the same onthewebsite of and / of this app allowed access to its contents at yourownrisk.The holder of the app is not liable for any damage sufferedinrelation to this app.The holder of the app has verified the information provided bythesethird-party sites in the best way possible by his knowledgeand withprofessional integrity.The links are available for your convenience and do not implyanendorsement of the owner of the site and their content.The owner of 'app does not respond to the availability andcontentof such third party site or any damage or injury resultingfrom useof the same.
Vinci lotto 1.06
Utilissima e semplicissima applicazione per gli appassionatidelgioco del lotto. Gli appassionati con questa applicazionesullotto, potranno in modo semplice e veloce controllare l'ultimaestrazione del lotto, controllare i numeri ritardatari equelli piùfrequenti, e sorteggiare in modo casuale le ruote e inumeri per leprossime estrazioni del lotto. Ricordiamo che Il giocod' azzardo èvietato ai minori. Giocare con moderazione.
Lotto: previsioni vincenti 1.0.5
Try to win with our predictions!