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Pik d.o.o. postao OLX.baSredinom februara 2015. godine, centralno kupoprodajno mjesto uBiH, - Svijet kupoprodaje, postaje dijelom OLX mreže inastavljada djeluje pod lokalnom domenom, tako činećiglobalnu mrežuOLX oglasnika, prisutnih u više od 40 zemalja.Oficijelna Android aplikacijaIspunili smo našu misiju, postali centralno kupoprodajno mjestouBiH. Od momenta predstavljanja prve verzije Android aplikacijeuaprilu 2012. godine, nastojali smo uvesti razna poboljšanja kojabiolakšala korištenje OLX-a. Smatramo da smo ovog putalansiraliverziju koja nudi mnoštvo traženih opcija, a koja jerezultatvišemjesečnog rada i slušanja korisničkih zahtjeva.Novu verziju karakterišu:✓ Novi i bolji dizajn po posljednjim Google-ovim standardima✓ Lakša navigacija kroz aplikaciju✓ Korištenje aplikacije bez prijave na OLX profil✓ Napredna objava artikla✓ Sugeriranje kategorije pri objavi artikla✓ Izmjena svih detalja artikla✓ Obnova artikla✓ Promjena kategorije✓ Puno brže učitavanje podataka✓ Pretraga po svim filterima (kao i full desktop verzija)✓ Preglednija galerija slika✓ Promjena izgleda pretrage (lista/grid)✓ Navigiranje do odabrane nekretnine na mapi✓ Spašavanje pretrage, artikala i korisnika✓ Automatska provjera i obavještenja o novim rezultatima uspašenimpretragama✓ Notifikacije za privatne poruke, javna pitanja, zahtjevezaprodaju✓ Potpuna promocija artikla (izdvajanje i hitna prodaja)✓ Mogućnost dopune OLX kredita✓ Kategorije hitno i najnovije✓ Interaktivna mapa nekretnina✓ Prodaja/kupovina artikala✓ Razmjena dojmova✓ Historija otvorenih artikala✓ Artikli u vašoj blizini✓ Filtriranje artikala u blizini✓ Brži upload slika na objavi/uređivanju✓ Odabir više gradova u filterima na pretrazi✓ Kupovina OLX kredita putem kartice✓ Aktivacija OLX PRO-a✓ OLX PRO opcije✓ Automatsko spašavanje nezavršenih poruka✓ Statistika na artiklima✓ Historija cijena✓ Servisi i usluge✓ Poslovi✓ Premium narudžbe✓ Postavke i verifikacija profilaŽelimo čuti vaše komentare, kritike i prijedloge, te na taj načinunarednoj verziji ponuditi još mnogo olakšica za štolakše,mobilnije i uspješnije poslovanje.Vaš OLX.ba_____________________________________POJEDINOSTI DOPUŠTENJAIDENTITET: Potrebno za push, besplatne notifikacije zaprivatneporuke i javna pitanja.LOKACIJA: Da bismo Vas uputili do lokacije nekretnine ili OLXradnjepotrebno je da dozvolite aplikaciji da pročita Vašulokaciju.SMS: Koristi se za dopunu OLX kredita u aplikaciji, samo poVašojnaredbi.TELEFON: Koristi se za direktno pozivanje korisnika kojisudozvolili prikaz njihovog broja telefona na artiklu.MEMORIJA: Neke opcije u aplikaciji zahtijevaju pristup memorijidabi sačuvali potrebne podatke.MREŽNI PRISTUP: Da bi aplikacija funkcionisala, potreban jepristupmreži.KAMERA: Koristi se za slikanje prilikomobjave/uređ becameOLX.baIn mid-February 2015, the central purchase a place in BosniaandHerzegovina, - The world of buying and selling, itbecomespart of OLX network and continues to operate under, thus making global network OLX Index, present in morethan40 countries.The official Android application OLX.baWe have fulfilled our mission, became the central purchase aplacein Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the moment of presentation ofthefirst version of the Android application in April 2012, wehavetried to introduce various improvements that would facilitatetheuse of OLX. We believe that this time we launched a versionthatoffers a multitude of requested options, which is the resultofmonths of work and listening to customers' requirements.The new version is characterized by:✓ New and better design to the latest Google's standards✓ Easier navigation through the application✓ Use of the application without logging on OLX profile✓ Advanced publication of the article✓ suggesting categories in the publication of the article✓ Change all details Article✓ Renewal Item✓ Change categories✓ lot faster loading data✓ Search by all the filters (as well as the fulldesktopversion)✓ more informative picture gallery✓ Change the look of time (list / grid)✓ Navigating to selected properties on the map✓ Saving time, items and users✓ Automatic check and notification of new results inrescuedtests✓ Notifications for private messages, public questions, requestsforsale✓ Full promotion items (separation and urgent sale)✓ The possibility of amendments OLX loan✓ Categories urgently and latest✓ Interactive map estate✓ Sale / purchase items✓ Exchange impressions✓ History of open items✓ Items in your vicinity✓ Filtering of items near✓ Faster upload pictures to publish / edit✓ Select multiple cities in the filters to search✓ Purchase OLX loans through cards✓ Activate PRO OLX✓ OLX PRO options✓ Automatic saving unfinished messages✓ Statistics on items✓ History price✓ Services and Services✓ Jobs✓ Premium Order✓ Settings and verification profileWe want to hear your comments, criticisms and suggestions, and sointhe next version offer many more benefits for you easier,moremobile and more successful business.your OLX.ba_____________________________________DETAILS OF APPROVALIDENTITY: Required to push free notification for privatemessagesand public issues.LOCATION: To you went to the location of the property or OLXactionis necessary to allow the application to read yourlocation.SMS: Used to supplement OLX loan application only afteryourorder.PHONE: Used to directly reference the user who allowed displaytheirphone number on the item.MEMORY: Some options in the application requiring access tomemoryin order to preserve the necessary information.NETWORK ACCESS: your app to work, you need a network access.CAMERA: Used for painting when publishing / editing articles.
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dm BiH 1.6.0
Nova dm mobilna aplikacija dm aplikacija za pametnetelefoneitablete, u svakom trenutku pruža sve potrebneinformacijeotrenutnim popustima, novim, dmBio i ekskluzivnimproizvodima udmdrogerijama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Uz dm aplikacijusaznajte osvimtrenutnim akcijama koje se održavaju u dmdrogerijama, aomogućavavam i lako pronalaženje najbliže dm trgovineuz pomoćGPS-a iGoogle mapa, kao i informacija (broj telefona,adresa,radnovrijeme, ... ) o svim prodavnicama u Bosni iHercegovini.Stvaranjeliste za kupovinu znatno će vam olakšatikupovinu svakiput kadaste u drogeriji. Aplikacija zahtijevapostojanje aktivneinternetkonekcije putem WiFi ili mobilne mreže.Zapreciznijepozicioniranje na karti i prikaz najbližih lokacijadmtrgovina,preporučujemo aktiviranje GPS senzora.Dozvole:Networkcommunication full Internet access - koristi sezaprikupljanjepodataka s naših servera. Storage modify/delete SDcardcontents -koristi se za privremeno pohranjivanje sadržaja naSDkartici radismanjenja internetskog prometa. Your location -koristise zapozicioniranje korisnika na mapi i sortiranje dmtrgovinapremaudaljenosti. Camera - pokreće se radiupotrebefukcionalostiuvećanja za slabovide osobe koje žele dapročitajudeklaraciju.
AutoPijaca Srbija 2.2.0 predstavljajedinstvenotržišnomesto za online prodaju polovnih vozila .Ovdemožete pronaćiširokupaletu automobila svih proizvođača i motocikalate vozilazatransport sama ne učestvujeutransakcijamaoglašivača.Servis oglašavanja je usmeren na fizičkaipravna lica iobe skupine imaju privilegiju besplatnog oglašavanja.Svojim klijentima nudimo pouzdanu platformu za kupnjuiprodajuvozila,osiguravajući tako brzu prodajuiuspešnupotražnju.Aplikacija je veoma jednostavna za korišćenjeinaklonostkorisiniku dopušta da bilo ko veoma lako postavisvojoglas i unesepodatke u bazu.Autopijaca.comauniquemarket place for online sales of used vehicles. Here youcanfind awide variety of vehicles and all manufacturers ofmotorcyclesandvehicles for transportation. itselfdoesnotparticipate in transactions oglašivača.Servisadvertisingisfocused on natural and legal persons, and both groupshavetheprivilege of free advertising.We offer our clients a reliable platform for buyingandsellingvehicles, ensuring a quick sale andsuccessfulpotražnju.Aplikacijais very simple to use and allows theuser ofthe affection thatanyone easily place your ad and enter dataintothe database.
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OLX Group
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OLX - Cumpara si vinde lucruri noi sau second hand 5.41.1
OLX Group
OLX le oferă tuturor ajutorul pentru a face alegerilepotrivite:👉Alegerile potrivite pentru tine. Găsește pe cineva caresăreparețeava stricată sau caută un loc nou de muncă. 👉Alegerilepotrivitepentru bugetul tău. Obține obiecte valoroase laun prețmai mic șiîncepe-ți propria afacere. 👉 Alegerile potrivitepentruplanetă.Cumpără lucruri la mâna doua și vinde-le pe cele decare numai ainevoie. Aplicația OLX e cel mai simplu mod de a găsi,cumpărașivinde mai orice online: 👉 Locuri de muncă într-omulțimedeindustrii 👉 Case și apartamente de cumpărat ori închiriat👉Mașini,motociclete și alte vehicule atât noi, cât și folosite👉Serviciide renovare, organizare de evenimente, mutare, curățenieșimultealtele 👉 Bunuri noi și la mâna a doua, de la hainepânălaelectronice și mobilă 👉 Și multe, multe altele! CuaplicațiaOLX,vei putea găsi toate aceste lucruri de oriundeșioricând.Descarc-o acum pentru a putea să: 👉 Cauți printremilioanedeanunțuri: într-o mulțime de categorii de peste tot dințară👉Salvezi anunțuri și căutări: marchează anunțurile favoritepentruaprimi notificări oricând apar informații relevante saucândscadeun preț 👉 Publici propriile anunțuri: poți facefotografiidirectdin aplicație, scrii un titlu, o descriere șiselectezicategoriaîn care se încadrează 👉 Distribui anunțuri:arată-le șiprieteniloranunțurile tale favorite în aplicațiilevoastrefavorite, cum ar fiWhatsApp și Facebook Messenger 👉Modifică-țianunțurile: editeazăși dezactivează anunțuri saureactualizează-lepentru a ajunge lamai mulți oameni 👉 Conversezi cuvânzători șicumpărători: cere maimulte detalii, negociază în timpreal, trimitefotografii noi șiprecizează-ți localizarea direct înaplicațiepentru mai multăsiguranță 👉 Livrezi și accepți colete însiguranță:foloseștelivrarea cu verificare OLX pentru a trimite șiprimicolete fărăprobleme
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OLX Group
OLX to sprytny wybór dla wszystkich: 👉Sprytny wybórdlaCiebie.Szukasz lepszej pracy? A może kogoś, kto naprawikran?Tuznajdziesz wszystko! 👉Sprytny wybór dla Twojegoportfela.Upolujunikalne okazje albo rozkręć własny biznes. 👉Sprytnywybórdlanaszej planety. Kupuj rzeczy używane i sprzedawaj to, czegojużniepotrzebujesz. Aplikacja OLX to najprostszy sposób,abyznaleźć,kupić i sprzedać niemal wszystko: 👉Praca w wieluróżnychbranżach👉Domy i mieszkania do kupienia lub wynajęcia 👉Noweiużywanesamochody, motocykle oraz inne pojazdy👉Remonty,imprezy,przeprowadzki, sprzątanie i mnóstwo innych usług👉Nowe iużywaneprodukty oraz towary, od ubrań, przez elektronikę, pomeble👉Całemnóstwo innych rzeczy! Z aplikacją OLX znajdzieszwszystko,cochcesz, wszędzie, gdzie jesteś i zawsze, gdypotrzebujesz.Pobierzją teraz: 👉Wybieraj spośród milionów ogłoszeń zcałej Polskii wróżnorodnych kategoriach. 👉Obserwuj ogłoszenia iwyszukiwania.Miejoko na wszystko, co Cię interesuje i otrzymujpowiadomienia,gdypojawi się coś nowego lub cena spadnie. 👉Dodawajwłasneogłoszenia.Rób zdjęcia wprost przez aplikację, dołóż tytułorazopis i wybierzkategorię. 👉Udostępniaj. Dziel się swoimiulubionymiogłoszeniamize znajomymi przez aplikacje, takie jakWhatsApp czyMessenger.👉Zarządzaj. Edytuj lub zakończ wybraneogłoszenia albojeodświeżaj, aby dotarły do jeszcze większej liczbyosób.👉Rozmawiajz kupującymi i sprzedającymi. Dopytuj oszczegóły,negocjuj cenę,wysyłaj dodatkowe zdjęcia. Udostępniajswojąlokalizację przezaplikację, aby jeszcze lepiej zadbaćobezpieczeństwo. 👉Bezpieczniewysyłaj i odbieraj zakupy. Korzystajzkomfortowych Przesyłek OLX.
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SmartShoppr is your favourite OnlineShoppingapp that takes care of all your daily online shopping needsinIndia. Shop from Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, Paytm,Myntra,Shopclues,AJIO, Abof, Voonik, Limeroad and all otheronlineshopping sites of your choice with 1-app.Avail discounts, Redeem cashback, Get vouchers,rechargethroughPayTM and Freecharge, Find the best deals and much more withyourall-in-1 online shopping app in India.Here are almost 100 online shopping websites including -Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal,Paytm, Myntra, Shopclues,Jabong,Voonik, OLX, Quikr, Craftsvilla, Ebay India,homeshop18,Askmebazaar, grofers, Justdial, Makemytrip,Cleartrip,Goibibo,Cardekho, Cartrade, Yepme, Naaptol, Koovs, AJIOShopping,ABOFBigBasket and many more shopping websites...You don't have to visit all the websites and installtheirindividual app for shopping.This app includes all popularonlineshopping websites in India including Flipkart, Amazon,Snapdeal,Myntra,Paytm, Shopclues, Jabong.You can Shop, Recharge your mobile (PayTM, Freecharge andmore),book train, flight through travel websites, movie ticket,buygrocery items and many more.One Small App- Every solution for your daily all in Oneonlineshopping..100% SAFE and SECURE and Risk-Free way to shop on yourfavoritewebsite through this shopping app.All online shopping websites (Flipkart, Paytm, etc) featured ontheapp have gone through a permission process, making sure contentisreproduced post contact via email, telephone, affiliatemanagementservices, etc. If the owners of any of the websites areto noticeany violation of terms & conditions, please bring toour noticeimmediately via email.Disclaimer:1. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc.orits affiliates.Source: All content on the app is third-party content owned bytherespective shopping website. We do not possess any copyrightovertheir content. Each website follows independent terms of useandprivacy policies. Please read their terms &conditionscarefully before use. In case you have a concern, youcould get intouch with us via email. Action will be taken within90minutes
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OLX Group
OLX helps everyone make smart choices: 👉Smart choices for you.Findsomeone to repair a broken pipe and find a new job. 👉Smartchoicesfor your wallet. Get rare finds for less money and startyour ownbusiness. 👉Smart choices for the world. Buy second-handitems andsell what you no longer need. The OLX app is the easiestway foryou to find, buy, and sell just about anything online: 👉Jobsin avariety of industries 👉Homes and apartments to buy or rent 👉Newandused cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles 👉Renovation,events,moving, cleaning services, and many more 👉New andsecond-handgoods, from clothes to electronics to furniture 👉Andmuch, muchmore! With the OLX app, you will be able to find all ofthesethings from anywhere and at any time! Download it now to beableto: 👉 Search millions of ads: in a variety of categories alloverthe country 👉 Save ads and searches: keep track of yourfavouriteads and get notified when new ones are added or whenprices drop 👉Post your own ads: take photos directly on the app,write a titleand a description, and choose the category 👉 Shareads: share yourfavourite ads with friends through your favouriteapps, likeWhatsApp and Facebook Messenger 👉 Manage your ads: editand endyour ads or refresh them so they reach more people 👉 Chatwithbuyers and sellers: ask for more info, negotiate in real time,sendadditional images, and share your location directly on the appforextra safety
OLX Philippines Buy and Sell 7.10.2
Carousell PH
Whether you're selling cars or buying clothes, OLX isforeveryone.Download the OLX app and start getting those winningdealstoday!Find deals near you When you're on OLX, you're never farfromagreat transaction. The OLX app lets you find deals inyourarea.We've been around for more than a decade and havebecomethecountry's biggest name in buy and sell. Easy contactingThe OLXapplets you SMS, call, and even chat with all yourpotentialbuyersand sellers. Try it out! Fast selling Sell youritems forcashquickly! The OLX app is designed for fast and easyselling,sobuyers come to you. Community of users Open yourself tothehugeworld of buy and sell in the Philippines. We're agreatcommunityand it shows in the app. We even allow log-inthroughFacebookwhich makes life so much easier. Boost your ads fromwithinthe appOLX features many services that allow you to boostyour adsso thatthey can reach further in the community, Even on theapp,you canpurchase Refresh which lets you repost or bump up youradson thego. "
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OLX Group
OLX ти помага да направиш добрия избор: 👉За твоя джоб.Катооткриешредки находки на изгодни цени, или започнеш свойсобственбизнес.👉За теб. Като откриеш новия си дом или кой даремонтира нещовнего. 👉За цялата планетa. Като купуваш и продавашвещи, в коитоимаоще много живот! С мобилното приложение на OLXможеш лесноданамериш, купиш или продадеш почти всичко онлайн: 👉Новиизапазенивещи втора употреба: дрехи, електроника, мебели 👉Къщииапартаментиза продажба или под наем 👉Коли, мотори, частииаксесоари - кактонови, така и втора ръка 👉Разнообразие отуслуги,събития и почивки👉Работа 👉И още много! Намирай ги навсякъде,повсяко време сприложението на OLX! Изтегли го сега, за да можеш:👉Да търсиш средмилиони обяви от различни категории в цялата страна👉Да запазвашобяви и запаметяваш търсения. Може да следиш любимитесиобяви и даполучаваш известия за намалени цени 👉 Да публикувашбързосвоитеобяви, като снимаш директно през приложението илидобавишснимка отгалерията на телефона си, напишеш заглавие иописание иизберешподходящата категория 👉 Да споделяш обяви сприятели чрезпопулярниприложения като Viber или Facebook Messenger👉 Дауправлявашобявите си, да ги редактираш или архивираш, или дагипромотираш,за да достигнат още повече потребители на сайта. 👉 Дасипишеш скупувачи и продавачи, да получиш информация, дапращашснимки илида споделяш местоположението си директно вприложението.👉Използвай “Сигурна доставка”: изпращай и получавайартикулисотстъпка в OLX
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Looking to buy a new bike or a scooter/scooty? BikeDekho android app is the most useful and easy waytofind out the most suitable two-wheeler for yourself. Theappprovides you with an exhaustive set of features to help younarrowdown to the best bike/scooter in your price range.You can get information about all the available bike models inIndiaalong with bike ex-showroom as well as on-road prices. Itprovidesinformation about bikes including their variants withprice list,overview, specifications, features, pictures, reviewand roadtest.Key Features:SEARCH: Quickest way to navigate to the Bike or Scooter youarelooking for. The app has one of the most exhaustivecataloguesavailable anywhere in India, including best sellers:Honda Activa,Shine, Dio, Unicorn; Hero - Splendor, Maestro; TVS -Jupiter,Apache; Bajaj - Pulsar, Avenger; Piaggio - Vespa; Yamaha -FZ,YZFR15; Royal Enfield - Classic 350, Thunderbird amongothersBIKES: Compare bikes/scooters from 30+ top brandmanufacturersincluding Suzuki, Mahindra, Royal Enfield and theexhaustive rangeof premium brand - Harley Davidson. You can sortthe bikes onpopularity, price, apply filters on type -SCOOTERS: Find the most comprehensible range of scootersavailablein India. Under this section, you can read their reviews,comparespecifications, check on road price, read road tests andcheck foralternativesCOMPARE BIKES: This feature lets you compare different bikesandscooters. Compare their price, specs and their key featuresusingthis feature.REVIEWS: Read through an exhaustive set of user reviews fromgenuineusers and road tests done via our own experts.ON ROAD PRICE: Get access to on-road price for all bikes,scooteracross over 100+ cities including - Mumbai, Delhi, Pune,Chennai,Bangalore, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Jaipur.SPECIFICATIONS: Find details specs for all the bikes andscooters,including the key decision makers - mileage, capacity,gearbox,self-start, horsepower and top speed.NEWS: Includes - new bike launches, upgrades or updates inthetwo-wheelers, price changes and all other updates oftheindustry.FIND DEALERS: Search for the nearby bike and scooty /scooterdealersof various brands in an easier way using thisfunctionality. Selectthe brand and city, and get information aboutall the dealers inyour region.TWO WHEELER FINANCEBook Bike Online, Used Bikes - Coming Soon
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