Top 12 Games Similar to Triathlete's Training Diary

Triathlon 1.0.2
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Triathlon races-triathlon tris 5.0.0
This is an app that collects themostrelevantinternational triathlon races series e.g. IRONMAN,IRONMAN70.3,World Triathlon Series, Triathlon World Cup,5i50,Xterra,CAMTRI,Half, Sprint triathlon, Super Sprinttriathlon,Ironkids, Irongirls, multi sports festivals, someDuathlon, Paratriathlonbetween othersTriathlon finder events for triathletes around the worldwhenitcomes to finding triathlon races.We list the triathlon races for a particular location on amapsoyou can visually see where they are locatedWhether you are participant or spectator you willfindallimportant information about the largestinternationaltriathlonsevents in the world.Key functions:- International Events: IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3,WorldTriathlonSeries, Triathlon World Cup, 5i50, Xterra,CAMTRI,Half,Sprinttriathlon, Super Sprint triathlon, Ironkids, Irongirls,multisports festivals, some Duathlon, Para triathlon.Event information in a basic list- Location: We list the triathlon races for aparticularlocationon a map so you can visually see where theyarelocated.- Filter by country: you can filter the races bycountryorcontinent pressing on the map• Triathlon in North America (especially US triathlonsandMexicotriathlon)• Triathlon in South America(especially BrasiltriathlonsandArgentina triathlon)• Triathlon in Europe (especially UK , France, ItalyandSpaintriathlons)• Triathlon in Africa (especially South Africatriathlons,UgandaTriathlons, Mauritius Triathlons, Moroccotriathlons)• Triathlon in Asia and Middle East (specially JapanTriathlons,China Triathlons, HongKongTriathlons,SingaporeTriathlons,ThailandTriathlons,VietnamTriathlons,MalaysiaTriathlons,IndonesiaTriathlons)• Triathlon in Australasia or Oceania (specially AustraliaandNewZealand triathlon)- Marathon International races app: You have access tothisappfor Marathon, Ultramarathon, half marathon andInternationalEventinformation- Feedback section: We collect all the confirmed andmostrelevantinternational events. If you are especially interestedinone specialcountry please send us an email and we are goingtosearch triathlonevents especially for you in this country. Wearereally pleased toreceive any feedback about how to improve theappfor you.Something about triathlon:A triathlon is a multiple-stage competitioninvolvingthecompletion of three continuous andsequentialendurancedisciplines. While many variations of the sportexist,triathlon,in its most popular form, involves swimming,cycling, andrunningin immediate succession over various distances.Triathletescompetefor fastest overall course completion time,includingtimed"transitions" between the swim, cycle, and runcomponents.Triathlon races vary in distance. According totheInternationalTriathlon Union, and USA Triathlon, themaininternational racedistances are:Sprint Distance; 750-meter (0.47-mile)swim,20-kilometer(12-mile) bike, 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) runIntermediate (or standard) distance; commonly referred toasthe"Olympic distance": 1.5-kilometer (0.93-mile)swim,40-kilometer(25-mile) bike, 10-kilometer (6.2-mile) runLong Course; commonly referred to as 70.3 (totaldistanceinmiles, equivalent to 113.1 km) or the'half-Ironman';1.9-kilometer(1.2-mile) swim, 90-kilometer (56-mile)bike, and a21.1-kilometer(13.1-mile) run (half marathon)Ultra Distance; commonly referred to as 140.6 (totaldistanceinmiles, equivalent to 226.2 km) or the'Ironman';3.8-kilometer(2.4-mile) swim, 180.2-kilometer(112.0-mile) bike,and a42.2-kilometer (26.2-mile) run (fullmarathon)The most recognized branded Ultra Distance istheIronmantriathlon also known as "long distance”or FullHalf also known as "middle distance", "70.3"(totalmilestraveled), or "half-ironman".Olympics or standards also known as"internationaldistance","standard course", or "short course"
Kidoo : Triathlon diary 0.3
Triathlon diary- Manage your daily activities in the diary- Manage calendar activity- Manage calendar appointment- Create report activity
Triathlon 1.0
A triathlon is a various stagerivalryincludingthe culmination of three ceaseless andconsecutiveperseverancedisciplines. While numerous varieties ofthe gameexist, triathlon,in its most prevalent structure,includesswimming, cycling, andrunning in quick progression overdifferentseparations.Long distance runners vie for quickest generalcoursefruitiontime, including planned "moves" between theindividualswim, cycle,and run components. "triathlon" is of Greekinceptionfrom τρεῖς ortreis ("three") and ἆθλος or athlos("sport").A move range is set up where the competitors changegearforvarious sections of the race. This is the place thechangesfromswimming to cycling and cycling to running happen. Thesezonesareutilized to store bikes, execution attire, and whateverotherfrillrequired for the following phase of the race.The move from swim to bicycle is alluded to as T1 andthatbetweenthe bicycle and run is alluded to as T2. Thecompetitor'sgeneraltime for the race incorporates time spent in T1and T2.Moveterritories change in size contingent upon the quantityofmembersanticipated. Moreover, these zones give a socialcentralcommandbefore the race.The way of the game spotlights on perseveringandfrequentlyperiodized preparing in each of the three orders, andinadditionblend workouts and general quality molding.
TriCalculator 1.0.0
This app permits calculate the pacesofthedifferent triathlon segments and share your results.
Triathlon Industry News 2.0
Find out what events are coming up, and get updates and news ontheones that have already occurred. Triathlon Industry Newsalsoincludes news feeds that keep you up to date on the currenttrendsin Triathlon racing on nutrition, training, and race prep.Nevermiss a beat in your Triathlon training. Update the feedwheneveryou want to as stories are continuously updated. Whether isberunning, biking, or swimming, keep focused and keep it quick!Thisapp aggregates from news, weather, sports, newspapers,articles,networks, and channels to bring you all things Triathlonrelated.Never miss a beat!
Triathlon Brasil 1.1
Aplicativo de fácil acesso aoslinksdasFederações Brasileiras de Triathlon, IRONMAN BRASILeIROMANOFFICIAL SITE.Application easyaccesstolinks Federations Brazilian Triathlon, IRONMAN BRAZILandIronmanOFFICIAL SITE.
Beat My Best Triathlon
An ideal tool for any triathlete whowanttokeep track of their personal records set in training or inarace.With this app you can set and track your best times andaimsinswimming, on the bike and running. Add your personalrecords,thenuse the calculator to work out realistic aims foryourselfoverdifferent distances. Beat your best in yournexttriathlon!
Triathlon Fitness 1.1
If you want to learn abouttriathlonfitness,you’ve come to the right place! The TriathlonFitness is your comprehensive guide to gettingfitfortriathlons.
Ironman Triathlon 1.0
Ironman Triathlon Is Your Best AndroidAppIfYou Want To Learn everything about Ironman Triathlon.what is ironman triathlon?The triathlon is an individual game andresistance,whichcomprises three disciplines: swimming, cycling andrunning. Itisportrayed by a standout amongst the most difficultgames thatexistin the scene of the present worldwide rivalryironmantriathlondistances. Competitors hone, keep up a genuinetrainingtimetableto have the capacity to adapt to requesting statesof thetests,both physical and mental.With this application you will enhance your execution inthegameof triathlon particular training for three gamesironmantriathlonrecord. You will discover training segments intheexercise center,the particular day for the game oftriathlon.ironman triathlontraining, Nutrition Recommendations andguidancefor legitimatearrangement of the race.You've invested the effort. You've put in thetraining.You'velogged the hours. Presently it's race time. Makecertain nottooverlook the indispensable things for hustling yourtriathlon.TheBuilding Iron Triathlon Checklist App is asimple,ironmantriathlonlengths free application that gives thislist in a simpleto handleconstantly convenient portableapplication.The Triathlon Checklist additionally gives an essentialraceweektraining plan to remind you to keep sharp while decreasing,soyourdiligent work can pay off.Download Ironman Triathlon App It's FREE!
Triathlete Magazine 1.0.4
Sur l'application TriathleteMagazine,retrouveztous les reportages et billets publiés sur notresiteInternet directement survotresmartphone!Dès le lundi notamment, retrouvez tous les résultatsdescompétitionsde triathlon, duathlon, Ironman, aquathlon, XTerraetBike & Runqui ont eu lieu durant le week-end !Grâce à l'application Triathlete Magazine, vous avezégalementaccèsaux 1 500 épreuves du calendrier et retrouvezfacilementtoutes lesinformations utiles pour vous renseigner etvousinscrire sur votreprochain triathlon (adresse, contactmaildel'organisateur...).Retrouvez également sur l'application le contact de tous lesclubsdetriathlon français avec leurs adresses, sites Internet etemailsdecontact.Vous souhaitez débuter dans le triathlon, mais nedisposezpasd'informations ? Tous les mois, Triathlete Magazineproposedesconseils pour bien débuter dans le triple effort, avecnotammentlapublication dans le magazine de plansd'entraînementpourparticiper en toute sérénité à votre premiertriathlon.Le magazine Triathlete est disponible dès le début de chaquemoisenkiosques et propose un vaste contenurédactionnel(interviews,reportages, tests de matériel,plansd'entraînement...). TriathleteMagazine publie égalementchaqueannée 2 numéros hors série :le premier consacré auxDébutantset un 2e numéro consacré àl'Équipement.OnTriathleteMagazineapplication, find all the stories and publishedon ourwebsite tickets directlyonyoursmartphone!Starting Monday, especially, find all the resultsoftriathlon,duathlon, Ironman, Aquathlon, and XTerra Bike &Runthat tookplace during the weekend!Through Triathlete Magazine application, you also have accessto1500events calendar and easily find all the useful informationtoinformand register your next triathlon (address, contactmailorganizer...).You can also find the application on the contact allclubstriathlonFrench with their addresses, websites andcontactemails.You want to start in the triathlon, but do nothaveinformation?Every month, Triathlete Magazine offers tips for agoodstart inthe triple efforts, including publication in themagazineworkoutplans to participate with confidence in yourfirsttriathlon.The Triathlete magazine is available at the beginning ofeachmonthin kiosks and offers an extensive editorialcontent(interviews,reports, test equipment, training plans...).Triathlete Magazinealso publishes an annual two numbers offseries:the first devotedto beginners and a second issue ontheEquipment.
Триатлон нормативы 1.0.3
Программа предоставляет удобный интерфейс для работы сединымвсероссийским классификатором норм выполнения спортивныхразрядов испортивных званий триатлетами. Если вы хотите знать скакимвременем вам нужно завершить соревнование, чтобыполучитьспортивный разряд или спортивное звание по триатлону этапрограммабудет вам весьма кстати. Справочник содержит нормативы вследующихвидах: - Триатлон-длинная дистанция. - Триатлон. -Триатлон -спринт. - Триатлон-зимний. - Триатлон-кросс. - Дуатлон.-Дуатлон-спринт. - Акватлон. В случае каких-либо изменений вЕВСКбудут выпущены обновления.