Top 3 Apps Similar to Salesian College - Sunbury

慈幼英文學校 3.0
慈幼英文學校作為家長,要時刻緊貼子女的校園生活,除了經常瀏覽學校網頁外,iCampus家校通會是一個更便捷的方法。當學校設定iCampus家校通後,家長可隨時在智能手機或平板電腦上查閱學校資訊及觀看子女的家課冊,有助家長輕鬆掌握子女的學習情況。明報, 教育, 學校, 家校通, 即時, 通訊, 通信, 報紙, 出版, 家長, 學生 ming pao,education,school, icampus, iread,icalss, newspaper, publication, parents, studentSalesian English SchoolAs a parent, always close to the child's school life, inadditionto frequently visit our school website, iCampus homeschool would bea more convenient way. When the school setting iCampus home school, parents canaccessschool information at any time on a smartphone or tablet andwatchtheir children's homework books, help parentsEasily grasp the children's learning.Ming Pao, education, school, home school, instant,communication,communication, newspapers, publishing, parents,students ming pao,education, school, icampus, iread,icalss, newspaper, publication, parents, student
Salesian School 2.1.0
If you have a child at Salesian School youcanhave your own personal view of the full calendar ofevents,activities and school news.No more out-of-date paper calendars, searching through lettersfromthe school or browsing the website – everything you need toknow,when you need it, at your fingertips!Key features of the current version:- View the school calendar and make it more relevant to you byusingthe calendar filters and save them to your calendar- View the school news- Receive important messagesHow to Use the AppAt the bottom of the screen there are five tabs:Home:See a summary of the latest news and today’s news. You canclickon the event it will take you to the full event details. Thelatestfive news items can be scrolled through to view theheadlines, youcan click on the headline to view the full newsstory.CalendarThis can be viewed in two ways; as Month To View or ListView.You can switch between these views using the icons innavigationbar at the top of the page. On the centre left is a smallcalendaricon and on the right is a small list icon.When using the Month To View and one of the dates is marked byadot, this indicates that there is an event on that day. If youtapon that date, you will see the event appear below the calendar.Tapany event to see more detailed information and a map of theeventlocation (if applicable).In the List View, you can scroll through all this months events,indate order. Again, you can tap any event to see moredetailedinformation and a map of the event location (ifapplicable).You can even import an event into your personal calendar fromyourapp, if you select the import icon. Please note that if anevent isaltered in this calendar it will not change the details inyourpersonal calendar unless you re-import the data.MessagesShows you all the messages for your school or organisation.Alsowithin this section you can assign yourself to personalisedmessagegroups, simply click on message groups to activate anddeactivatewhich messages you would like to see.NewsShows all the latest stories from your school or organisation.Ifyou tap on any news item you will be able to see more detail.Information:In this tab you can view the schools documentation(ifapplicable) such as there prospectus, news letters and linkstofurther website links to more information. You can also sharetheapp via email and social mediaCalendar Filters:Clicking on calendar filters, this gives you the opportunitytoonly see those calendar items that are relevant to you byselectingthe Departments and Activities the app will display.----Salesian School is for Android version 4.3 and above.Copyright © Apps Central Ltd. All rights reserved. The designofthis Android application is fully protected by copyright andmaynot be reproduced without permission.
Colégio Salesiano São José-FSF 3.2.3
Com o aplicativo Colégio SalesianoSãoJosé-FSF, os pais dos alunos do colégio, terão mais agilidadeesegurança ao buscar seus filhos na escola.Com a senha entregue pela Escola, pais e responsáveis dealunosformalmente matriculados poderão avisar à escola que estãochegandoe, assim, diminuir a fila de carros e o trânsito no horáriodesaída.With thecollegeapplication Salesian San José-FSF, parents of high schoolstudentswill have more agility and security to pick up theirchildren atschool.With the voucher issued by the school, parents and guardiansofenrolled students will formally notify the school that arecomingand thus decrease the line of cars and traffic indeparturetime.