Top 20 Apps Similar to Buksha

TicFollowers - track followers 7.7.0
Track your followers, get more fans & likes.
TruePublic 5.0.2
TruePublic is your community pulse. This is the best waytosharehonestly and see how you compare to your team.Alwaysanonymous,TruePublic helps you get to know the people youwork withlikenever before. Answer serious questions around workwhiletappinginto stats on fun 'community questions' that makeyourcompany feelsmaller. You might find out that 2% of yourteammatesare vegan orthat over half are night owls. Leaders areable to useTruePublicto get an honest sense of how people aredoing. Thistransparentsharing of opinions, feelings, and hopes is apowerfultool tocreating a healthy culture. The fun aspect of theengagingquestionsets often leads to a feeling of greater belongingto thewholegroup....and some funny analysis of why people voted acertainway.
I Ching: App of Changes 14.2.2
Code Poetry
Wise guidance to life's turning points from an ancient text.
Trybe — Social. Rewarded. 2.5.1
Have fun, create, earn money, feel good.
Free Mood Tracker 1.5
Track your mood swings and predict tomorrow.
Ciro's Fin de Siècle Kipper 2.2.0
Explore the Kippergeist, the spirit of Kipper, with Ciro’s FindeSiecle Kipper!
Pavlok 5.3.40
The Pavlok wristband is a behavioral changing device designedtohelpusers break bad habits and form good ones. The Pavlokdeviceuses atrio of stimuli (beep, vibration, and zap) toincorporatethe latesttechnology (backed by 80+ years of scientificresearch)based onaversion therapy, to help users associate theirbad habitwith anunpleasant effect and drop it. The app allows youtoprogram yourdevice for detecting habit onset, create warningsandstimuli whenyour habit is performed, track your habit resultsandhistory,explore content about breaking habits and the abilitytoseekcoaching to help conquer your habit. Because getting agoodnight’ssleep is the basis for high productivity.Pavlok’sclockfunctionality includes sleep tracking and “go tobedon-timereminder” features, along with a full-featured alarmclock.Our“Snooze-Lock” feature allows you to program variousresponsestopressing the snooze button, including an automatic zapuntilyouare up and have done several jumping jacks!Our“Chrome-browserExtension” allows tracking of blacklistedwebsites,“Rescue-TIme”Integration keeps you productive,“Pavlok-Unlocked”for includingyour coach, an IFTTT integration thatenables a vastset ofconditions to be programmed, and various timersand utilitiestohelp you achieve a better you. --- To ensure astableexperience,the Pavlok app will now require your device toberunning AndroidOS 5.0, so please upgrade! Also, check out thenewwidget tocheck-in your behavior! --- Pavlok Privacy PolicyPavlokiscommitted to your privacy. We maintain a profile of youandyourhabits and use this information to customize content tohelpyoubetter achieve your goals.See our full policy.
3xLOGIC View Lite II 5.2.00
With 3xLOGIC’s View Lite II, you can use your smart devicetoaccessand monitor your surveillance cameras. View Lite II isamobile webclient designed to allow a user to connect to andviewV-Seriesstandalone cameras and cameras connected to a VIGILVMSserver. Witha simple drag-and-drop interface and 9differentlayout options, youcan easily view up to 48 live camerafeedssimultaneously. Withalarm push notifications, D I/O supportandPOS/ATM searches,3xLOGIC’s View Lite II is an excellent waytoquickly access yourVIGIL surveillance system dataanytime,anywhere. Our intuitiveinterface takes full advantage ofyourdevices touchscreentechnology and delivers a simple, lightandefficient mobilesolution for your surveillance network. Note:Aweb-enabled 3xLOGICVIGIL Server or V-Series Camera is REQUIREDtouse this app.Features: - Unlimited number of VIGILServers(DVRs)and V-Seriescameras - Control PTZ cameras from yoursmart device -Touchfriendly interface to make Digital PTZ simple -Live viewingandvideo playback - Live and Playback modes compatiblewith bothh.264and MPEG4 formats. - QR Code Scanner to quickly addVIGILServer’s.- D I/O Device integration via VIGIL Server - POSSearchand POSReports with one-click POS event playback footage.-POS/ATM OSD forlive and playback - Alarm push notifications-Connect to a VCM topull a list of servers - 3xCLOUDaccountintegration
Sober Grid - Social Network 3.3.94
Sober Grid
Sober Grid connects you instantly to sober people nearby andaroundthe world. Remain completely anonymous or choose what youwant toshare! SOBER FRIENDS AROUND THE CORNER: • Find sober peoplenearyou • Chat with others and send private messages • Postmessages,photos, and videos to share with your community •Personalize yourprofile with photos, interests, and more • Savefavorite soberbuddies and see who visits your profile • Sobrietycalculator tokeep track of how many days sober you've achieved GETHELP WHEN YOUNEED IT: • Burning Desire: Alert other members whenyou needsomeone to talk to right now • Get support from the globalsobercommunity and help others achieve sobriety • Receive or offersaferides to recovery meetings in your area BE A PART OF ASOBERREVOLUTION Need to contact us?Email us [email protected]
WIN: What I Need 4.3.2
WIN What I Need helps homeless youth, families, and adultsfindresources.
Zener Cards Perception Test 1.1.9
Train and improve your intuition and perception with the ZenerCardsESP test
Fan Pass Live 1.0
Livestream concerts, access music, discover new artists &newmerchandise
Gilded Reverie Lenormand 2.2.0
An instant classic, with radiant art designed to speak eloquentlytomodern folk
Lais DeLeon Fitness 2.7
New Nutrition Meal Planning, Recipes, and Grocery List Added!
MenoLife - Menopause Tracker 5.0.15
MenoLabs LLC.
Find relief & answers with a women-owned menopause trackerfor40+ symptoms
Xeeders 3.0
Connecting Travelers, Artists, Photographers, Players and Gamers
M-Bucks 3.1.5
Earn & Manage your M-Bucks. Redeem for vehicle maintenanceorpurchases.
Uranus Astrology App 1.6.1
The secrets of astrology for the casual user and theprofessionalastrologer.
GG Relationship Doubt & Obsessions (ROCD) 2.01.69
Ggtude Ltd
Created by Dr. Guy Doron (IDC), clinical psychologist andresearcherFeel like you're missing out on the perfectrelationship? Finding ithard to commit? Experiencing constantdoubts? Suffering fromobsessive thinking? Want to expand your mindand make it moreadaptive? GGRO is here to help! RELIEVINGOBSESSIVE THINKING ISPOSSIBLE Throw away negative thoughts.Approach positive ones. Learnto identify your inner self talk andrespond quickly. Train dailyand improve your wellness. SCIENCEBACKED New findings support theeffectiveness of the core mechanismused in GG apps. According toCBT models, negative self talk –individuals’ ongoinginterpretations of the self, others and theworld - maintainpsychological difficulties such as low selfesteem, mood, obsessive,ROCD and maladaptive thinking. HOW DO IMANAGE MY ROCD? Thefoundations of a healthy mind are built uponflexible beliefs. Ourbeliefs have the potential to bias and affectour ability to dealwith daily situations. For example, if Ibelieve that “my partnerhas to be perfect” or “I have to be 100%certain about my partner“ -I won't be able to live up to theseexpectations and my ability todeal with relationships willdecrease. BELIEFS AND SELF TALK Beliefsand self talk areinterrelated. Once we learn to embrace healthierand more adaptiveself talk, it can change our beliefs and help usget rid of theones that negatively affect our well being. HOW GGAPPS WORK Theapplication is designed to: 1. Increase your awarenessof negativeand obsessive thoughts. 2. Train you to identify andchallengenegative thoughts. 3. Increase your access to neutral,adaptive andpositive thoughts. 4. Increase the accessibility of theaboveprocesses. 5. Provide daily mood and self esteem boost. ISTHIS APPSIMILAR TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY? Our app platform is notdesignedto be used as a therapy or treatment, however: 1. It isbeing usedby CBT therapists as a complementing tool. 2. It helpsinmaintaining healthy thinking during or after therapy. 3. Itisfound to relieve symptoms of anxiety, worries, obsessionsandrelationship OCD. TRAIN YOUR THOUGHTS The basic task in the appissimple - you will be presented with thoughts. If thethoughtpromotes negative self talk - throw it away by draggingiton-screen. If the thought promotes positive or neutralthinking,accept it by dragging it towards you. The longer we trainmaking ita habit, the more automatic this process becomes. HOW MUCHSHOULD ITRAIN EACH DAY? To feel better and improve your mind’sflexibility,start today! We believe apps allow us to learn andtrain quicklyand effectively. GG Apps are designed to be mosteffective in shorttraining sessions. You are advised to complete upto 3 levels perday, which should only take between 2-4 minutes.LEVELS AND TOPICSThe app's many topics and themes are broken downinto more than 40levels. Each level has a pool of self talkstatements (orthoughts). Users are required to complete a randomset of 'blocks'to complete the level. The topics include: selfesteem, belief inchange, self criticism, negative thinking, coping,positive boost,comparing, perfectionism, embarrassment,uncertainty, commitmentanxiety, social fears, self as an object,danger and threat,distrust, fear of abandonment, and more. Trainingusing thisapplication, allows for gradual, steady learning of moreadaptiveself-talk thereby helping to break the vicious thoughtcycle ofobsessive thinking. WHAT IF I COMPLETED ALL THE LEVELS? Thekey tousing the app is learning new topics, but even moreimportantly -training daily. There are levels designed as "dailytraining" foryou to play once you completed your base course. LEARNMORE ABOUTTHE FACTS BEHIND GG APPS Visit our website: OTHERAPPS BY GG GG OCD Training App GG Body ImageDistress &Preoccupation GG Confidence & Self esteem GoodBlocks
Teleporte 6.6.29
Keyless access to doors, cabinets, enclosures with yourmobiledevice!