Top 3 Apps Similar to Netra Shirke

BMC T Ward Grievance Redressal 1.0.2
BMC T Ward Grievance RedressalDevelopedByDSSWORLD is an Alert Mechanism for Mulund T wardcitizenswhereinpeople can raise their grievances regarding anygovernmentor localissues i.e. water connection problem,electricityproblems,improperGarbage Handling,neglected Road repair etcThe system allows us to complaint through Android App,sendimagesofsuffered issues.In addition keep logs of different complaintsregistered,providestatus updates of the grievances andsolvedcomplaintsaccordingly.
BMC App 1.0.0
Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation (BMC) isalocal government committed to provide basicinfrastructurefacilities including entertainment facilities to thepeople of thecity. BMC is very well known for the managing the cityby usingprivate sector participation as well as introduction ofinnovativemechanism in management to serve people efficiently. Cityhasprepared different plans for improving services and to nullifygapbetween services and demands.
Free A Billion 0.0.1
Free A Billion is uniting Mumbaikarstoraiseour voice against a broken city government that hasresultedin thedecline of the city. We are demanding respite froma19th-centuryarchaic law, BMC Act of 1888, that ruins Mumbai today.Free A Billion is pioneering discussion on the need fornewrulesbased on modern needs and global research to usherinprogress forMumbai. We believe that citizenparticipation,accountability,transparency and enforcement should bethe pillarsof anygovernment. But when governments evade this basiccode,citizensbear the heavy price.Using this app:* You can register your support to be a part of changeinMumbai.Participate in Mumbai's biggest movement toimprovegovernance,create local leadership and make changehappen.* You can browse local news and stay in the know ofcurrentaffairs,important trends, and everything that's buzzing inthecity.* You can stay updated with local Free A Billion eventsaroundyourarea. These events will not only improve your knowledgeoflocalaffairs but also empower you as a citizen of Mumbai. Allthiswhilemeeting new people and having fun.Free A Billion is demanding a citizen-firstgovernancewherecitizens have a voice in the day-to-dayfunctioningandimplementation.