Top 6 Apps Similar to Math Duel - 2 Player Math Game

Mental Arithmetic 1.1.0
It is a very useful app to improve your math calculation andkeepyour brain healthy. try to play this game for a few days andyouwill see that it helps to increase your mental calculation whichishelpful at school or university. There are two main modes, asingleplayer and two players. In first mode you are able to selectwhichmath operation you would like to train like addition,subtraction,multiplication and etc. After selecting appear a listof levelsthat you should to pass. Each level has some time and somenumberof questions. every question has multiple choice. When leveliscompleted you can see your score. Second mode has screen dividedintwo parts where you can play against your friends or family.
2 Player Math Duel 1.08
**********************************************************************2 PLAYER MATH DUEL ! 1P VS 2P MULTIPLAYER CHALLENGE**********************************************************************Challenge your friend and/or train or math skills intrialmode**********************************************************************FEATURES**************- 2 player mode- Time trial mode- Genuine chalk board graphics and sound effects- All device sizes supported - runs from small sized phones to10inch tablets.Share your skills with your friends - Google PlayleaderboardsincludedUPCOMING Version 2.0- NEW ELO EVALUTION AND REAL TIME MULTIPLAYER will beincluded- After a first test period your scores will be converted intoanELO rating system and you will then be able to findsuitable math cracks to play with on your levelEND*****Have fun and become a math star!
Russian in a Month: Express Sp 1.29
Learn Russian words and vocabulary in audio lessons and wordcards.Start now!
The Big Duel 1.07
The Big DuelThe Bid Duel is a fun addictive game where you can test yourmathskills.You can choose between 3 game modes and play 1vs1or1vsTime...Game Modes:- Math- Bigger/Smaller- ShapesChoose between math calculations like:* Addition* Subtraction* Multiplication* DivisionChoose hardness and play 1vs1 on 1 device or against thetime.Let your kids train their math skills with lot of fun andniceanimations (Blueprint).Have fun...How To Play?Game Mode "Math"**********************You will get a math calculation and 3 different results, presstheright result to move the rocket to earth.Game Mode "Big/Small"****************************You will get a math calculation and a random number in themiddlebutton (that is NOT the right result).Now you must find out if the right result of the caulculationisBIGGER (>) or SMALLER (<) then the number in themittlebutton.Game Mode "Shapes"****************************You will see a random shape and you will get 3differentresults.Only one result is the right side amount of the shape. Press ittomove the rocket to earth.(Circle has 0 sides, Triangle has 3 sides
Number Pop Free 1.3
★★★★★ Voted Best Free App of the ★★★★★Number Pop is a super fun and addictive maths game that willtestyour mental math skills and boost your brain.Improve your observation, focus, concentration and memory.Features 5 Modes of Play and 3 Difficulty Levels. TheFreeVersion has 1 Mode and Two difficulty LevelsIncludes High Definition Graphics.Suitable for phone or tablet.Earn more stars as you improve your math skills over more than80levels. The Free Version has 8 levels.Each game mode has: Addition, Subtraction, MultiplicationandDivision Levels.Game Modes:Arcade - Try to beat your best time and earn more stars bypoppingthe bubbles to answer the math questions. (Free andPro)Equations - The answer is given to you. You must pop the bubblestomake the equation that matches the answer. (Pro Only)Sequence - Pop the bubbles in order from lowest to highest, orviceversa depending on the mode. (Pro Only)Times Table - Great for kids to help them learn their timestables.Choose your times table and try to beat your best time.(ProOnly)Timed - You have 60 seconds to answer as many maths questionsaspossible. (Pro Only)Difficulty Levels:Easy - Great for kids, or if you want to brush up on yourmentalmath. (Free and Pro)Medium - Provides more of a challenge and gives your brain agoodmental workout. There are more bubbles as well to make it thatbitmore challenging. (Free and Pro)Hard - This mode is not for the faint hearted. Even morebubblesthan medium mode and even tougher maths questions. (ProOnly)
Cerita Anak: Menanam Sejuta Pohon 5.0.0
Educa Studio
Dalam cerita ini, anak-anak akan diajak untuk peduli pada pohondanhutan. Pohon mempunyai peran yang sangat penting bagilingkungandan manusia. Jika pohon begitu penting, mengapa manusiasaat initidak peduli pada pelestarian hutan? Apa jadinya jikapohon-pohonitu tiada? Yuk, ikuti kisah lengkapnya di Riri MenanamSejutaPohon. FITUR KHUSUS ★ Buku Cerita dengan Narasi Otomatis ★BukuCerita dengan mode Baca Sendiri ★ Animasi dan Interaksiyangmenarik ★ Suara dan Musik membuat cerita lebih hidup ★Didesainkhusus untuk anak-anak Indonesia GAME EDUKASI INTERAKTIF ★Bermaindan Belajar Memotong Daun ★ Bermain dan Belajar MenampungAir ★Bermain dan Belajar Tebak Gambar ★ Bermain dan BelajarMenanamSejuta Pohon Aplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalamaplikasiDongeng Anak, Cerita Anak Interaktif, Cerita Rakyat, AsalUsulDaerah, Cerita Daerah, Mitos, Legenda, Kisah, FabelBinatang.Didesain khusus untuk anak-anak Indonesia. MENGENAI RIRIRIRImerupakan serial buku cerita anak interaktif yang mengusungtemacerita rakyat asli dari Indonesia serta Dongeng dan Fabeldariseluruh dunia. Semua cerita rakyat dan dongeng ini dikemassecarainteraktif, disuguhkan dengan nuansa khas Indonesia. Bukuceritaanak ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak yang belum bisamembacamelalui narasi dan animasi otomatis. Untuk anak-anak yangsudahbisa membaca dapat menggunakan mode Baca Sendiri. SelainBukuCerita Anak Interaktif, setiap serinya disediakanpermainanedukatif untuk anak yang mendidik seperti Warna, Angka,Berhitungdan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.========================TERHUBUNG DENGAN KAMI======================== Jika Anda memilikimasukan dan saran, bisadisampaikan kepada kami di: #Email:[email protected] Ikutiperkembangan aplikasi ini danupdatenya: #Website: #Twitter:@educastudio#Instagram: Educa Studio Terdapat lebih dari 50aplikasi RIRI yangbisa didownload GRATIS seperti kisah MalinKundang, Roro Jonggrang,Timun Mas, Monyet dan Ayam, Kisah Kancildan Pak Tani dan masihbanyak lagi lainnya. Klik di sini untukmelihat semuanya: