Top 4 Games Similar to Hunting Animals Games for Free

Presto Pop 1.1
Book your tickets for the digitaljourneywiththe endearing Dots & Monsters where speed is theking. Youcanbet on being surprised with the twists and turns whileon theroad.It’s fun, it’s simple and it’s loved by all.Never before has Dots & Monsters been so fun together.Allyouhave to do is keep it poppin. From the developers inIndiacomesPresto Pop where you have to match the ditto dots to seethemgocrazy. And if popping them was not enough, you are alsoarmedwithpowers that can flip the tide in your favor in aninstance. Notwogames are ever the same as it keeps onconstantlyevolving,presenting you a unique mix every time in thiscircusofhoopla.It’s not chess so forget the strategy, just go crazywiththetapping and poppin in the circus of dots &monsters.Connect& compete with your friends over Facebook &Twitter.Withthe amazing replay value, as you go along, the gamekeepsonunlocking new stuff and items for you without overloadingyourIQ.Stuff changes even till the end. And the icing on the cakeisthemelodious music, which we can bet would keep you hummingalldaylong.Highlights of the game:• Novel game mechanics bringing together never beforeseenthemesof Dots & Monsters.• Skill based gameplay. If you are skilled enough, you cannevergetgame over.• Unlockables that would continue adding a new dimension tothegameat every turn.• Unique powers that are seamlessly integrated inthegameplay.• Compete and share with your friends in thissociallyadeptgame.• Minimalistic Art Design which is intuitive and easy ontheeye.This game can be downloaded over the air, no Wi-Fi isneededtoplay!For any feedback or support requirement please mail at [email protected]
Cannon Boy 1.0.0a
Impress the crowd as Cannon Boy. Get launched from cannon tocannonin this addictive projectile arcade game. Tap and hold thescreento set the perfect angle and release to launch away. Be suretomake a perfect landing to gain double points. Collect gemsalongthe way to unlock more features. Are you up for thechallenge?Then, show the world your mad projectile skills!Features:*Unlockable characters * Watch video ads to gain FREE gemsFollowus and get news and updates:Facebook: © 2016 TDrive
Stones of Deception 1.0
The name of the game is Stones of Deceptionoryou can say that Deception is the name of the game. Don'tgetdeceived by their deceptive look as you are bound to beprovenwrong with the turn of the clock given their explosivenature.Wreck them whenever you get the chance. Do it in time beforetheyturn into weapons of mass destruction on coming together. Youhaveto break the stones and their singular minded devotion toreprisalas it can be filled with the spirit of vengeance &bring havocon world peace. Stop the Red and Blue Stones ofDeception fromcoming together as they have the capacity to becomeWorldDominators. They are deceptive in nature and can prove to bethecatalyst of doom.A unique twist to the traditional Breakout games, withoutthepaddle, these bubbly pebbles are full of deceit and lies.Theoutrageous nature of the game is brought along by the Wreckblob.They are highly focussed in achieving their objectives. Don'tbemislead by the innocent looks of the Mirror blob as they aremorethan handful when used to break the stones. Use themstrategicallyto deceive your enemy & bring havoc on the fearedStones ofDeception and stop them from going mad. To stop them frombecomingworld dominators, you have help with you in the form ofbombs androckets. They are awesome in bringing justice on thedamned. Fungameplay which has lot of twists ingrained within as aresult ofthe duality of the gameplay, enough to keep you on theedge of yourseat. The game has its moments where it gives you afeel of thearcade games.The reprisal lead by the pebbles are filled with elementsofduality. Their bubbly natured form should not be mistakenforweakness. The torpedo are outstanding in bringing thedestructionwhereas the pebble shaped stones are filled with thespirit ofvengeance. Behind the extreme demolition, acting as acatalyst arethe blobs with their explosive nature. You are the onlyone who canmake things right. Shatter and blast the evil plans ofthe Stonesof Deception and stop their reprisal before it reachesextremelevels. To help you along the way and to stop the deceit andlies,are your Wreck & Mirror blobs along with the bombsandrockets.The game is filled with surprises at every turn:1. A novel approach to the traditional Breakout games whereyoucontrol the Wreck and Mirror blobs, together working as acatalystto stop the evil stones.2. At the right turn, turn the weak Mirror blob into a WeaponofMass Destruction, resulting in an explosive turn of events,usingthe bombs and rockets at your command.3. Teleport the stones to strategic deceptive locations to wreckthemost havoc in the shortest possible time and stop the stonesfromgoing mad.4. And if you think that the blobs are not enough, you have atyourdisposable powers to save you from even the most hopelessofsituations.5. The game has explosive powers in the form of the bombsandrockets.6. The game has different type of missions ranging from thesimpleto the outrageous nature, providing the player withmultiplechallenges throughout his singular minded quest to becomeone ofits best players. To start with, the game has 200 deceptivelygoodmissions where you have to bring havoc with many moretocome.7. The game reminds you of the arcade games of the old.Coming soon to your Android Tablets and Phones, this free toplaygame, without in-app purchases is bound to capture yourimaginationwith its engrossing fun filled gameplay. Stop thereprisal.
Navy Battleship War Games 1.0
In Navy Battleship War Games, you get tobeincharge of naval frigates which is tasked withpropellingenemyinvasion. Armed with unique powers, it is one ofthose shipdrivinggames where you have to be quick in your thinkingand maketheright decisions at the right time. There are differentkindofenemies that you have to fight off and you areequippedwithdifferent powers to be able to do that. Making thecorrectchoicesis going to make all the difference in warship battlegames.When it comes to fleet combat, there are hugenumberofpossibilities as the combat is not limited to a smallarea.Howeveroften times in navy war, this makes things toocomplicatedfor theplayers. To make things easier and fun to play,the NavyBattleshipWar Games is mainly focussed on driving of thenavalfrigates alongwith the use of a couple of powers. To makethingsmore interestingas compared to other ship driving games, youwouldalso have toalso manage the inventory of the powers thatyoupossess. Youcannot take a trigger happy approach in thiswarshipbattle. Seawar games are often won with strategic planningand thisgame is nodifferent.In Navy war, fleet combat often involves use of multipletypesofvessels. This particular Sea War Games is no different.Alongwithyour own destroyer, you are faced with 4 different typesofenemyships, which are going all out to breach your defenses.Toprotectyour waters, you would be provided with two differenttypesofpowers. If you use the correct power, you would destroytheenemynaval frigate in the navy wars but if you use thewrongpower, theduel would be lost.Navy Battleship War Games is equipped with multiple featuresthatyoukeep you on the edge of your seat:1. Unique ship driving games where you are pitted in aoneagainstmany battle.2. With odds always against you, your wits and the right useofyourpowers is your only way out in this action packedseawargames.3. Armed with two superpowers, Red Attack and Green Attack,takeoutthe enemy ships before they reach the land.4. Never ending wave of enemies, the game is fullofexhilaratingaction.5. Compete with your friends and players around the globe tofindoutwho is the best in maritime defence.The game can be downloaded through wifi and does notrequireaninternet connection to play. Optimized for your phonesandtablets,the game does not contain in app purchases.