Top 12 Apps Similar to Dispatch Alert

Dispatch 1.29.0
With Dispatch, you no longer need to waitbythe phone or fax machine for incoming jobs from your job sources-they arrive right in your phone. You can quickly and easilyacceptnew jobs, assign them to people in your team, and trackthemthrough completion.With Dispatch's On my way feature, you can quickly let yourcustomerknow that you're on your way, and allow the to track yourarrivalfrom their mobile phone.
i-Dispatch 2016
i-Dispatch Mobile Job Dispatch Systemissuitedto Tradespersons, Transport industry, and Servicebasedindustries.Simply schedule your jobs on your PC and send them to oneormoremobile staff on their Android or iOS phone.Features- Calendar View for all jobs by company.- View each job's details and location via thenormalMapapplication.- Communicate with your company with messaging.- Upload and take photos and save them for a specific jobforlaterreferral.- Take signatures and record transactions for your jobs.- Record parts used and log your work hours for each job.- Record travel and shift hours- Generate a range of management reports onthei-dispatchwebsite.- change your status for when you need time off or sick days.- Produce customisable service reports / quotes / documentsontheflyPlease note after downloading this app, users will berequiredtolog into to register prior touse.
Dispatch Anywhere Mobile 4.3.22
Dispatch Anywhere empowers owners, managers, and dispatcherstoworkand run their business from their mobile device. Viewjobdetails,assign and send jobs to drivers, timestamp and uploadjobphotos.Also track truck locations, truck statuses, andjoblocations inreal-time with Track view.
Dispatch Anywhere for Drivers 3.10.51
The power of the world's best dispatching software, in the palmofyour hand.
DispatchTrack Field Operations
Routing, GPS, Job Pictures, Job Notes, Customer Signature,DispatchTrack.
Total Dispatch 2.1.8
Complete more jobs, on time andunderbudgetwith Total Dispatch. The only total field servicemanager foryourdesktop and smartphone, Total Dispatch lets youmanageyourbusiness from anywhere, in real-time.Schedule and assign jobs on the fly, route and trackfieldemployees,automate timekeeping — and do it all right fromyourlaptop ortablet. Your employees will immediately see theirnewjobs on theirsmart phones.With Total Dispatch, you get happier customers,moreproductiveemployees and the visibility you need to run amoreefficient, andprofitable, operation.Stop wasting countless hours and dollars trying to manageyourteam.Run your entire business from a single place onlywithTotalDispatch.Visit for more information.
Dispatch Mobile 2.5.5
Au lieu de dicter à vos chauffeursousous-traitants le contenu de chacune des missions de transportquevous leur confiez, vous leur envoyez en un clic, l'intégralitédesinformations sur leur téléphone Android.Les chauffeurs et/ou sous-traitants accusent réception delamission dès sa lecture et en quelques clics, informent entempsréel leur service d'exploitation de l'état d'avancement delamission, signalent les anomalies et les litiges, saisissentleursTemps de Service (pour les moins de 3,5 T). Ainsi, votreserviced'exploitation et vos chauffeurs sont-ils toujours et enmême tempsau même niveau d'information. S'ils en ontl'habilitation, vosdonneurs d'ordres ont la même information entemps réel depuisDispatch Web.Dispatch Mobile Android permet également la géolocalisationdescoursiers et chauffeurs poids lourds.Instead of dictatingtoyour drivers or subcontractors the contents of eachtransportmissions that you give them, you send them in one click,all theinformation on their Android phone.Drivers and / or subcontractors acknowledge receipt ofthemission from reading a few clicks, inform their real-timeoperatingstatus of the mission service whistleblowers andlitigation, entertheir Service time (for less than 3.5 T). Thus,operating serviceand your drivers are they always and at the sametime at the samelevel of information. If they have theauthorization, yourcontractors have the same information in realtime from WebDispatch.Dispatch Mobile Android also allows geolocation couriersandtruck drivers.
Dispatch Driver 2.7.1
Dispatch Driver app can be used by private hire,taxi,chauffeurservice and limousine hire drivers to receivebookingsfrom theirdispatching company via the Dispatch bookingsystem. Itallowsauthorised drivers to sign on and off shift,receivebookings,update the status of active bookings, managebookingpayments(including fare, waiting time charges, car parkfees,extras andcredit card fees), record cash payments received andtakecreditcard payments. Now you can access all of yourpre-bookedandinstant bookings in the palm of your hand, fromanywhere andatanytime! What can you do? - Sign on and off shift -Enablelocationtracking when you are signed on shift -Instantlyreceivedispatched bookings with full details of thepassenger,flightinformation, collection time, pickup, via pointsand dropofflocations, wait and return instructions and of any faretocollect- Get push notifications when a new booking is received-Accept orreject dispatched bookings - Easily set the currentstatusof abooking (at pickup, passenger on board, soon to clear orclear)-Have waiting time and credit card feechargesautomaticallycalculated - Record details of any extras suchas carpark fees -Record details of cash payments and take creditcardpayments -Email a receipt to the passenger And much, muchmore.Locationtracking enables the current location of allauthorised, onshiftdrivers to be reflected in real time on a mapview via theDispatchbooking system, enabling the dispatcher toquickly andeasilydispatch jobs to the nearest available driver. Allbookingstatusupdates are instantly reflected within the Dispatchbookingsystem,enabling the dispatcher to monitor the status ofeveryactive job.How to get started? Download the app and simplyenteryourcompany's registration number and your driver numbertobegin.However, your company will have to be registeredforDispatchfirst. Note: Continued use of GPS running in thebackgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. When off duty,please signoffshift via the application to disable the GPS basedlocationupdatesfeature.
John's Trucking Dispatch 1.5
Dispatch application for John'sTrucking(Lakeside, CA)
Dispatch Mobile Workflow 71.0
Au lieu de dicter à vos chauffeurs ou sous-traitants lecontenudechacune des missions de transport que vous leur confiez,vousleurenvoyez en un clic, l'intégralité des informationssurleurtéléphone Android. Les chauffeurs et/ousous-traitantsaccusentréception de la mission dès sa lecture et enquelquesclics,informent en temps réel leur service d'exploitationdel'étatd'avancement de la mission, signalent les anomalies etleslitiges,saisissent leurs Temps de Service (pour les moins de3,5T). Ainsi,votre service d'exploitation et vos chauffeurssont-ilstoujours eten même temps au même niveau d'information.S'ils enontl'habilitation, vos donneurs d'ordres ont la mêmeinformationentemps réel depuis Dispatch Web. Dispatch MobileWorkflowpermetégalement la géolocalisation des coursiers etchauffeurspoidslourds.
Nextstop Mobile 1.4.92
CXT Software
Welcome to Nextstop Mobile!Nextstop Mobile is CXT Software's next generation mobile appfortransportation and logistics companies. Designed to work intandem*with CXT Software's market-leading X Dispatch** couriersoftwaresuite as well as our upcoming Nextstop software fortransportationand logistics companies, Nextstop Mobile providesstep-by-stepworkflows for drivers, dock workers, and other mobileroles.With Nextstop Mobile Version 1.0, drivers can check in andout,view and map assigned stops, scan and deliver parcels,collectsignatures and proof of delivery, and photographdamage.Turn-by-turn directions, parcel lookup, and messages are asimpleclick away. Back at the dock, workers can quickly receivefreight,look up specific parcels, and view the scan summary.What our customers are saying..."The streamlined driver workflow, easy access toturn-by-turndirections, and integrated camera barcode scanningwilldramatically increase driver productivity."--Andrew Brady, Chief Operations Officer, King Courier,SanFranciscoImportant Notes:* X Dispatch, sold separately by CXT Software, is requiredinorder to use Nextstop Mobile. Contact [email protected] togetstarted!** Not all mobile features will be available when usingNextstopMobile with X Dispatch. The complete mobile featureset willrequiretransitioning to the Nextstop product suite (availabilityTBD).Contact your CXT Software Sales Executive for details.
DispatchTrack Intermodal
DispatchTrack is a must-have software forallLogistics companies that provide Drayage and otherIntermodaltransport services. DispatchTrack streamlinesdispatchcommunications, optimizes your fleet in real time.Features:Automate dispatch.GPS Tracking.Driver Settlements.Alerts.Per Diem.Assessorial Charges Tracking.Digital Proof of Delivery.BOL Scanning.DOT Compliance.Pictures & Notes.Note : Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life - Application will run inthebackground mode to track the accurate location till theapplicationis terminated or you logout of the application