Top 50 Apps Similar to Forcetalks

Learn Digital Marketing - SEO, 6.0.0
Digital marketing course - SEO, blogging, Wordpress, webdesign,link building
GetResponse Email Marketing Platformpresentsour Android App, which includes new capabilities and aninterfacethat is more intuitive than ever. Manage your emailmarketingcampaigns, collect leads, and keep up to date on yourstatisticswhile you’re on the go.FEATURES:• Create and Send - create emails on the go or send draftspreparedpreviously on your laptop or desktop. It’s availableanywhere yougo, anytime you need it.• Manage List - view new subscribers instantly and searchyourdatabase in real-time. It’s the handiest way to manage yourcontactlist.• Track and Report - check your campaign performance and forwardareport by email.• Add Subscribers - add contacts by manual entry or importfromsmartphone address book.• View Subscribers - check subscriber locationsandactivities.• Web form list - view statistics for your web forms in aclear,easy-to-read list.• Enhanced landing page module - get statistics, A/Btesting,link-sharing to landing page creator, inbox preview — allin asimple, accessible display.• Click-through ratio (CTR) for links in messages - checkstatisticson links clicked in your messages.• GetResponse blog module - view GetResponse blog posts,nowavailable directly from the dashboard.______________________________________________________Feel free to email us at [email protected] if youhavesuggestions or ideas about the app.______________________________________________________ABOUT GETRESPONSEGetResponse is a complete email marketing platform, with toolsforbuilding complete marketing programs from start to finish inoneplace. The platform includes innovative features such asresponsivedesign, landing page creator, email analytics,autoresponders, andsmart list import. Its user-friendly interface,best-in-class 99.5%deliverability, and 5-star customer service makeit the topsolution in the market. The platform is available in 19languagesand serves more than 350,000 customers from 193countries,delivering 12 billion emails per year.
Nowsite Marketing 1.6.7
Your complete online marketing presence. Fully automatedandpoweredby AI. Online marketing is the #1 way for businessestoattract newcustomers. But it can be costly and complicatedforsmall businessowners to get started. Nowsite Marketing makesiteasy. Your onlinemarketing presence is automatically built byourAI engine. Then, injust a few seconds a day, ourproprietary3-Click Marketing processwill suggest the most populararticlesand videos in your industry,share them on your socialmediaaccounts, add the content to yourblog, and send it toyouraudience via email.
Learn SEO, SMO, PPC and Digita 5.64
WsCube Tech
Complete Step By Step Guide & Tutorials of DigitalMarketing,SEO, SMO Course
HubSpot 2.146.1
Run your business from anywhere with HubSpot’s mobile salesCRM.Pushyour sales deals forward by managing your contacts,emails,tasks,meetings and notes from your phone. Use the HubSpotmobileapp to: -Increase your productivity - See upcoming tasks,to-dos,meetings andreminders associated with your sales deals. -Tap intoHubSpot’spower from any app - The HubSpot keyboard enablesyou toswiftlyrespond to prospects from any app by giving youone-tapaccess toyour documents, meeting links, templated messages,andcommonly usedresources. - Stay connected on the go -Accessbusiness contacts,notes, and deals even when you’re offline.-Stay organized - Quicklyadd notes and follow-up actionswhiledetails are fresh. Scanbusiness cards to automaticallysavecontact details with no manualentry. - Close more deals -Assigntasks to teammates. Update dealsas they progress and seereal-timesales leaderboards. - Build bettercustomer relationships- Rely onHubSpot’s calling, live chat, andemail template featuresto keepconversations going and to buildtrust with your leadsandcustomers. About HubSpot HubSpot is acloud-basedcustomerrelationship management platform with marketing,sales,customerservice, and content management software. Today,over95,000 totalcustomers in more than 120 countries useHubSpot’saward-winning,powerful, and easy-to-use tools to transformthe waythey attract,engage, and delight customers.
Privyr 2.8.13
Privyr helps sales professionals & businesses contactandconvert leads into clients, from their phone. We're trustedby35,000+ salespeople across more than 65 countries around theworld,who have received and engaged with over 10 million leadsthroughPrivyr. Our mobile CRM works with popular chat apps likeWhatsApp,WhatsApp Business, SMS, iMessage, emails, and phone calls- withoutany setup or configuration needed. Privyr connectsdirectly to leadsources like Facebook Lead Ads, TikTok LeadGeneration, Google ads,and website contact forms to give youinstant alerts of new leads,so you can get in touch with themwithin seconds. It also offersauto-personalised messages andcontent, trackable PDF files andpages, automatic follow upreminders, easy lead management, andmany more features to help youengage with your leads and increasesales conversion. INSTANT NEWLEAD ALERTS Get leads from Facebook,TikTok, your website, and othersources delivered instantly viaemail and the Privyr app. Tap toimmediately view the lead'scontact information, custom answers, andcampaign & ad details.CONTACT YOUR LEADS IN SECONDS Sendauto-personalised introductionsvia WhatsApp, SMS, iMessage, oremail with our one-touch QUICKRESPONSE feature. No need to type,copy + paste, or even save toyour phonebook. CREATE & SENDBEAUTIFUL CONTENT Sharepersonalised PDF files and web pages in onetap, with your contactdetails and branding automatically applied.Easily create beautifulpages from text, images, and other types ofcontent. TRACK VIEWS& CLIENT INTEREST Get alerts when yourleads open your PDFfiles and page links, with detailed statisticsof how many timesthey've viewed the content and even how long theyspent looking atit. FOLLOW UP EFFORTLESSLY Stay in touch withautomatic remindersand personalised follow up messages, without anytyping, searching,or scrolling needed. Use our BULK SEND feature tosendauto-personalised content to up to 50 clients at a time.MANAGELEADS FROM YOUR PHONE Manage your new leads and existingclientswith notes, follow up reminders, client interactiontimelines, andmuch more. Your relationships are at your fingertipswith Privyr'slightweight mobile CRM.
GetResponse Social Ads Creator 2.4.4
Promote Your Business On Social Media. Create promo videos&graphics easily.
Social Media Scheduler App 1.9.57
Schedule social posts to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,GoogleBusiness, Twitter
Learn Growth Hacking 4.2.21
Learn & Get Certified in Digital Marketing, GrowthHacking,Google Ads & more
Learn Digital Marketing 4.2.6
Learn & Get Certified in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking,Ads& more
Planable Social Media Approval 1.41.10
Planable Inc.
Plan & review social media content with the perfectcompanionapp for Planable.
CinchShare 1.6.11
Empowering CinchShare subscribers to easily manage theirsocialmedia marketing!
Listory: The Content Refinery v2.0.0 (2026844199)
Save time and stay on track in your pursuit of knowledgebyfollowing the reads of the leading experts and influencers inthetopics you’re interested in. Listory monitors more than1000newsletters, curated by experts and thought leaders in areassuchas product, engineering, design, startup, current news,politics,and more. It extracts and puts in front of you only thosestoriesthat were mentioned and recommended by many experts. Youwill useListory to save time and focus only on the stories thatmatter themost. You can personalize your experience by followingnewslettersand thought leaders that curate news and information onall of yourinterests. The more you follow the better stories youwill see inyour feed. How is it possible? Because unliketraditional socialnetworks where following more people results innoisier feed tosift through, Listory puts in front of you only thestories thatwere recommended by many experts. USE LISTORY TO: -Access thebiggest repository of newsletters curated by experts inareas suchas product, engineering, design, startup, current news,politics,and more. - Save time by focusing on only the stories thatwerehand-curated by experts. - Collect stories you like andorganizethem into lists. - Create lists and invite friends orcolleagues tocontribute to them. - Share your interest with othersand become athought leader yourself! SOME OF THE CURATORS ANDNEWSLETTERS ONLISTORY: - News & Politics: NYT Morning Briefing,The Skimm,The Morning Brew, The Hustle, Below the Fold - Business&Finance: CBinsights, StrictlyVC, a16z, AVC by Fred Wilson,BenedictEvans, Abnormal Returns, FemStreet - Startup&Entrepreneurship: Andrew Chen, First Round Review,OverSharing,Product Startup Tech, Silicon News, Five Links by AurenHoffman,Both Sides of The Table, Farnam Street by Shane Parrish,BrianBalfour - Technology & Engineering: Exponential View byAzeemAzhar, Center for Data Innovation, Engineering Growth,FullyCharged by Bloomberg, Future Crunch, Ish By Tars, On Tech,Tedium,Turner Novack’s Blog - UX and UI Design: Design Brief,HeyDesigner,SideBar, Product Disrupt Newsletter, UX Design Weekly -Travel: VoxBorders, Scotts Cheap Flights, Hashtag Jetlag, NextStop, LonelyPlanet, Travel Tech Essentialist - Podcasts andPlaylists:MediaREDEF, The Ringer, The Weekly Shuffle, PodcastBusinessJournal, PodBrief Daily, HotPod, How Curious! And manymore! GET INTOUCH Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected],or join ourcommunity at ❤️ The Listoryteam.
StartItUp: Your Small Business Community 3.37
See why thousands of small business entrepreneurs useStartItUptostart and grow their businesses. Ready to turn yourpassionintoprofit and finally start your business? Looking to beyour ownbossand work for yourself? The StartItUp app has all thetools youneedon how to start a small business and get to realrevenue. Whatyouget with StartItUp: 1.) Step-by-step specializedRoadmapsratherthan a generic business plan template. StartItUpRoadmapsarecarefully curated startup guides to save you time andfocus onlyonwhat you need to know to build and grow your business.2.)Anengaged community of makers, dreamers, and go-gettersallpursuingtheir dream of small business ownership. Shareyourbusiness ideasand challenges and get real time feedback onyoursmall businessstartup. 3.) Weekly meetings with othersmallbusiness startups anda business advisor to keep youfocused,accountable, and on trackfor meeting the goals you setforyourself. Download the app todayand get your businessmovingforward! Examples of StartItUp Roadmapmodules include: 1)Findingmore customers 2) Marketing for revenue3) Understandingyourproduct or service’s uniqueness 4) Socialmedia marketing 5)Settingup your business 6) Balancing your booksand tools for yourcashflow
Zoho One - The Business Suite 3.1.5
Zoho One is an all-in-one business software for yourentireorganization
Practina - AI Marketing Tool 2.0.3-release
Practina INC.
Practina is a social media scheduler. Grow your businesswithPractina.
Zoho Social 7.2.0
Social media marketing software for growing businesses.
Salesforce Social Studio 1.23
Social Studio puts Salesforce’s enterprise-gradesocialmediamanagement capabilities at your fingertips. Planandcreatecompelling content campaigns from Publish. Fosterandmoderatecommunity conversation from Engage. And with QuickSearch,quicklysee what’s happening across the social web. TheSocialStudioAndroid App is completely cloud-synced, so anything youdo onyourphone will be reflected everywhere you use Social Studio(andviceversa). Publish • Create and schedule content forTwitterandFacebook. • Publish content to the Instagram app. •Measuretheeffectiveness of your posts. Engage • Respond to postsandengagewith your communities on Twitter, Facebook,Instagram,LinkedIn andYouTube. • Monitor what’s happening onForums, Blogs,News sites,and more. • Reply, Retweet, Like,Favorite, Comment,(etc.) to yourheart’s content. • Collaborateefficiently with yourcommunitymanagement team. Quick Search • Getinstant search resultsfor anykeyword(s) with Quick Search. •Quickly access yourrecentsearches. • View a summary of the lastseven days for yourresultsthat includes post volume, sentiment andmuch more.
Acadium 7.1.0
Marketing courses, remote apprenticeships, andfreelanceopportunities.
Fast Company 6.17.0
Inc. Magazine
Listen to, read, and watch the best of Fast Company on yourmobiledevice.
GetResponse Enterprise
This App was created with onlyGetResponseEnterprise customers in mind to help their businessneeds.GetResponse Enterprise helps high-volume email marketersenhanceemail campaign performance through optimizeddeliverability,customized installations, and dedicatedconsultancy.FEATURES:• Create and Send - create emails on the go or senddraftsprepared previously on your laptop or desktop. It’savailableanywhere you go, anytime you need it.• Manage List - view new subscribers instantly and searchyourdatabase in real-time. It’s the handiest way to manage yourcontactlist.• Track and Report - check your campaign performance andforwarda report by email.• Add Subscribers - add contacts by manual entry or importfromsmartphone address book.• View Subscribers - check subscriber locationsandactivities.• Web form list - view statistics for your web forms in aclear,easy-to-read list.• Enhanced landing page module - get statistics, A/Btesting,link-sharing to landing page creator, inbox preview — allin asimple, accessible display.• Click-through ratio (CTR) for links in messages -checkstatistics on links clicked in your messages.• GetResponse blog module - view GetResponse blog posts,nowavailable directly from the dashboard.Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you haveanysuggestions or ideas about the app.About GetResponse EnterpriseThe GetResponse Enterprise advanced feature set allows ustotailor a solution to meet your requirements. We will providethetools your team and your business need to boost youremailmarketing ROI.High-Volume Capabilities - The technological infrastructureisinfinitely scalable to meet your demand. You can sendunlimitedemails per day without interruption or downtime. Serversarereliable, redundant, and secure, to deliver campaigns attopspeed.Unique IP addresses - unique IP addresses to providecompletecontrol of your email reputation and emaildeliverabilityAccount Management - 24x7 priority support withguaranteedresponse times to ensure your success at every step.Youareassigned a dedicated Account Manager, who works withyouproactively to improve efficiency and performance,providingtargeted support, training, and professionalconsultingservices.Customized Technology - GetResponse has the experience youneedfor seamless custom integrations. Your IT team can integrateyouremail marketing with external applications such as shoppingcarts,transactional platforms or CRMs with GetResponse JSON-RPCAPI.Sub-Level Access - Administrator can create up to 100separateuser accounts - each with pre-definable rights for useraccess,tools, sharing, and statistics - to facilitate management ofusersaccording to skill, function, and level of responsibility.Optimized Deliverability - Your company is assigned uniqueIPaddresses to provide complete control of your emailreputation.Deliverability of your campaigns is not an issue,becauseGetResponse handles ISP monitoring, DKIM, feedbackloops,whitelabeling, and link customization.Consulting Services - As you plan and execute each elementofyour email marketing program, our ROI experts are available tohelpyou increase efficiency and deliver maximum conversions.
Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Ads helps you stay on top of your campaigns whileyou’reon the go.
Further: Customized News Feeds 5.8.5
Never miss news again from your favorite sources withcustomAI-powered feeds!
Otis AI: Market Your Business 4.0.0
Otis AI
Discover the easiest way to advertise your business online. Otisisadigital marketing automation platform to run effective adsthatgrowyour business. Otis connects your data sources such asyourPOS oremail list to help you reach both new and existingcustomersonline.To reach existing customers, Otis identifiespeople thathavepreviously done business with you, and finds theirprofilesonline todeliver your campaign. To reach new customers,Otisidentifiesprofiles that are similar to your existingcustomersbased onattributes like geography and interests. Thesenewcustomers are morelikely to try your business becausethey’resimilar to your existingcustomers. Once you create yourcampaign,you choose whether to postit on Facebook, Instagram andGoogle.Otis will then automaticallychoose the settings that aremostoptimal for your campaign, andautomatically optimize it whileit’srunning. You will be able to seelive results from eachplatform inthe app. You can pause or edityour campaign at anytime. You don’tneed to commit a specificbudget. Our team ofexperts has over 15years of experience buildingand optimizingdigital marketingcampaigns. We are here to help you24/7 with anyquestions you haveabout your marketing. Icons byIcons8
500+ Business Ideas 7.5
🙏LEARNING IS EARNING🙏 This app contains articles ongettingbusinessideas, protecting business ideas, and how togenerallythink aboutbusiness ideas. In addition to the articles,there is alist of 500business ideas. All the tips on business ideasforentrepreneurs aretips and suggestions came from ourexperiencegrowing our businessplan app. So if you are anentrepreneur who islooking to start abusiness, the apps based onmany entrepreneursjust like you. ▶KeyFeatures of APP- 👉Easy to use👉User Friendly👉Organized Information👉Best Business Guides toEarning 👉AnswerHow, Why, What, When andWhere to start Business👉Detailed and WellExplained ideas 👉500+Business to Start Now 👉Allin One App forIdeas 🙏LEARNING ISEARNING🙏 😎Use you PASSION to startBusiness andEarn Money😎
Zoho Analytics – Mobile BI Dashboards 3.5
View insightful visualizations on-the-go, enabled bythisdatavisualization software. This mobile business intelligence(BI)appcomplements the full web browser view offered byZohoAnalytics,the self-service BI and analytics software on thecloud.The appenables you to keep track of your key businessmetrics, spottrendsearly, collaborate with your colleagues, andarrive atinformedbusiness decisions, all on the go, enabling mobileBIanalytics.With this app, you can see all the data, reportsanddashboardsthat you created and have in your Zoho Analyticsaccount.You caninteract with the reports, favorite those that youlike orviewvery often, share them with your colleagues, clientsandfriendswith fine-grained access control, and do much more. Theappallowsyou to analyze data and perform business data analytics,fromawide range of sources easily. It scales well andcancrunchhundreds of millions of rows of data,creatinganalyticsdashboards. The below features make the ZohoAnalytics appanindispensable mobile BI analytics and reportingtool, foranybusiness user. Key Features - Wide range ofvisualizationoptions -geo-map, pie, donut, bar, stacked bar, line,bar-linecombo,funnel, heat-map, web and a lot more chart types;Pivottables,summary and tabular views. - View singlepage,at-a-glancedashboards. - Dashboards like KPI dashboards,businessdashboards,marketing analytics dashboards, salesanalyticsdashboards and muchmore can be created with ease - Applyfiltersand see filtereddata. - See the underlying data, ordrill-down anypoint in thereport. - Segregate reports based ontype, folders andrelatedviews. - Quickly access select reportsusing Favorites andRecentItems. - Export and share your reportswith your colleaguesandclients, with fine-grained access control.You control whattheshared user can or can't do, like createreports,view/drill-downthe underlying data, export thedata/reports, etc
Zoho Campaigns-Email Marketing 2.0.15
Email marketing tool to create, send and track campaigns on the go
Talentoz 20.0
Unify your entire organisation, inspire Passion, ProductivityandPerformance
Salesforce Inbox 5.6.8
Sell Smarter with Salesforce Inbox
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,[email protected]
SocialGest 4.5.3
Schedule content on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
SEO Check 1.1.10
Test your website with the Seobility SEO Checker and improveyourrankings!
FocusReader - News & RSS Reader
a clean (No Ads) 、modern、beautiful material design newsreaderapplication with a lot of great features Supported:Feedly、Inoreader 、Local Rss(import opml)、Tiny Tiny Rss、FreshRssFever、The Old Reader、Feedbin、Bazqux Features • Full screenreadingexperience • Pure reading mode Streamline the style ofarticlecontent to bring a more "clean" reading layout • Supportpodcast •Quick navigation between articles Swiping left or rightallows youto continue reading subsequent articles • Painlessnavigation withsimple gestures Swipe from the left to mark anarticle as starredSwipe from the right to mark an article as readSingle tap anarticle image to show it Long press an article imageto show detailTap the title to open the article in your web browserSingle tapanywhere to activate fullscreen mode Double tap anywheretoactivate Readability mode Long press a link to share, copy oropenit in your web browser • Light and dark themes • Articlesandimages caching for offline reading including full articlesandimages • Article list view Beautiful variety of views,includingmagazine, card and list • Article reading settingsCustomize fontsize, line height ,line spacing and alignment Manyfont choices •Automatic Sync Sync background, your morning newswill be readybefore you even wake up • Manage your news sources andcategoriesAllow you to manage all of your subscriptions in an easyandcomfortable way • Easy way to search and add new feeds Letyoueasily find and subscribe to any feed you want • Built-inimageviewer Easily view and zoom images in articles with a fullfledgedimage viewer , without the need to open in the browser •Quickshare integration Direct integration with Pocket ,EvernoteandInstapaper makes it possible to save an article quickly•Comprehensive settings Lets you control your readingexperience,sync options and more Mark an article as read manuallyor onrollover Change the reading order (starting with old ornewarticles) Automatically delete previously read articlesSynchronizearticles when app starts Swipe vertically to switcharticlesSupport chrome custom tabs • Smart get feed Icon When thefeed iconreturned by the service does not exist, it isautomaticallysearched from the network, and we provide ahigh-definition iconfor all account • Volume keys to navigatearticles Premium features• Additional themes • Completesubscription management, delete,rename feeds and folders • Filteror retain feeds articles throughkeywords • Directly use thecorresponding app to open the feedarticle (for example, the articleon the Youtube website will openthe youtube app directly), and thedomain name can be customized inthe settings • Auto dark mode •Multiple accounts support You canadd unlimited accounts, such aswork accounts and life accounts •Remove ad of articles frominoreader Articles from inoreader willhave advertisements in frontof many articles. We adopt intelligentalgorithm to automaticallyremove these advertisements for you •Remove identical content Weoften encounter articles with the sametitle or URL, and we willautomatically identify duplicate articlesas read • The Today viewThe Today folder show articles from allfeeds published last 24hours • Cache images during sync Whenreading an article images willdownload automatic ,this optionallow download images of articlesbackground during sync and makeit available offline • Readabilitysupport and full text searchLets you read full articles for partialRSS content while providingconsistent reading experience, activateit by double tapping (Showthe full text for an article,even if thetext is not included inthe feed, and can set automatic get fulltext for each feed) Happyreading! if you need support or want toreport a bug,you can findme here Community[email protected]://
Trailmoji 4.0.0
Trailmoji, for when there are no words.
Harmonic for Hacker News 1.8
Harmonic is a clean and simple reader for Hacker News withfullfunctionality
LinkFolio: Creator Link in Bio
Only Link In Bio That Helps You Make Money
HelloLeads Free CRM: Track Leads, Customers, Sales 2.0.32
Your small business needs a simple and smartCustomerRelationshipManagement (CRM) software. Use HelloLeads CRMapp andimprove leadmanagement, lead tracking, sales pipeline,follow upsand grow yourbusiness. HelloLeads, an award-winning salesCRM app,is loved bysmall business owners and salesprofessionals.HelloLeads Salestracking app, helps your salesprofessionals &sales force toconvert leads and prospects intocustomers, quicklywith ease.HelloLeads personal CRM is trusted bymore than 40,000+small andgrowing businesses worldwide. Here arefew FAQs. *** Whyshould Iuse HelloLeads CRM? HelloLeads Sales repCRM empowers sales&marketing teams to improve lead conversionrates &acceleratesales by: 1. Getting all leads and customerdata in oneplace -from phone calls, facebook leads, websiteintegration,businesscard scanning 2. Qualifying and Organizingleads andcustomers 3.Providing deeper insights on prospects andleads 4.Driving rapidlead response 5. Improved selling discipline6. Leadmanagement,nurturing and sales conversion tracking 7. Helpsinsalesmanagement, sales tracking, sales conversion8.Improvedproductivity, ease of use, security of sales dataandteamtracking. *** Where can I use HelloLeads salesmen CRM?•RegularFollow-ups • Cold calling • Field Sales • RespondingtoFacebookAds, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads • Website enquiries,websiteleads •Exhibitions, Expos, Events and Trade shows *** WhocanuseHelloLeads lead tracking CRM? • CEO's of SmallandMediumEnterprises • Sales and Marketing Heads, ManagersandAssociates •Small and Medium Businesses / SME / MSME •IndependentBusinessProfessionals • Purchase executives, CEO's forreverseprospecting• Multinational Companies and large Organizationsandits salesdepartments • People who use HelloLeads includebusinessowners,small business owners, salespersons, sale managers,salesreps,self-employed, real estate broker, agents and freelancer.***IsHelloLeads sales app suitable for my industryorsegment?HelloLeads Call tracking CRM is actively used by peopleinbelowsegments: • Finance and Insurance • Healthcare andMedical•Marketing Agencies & Services • Manufacturing •Education&Training • Events & Tradeshows • E-commerce orRetail•Consulting or Advisory • Real Estate and Construction•Softwareand IT • Trading • Business Services *** What are thekeyfeaturesof HelloLeads lead management CRM? • Organize leadsandcustomerdata, Offline and online lead capture • BusinessCardscanner •Scanning QR codes for adding data • Capture leadsfromphoneenquiry using Call tracking • Qualifying your leads •Findingleadsin google map, capture geolocation • Add notes andactionitems •Add offline notes, tasks, tags, follow upreminder,businessappointments • Instant communication to leadsusingWhatsApp • Getdeeper insights using value-added information ofyourleads -Facebook, LinkedIn and google links • Followupreminders,recurring follow-ups, repeat follow ups, follow upalarms– makessure you convert each lead into a valuable customerandincreasesales conversions • Google CalendarIntegration,Facebookintegration, WhatsApp Integration • Carry yoursales datawhereever you go, anywhere and any time • Sales teammanagement,teamperformance tracking, weekly reports, analytics•CreatingEstimates & Invoices *** Is HelloLeads a SmallBusinessCRM?HelloLeads sales CRM is a simple and easy to useCRM.HelloLeads isan effective alternative to popular CRMs whicharecostly toacquire and complex to use. You can compare the priceandfeaturesof HelloLeads with Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho CRM,LeaderApp,FreshSales, Insightly, Base CRM, Pipedrive and youwillfindHelloLeads a compelling choice. Sign up for a free planandseewhat all you can do with HelloLeads CRM. For moreinformationvisit or email us [email protected]
GetResponse Webinars 3.3.0
GetResponse Webinars – just went mobile. Join instantly,fromanywhere.
SmartPost - Post Scheduler 23.7.1
Auto post social media content for Instagram, Twitter,LinkedIn,Facebook & more
getAbstract: Book Summaries 11.4.1
Know better. Do better. In 15 Minutes.
Online Business Ideas - for Home & Small Business 20.2
Get online business ideas for online business, small business&home business. Find home business ideas, small business ideas&online business opportunities. Start your online businesstoday& make money online with the best online businessopportunitiesavailable. Find home business ideas & smallbusiness ideas forpopular online tools & web platforms likeFacebook, Fiverr,YouTube, Upwork & more with our onlinebusiness app. Make moneyonline with online business ideas designedfor Websites, Apps,Social Media, Digital Marketing, AffiliateMarketing, Blogging& more. Find the best online businessopportunities & smallbusiness ideas to start a small businesswith the help of OnlineBusiness Ideas - for Home & SmallBusiness! Start an onlinebusiness with little or no capital &make money online witheasy online business opportunities to startfrom home. Our onlinebusiness app provides quick & easy tostart home business ideas& small business ideas for your onlinebusiness. Work duringyour own time with your online business orhome business with helpfrom the best online business ideas app.Find the right onlinebusiness opportunity or small business tostart with this veryeasy-to-use online business app & makemoney online daily!Starting an online business is very easy withOnline Business Ideas- for Home & Small Business. OnlineBusiness Ideas - for Home& Small Business gives you the bestonline businessopportunities & home business ideas to makemoney online onpopular online tools & platforms. Get the bestonline businessideas on our small business ideas app & becomean entrepreneuror generate passive income with help from onlinebusiness ideas onOnline Business Ideas - for Home & SmallBusiness! Explorehighly profitable small business ideas &online businessopportunities to help you start your onlinebusiness. Check outprofitable home business ideas like freelancing,investing, socialmedia marketing, affiliate marketing & more.It's all availableon Online Business Ideas - for Home & SmallBusiness! Learn howto start your home business with home businessideas & makemoney online. Get paid online through PayPal,Google, Bank Transfer& other methods. Online Business Ideas -for Home & SmallBusiness features online business opportunities& smallbusiness ideas ranging from app development, websites,investmentideas, & unique referral or affiliate marketingprograms thatmake money online from commissions. Explore homebusiness ideas foryour online business in one online business app.Online BusinessIdeas - for Home & Small Business provides smallbusiness ideas& home business ideas for many online businesses.OnlineBusiness Ideas Included: ✔ Affiliate Marketing Business Ideas✔Blogging Business Ideas ✔ Digital Platforms Business ideas✔Freelancing Business Ideas ✔ Mobile App Business Ideas ✔OnlineInvestment Ideas ✔ Social Media Business Ideas ✔ WebsiteBusinessIdeas ✔ Home Based Business Ideas ✔ eCommerce BusinessIdeas✔...and More Whether you are looking to make money online; orforwork from home jobs or simply home business ideas to start in2021,our online business app has what you need. If you are lookingforan online business ideas app, small business ideas app,homebusiness ideas app or simply online business opportunities,OnlineBusiness Ideas - for Home & Small Business has anonlinebusiness opportunity for you. Starting a home business isvery easywith the best online business opportunities & smallbusinessideas. Explore profitable online business opportunities forhomebusiness & make money online. Download StartUP OnlineBusinessIdeas - for Home & Small Business!
Medium 4.5.1194275
Read millions of expert stories on business, tech, design,andcurrent events
Books In Action by Mentorist 5.1.0
Taulab OÜ
Self-help books are often complex and summaries do notcaptureenoughdetails or depth. Neither books nor summaries providethepropertools to put all this awesome knowledge into action.ButBooks InAction combines these pieces, and gives you everythingyouneed togrow. == Why Books In Action will get you to the nextlevel==Detailed book summaries They will give you the “aha!”moment,andhelp you understand the main concepts described inthebooks.Step-by-step actions Reading without taking action is awasteoftime. The app guides you on the path to a better youbygivinginstructions that help you achieve your goals. All adviceis100%based on the best self-help books. Self-evaluationReadingabouttaking action and actually taking action are twodifferentthings.In the app, you can verify your progress and learnif youarefollowing the right strategies and principles toacquirenewhabits. Earn badges, stars, and jump to higher levels Youwillearnrewards each time you achieve a milestone. Personal growthisaprocess; it won’t happen overnight. Therefore, the appwillhelpensure that you are consistent with your dailygrowth.Investing inyour own personal growth and professionaldevelopmentwill be thebest decision you will ever make. It willhelp youachieve what youreally desire in life. Here are a fewthings thatBooksInAction canhelp you with: Leadership skills - Findthe leaderwithin yourselfand build your foundational leadershipskills.Personalproductivity - Learn how to do more in lesstime.Self-esteem andconfidence - Discover how to change yourinnerdialogue, and youwill change the way you approach newchallenges.Daily routine -Learn how to design and consistentlyexecute yourperfect routine.Mental health - Master and overcomeyour stress,depression, andanxiety. Physical health - It’s not onlyabouthealthy eating andexercising. Discover the intricacies andhabitsinvolved inenhancing physical health. Self-discipline -Overcomeyour impulsesand conquer your temptations byimplementingstrategies from bookssuch as The Willpower Instinct.Self-love -Doing one simpleexercise every morning will help youlearn to loveyourself. Youwill find instructions in the list ofhabits from TheCode of theExtraordinary Mind. Mindfulness - It’snot onlymeditation. It’sabout giving attention to every aspect ofyourlife. Highperformance - Put into action the six habits thathelpyou achievelong-term success, summarized directly from thebookHighPerformance Habits. Morning motivation - Youcannotimproveyourself 100% overnight. But what you can do isimprove 1%everysingle day. Self-discovery - There are things youdidn't knowyoudidn’t know. Goal setting - Set yourself up forsuccesswithlong-term vision and short-term motivation. Explorethedifferentmethodologies recommended by coaches such as DavidAllenof GettingThings Done (aka gtd) and Anthony Robbins of AwakenTheGiantWithin. Self-control - Work on mindfulness, and thenusestrategiesto gain full control of your mind. Want more? In theapp,you canread summaries of entire self-help books for free.BasicMembership– Free You have access to all the book summaries andtoselectactions from books. You will also receive one freedailyactionfrom a pre-selected book. Pro MembershipBooksInActionoffersmonthly and yearly subscription plans. Yearlysubscriptionscomewith the first week FREE. With Pro membership, youhave accesstoall the books and all the actions without limitation.Pleaselookat our terms of use and privacy policy foradditionaldetails:
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