Top 23 Apps Similar to SOS – Stay Safe!

Stay Safe 1.1
Stay Safe Application is brought to youbyVijay Web Solutions.Stay Safe Application is designed to protect you when youneedHELP.Stay Safe Application lets you call your Loved Ones withoutopeningPhone book or dialing a number.Stay Safe Application uses your location data to send out an smstoup to 3 saved Numbers at the press of a button.Stay Safe Application is designed to send out your locationdetailsalong with a link which lets your Loved Ones know yourlocation andrush to HELP you.Stay Safe Application uses your SIM Card to make the Call orsendthe sms. Standard charges will apply as per your tariffplan.Stay Safe Application will not be able to Call or Send sms ifyoursmartphone has no signs or if you do not have adequate balancetomake a call or send an sms.
S.O.S. Emergencias 5.2.0
App for exclusive use in Spain. The App that can save your live.
MobilePatrol Public Safety App
Appriss, Inc.
MobilePatrol connects you to importantsafetyinformation, news, and critical alerts for places you careabout.We partner with public safety and law enforcementagenciesnationwide so you can receive timely access to informationthatkeeps you and your loved ones safe. MobilePatrolfocusesexclusively on public safety, so important information won’tgetlost between your friends’ cat photos and the latestviralvideo!Here are some of our users’ favorite features:• Set up Neighborhoods where you and your loved ones live, workandplay. We deliver important safety information from publicsafetyagencies that serve your Neighborhoods.• Quickly view relevant safety news and alerts fromyourNeighborhoods right on your Newsfeed. No more combing throughdailysocial chatter to find important information!• “Report it!” lets you contribute to your community’s safety.Sharecrime tips, traffic alerts, broken mains, fallen trees … evenlostpets! Add related photos/videos to each report.• Receive timely alerts and news from your Neighborhoods directlyonyour mobile device. Alerts from trusted public safety officialsmakesure you don’t miss any important news or events going on inyourarea.• Conveniently access the most up-to-date public records forjailbookings, most wanted lists, sex offenders, and warrants. 24hoursa day. Every day.Simply enter zipcodes of places where you and your familylive,work, and play. You will automatically receive alerts andupdatesfrom public safety agencies that serve those areas. Stay ontop ofwhat’s going on at home, at work, at your child's school, orwhereyour aging parent lives.MobilePatrol is powered by partnerships with lawenforcementagencies across the nation. Several thousand agenciesare alreadyonline, and we are adding new partners every day. Can’tfind anysafety information from an agency serving yourfavoriteNeighborhood? Please tell us [email protected] you are a member of law enforcement, you get access to oursuiteof tools designed specifically for you, at no cost!Your agency can:• Send custom news and alerts to your community (Mobile,Facebook& Twitter all from one place)• Receive crime tips and offender sightings fromyourcommunity• List your public records in one easily accessible locationJoin thousands of other agencies already on MobilePatrol. Signuptoaccess your FREE law enforcement dashboard and start postingtoday: questions? Check out ourwebsite: follow your law enforcement agency’s Twitter and likedtheirFacebook page? Great. MobilePatrol integrates social mediafromlocal agencies and allows you to see every new post or tweet,all inone place.Other key features:• Locate Sex Offenders in your neighborhood.• View Missing Children in your area.• Obtain information on Delinquent Child Support Warrants.• Are you a victim of crime? Register to be notified immediatelyofthe status of offenders through our most powerfulinformationservice system VINE® (Victim Information andNotificationEveryday). For more information about VINE, provided by:Appriss Inc.“Keeping Communities Safe and Informed”www.appriss.comWe want to hear from you. Send any feedback, suggestionsandcomments to [email protected].
Smart24x7-Personal Safety App 5.9.17
Smart24x7 has introduced a personal safety & securityappforpersonal & business use that alerts emergencycontactswithyour GPS location. This is a unique approachtowardsstrengtheningcitizen security, You can now also help othersbypressing thebutton on your mobile.Our app is currently supportedbyGurgaonPolice, Jalandhar Police,Chandigarh Police, JammuPolice,MohaliPolice, UP Fire Services(Lucknow & Noida).Smart24x7enablesthe old cities to turn Smart City. This applicationcan alsobeused by Senior citizens to secure them when they are indistressbysending SOS signals to their loved ones. See Our AppinWork:*KeyFeatures PanicAlerts will be sent to the loved ones wheneveruserpresses PANICButton during emergency. If GPRS is not workingalertwill begenerated via SMS. You can get instant help fromnearestPolice,Hospitals, Fire. Use Fake Call feature to walk outof anydifficultsituation. Smart24x7 Application does voicerecording,photographsduring the panic Situation & transfers tothe police.24x7 Callcenter to assist you in emergency. Tracking ofPrimaryContactwhile in emergency. Share Travel alerts with yourloved ones&Social Network. Basic chat to communicate withFriends.Tracking ofService Providers location Ambulance, Policeand Fire.Maid/ServantRegistration with Police is simplifiedImprove batterylife Newfeatures- On the way to Office/Home toinform your lovedones aboutyour status. Whenever you are inemergency Just followthree easysteps :- 1) Press the Panic button.2) Select the type ofservicesrequired. 3) Click Submit and you aredone.
Contact Synchronizer Android1x 1.0-for-Android1.x
Synchronize your contacts acrossallmobiledevices and computers.This app is ONLY FOR devices running Android 1.5 andAndroid1.6.Please download "Contact Synchronizer Android2x" forallotherAndroid devices.This program does not synchronize to Outlook,Exchange,norGMail."A highly used tool. Now I know my contacts aresafe,andavailable everywhere!"Export contacts.Import contacts.Synchronize contacts.If you have computers, smart phones, and other deviceswhereyoustore lists of phone numbers and other contact information,howdoyou keep them in sync?This app allows you to synchronize contacts acrossallmobiledevices and computers.This app is free to install, and it offers an in-apppurchaseof$2.Free mode:- Sync 10 contacts with Coming soon!- Launch a full screen of this Contact Safe web application.Adsareshown. Coming soon!- Export and Import 10 contacts with an external text file.Paid mode:- Sync all contacts with Contact Safe. Coming soon!- Launch a full screen of this Contact Safe web application.NoAds.Coming soon!- Export and Import all contacts with an external text file.
Raksha - Women Safety Alert 1.0
Raksha - Women Safety Alert App is the ★MOSTEFFECTIVE Woman Safety AppRaksha app - Ensuring women's safety. Just at the press ofabutton your near and dear ones know your location. Yourselectedcontacts can see your location and you can even ask them toshowtheirs. A distress signal just by pressing a single key sendsout aloud buzzer to your near and dear ones. Your parents need notworryall the time now. You as a woman need not worry aboutsecurity.Even if the Raksha App is switched off and isn't running,pressingthe volume key for just three seconds alerts the specificcontactsyou have chosen beforehand. Your location is sent to themon a mapwhich sends them your exact whereabouts.★ Salient features of the Raksha app (Empowering WomenwithSafety):-► Send location alert without switching ON the Raksha app bythepress of Volume button► Create a group of trusted people(friends and family) whoyoucan alert if required► Can add multiple contacts along with 100 dial for help► Very easy to use and understand► SOS functionality► Sends SMS if in No Internet zone► Emergency Alert► Safe Places► Geo Fencing► Map view for easy navigation► Loud buzzer► Request location of near and dear ones► Dark Zone or Danger Zone or Insecure Zone► Capture last location / address► Medical Alert► Eve Teasing Rescue, Medical Rescue, Fire Rescue,ThreatRescue---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------★ App Developed by team BharatSewa ( ANon-ProfitOrganisation)Join the mission - secure the Indian streets for our daughters, sisters,mothers,Children, friends, girls and all women who are out thereworking, inschools, colleges, bus-stands, shops, mall, trains andso on.Meenakshi Lekhi, BJP spokesperson & Member ofParliament,conceptualized this Mobile app where everydaytechnology can be usedto enhance the safety and security ofwomen.From ancient times, Indian women are a symbol of power&knowledge. They are already at par or beyond men when it comestotheir capabilities. All they need is a secure environment togrowand work in. Thus BJP Bharatiya Janata Party believes thatthere isa requirement for a paradigm shift in thinking itself. Theshifthas to be a move from empowerment to 'Secure/Save my space'.Bysecuring and saving the space for women society will beempoweredas we recognize women as the embodiment of power'Shakti'.Traditionally in Sanskrit grammar all words relating topower arefeminine gender. In recognition of our cultural ethos weatBharatiya Janata Party have decided to launch this application asastep towards women's safety and security named as Raksha. Aftertherecent popular case of girl Nirbhaya rape case in Delhi, itmakesmore sense to have this app. Currently we are also trying tolinkthis app with Delhi Police and then in future we may link thistoMumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Lucknow, Noida, Gurgaon, HyderabadaswellHeres wishing that you download the Family safety Raksha appinall your near and dear ones' phones, but never land up in adangersituation where you need to use it. Be safe. Be alert.
Women Safety Secured (FREE) 1.5
Need Help? Just Shout.It may not be possible to use your mobile for messagingormakinga call at the time when you feel yourself insomedistress/unsafesituation. Don't worry, we are with you,anytime,everytime,everywhere.. Just shout and we'll amplify yourvoice toyour lovedones with in few seconds.Stay Safe, Stay Blessed.We're on a mission to make you & yourlovedonessafer.This is related to distress or Emergency situationspeciallyforWomen or Children. If this Apps will be in activatedposition&detect some load human voice(can be shouting/crying)itwillimmediately recognised it as distress signal&activatesalarm.. Alarm shows that the situation is declaredasdistresssituation & send sms to pre-configured numbers.YES, this app not only work by manual operations but canbeusedas a Safety Weapon when a women is introuble/distresssituationand not even able to use her hands forcalling ormessaging. JustShout.Every Women has a right to LIFE, LIBERTY &SECURITYofherself.
SOS ALARM -> 112 5.2
112 en SOS ALARM HULPVERLENERSALARMEREN BIJ EEN 112 NOODSITUATIEDownload de Nationale SOS ALARM -> 112 App zodat ukuntalarmeren bij een calamiteit / noodsituatie. De app zalregelmatighaar functies uitbreiden.Deze app is een beta versie. Dit betekent dat er continu aandezeapp gewerkt wordt om te verbeteren. Heeft u vragen, klachten,tipsof complimenten over deze app? U kunt deze versturen [email protected] alarmering via de Nationale SOS ALARM ->112App:• U wordt automatisch via de app doorverbonden met de 112meldkamercentralist• Overbruggen Aanrijtijden.U ontvangt hulp tijdens de aanrijtijden van Politie, Brandweeren/ofAmbulancevan SOS ALARM Hulpverleners indien in de nabijheid• Verkorten Aanrijtijden officiële hulpdiensten.Snel alarmeren doordat u de locatie en soort calamiteit deelt metde112 meldkamer• Hulpapps zoals onder andere - persoon vermist, zinloos geweld,IKben OK, EHBO Tipsen linken naar o.a. Amber Alert, NL Alert, Burgernet112 en SOS ALARM Hulpverleners ALARMEREN in Nederland...voordat seconden ... minuten worden...De GPS functie (locatiebepaling) wordt ingeschakeld als u deappopent en stopt als u de app sluit. Dit betekent datdelocatiebepaling bijna géén invloed heeft op de batterij vanuwsmartphone.Meer informatie via www.HELPLEVENSREDDEN.nl112 and SOSALARMEMERGENCYALERT IN AN EMERGENCY 112Download the National SOS ALARM -> 112 App so you canalertyou when a disaster / emergency. The app will regularly expanditsfunctions.This app is a beta version. This means that there iscontinuouslyworking on improving this app. If you have questions,complaints,tips or compliments about this app? You can send it [email protected] alarm through the National SOS ALARM ->112App:       • You willbeautomatically connected via the app with the 112 dispatchercontrolroom       • OverrideResponsetimes.                Youwillreceive assistance during the time it takes for police, fireand /or ambulance                SOSALARMRescuers if in the vicinity       • ShorteningResponsetimes official emergency services.                Quickalertbecause you share the location and type of emergency 112emergencyroom       • Help Apps whichinclude- missing person, senseless violence, I'm OK, First AidTips                andlinksto include Amber Alert NL Alert, Civilian112 and SOS ALERT ALERT Rescuers in Netherlands... Before seconds ... minutes ...The GPS function (localization) is enabled when you open theapp,and stops when you close the app. This means that the positionisalmost no impact on the battery life of your smartphone.More information via
J-SOS 1.1
Мобільний додаток «SOS для журналістів»(J-SOS)містить всю необхідну інформацію щодо прав журналістів:законодавчабаза, перелік прав журналістів, детальний опискатегорій порушеньправ журналістів.Чітко прописаний алгоритм дій журналіста у випадку порушеньйогоправ та зразок заяви у міліцію.Інтерактивна карта порушень, що міститься у додатку,показуєкількість і місця, де зафіксовано порушення правжурналістів.Додати порушення можна з цього додатку скориставшисьформою «SOSповідомлень».Спеціальний розділ «Робота в гарячих точках» містить інфографікипроспецифіку роботи в зоні АТО.Створення мобільного додатку «SOS для журналістів» (J-SOS)булопідтримано американською правозахисною організацією FreedomHouse урамках проекту ІМІ Мedia Watch Network.Mobile application«SOSJournalists» (J-SOS) contains all the necessary information ontherights of journalists legislative framework for the rightsofjournalists, detailed categories of violations ofjournalists'rights. Clearly stated algorithm of actions for violations ofjournalist'srights and a sample application to the police. Interactive map infringements contained in the annex showsthenumber and the place where the infringement was recordedofjournalists. Add abuse can this application using the form«SOSmessages." Special "Working in hot spots" containing infographic aboutthespecifics in the area of ​​ATU. Creating a mobile application «SOS Journalists» (J-SOS)wassupported by the American human rights organization FreedomHousein the framework of the IMI Media Watch Network.
TraceMyMove-SOS 1.15
Feel safe with TraceMyMove-SOS app.It is very useful application for working women,collegestudents,school students, children, elder people, or anyone forthatmatter.Single click SOS button will come to your rescue when youareindanger. In case of any suspicious activity or event, youjustneedto press SOS button to send an emergency messagetoyourpre-defined contacts in the application.Your contacts will get an SMS alert with your address linksothatthey will be informed with exact location at the timeofevent.Location link will only work for the phone havingGPSfeature.Simple configuration:- Install application- Configure emergency contact list (Name & Mobile Number)- Configure default emergency text (I am in danger andcurrentatbelow location. Please Help !!!)Usage:- Save the app link on home page of your mobile or bookmarktoaccess quickly- Press the SOS button when in emergency situation- Application will send SMS to your contacts alongwithgooglelinkTraceMyMove-Tracker:Check out our other useful applicationTraceMyMove-Tracker.Thistracker application will keep track of yourmovement and savestheinformation on the server. Useful for parentsto keep trackoftheir children and managers to keep track oftheiremployees.Please check out our website www.tracemymove.comformoredetails.TraceMyVehicle:Check out GPS tracking solution for tracing yourvehicles.Usefulfor truck owners, taxi owners, any vehicle thatneeds to betracked.Get alerts hen vehicle over speeds, when itreaches thetargetlocation, know how much distance traveled. Pleasecheck ourourwebsite for more details.TraceMyAsset:Cloud based application to track important assets andtracethemovements. Get alerts for warranty deadline,insurancedeadline,etc. Useful for any organization to have bettercontrol ofallmovable or non-movable assets. Please for more details
Safetipin: Complete Safety App 1.1.4
SafetiPin is a personal safety app designedtokeep you safe.It has a complete set of features; GPStracking,emergency, important contact numbers, directions to safelocations,pins showing safe and unsafe areas,and a Safety Score.Itgoes wellbeyond typical women safety apps, and provides a widerange offeatures, that help you proactively plan and respond tosituationsaffecting your personal safety.Have you ever• Wondered if a new place you were going to visit was safeornot?Check out the Safety Score and other pins intheneighbourhood• Wished that someone knew where you were? Or needed help inanemergency?Use the Tracking and Alarm features to contactfriendsand family, and let them track you over GPS• Wanted to know more about some neighbourhoods. Set up a Wallandsee recent comments• Needed help from others? Call public emergency numbers. UsetheDirectory option to find local emergency help numbers, andcallfrom the app• Needed to locate safety services. Locate nearby safetyservices.Find the nearest police station, hospital or pharmacy, andgetdirections to reach there• Wanted to share information about safety? Audit aneighbourhood,report a feeling, or report personal harassment andhazards. Yourpins will help others in being safe and will also helpyour cityofficials take appropriate action.SafetiPin is a winner of the mBillionth Award 2014, inthecategory of women and children,and the Avon Foundation award2014,for Innovation in communication.SafetiPin is now available in English, Hindi, Bahasa andSpanish.Take control of your personal safety.Download it today!
COMING SOON: widget, GPS position1. Enter your message details in the settings tab2. Hit SOSEver needed to get out of an awkward situation? Needed tosendanemergency text?Send an SMS with the touch of a button.
Birthdays: Reminder & calendar
Remember your friends and family on their birthdaysandanniversaries
Contact Synchronizer Android2x 3.0
Synchronize all of your contacts betweenmobiledevices and computers with this easy to use tool.This is for all Android devices running Android 2.0andhigher.Exports contacts.Import contacts.Synchronize contacts.This program does not synchronize to Outlook, Exchange,norGMail."A highly used tool. Now I know my contacts are safe,andavailable everywhere!"If you have computers, smart phones, and other devices whereyoustore lists of phone numbers and other contact information, howdoyou keep them in sync?This app allows you to synchronize contacts across allmobiledevices and computers.This app is free to install, and it offers an in-app purchaseof$2.Free mode:- Sync 10 contacts with Coming soon!- Launch a full screen of this Contact Safe web application. Adsareshown. Coming soon!- Export and Import 10 contacts with an external text file.Paid mode:- Sync all contacts with Contact Safe. Coming soon!- Launch a full screen of this Contact Safe web application. NoAds.Coming soon!- Export and Import all contacts with an external text file.
Shake In Trouble 1.0
This app could save your life.The Person who is in trouble can use this app.The Person Who is in trouble need to shake his/her mobile inawavinghand direction 3 times.Shake In Trouble will Send Help SMS with the User'sCurrentLocationTo the Specified number Using GPS.Very Useful for Women's.
SOS Alarm House 1.07b
SosAlarmHouse is an App that allows youtoalertfriends / neighbors,in the case of infringements in one of your homes or alertthemwhenyou notice something suspect.Invite friends from your address book or look for themaroundyourplaces by setting asearch radius.Build your network of contacts and you decide who receivealarmsandalerts.Enlarge your circle of friends, we will all bemoreprotected.
BEAWARE - Personal Safety App 3.3.0
App for Emergency / SOS / Help alerts and with many personalsafetyfeatures
SAFECab 1.2
SAFECab is designed to empowerwomentravelingalone or in unfamiliar surroundings to sendlocationupdatesthrough SMS throughout their journey to chosenperson(s). Ittakesmere seconds to download, set up, start sendingupdates andraisean alarm when in trouble, by using our quick 3 tap'SOS'.Yourselected contact(s) too can find out your location bysendingyou'LOC' in a text message.To get started:- Download SAFECab- Select a couple of your contacts as your "buddy" for a trip- Enter the Cab driver name and License Plate Number- “Start” the trip- SAFECab starts sending location updates by SMS atregularintervalsto your BuddiesYou can also:- Click a photograph of the Cab License Plate and senditviaWhatsApp to your contact.- Tap on the SAFECab icon to refresh your location andsendalocation update anytime you like.SAFECab is not affiliated with any cab or transport companyandiscompletely free to use by the millions of women – incollegesanduniversities, in the workforce and in thevibrantsocio-culturalmilieu of the modern world, who fear fortheirsafety as they ventureout of their homes or offices.Remember: With SAFECab, you can:- Login with Facebook or Google- Save your Buddies from your contacts- Send your Buddies taxi information prior to departure- Send SOS to buddies by 3 Tap SOS- Let your buddy look up your location by sending you an SMS
Puffin Browser Pro
CloudMosa Inc.
Puffin Web Browser is wicked fast. Onceusersexperience the thrilling speed of Puffin, regular MobileInternetfeels like torture. Puffin Browser Pro is the premiumversion ofthe Puffin family. It is not ad-sponsored.🚀 Wicked Fast: Puffin speeds up mobile browsing byshiftingthe workload from the resource-limited devices to thecloudservers, and resource-demanding webpages can run super-fast onyourphones or tablets.🔒 Cloud Protection: All traffic from Puffin app toPuffinserver are encrypted, a protection from nearby hackers. It’ssafeto use public non-secure WiFi through Puffin, but not safe atallfor most browsers.🎥 The Latest Flash: We keep improving our cloud servers,andprovide the latest version of the Flash player overthecloud.💰 Save your bandwidth: Puffin uses proprietarycompressionalgorithm to transmit web data to your device, and itcan save upto 90% of your bandwidth on regular web browsing.(Please be notedthat streaming Flash content or videos requiresmore bandwidth thanthe normal usage.)Features:☆ Incredible page load and rendering speed☆ Adobe Flash support (also works on Android 4.4+)☆ Download to cloud (up to 1G per file)☆ Theater mode for Flash videos and games☆ Virtual trackpad and gamepad☆ Color theme for toolbar and sidebar☆ Fastest JavaScript engine☆ Full web experience (desktop and mobile view)☆ Incognito tab: Auto-clean your browsing activities intheapp==== Limitations ====* The data centers of Puffin Web Browser are in the US and thecloudservers can only access public web sites from USgeolocations.* For users outside the US, local contents, especially videosoflocal interest, may not be accessible from the US duetogeo-restrictions in their home countries.* Puffin is blocked in some countries (e.g., China, SaudiArabia,United Arab Emirates) and by some schools (e.g., inUnitedStates).For more information, please check ourFAQ:
CitizenCOP 4.3.11
CitizenCOP - An initiative towards a Clean and a Safer Society
Crime against women is increasing andthevictims are unable to reach out to the masses for help and insomecases not able to report to the authorities.FightBack, the women's safety application, sends SOS alertsfromyour phone. FightBack uses GPS, SMS, location maps, GPRS andyourFacebook account to inform your loved ones in case you areindanger.The safety and security of an employee is of paramount importancetous. In these troubled times it is important for you to knowthatTech Mahindra cares for you and your loved ones.This is a voluntary scheme where an employee may choose toregisterif she / he wish to. Registered employees can seekFIGHTBACKassistance in case of emergency or panic situation.This mobile app tracks user’s movement through GPS(GlobalPositioning System) and sends location information to theserver.It also displays user’s current location on map. User cansend SOSalert to server by pressing panic button of themobileapplication.How it works:• The user downloads the app and launches it.• User registers himself using his application.• Once registration is successful he can login usinghiscredentials.Added new feature of blood search for Corporate user. User canfindthe blood donors on a single click.
Velo-SOS 1.0.1
Спасаем велосипедистов!Приложение для тех, кто попал в вело-беду.Приложение для тех, кто хочет им помочь!(Тестовая версия!!! О всех сбоях, недочётах и пожеланиях просьбанелениться и отправлять письма на [email protected])Tags: Velo-SOS velosos Велосос Вело-сос Вело-sos велосипедспасениеМинскSaving cyclists!The application for those who got in trouble cycling.The application for those who want to help them!(Test version !!! Of all the failures, shortcomings andwishes,please do not be lazy and send emails to [email protected])Tags: Velo-SOS velosos Velosos Velo-sos-sos Velo BikerescueMinsk