Top 2 Apps Similar to La Mar del Cabo Peñas

Lastres. Official guide v1.11b518525
Llastres, located in the Asturian townofColunga, is a village with a genuine seaside charm thatwasincluded in the list of the most beautiful villages ofSpain.Check the official app to discover all the secret corners. Walkitssteps, its port, fish market and fishing districts hanging onthecliff.Using the app you will know the history and the way of life ofitspeople. Check the integrated audioguides to finduniquespots.It includes a handy interactive map with all thegeo-locatedresources, so you know where you are and how to reachany point ofinterest.We offer a lot more! you can find a restaurant or bar that fitswhatyou are looking for and your ideal accommodation if you wanttosleep with the sound of the waves. Each place isgeo-located,including pictures, descriptions and contactinformation. You cancall from the app and find the best way toreach them.Do not settle for less! Download the app and discover Llastreswithall the information you need.MAIN FEATURES:- Travel guide, structured by categories- Genuine and curated content- Search- Photo galleries- Geo-located audioguides- Interactive map with geo-located points of interest- Geo-located services and tourist facilities andcontactdetails- Assisted navigation to each point of interest or facility- Ability to save favorite resources- Integrated module to check the weather- Content available in English and SpanishLASTRES. OFFICIAL GUIDE: An app created by the town of Colungaandfinanced by Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund.
Asturias: Guía de viaje 120
¿Qué visitar en Asturias? Preparatuviaje a Asturias con la guía de minube. No te pierdas laspreciosasciudades de Oviedo, Gijón o Avilés. Haz turismo rural porlospueblos de Asturias: Cudillero, Llanes o Lastres, y notepierdas las playas de Asturias como la del SilencioenCudillero o Gulpiyuri, en Naves (municipio de Llanes), y sobretododisfruta de los espacios naturales del principado: LosPicosde Europa y los Lagos de Covadonga.Tanto los viajeros como los propios asturianos recomiendan enestáguía los mejores restaurantes, hoteles y puntos de interésdeAsturias. Todo acompañado de fotos y mapas.A Asturias se la quiere, y mucho, viajar a Asturias: Esdescubriruna tierra privilegiada asentada entre el azul de susplayas y elverde de sus impresionantes montañas, el Principadoofrecetradición, gastronomía y opciones tanto culturales comonaturalespara una (o muchas) visitas.Características:➢ Más de 110 rincones y 250 experiencias de viajeros,consugerencias reales sobre qué ver, dónde comer y dónde dormirenAsturias.➢ En la sección "Qué ver" descubrirás una selección demonumentos,pueblos, playas y otros puntos de interés deAsturias.➢ Dónde comer, descubre los mejores restaurantes deAsturiasrecomendados por viajeros.➢ Dónde dormir, una selección de los mejores hotelesenAsturias, pensados para todos los presupuestos y tiposdeviajeros.➢ Información básica completa sobre Asturias.➢ Más de 200 fotografías compartidas por otros viajeros.➢ Recomendaciones, fotos y mapas son 100% offline. No tepreocupespor los gastos de roaming, descarga tu guía de Asturias,antes desalir de casa y disfruta en el destino.👉 Si encuentras algún error o tienes problemas con la guía,porfavor escríbenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] podamos ayudarte. ¡Gracias!What to visitinAsturias? Prepare your trip to Asturias minube guide. Do notmissthe beautiful cities of Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés.Makeaccommodations for people of Asturias: Cudillero, LlanesandLastres, and not miss any beach of Asturias as of SilenceinCudillero or Gulpiyuri, Naves (municipality Llanes), andespeciallyenjoys natural areas of the principality: the Picos deEuropa andLagos de Covadonga.Both travelers and the Asturian themselves recommend in thisguidethe best restaurants, hotels and attractions of Asturias.Allaccompanied by photos and maps.A Asturias wants, and far travel to Asturias: discover aprivilegedland is settled between the blue of its beaches and thegreen ofits stunning mountains, the Principality offerstradition,gastronomy and cultural options both as natural for one(or many )views.Features:➢ Over 110 corners and 250 experiences of travelers, withrealsuggestions on what to see, where to eat and where to stayinAsturias.➢ In the "Where to" find a selection of monuments, towns,beachesand other points of interest of Asturias.➢ Where to eat, discover the best restaurants ofAsturiasRecommended by travelers.➢ Where to sleep, a selection of the best Hotel inAsturias,designed for all types of travelers and budgets.➢ basic full Information about Asturias.➢ More than 200 photographs shared by other travelers.➢ Guides, pictures and maps are 100% offline. Do not worryaboutroaming charges, download your guide Asturias, before leavinghomeand enjoy the destination.👉 If you find an error or have problems with the guide, pleasesendus an email to [email protected] so we can help.ThankYou!