Top 20 Apps Similar to Who visited me for WhatsApp

Profile Tracker for WhatsApp 1.25
Get Apps Made
Ever wondered if it is possible tohackWhatsApp conversations? Well, the answer is no! The data iswellprotected behind firewalls, and the company has kept theirserverspretty safe! But with our app, using statisticalprobabilityanalysis in our algorithm, we churn out numbers, tryingto giveresults to answer your queries!This is one of the best simulation of tracker for WhatsAppandtracks profile visitors, blockers, stalkers, time spent etc. Weareconstantly trying to improve our algorithm so that we candelivergood simulated results. Since it is still evolving so theresultsare not 100% correct.Key Features are:1) Who viewed my Profile: This is our premium simulationfeature,we try to analyze the data for the last 30 days, so thatyou canhave a quick check on who viewed you. For the last day wetry toshow data in approximated hours and then afterwards we showthem daywise.2) WhatsApp Spy – On the basis of the score generatedbycalculating the frequency of visits, analyzing intervalbetweenviews etc. we generate a simulated list of your profilestalkers.Right now we give only 5 names. But we are trying toincrease thenumber further.3) Who blocked me - This is a tricky one and we have limiteddataon this as of now! Based on when your account was last seenbysomeone, when you had your last conversation etc., ouralgorithmcrunches numbers and gives out a simulated result fromwhich youcan take a guess at maybe who blocked you.4) Chances of Stalking - And the awesomeness, sadly ends here!Ouralgorithm gives names with chances (probability valuesrangingbetween 0 to 100) here, for you to make a choice: you canjudgeyourself by looking at the values if he/she is your profilestalkeror not.Please note that, the application will not show you the fulllistof profile visitors, stalkers etc. , you need to make an InAppPurchase if you want to see the full list. Also we do not shareanypersonal information (including contacts information, calllogsetc.) with any third party, it is just used in ourprobabilisticalgorithm.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsored orendorsedby, or affiliated with, WhatsApp.This is a light hearted Simulation and is intended forentertainmentpurposes only.
Who viewed my profile-whatsapp 5.0
Who viewed my whatsapp profileHave you every heard about that anyone can know about whoisvisiting my whats app profile picture and staring at your imageandstatus ? it is obvious answer is no !! Never !!No one can never knows about who is looking at your whatsappprofile picture and know about who has crush on you. No onecanknow about such activities on whats app. we can not check whatsappconversion of other user. whats app data is pretty safe and nobodycan dare to hack them.With this app with smart technique and algorithm we can knowknowabout who is visiting your profile daily.To know about who visited your whats app profile daily youjustneed to install this app and share in your friend circle, appmustinstalled in your friend's cell phone. This way you can knowaboutyour friends is watching at your whats app profile pictureornot.*************************Important :: ****************************************How it will work:***********************Enter name , Whats app mobile number and country codeApp will show you all whats app user that is added in yourwhatsapp.Buy to see who visited your whats app profile picture. and whoisreading your whats app status regularly. - For that shareandinstall this app in your friend's mobile. app will let you knowwhois watching at you among all friends.*****************************************************************Please email us to share your ideas and suggestions. Mail [email protected] will glad to receive them and will implement it for youtoserve you best.Thank You.
Who checked my profile ? 5.0
OMG !who viewing your profile?let's try this appllication which let you know whocheckingyourprofile daily ?This amazing application ever you seen !Try with your luck and see the most people whocheckedyourprofile most , and who visited your whatsapp profilemostthroughtthe instagram app !Great Userface of the app will give you who visitedyourfacebookprofile and who checked your instagram profile ?share and rate feature is added , who checks your profile ?be the kind person and rate us as you like !Happy ! Thank you !
Who visited profile-whatsapp 2.0
Who Interacts Me Most-whatsappAre you really want to check who is watching your whats profile?install this application and app will let you know aboutprofilevisitors. Whats app not providing any functionality in whichusercan check who is watching/staring at your profile picture aswellas reading your status daily.Here we come up with new application in you can know who viewsmywhats app profile. Application works with special algorithm,youjust need to install this application and share it willyourfriends so that you can come to know who is watching at youfromyour friend circle.*****************IMPORTANT *****************Important : We will not share any personal information toyourfriends. if you want to know who is checking your whatsappprofileamong your friends you need to share app with your friendsandinstall with in your friend's device.***************************************************How to use :Open the app.insert name ,whatsapp number and country code.App will show you all the whatsapp friends. You need to buy tocheckprofile visitors list.Thanks,Please email us to share your ideas and suggestions. Mail usonthis mail idWe will glad to receive them and will implement it for youtoserve you best.Thank You.
Who Viewed Me On Fbook - Free 1.32
Who Viewed Me On Fbook - Free :Let's check who is visited my Facebook profile. Thisapplicationis for entertainment Use only. Application will help youto findthe people who viewed my Facebook profile most. You may findyourcrush with this application. You can find profilevisitors/profilestalkers/profile spy.Most important note is :This application will only show you those users who are inyourFacebook friends list. Within your Facebook friends you canfindyour crush.This is free version of my paid application. Application isjustfor entertainment. Application will not show you full listofprofile visitors. you need to buy if you want to see full listofprofile visitors data.You can see the friends who views my Facebook profile.Wedeveloped this application very user friendly and we alwaysreadyto help you, if you have any issue please contact us to oursupportemail address.Thank you for your corporation. Please rate thisapplication.your feedback is a lot for us. we will continuouslyworking on thisapp to improve it.Thanks a lot.
Tricks And Tips for WhatsApp 1.0
As WhatsApp hacking is not possiblethereforewemade an application using various tips and tricks andadding toitour behavior-probability algorithm to crunch numbers togiveyousimulated results. But as our algorithm is learning so itisnot100% accurate but with time as it gets more data itshouldgetbetter.WhatsApp tips and tricks is most widely search term ontheinternet.People search for tricks like how to know who visitedmyprofile,who blocked me etc.This app tries to answer your above queries andincludesvariousfeatures which will help you know more:1) who viewed my profile: We show you a simulated listofwhoviewed your profile in last 30 days with the latestviewertimingsin hour.2) Who blocked my WhatsApp profile: Aftercrunchingvariousnumbers and evaluating various key points we giveyousimulatedlist of contacts who might have blocked you, fromthislist you cantry to guess if the contact is blocking you ornot.3) Profile visited by you: It gives you a simulatedlistofcontacts you viewed recently.and much more features, so start exploring.Please note that, the application will not show you the fulllistofviewers, stalkers etc., you will need to make an In AppPurchasetosee the full list. We do not share anypersonalinformation(including contacts information, call logs etc.)withany thirdparty, it is just used in our algorithm.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsoredorendorsedby, or affiliated with, WhatsApp.This is a light hearted Simulation and is intendedforentertainmentpurposes only.
whomy profile visitors daily? 6.0
hello friendshappy to hear from you !best application to use now, it shows who watching yourprofiledaily ? a list is very accurate, easy to use applicationvery delight application, great userinterface andattractivedesign which let u know who checked my profile in theapplication!easy to use and help you to find the followers near you,sowhenever you want to know that anyone is seeing yourprofilesecretly, or checking your profile daily ?just login with fbbbook.Thanks
Whats friends Profile Picture 1.0
Whats friends Profile PictureYou fed up to check individual whats app profile pictureofyourfriends on whats app ? You are on right page.Installthisapplication and check all your whats app profilepicture.if you really want to know is your boy friend/ girlfriendreallychecking his ex, just install this application withinhismobile andyou will find can check all the whats app friends and can downloadimageinjust one click. you can share and save image as well.If you want to add some pictures within app, go to whatsappandclick on your friend's profile picture. Application is tocheckallyour friends profile picture.Enjoy the app.Please rate our app. Your feedback means a lot for us.Wearecontinuously working to improve this app to serveyoubest.Hope you will rate us good.Thank You.
Online History for WhatsApp 1.2
Well for sure getting into WhatsApp serversisnot possible; it is well protected by firewalls. But by usingthebehavior statistics data; our algorithm tries to generatesomesimulated results trying to give you the answers foryourqueries.This is one of the best simulation app in market which simulatestheonline history of the whole month of who had last seen yourprofile.We have made the algorithm such that it learns with time,more thetime better the results it shows (though not 100%correct).Key Features:1) Online history of profile viewers: You will get thesimulatedlist of who viewed your profile for the whole last month.For thepresent day you will get visiting hours and for previousdays thevisits will be shown in days. The whole report is shownbyanalyzing the past numbers. The accuracy of results shouldimprovewith time as we get to know more via behaviorprobability.2) Spy detector: Their might be people who may be spying you,sowith our algorithm you will get a simulated list of contactssothat you can guess the spy. The data is generated on the basisofvarious factors like last seen frequency, duration betweenviewsetc.3) Odds of Stalking: Here we present you a report on contactswhomay be stalking your profile with the odds or possibility score(theodds score varies from 0 to 100). From the odd score you canguesswho is your friend and who is the stalker.4) Who blocked me: Here you will get the report of whohadremoved you from his contacts. The contacts are shown onassumptionbasis which are done by checking various pointers likelast seen,dp not changed and many more. From this simulated listyou canguess yourself who might be avoiding you.Notice: The application doesn't show full list, so the userneedsto buy in-app product for seeing the full report. Also we donotshare any personal information (including contacts information,calllogs etc.) with any third party, it is just used inourprobabilistic algorithm.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsored orendorsedby, or affiliated with, WhatsApp.This is a light hearted simulation and is intended forentertainmentpurposes only.
ВК Гости, Лайки, Слежка 2.3.2
Swist team
ВКонтакте Шпион - это уникальное в своемродеприложение для ВК, объединяет в себе функции статистикисвоегопрофиля и слежки за друзьями или вообще любым человеком изВК.Статистика своего vk профиля при ежедневномиспользованииэто:- гости на твоей странице и изменение количества гостейотносительновчерашнего дня;- общее количество лайков, комментов, репостов и ихизменения;- новые-отписавшиеся друзья и подписчики;- рейтинг самых активных пользователей на вашей vk страницесредидрузей, подписчиков и тайных почитателей;- рейтинг самых популярных записей и фотографий.Слежка или шпион за друзьями позволяет вам, оставаясь втени,всегда быть первым в курсе последних изменений на страницевашейподруги, друга или кумира.Добавляя свою вторую половинку в “Слежение” вы получаете:- Моментальные уведомления на телефон в случае если он/онадобавилновое фото,запись, видео или просто зашел в vk онлайн;- общее количество лайков, комментов, репостов и их изменениянаего/ее странице - кто ж больше всего лайкает его/ее записиифотографии?!;- новые-отписавшиеся друзья и подписчики - будь всегда в курсектоновый добавился к нему/ней в друзья, а кого он/она удалила покакойто причине;- статистику когда он/она заходит в сеть - если с тобойпопрощалисьи пошли ночью спать, а сам/сама сидит во ВКонтакте выбудет об этомзнать!;- с обновлениями планируем показывать скрытых друзей.Мы не накрутка для Vkontakte. Мы предлагаем лишьчестнуюинформация о профиле пользователя социальной сетиВконтакте.
Если у вас будут предложения по улучшению приложенияидобавления нового функционала, просим писать нам на почту. Мыихрассмотрим и внедрим в следующих апдейтах.ЧаВО:
Как часто обновляется информация в приложении ШпиондляVKontakte?
- Полностью информация обновляется раз в сутки, но вы можетепонажатия на “обновить” запустить в ручную процессобновлениястатистики;Могут ли взломать мою страницу VKontakte во времяпользованияприложением?
- Мы не храним никакую информация о наших VK пользователях,поэтомуваши пароли Вконтакте в полной безопасности.Предлагаете ли вы услуги накрутка лайков и подписчиков VK?
- Наше приложение направлено исключительно наотображениестатистики профиля Vkontakte и не предлагает услугинакруткалайков, подписчиков. Накрутка запрещена правиламисоциальной сетиВК.Какие услуги вы оказывается?
- Отображение статистики профиля и слежка в социальнойсетиВКонтакте.Какие услуги вы не оказывается?
- Наше приложение не предлагает услуги по накрутка лайковиподписчиков ВКVKontakte Spy - isuniquein its kind application for EC, combines the functionsofstatistics for their profile and spy on friends or even anyonefromthe VC.Statistics Profile vk its daily use is:- Visitors on your page, and change the number of guestsregardingthe day before;- The total number of likes, Comment, repost andtheirchanges;- New-unsubscribing friends and followers;- The rating of the most active users on your page vk amongfriends,subscribers and secret admirers;- The rating of the most popular recordings and photos.The surveillance or spying on friends allows you staying intheshadows, always be the first informed of the latest changes onyourfriends page, or other idol.Adding a soul mate in the "Monitoring" you get:- Instant notifications on your phone in case he / she has addedanew photo, record a video or simply went into vk online;- The total number of likes, the comments, and repost themchangeshis / her page - who most laykaet his / her recordsandphotos!- New-unsubscribing friends and followers - be always up todatesomeone new was added to him / her as a friend, and whom he /sheis removed for some reason;- Statistics when he / she enters the network - if you saidgoodbyeand went to sleep at night, while he / she sits inVKontakte, youwill know about it !;- With updates we plan to show hidden friends.We do not cheat to Vkontakte. We offer the onlyhonestinformation about the profile of social networkVkontakte.If you have any suggestions for improving the app and addingnewfeatures, please write us a mail. We shall consider them andwillimplement in the next update.FAQ:How often is the information in the application for theSpyVKontakte?- Full information is updated once a day, but you can by clickingonthe "update" to start the process of manuallyupdatingstatistics;Can hack my page VKontakte while using the application?- We do not store any information about our users, VK, soyourpasswords Vkontakte safely.Do you offer services cheat likes and subscribers VK?- Our application is directed exclusively to the displayprofileVkontakte statistics and offers wrapping likes, subscribers.Cheatprohibited by the rules of the social network VK.What services do you provide?- Display Profile statistics and surveillance in the socialnetworkVKontakte.What services you provided?- Our app does not offer services to cheat likes andsubscribersVC
Profile Visitors Facebook 1.35
Garry P
Are you curious to check who is visitingyourprofile and stalking you or people who have secrete crush onyou ?You came at right place. Now it is possible to see the peoplewhois interested in you. We will show you list of peoplefromfacebook. (Those are your facebook friends only). Who arecheckingyour profile and interested in you. They might be visitingyourprofile and checking on you more frequently . Isn't that cool ?andyes its free to install and check the initial list of people whoisstalking at you. What you are waiting for. Go head and installourprofile stalkers for facebook app. Know who is checkingyourfacebook profile daily.We are using smart trick to get the list of users fromyourfacebook who might be viewing your facebook profile frequently.Itis the You can see 5 users for free when you install the app,youcan refresh it as many times you want and can see updated list.Youcan see full picture of the users by clicking on the pictureyousee.App will ask to login with facebook to get the list. We areusingfacebook as a source and do some metrics to get the profilevisitorslist.Here is the trickThe list you are getting is depend on the activities youaredoing on facebook. List will be updated on time based on that.Youare messaging some one or liking their status, commentingcanchange the order of the list.You need to check and analyse the people to whom you havenottalked and not interacted with them since long, those arethevisitors of your profile. Don't be confused by thinking thatpersonwho is on top is viewing you the most. Those are the users towhomyou are chatting, you need to find those to whom you arenottalking or interacting among the list.It is most secure application, the details that you areputtingis the secure, so you don't need to worry about that. It isgreatchance to find your crush using this facebook profilestalkersapp.If you have any question related to who viewed my profileapp,Feel free to email on the given id, we will answer yourquestionsas soon possible. We are continuously updating ourfacebook profilevisitors app to give users good experience and makeit userfriendly. If you have any suggestion, feel free to reachus.Hope you guys will enjoy it.
Who viewed whatsapp profile 2
Who viewed my whatsapp profileThis is pro version of who viewed my whats app profile. It hasnoads and some extra featuresHave you every heard about that anyone can know about whoisvisiting my whats app profile picture and staring at your imageandstatus ? it is obvious answer is no !! Never !!No one can never knows about who is looking at your whatsappprofile picture and know about who has crush on you. No onecanknow about such activities on whats app. we can not check whatsappconversion of other user. whats app data is pretty safe and nobodycan dare to hack them.With this app with smart technique and algorithm we can knowknowabout who is visiting your profile daily.To know about who visited your whats app profile daily youjustneed to install this app and share in your friend circle, appmustinstalled in your friend's cell phone. This way you can knowaboutyour friends is watching at your whats app profile pictureornot.*************************Important :: ****************************************How it will work:***********************Enter name , Whats app mobile number and country codeApp will show you all whats app user that is added in yourwhatsapp.Buy to see who visited your whats app profile picture. and whoisreading your whats app status regularly. - For that shareandinstall this app in your friend's mobile. app will let you knowwhois watching at you among all friends.*****************************************************************Please email us to share your ideas and suggestions. Mail [email protected] will glad to receive them and will implement it for youtoserve you best.Thank You.
Profile Tracker - Whatsapp 1.36
Profile Tracker - WhatsappLet's find who is more close to you on whats app. May be youwillfind your crush and come to know who is interacting with youmostfor whats app.Are you still thinking about who is the person who isdailychecking your profile picture and status.Your curiosity endshere.Because this app will let you know about those person andfriends.You will get the list of person who is looking at yourprofiledaily and checking your status daily. With this amazingapplicationyou will find your crush / your best friend / yourprofile visitors/ Your love.With this amazing application you can also know about is yourexboyfriend or girlfriend still looking at your profile.If you want to know about is your boyfriend or girlfriendstilllooking at his/her ex ? Simply install this application onhis/herdevice and you will come to know about your boyfriendorgirlfriends profile visitors.Please share this application with maximum friends and gettheaccurate result.Mail us if you have any query. Please rate this applicationtosupport us.enjoy the app.Thanks,
Who Viewed Me on Facebook? 1.0
Find out who viewed your facebookprofilethemost
Que vieron perfil-WhatsApp 1.0
Que vieron perfil del whatsapp¿Ha escuchado alguna vez acerca de que cualquierpersonapuedesaber acerca de quién está visitando mi foto de perfilcuál eslaaplicación y mirando a su imagen y el estado? es respuestaobviaesno !! Nunca !!Nadie puede nunca sabe acerca de quién está mirandoasuaplicación cuál imagen de perfil y conocer que ha chocadoenti.Nadie puede saber de esas actividades sobre cuálaplicación.nopodemos comprobar cuál es la conversión deaplicaciones deotrousuario. cuál datos de la aplicación es bastanteseguro yningúncuerpo puede atreven a cortar ellos.Con esta aplicación con la técnica inteligente yalgoritmopodemosconocer sabe de quién visita su perfil diario.Para saber acerca de quién ha visitado tu perfil cuáleslaaplicación diaria sólo tiene que instalar estaaplicaciónycompartir en su círculo de amigos, obligada aplicacióninstaladaenel teléfono celular de su amigo. De esta manera sepuedesaberacerca de sus amigos está mirando a su aplicación cuálimagendeperfil o no.************************* Importante :: ****************************************¿Cómofuncionará:***********************Introduce el nombre, número de teléfono móvil ¿Cuál eslaaplicacióny el código de paísAplicación le mostrará todas cuál es usuario de laaplicaciónquese añade en el cuál aplicación.Comprar para ver quién ha visitado tu perfil cuál eslaimagenaplicación. y quién está leyendo el estado de suaplicacióncuál esregular. - Para que la participación e instalarestaaplicación enel móvil de su amigo. aplicación le permitirásaberquién estámirando a ti entre todos los amigos.*****************************************************************Por favor, envíenos un correo electrónico para compartirsusideasy sugerencias. envíenos un correo electrónico en [email protected] encantados de recibirlos y llevarlo a laprácticaparaque presten el mejor servicio.Gracias.
Who Viewed my Profile Facebook 4.1
This application is aimed completelyforentertainment purposes. Any information given here isNEVERguaranteed to be correct. The results are acquired usingastatistics relies on the likes of the friends of the user.
Profile Stalkers For fbook 4.0
Profile Stalkers For fbookGuys let's check today who interacts you most on yourfacebook.Who is more interested in you to check your facebookprofilepicture as well as your status and wall. You must be veryexcitedto know those friends name.Now it is possible to see the people who is interested in you.Wewill show you list of people from facebook. (Those areyourfacebook friends only). Who are checking your profileandinterested in you. They might be visiting your profile andcheckingon you more frequently . Isn't that cool ? and yes its freetoinstall and check the initial list of people who is stalkingatyou. What you are waiting for. Go head and install ourprofilestalkers for facebook app. Know who is checking yourfacebookprofile daily.We are using smart trick to get the list of users from yourfacebookwho might be viewing your facebook profile frequently. Itis the Youcan see 5 users for free when you install the app, youcan refreshit as many times you want and can see updated list. Youcan see fullpicture of the users by clicking on the picture yousee.App will ask to login with facebook to get the list. We areusingfacebook as a source and do some metrics to get the profilevisitorslist.Here is the trickThe list you are getting is depend on the activities youaredoing on facebook. List will be updated on time based on that.Youare messaging some one or liking their status, commentingcanchange the order of the list.You need to check and analyse the people to whom you havenottalked and not interacted with them since long, those arethevisitors of your profile. Don't be confused by thinking thatpersonwho is on top is viewing you the most. Those are the users towhomyou are chatting, you need to find those to whom you arenottalking or interacting among the list.It is most secure application, the details that you areputtingis the secure, so you don't need to worry about that. It isgreatchance to find your crush using this facebook profilestalkersapp.If you have any question related to who viewed my profileapp,Feel free to email on the given id, we will answer yourquestionsas soon possible. We are continuously updating ourfacebook profilevisitors app to give users good experience and makeit userfriendly. If you have any suggestion, feel free to reachus.Hope you guys will enjoy it.
Who Viewed me on Fbook ? 1.10
Profile Visitors : Who Viewed me on Fbook ?You must be very curious to know about yourprofilevisitors.This application is for entertainment only.,result may shockingforyou guys.You can find your crush with this application. you can checkwhois visiting your profile daily. you can check who views myprofile,oh ya profile stalkers you can say.we are here for support. Let me know if you findanydifficulties. We are always here to help you.,must rate to this application. Your feedback is veryimportantfor us.Thank You.
profile tracker whatsapp free 1.4
profile tracker for whatsappDid you ever thinks about your profile visitors, profileviewers, Profile admires for whats app ? Do you think you can knowaboutwho is visiting your profile daily and checking your whatsappprofile picture. i think you do not know how you can do this ?Thisis the app on which you can check about profile visitorsandprofile admires for whats app.We have used special tricks to fetch the data. Applicationisbased on special algorithm. We have explored that algorithmandconverted into the amazing application.Please check with the application and let us know. Informusabout info u get., If it is right or not.This application is for entertainment use only. May be resultyouget is not 100 per true. But it is not wrong at all.Please do not forget to rate and share this amazingapplication.may be your friends looking at your profile and youwill get theresult.And the awesomeness, sadly ends here! Our algorithm gives nameswithchances (probability values ranging between 0 to 100) here,for youto make a choice: you can judge yourself by looking at thevalues ifhe/she is your profile stalker or not.Please note that, the application will not show you the fulllistof profile visitors, stalkers etc. , you need to make an InAppPurchase if you want to see the full list. Also we do not shareanypersonal information (including contacts information, calllogsetc.) with any third party, it is just used in ourprobabilisticalgorithm.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsored orendorsedby, or affiliated with, WhatsApp.This is a light heated Simulation and is intended forentertainmentpurposes only.If you guys have any issues please mail us. Your rateandsuggestions means a lot for us.Thank you.
Who Visited My profile? 4.0
Whats app not providing any facilityinwhichany one can see who visited your whats appprofilepicture.Well,this application is able to show you who iswatchingyour whats appprofile photo and status. This applicationisbasically works onour special algorithm.If you want to know who is spying you or who is your crushandyourwhats app profile picture. You are on right page, Installthisappon your device and find is anyone visited your whatsappprofile.this is paid version of Who visited my whats app profile.Important note :This application is for entertainment use only.Applicationwillshow your all whats app contact photos and you needto buy tochecklist of your whats app profile visitors.We will not post your any personal information anywhere.Wearehere to support you.Please mail us if have any sugeestions or query, Rate ustoapp.Your rates means a lot for us,We are continuesly working on app to serve you best.Many Thanks ,