Top 20 Apps Similar to Libre+ Email

Enhanced Email 1.34.5
If you're experiencing issues with youraccountresetting after a reboot on Android 4.1.1 please downloadtheworkaroundapp:** Note **- If you have a tablet be sure to check out "Enhanced EmailforTablets" instead.Enhanced Email is a fully featured but lightweight E-mailclientthat can easily aggregate all of your e-mail accounts into asinglelocation. Whether you are a regular e-mail user just needingtokeep in touch with friends/family or a power business userneedingto synchronize calendar/contacts/email with your Exchangeserver,Enhanced Email is the only application you will need.The focus with Enhanced Email is to offer a mobileapplicationthat continues to evolve as the needs of its usersevolves. That iswhy we offer such a large community of support andinteraction tokeep a close ear to what the users want. Proudlybased in the US,support is offered during regular business hoursthrough an onlineforum which we scour daily to respond to users.International usersshould expect a response typically within 24hours. The communityof support has grown even further and EnhancedEmail now features aGoogle+ page ( developer responds and interacts with users daily.** Attention *** Please see my support forum to obtain a trial copy!Support for:* Exchange 2003/2007/2010 SP1 (Activesync only, notExchangeWebServices)* Zimbra Collaboration Server* Novell Groupwise Server (Activesync must be running)* IceWarp Server* Just about every POP/IMAP server you can think ofSupported on:* Android 2.2 - 4.4.xOther Android apps that extend EE's functionality:* Executive Assistant* Email Widget by InvalidObjectSome features include:* Backup/Restore accounts + settings* Full E-Mail search including message text!* Custom font when sending messages* Sort your mail by: Date received, Sender, Subject,Unreadmessages, messages containing attachments, or bystarred/flaggedmessages* Pinch to zoom when viewing a message* Disable syncing of deletes from phone to server (Exchange)* Growing support for many 3rd party apps that offers anamazingintegration with apps/widgets you already love to use!* Combined Inbox view aggregates mail for all mailboxes intoasingle location!* Auto-BCC* Full HTML inbound/outbound* PUSH for Mail/Contacts/Calendar --> Exchange only <--* Ability to sync "ALL" E-mail option (Exchange)* Customizable account colors for each account* Ability to select/copy text!* "Empty Trash" option makes emptying your trash folder 100timeseasier/fasterIf you love the app PLEASE take the time to rate itaccordinglyand drop me a comment. Thanks everyone!Visit the forum at Email, E-Mail, exchange, sync, activesync, corporate,mail,pop, imap
Email Sign Up 2.5
Rand Graham
Collect email addresses at your next event, trade show orpointofsale while displaying a background of your choosing.Collectnames,phone numbers and two custom text fields. Read moreaboutthebenefits of Email Sign Up:*Collect Email Addresses *Automatically stored to CSV file onyourdevice * Optionally createsa vCard formatted file (enabledbydefault) * Choose a photograph orimage to display asthebackground * Customize the title text of theemailcollectionscreen * Customize the text and the size of the textonthe emailcollection screen. * Optionally collect phone number.*Twooptional custom text fields. Ask user to inputanyadditionalinformation such as "Company Name" or "City" * Viewnamesandaddresses in the CSV file from within the app. * Pick arandomnameto offer an incentive or raffle prize for newsubscribers.EmailSign Up is the app that helps grow your mailinglist byletting youcollect email addresses and names to a file onyour SDCard. TheCSV file can be uploaded to an email serviceprovider at alatertime. The vCard file can be imported directlyinto theAndroidcontacts app on the device. Example: Imagine you areabeekeeperthat is part of a club. Your club has a booth atthecounty fair.You can display a beautiful photograph at yourtableusing yourAndroid device. Interested people can enter theirnameand emailaddress and be added to the club's mailing list.Details:Emailsign up will store names and email addresses to a textfile ontheSD Card. The "EmailSignUp" directory will be created.Then aCSVfile will be created with a name corresponding to thecurrentdate.Names and addresses will be added to the CSV file astheyareentered. The email address is the only required field.Theemailaddress is checked against a basic validation to make sureitis ina reasonable format. At your convenience the CSV filecanbetransferred off of the device. Many email clientsandserviceproviders such as Aweber and Gmail can import the CSVfile.Thenames and email addresses can also be written to avCardformattedfile. This vCard file can then be imported intothecontacts on theAndroid device. Writing the vCard file canbedisabled from thepreferences screen. The title text that appearsatthe top of theemail collection screen can be changed fromthepreferences screen.For step by step instructions with screenshotsfor changing thetitle text seethispage: the CSVintoGmail to the SD card. This is needed toallow backgroundimages tobe displayed and to allow text filescontaining names andemailaddresses to be created.
OWM for Outlook Email OWA 3.19
OWM Outlook Web Mobile is an email app that let you use OWAinasmart phone friendly layout, with Auto Login and Email/MeetingNotification. It is NOT compatible with GMail,Hotmail,Yahoo Mail,AOL, Horde Mail, cPanel or any other mailprovider.Please contactus for customer service, or if youexperience anyissue. Try itrisk free! Contact us for refund within24 hours ofpurchase. Youmay contact us at: [email protected]: - Emailnotification, auto check for new email on atimedinterval ** -Calendar appointment and meeting reminder,whenenabled, auto setan alarm to alert you before the event **-Download basicinformation of calendar events to local calendar,foroffline view,to use with third party widget, etc. - BlinkLEDindicator for newemail and appointment/meeting reminder. (Ifdeviceis compatible) -Screen layout reformatted to improveusability onsmart phonescreen - Wide screen mode for tablet -Prefill username,password,auto login - Schedule "Off Time" to lowerpower and datausage, orif you don't want to be attached to workemail 24/7. Whenenabled,the app will not check for new email ornew/updatedCalendar eventduring the specified time interval, forexample, from6 PM to 7 AM.Applies to Notification only, you canstill launch theapp to checkemail manually. - Desktop browser modeif yourcompany's OWA blocksaccess from mobile browser. For regularOffice365 with Exchange,use webaddress: For Office 365with ADFSlogin,use web address:, withyour company's email address domain. **Fornotification to work,Auto Login must be able to bring youdirectlyto Inbox when youlaunch the app. *** Upload attachmentrequiresFile Explorer,download any one from Google Play if thephone doesnot come withone.
Enhanced Email for Tablets 1.02
Enhanced Email has been around for 3 years as a phone only app.Thisis the optimized build for tablets so trust you are buying anappthat has been around for a long time!Enhanced Email is a fully featured but lightweight E-mailclientthat can easily aggregate all of your e-mail accounts into asinglelocation. Whether you are a regular e-mail user just needingtokeep in touch with friends/family or a power business userneedingto synchronize calendar/contacts/email with your Exchangeserver,Enhanced Email is the only application you will need.The focus with Enhanced Email is to offer a mobileapplicationthat continues to evolve as the needs of its usersevolves. That iswhy we offer such a large community of support andinteraction tokeep a close ear to what the users want. Proudlybased in the US,support is offered during regular business hoursthrough an onlineforum which we scour daily to respond to users.International usersshould expect a response typically within 24hours. The communityof support has grown even further and EnhancedEmail now features aGoogle+ page ( developer responds and interacts with users daily.** Note **- This is the tablet version of Enhanced Email. Although itworksperfectly fine on phones, for accounting purposes please sticktothe phone version if that is what you have. The reasoning foratablet and phone version is due to licensing with Microsoftovertheir Activesync protocol. It is a legal requirement and thatisthe reason for not providing tablet/phone functionality in asingleapp.Support for:* Exchange 2003/2007/2010 SP1 (Activesync only, notExchangeWebServices)* Zimbra Collaboration Server* Novell Groupwise Server (Activesync must be running)* IceWarp Server* Just about every POP/IMAP server you can think ofSupported on:* Android 4.0+Some features include:* Based on the Android 4.2.2 Email source code* Tablet optimized layout* Scrollable Email widget!* Expandable notifications show sender + email preview* 2 line preview in message list shows you message snippetwithouthaving to open the email* Drag/Drop messages to folders* Notification LED + color customization* Unique colored notification icon per account* Server-side search* Automatically download attachments when on wifi* Ability to turn on confirmation prompts on send so youdon'taccidentally send an email you wish you hadn't* Loads embedded images properly whereas stock Email doesnot!* Customize a default font + color + size for alloutgoingmessages* Show messages from all sub-folders including the SENT folderincombined inbox* Pinch to zoom when viewing a message* Combined Inbox view aggregates mail for all mailboxes intoasingle location!* Full HTML inbound/outbound* PUSH for Mail/Contacts/Calendar --> Exchange only <--* Customizable account colors for each accountIf you love the app PLEASE take the time to rate itaccordinglyand drop me a comment. Thanks everyone!Visit the forum at Email, E-Mail, exchange, sync, activesync, corporate,mail,pop, imap
Web Access for Outlook Email 1.12
Web Access for Outlook enables easy access to OutlookWebaccess(OWA). It works with Exchange 2007 and 2010. It alsoenablesaccessto your calendars,contacts and other features thatareavailable inoutlook web access (OWA) . Text and imageprocessingareincorporated to reduce scrolling of content. WebAccess forOutlooksaves you from retyping login details again andagain.Attachmentssupport - Download, upload and view attachments.(fromversion1.03) Notification feature - You will be notified whennewemailarrives. (from version 1.09) No Advertisements Foranyissuesplease do email us, you can expect a reply with in 24hours.ThisApplication is not compatible with email serviceslikeGmail,YahooMail, Aol, Hotmail. Note: When usingNotificationfeature,please make sure you enter valid username andpassword.SomeEmailservers are configured to lock the email accountwhen setnumber ofinvalid attempts are made .Exchange Webservices(EWS)should beenabled on the Exchange Server for notificationtowork.Permissions Required : INTERNET - To accessthemailWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - For downloading attachments
VMware Boxer
VMware Boxer is the most innovativeemail,calendar and contacts app available on Android! Here’s whatpeopleare saying about our award-winning app:The Webby Awards Nominated Boxer for Best Mobile Productivity Appofthe Year! ****** "This mail client is fast and efficient, and verysmartlydesigned." - Dave Johnson, CBS Moneywatch ****** “The quick replies are pretty fantastic.” -Mat Honan,WIRED****** "Boxer has a whole set of tools for dealing with emails. Youcaneasily archive with a swipe, send instant auto responses,addemails to a to-do list, and ‘like’ incoming messages so peopleknowyou saw it without requiring an actual response."-ThorinKlosowski, Lifehacker *****Support available for Gmail, Outlook, Exchange (2007 and up),Yahoo,Hotmail, iCloud, & IMAP accounts.Boxer is a true email client and connects directly to your emailandnever stores your email content or passwords on ourservers.Work Smarter• Boxer helps you work smarter and faster with features likebulkedit and quick replies, and with built-in calendar andcontacts.Some other features we think you’ll love:• Combined Inbox: add multiple email accounts• Smart Folders: Boxer remembers where you like to file thingsforquick organization• Send Availability: Select and send your calendar availabilitywithjust a few taps• Email Likes: Use “Like” to quickly acknowledge thesender’smessage• Files: View and manage downloaded attachments fromallaccountsCustomize the ExperienceBoxer allows you to build your own experience with the abilitytochoose your favorite account colors, turn features on/off suchasconversation threading and much more. Some of ourfavoritesinclude:• Customized Swipes: Specify your swipe gestures to delete,archive,spam + 9 other options to choose from• Profile Pictures: See who your email is from and evenpersonalizeyour contact pictures• Quick Replies: Write your own canned responses for thefastestresponse when on the goStay ConnectedIn the office or on the go, stay connected with featureslikeconference call dialing and setting Out of Office, markingfavoritecontacts, and integrating with your favorite productivityappsright inside your inbox.• Evernote Integration: Send emails to Evernote with justatap• Calendar Integration: Swipe to accept/declinemeetinginvites• Cloud Attachments: AirWatch Content Locker, Dropbox, Box,GoogleDrive support & moreProtect Your DataBoxer ensures your conversations, calendar invites andcontactdetails are always secure.• Passcode and PIN: Secure your email with a passcode or PINtoensure data is secure and encrypted
Nine - Email & Calendar 4.9.4b
Nine is a full-fledged and intuitive email app whichsupportsExchange and IMAP
Project Email
Requires Newforma Project Center 10.2 or later.Newforma®ProjectEmail App for Android provides instant access toyourproject emailfrom the convenience of your Android smartphone.Withjust a coupletaps, all of your Newforma Project Centerprojectemail is at yourfingertips ready for searching, viewing andfurtheraction.Technical Requirements - Android devices runningAndroid4.0.3 orlater. By clicking "Install" I agree to theLicenseAgreement termsat sendfeedback toNewforma directly.
Enhanced Email JB Workaround 1.3
This is just a workaround app for a buginAndroid 4.1/4.2/4.3 (aka Jelly Bean), and 4.4 (kit kat).See bug causes accounts of paid apps to be removed whenAndroidboots up. To work around this issue this app pretends toprovidethe same account type that Enhanced Email provides. That'senoughto convince Android to keep the account. That's all thisappdoes.On some devices you'll have to install this app beforeyouinstall Enhanced Email. Please try that if you stillhaveproblems.Please note that the bug is in Android, not inEnhancedEmail!If you're not using Enhanced Email on Jelly Bean, you don'tneedthis app. There is no need to give it a bad rating in thatcase!Please don't install it in that case.
AirWatch Inbox
AirWatch® Inbox for Android is asecure,containerized email client that provides complete separationofenterprise and personal data on devices. Protected with AES-256bitencryption, AirWatch Inbox is configured with advanced datalossprevention capabilities to secure sensitive corporate data,whileproviding you with quick access to corporate email, calendarandcontacts. AirWatch Inbox is ideal for highly regulateddeploymentsand BYOD programs.Note: AirWatch Inbox works in conjunction with and ismanagedthrough configurable system settings within the adminconsole.AirWatch Inbox will not operate without the requiredAirWatchinfrastructure. Please contact your IT administratorbeforeinstalling AirWatch Inbox.Key Features of AirWatch Inbox :Security• Protect with AES-256 bit encryption• Protect with password/pin authenticationEmail• Create, rename and delete folders and subfolders• Search for email by ‘To’ and ‘Subject’• Filter flagged, unread and high priority email• Preview attachments before opening• Perform bulk actions to emails• Support HTML email• Insert custom signatures automatically• Support Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)Calendar• View all events and respond to invites• See chronological list of events for each dayContacts• Create, edit and delete contacts• Call and send messages to contacts• Search for contacts in Global Address ListSteps for Activation:1. Download and install AirWatch Inbox on your device throughtheGoogle Play Store.2. Enroll your device with the AirWatch® Agent3. Based on a profile set by your IT administrator, AirWatchInboxconfigures itself and prompts you for additional inputs.4. Once you complete the configuration steps as prescribed byyouradministrator, AirWatch Inbox starts syncing your email,calendarand contacts.For more information on the AirWatch solution, pleasecall866.501.7705.
Email Marketing 24/7 PRO 1.6.7n
Email Marketing 24/7 is the firstemailmarketing software for android environment. This app isdesigned tohelp you compose, manage and schedule your emailsendingefficiently.The most impressive features of Email Marketing 24/7 aretheemail composer (WYSIWYG/HTML editor), the multi connectionemailsender, the best email scheduler, a lot of emailtemplates,multiple SMTP servers support and much more...Highlight features:1. The powerful email composer: it is a WYSIWYG like HTMLeditor,helps you compose your business email easily, supportadding image,hyperlink, text style, font...2. A lot of add-in templates: more than 100 email templates (inproversion) already designed as HTML emails, cover a lot ofbusinessdomains... you can reuse them to save your time.3. Contact groups manager: the full contact trackinginformationhelp you keep track of your customer information likename, email,birthday, website, company, address, job ... andnotes.4. Allow to add up to 4 user defined fields.5. Support tags to personalize your email (e.g. #e-mail# ->EmailMarketing 24/7).6. Powerful email sender: you can define as many send connectionsasyou like to save your sending time. Depends on the powerful ofyouSMTP server, you can define up to 8 connections to send youremailconcurrency.7. Multiple SMTP servers support (up to 4).8. Support spintax: helps you create multiple copies of theoriginalemail.9. Email tracking: helps you track your sending status like howmanyemails opened, how many links clicked.10. Support pause/resume/continue sending: you can stopsendinganytime, and continue with the remainder anytime too.11. The useful email scheduler(automatic email sender): if youhavea lot of contact groups and you do not want to send them now,youcan schedule to send them in the future, it is very easy withEmailMarketing 24/7.12. Import contacts, export contacts: fully support importandexport from many sources like yahoo, outlook, gmail... andalsofrom your device contacts. The standard format is basedonMicrosoft email contact format.13. Easy to subscribe/unsubscribe a new contact, just onlyonetap.14. Easy to backup/restore your database.15. Smart email verifier: smart email tester was integrated,helpyou check email existence base on email syntax, email domain,mailexchange server...... and more in our website: http://email-247.appspot.comNo ads + unlimited :)** IMPORTANT NOTES**For email verifier: some mail servers don't allow us to checkemailexistence from a dynamic IP (or a not reputation IP address).Theyalways return bad IP address or something like that. So thatwhythe app shows as N/A (for exist column).Website: http://email-247.appspot.comEmail: [email protected]
Auto Email Sender Pro 22.1
Auto Email Sender Pro app is an enormously powerful appwithveryuser friendly interface, designed by DRC INFOTECH. Itenablesyouto send Email automatically to the preferred recipientsatascheduled time via your internet provider (Wi-Fi-mobile).Haveyouever got embarrassed by friends for forgettingtheirbirthdays?Have you ever anticipated for tightening uprelationswith yourclients by sending those Christmas wishes? Nowyou can doall thesewith ease using Auto Email Sender. IMP Note Iflogin isnotsuccessful, even you enter right user name and passwordorotherdetails then please check your setting of mail server.Pleasecheckwhether SMTP and IMAP settings are onornot.**********Disclaimer*************** We are not storingpasswordofyour email anywhere. Every authentication process isbeing doneinencrypted process. *********** Primary features********** #youcan configured account as many as you want.ApplicationsupportGmail, yahoo, Hotmail and your personal SMTPserver #AutomaticallyON/OFF internet at the time of email sent.(SeeSetting/Helpsection) You do not need to worry to domanuallyinternet ON/OFFwhen email is sent. It will automaticallyON/OFF ifit’s OFF basedon setting you provide (i.e. Mobile Networkand/orWi-Fi) # you canset your own signature for each email #easily pickup all type ofcontact (To, CC, BCC), attachment withemail # Usercan attachedcamera captured icon using camera screen #User canview list ofyour scheduled email or reschedule any/ or allof them.# User canreuse an e-mail which is already sent bythisapplication. # Usercan send HTML text like Bold, Italic,Underline,Bullets, Undo,redo, tables, and fore / back groundcolors. # Usercan putheadings and horizontal lines in email body #tracks thedeliverystatus of sent email. # emails withSeen/Unseen/Favoritestatus. #Emails can be mark/unmarked Favorite(starred) status. #Email canopen Email in full screen. # Attachmentis automaticallydownloadedat SD card/Auto Email directory once youclick on viewbutton ofeach email. # When internet is ON, allreceived new emailsareautomatically downloaded. # Backup andRestore. Formoreinformation, see Help section in Application. Wewould love toseeyour feedback or suggestions if there are any. Youcan shareyourthoughts with us at [email protected] or visituson Pleasefollowus:
Benchmark Email Free Mobile 1.0.4
The Benchmark Email Mobile Free app givesyouemail marketing on the go, wherever you are, whenever you want,allat the slide of your fingertips - and it's included free withyourBenchmark Email account.FeaturesEmail Blasts - 10 simple templates for quick email blastsDual Access - Email contacts & reports can be viewedfromboth web & AndroidDual Uploads - Contacts added to the web or Appwillautomatically upload in both locationsSend Drafts - Full campaigns created & saved on the webcanbe sent via AndroidSend Pictures - Take a quick pic or grab it from yourlibrary,tap a quick message and send it out to your listsSend Video - Take a video and send it in your email. You needaYouTube account to do this. That's free too.Better Deliverability - All emails are sent through ourhighlyreputable servers, ensuring excellent deliverabilityratesSpanish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese and SimplifiedChineseLocalization - Just set your language in the Android'ssettingsscreen and the Benchmark Mobile will function natively inone offive languages.Sign In with Your Existing Benchmark IDIf you're already a Benchmark Email Web customer, just log inandgo. Your normal list or email limits extend to the app.Please note that you can't edit your four column, twentysection,thousand word web-created emails on the app. But you canpreview,send and track them with the app.
QOWA: Quick Email for Exchange 2.5
Quick Exchange Web Access( for OWA Email)forOutlook exchange 2007, and 2010. Will work with ANYexchangeaccounts. Access your Email, Calendar, and contactsdirectly andnever retype your log in credentials. Images and textare bettersized for fingers. Enhancements can be toggled and stilluse thisapp for easy access to your OWA email. Most pages displaywithoutscrolling left or right, depending on the content.****Now includes custom signatures.This contains the full functionality of outlook and exchangethatis found in the Outlook Web Access online application providedbymicrosoft. Directory lookup, Emails, Calendars, everything thatisavailable to the OWA interface is available here.Works with outlook exchange 2007 & 2010.OWA2003:**Some OWA log in pages are customized, please contactthedeveloper with any log in issues***I'm open to feedback on defects and enhancements.QOWA has no agreement or association with theMicrosoftcorporation. This is an independent application and is nowayimplied as in partnership or replacement of any Office orMicrosoftproducts.
MailDroid Pro - Email App 5.11
MailDroid is your IMAP Idle and POP3 replacement for thedefaultclient!
Email Note to Self 1.0
Email Note to Self is the quickest and easiest way to emailyourselfa note. When you first open the app, you will configure itwith yourdefault email address that all future notes will be sentto. Fromthere on out, whenever you open the app, you will be abletoimmediately record a voice note, which is transcribed for you.Youcan easily edit & delete the note, and then click send tohaveit emailed to you! ENtS is a great fit for quickly sendingyourselfideas and reminders when you're on the road, or out andabout.
Email Templates 1.1.9
Email Templates stores predefined emailsforquickly responding to customers without typing the same emailoverand over.Features- Add a default list of contacts to the To, CC and BCC fields- Set a default subject- Include attachments (Not supported by Outlook)- Templates are sorted by their flagged state and usage- Rank templates by usage- Reply to emails using the K-9 mail client (Using the shareemailfeature)- {today} tag in body and subject get replaced with today'sdatewhen composing a new email.- {today} tag date format can be customized in the EmailTemplatessettings.- K-9 Mail has an option to share an email. This option willpassthe from, to, cc, subject and body fields providing a muchsmootherexperience.Limitations- Cannot reply from Gmail or Outlook clientIf you have any request or suggestions or complaints,pleasecontact me so I can look into the issue.
K-@ Mail Pro - Email App
1gravity LLC
K-@ Mail Pro (Kat Mail Pro), the first andonlyemail client for Android that combines a gorgeous graphicaldesignwith a great user experience and a powerful email engine“under thehood”.Please note: Exchange accounts are NOT supported yet.••••• Highlights •••••★ Beautiful yet simple design for a great user experience★ Automatic setup for many popular email services likeYahoo,Hotmail or Gmail★ Supports more email services via IMAP, POP3 and/or SMTP★ Split-screen views on tablet sized screens★ Advanced Email Widget★ Rich-text editor to format text including the signature:bold,italic, underline, strike-through, superscript, subscript,textsize, text color, background color, numbering, bulletpoints,indentation, left/center/right alignment, links,images,undo/redo.★ Message threading★ Remote search for IMAP accounts★ Android Wear notifications (stacked notifications with previewandaction buttons for individual mails)★ Swipe messages to delete, archive or mark as spam★ Swipe mails to navigate to the next/previous mail★ Text-to-speech notifications based on user activity(driving,cycling, walking...)★ Localized in more than 20 different languages★ Encryption and signatures (PGP in conjunction with APGorOpenKeychain)★ Highly configurable and customizable••••• Supports •••••✔ Phones and Tablets✔ Portrait and landscape mode✔ All screen types and sizes✔ Keyboard, trackball and touch screen✔ Tasker✔ Dashclock Widget✔ Android Wear✔ Nova Launcher, Apex Launcher, Smart Launcher✔ Light Flow✔ Enhanced SMS & Caller ID✔ Missed It!✔ Unread counts on recent Samsung, HTC, LG and Sony devices••••• Permissions •••••K-@ Mail uses the following permissions:★ Network communication - full network access: retrieve,send,delete, update emails★ Network communication - view network connections:enable/disableaccount synchronization depending on the availabilityand the typeof the network connection★ Network communication - Google Play license check: used tocheckthe license of the Pro version★ Sync Settings - read sync settings: enable/disableaccountsynchronization depending on the backgroundsynchronizationsettings of the device★ Your applications information - run at startup: scheduledpollingand push email is started after the device has booted★ Your social information - read your contacts: use contactsasrecipients for emails★ Your social information - modify your contacts: createcontactsfrom recipient and sender fields★ Your social information - activity recognition: used tonotifyincoming emails using text-to-speech based on the user'sactivity(walking, driving, running etc.).★ Your accounts - find accounts on the device: used to populatetheaccount setup screen with the default email account (onlyfirstaccount)★ Affects Battery - control vibration: emails can be notifiedbyvibration★ Affects Battery - prevent device from sleeping: the deviceneedsto be awake when emails are polled on a scheduled basis orpushedby the server★ Storage - modify or delete the contents of your USB storage:storethe account database on sdcard, load and save attachmentsfrom andto sdcard★ System tools - test access to protected storage: thispermissionis automatically requested if the storage permissionabove isrequired★ Location: this permission is requested by the activityrecognitionlibrary Google uses (text-to-speech notifications basedon useractivities) but the location is actually never used, it'sjust amatter of Google bundling functionality together
Smart Invoice: Email Invoices 2.25.1
Stop losing documents and start getting paid faster.Invoiceanywhere, anytime.
Email Extractor Pro 1.2
PPP Infotech
Email Extractor Pro for Gmail™Extract Name/Email addresses in all mail headers and emailmessagebody. Extract To, CC in Sent Mail folder as well.**** Special Price only for a Limited Period ***Features:Extracts sender Name and email addresses from your Gmail™ orGoogleApps mail.Extracts Name and Email address in From, To, CC header of theemailmessages.Also extract email addresses which are in email message body.Forexample: from bounced emails.You can also use To,CC option to extract email addresses fromyourSentMail folder. You can use any folder like Inbox orSentMail.Option to choose a message range - say From 100 To 500th emailstoextract.Choose between dates: Enter date of received emails and extractfrommessages received within a date range. Or just tap on "Today"or"Yesterday" to extract from emails received on the current dateorprevious day.Use unlimited number of Gmail accounts.No need to enter your Gmail credentials in the app. Just addanyGmail account in your device to extract.Saves the extracted email addresses as a .CSV file inyour/sdcard/Downloads folder.Just tap "View Extracted files" button to see theextractedfiles.Share/Upload extracted files - send to email, upload tocloud.Extracts only unique email addresses. Automaticallyremovesduplicates after extracting email ids from emailmessages.Other Features and Options:Choose any Gmail™ or Google Apps mail account configured inyourdevice.Select mail Folder: Select a mail Folder to extract fromemailmessages in that folder. Choose Inbox or any Label from yourGmail™to extract email addresses.Multiple Folders Selection : Select one or more folders toextractemail addresses.Extract from multiple folders at the same time.You can see the extraction progress anytime in the Notificationareaof your device.No advertisements.Log:History of every extraction that shows the Start/End time,Gmailaccount used, extraction options used, completion statuswithnumber of unique email addresses extracted.Privacy: Safe and secure as your account credentials arewithGoogle. No personal information is collected or transmitted toanythird party.If you face any problems or errors when using this app, pleaseemailus and we will resolve it.