Top 22 Apps Similar to Flash Card Maker Pro

Flashcards Deluxe 4.63
An easy to use yet powerful and full-featured flashcard study app.
암기의신 플래시카드 1.8.00
발음은 구글 사전 발음과 TTS를 지원합니다.★ TTS 발음을 들으시려면 폰에 TTS를 설정하시면 됩니다.★TTS 설정방법은 아래 3단계만 하시면 됩니다.① 안드로이드폰의 환경설정② TTS(text to speech) or 텍스트를 음성으로 변환③ 음성데이터 설치♬~♪ 단어 암기의 지존 [암기의 신 - 플래시 카드]LG U+ Open Contents 공모전 특별상 당선작!!보고만 있어도 저절로 단어가 외워지는 [암기의 신]!언제든지 나만의 단어장을 추가할 수 있는 대박 [암기의 신]훈남 훈녀들이 선택한 샤방샤방 [암기의 신]매우 쉽습니다. 재미있습니다. 하다보면 단어가 외워집니다.http://www.mpush.kr웹사이트를 방문하시면더 많은 단어장과 팁을 만나보실 수 있습니다.● 특징- 노멀 학습: 카드를 좌우로 넘겨 보면서 외우는 암기 학습 방법입니다- 라이트너 학습: [세바스찬 라이트너]박사가 창안한 라이트너 학습은유럽에서 30여년간 널리 사용되고 있는 두뇌 암기법입니다.1번 상자에서 시작하여,외운 단어를 단계별로 2번, 3번, 4번, 5번 상자로 넣으면서,모든 단어를 5번상자까지 보내는 암기 학습법입니다.- 깜박이암기: 유명한 깜빡이 암기 학습방법입니다.단어와 뜻이 자동으로 깜빡이며 나옵니다.- 문제풀이: 4개의 예시가 나오며,제대로 외웠는지 확인해 봅니다.문제 항목은 20개로 기본 선택되어 있으며,설정 메뉴에서 변경할 수 있습니다.- 사용자 단어장 추가 기능: 기존 단어장 10개 이외에도 유저가 엑셀등 작성/구글 문서도구를이용하여 자유롭게 단어장을 추가할 수 있습니다.- 카드 앞/뒷면 변경해서 학습 할 수 있습니다.- 영어 단어 음성발음(tts)지원합니다.(혹시 영어카드에서도 TTS 발음이 들리지 않는다면,폰에 TTS 설치가 되어있는지 확인해 보세요)- 영어 단어장 이외에도 일본어, 천자문, 고사성어,세계 수도 이름 암기장이 있습니다.● 기본 암기장 10개 제공- TOEIC 영어단어 (단어 2002 개)- TOEIC 영영단어 (단어 1979 개)- TOEFL 영단어 (단어 2461 개)- 고등학교 필수 영단어 (단어 1905 개)- 중학교 필수 영단어 (단어 1200 개)- 교육부지정 초등 영단어 (단어 811 개)- 일본어 기초 단어 (일본단어 1715 개)- 천자문 (천자문 1000 개)- SAT GRE (SAT 4000개)- 세계 수도이름 (세계 수도 이름 112개)----개발자 연락처 :010-8284-4448
Flashcards Maker Pro ™ 3.4.0
Andriod division winner of 2011 Best AppEverAwards in the Educational Category. Recognized as "Top 8AndroidApps for Education" by Lauded as "Top 10 DroidAppsfor Education" by eSchool News. Defense and Brain InjuryCenterwebsite proclaims app as top "20Life-ChangingAndriod App for People with Brain Injuries."SimplyZesty ranks appas top "18 Educational Apps that put the'Smart' into Smartphones."Selected by AT&T for nationwidepromotion in 5,000 stores forBack to School campaign.Welcome to the future of learning! Flash Card Maker Pro™ isthemost advanced learning application on the AndroidMarket.Recognized as a top educational tool by nationaltechnological,educational and health organizations. This flashcardsAndroid appwas developed after months of research on multi-sensorylearningtechniques and is the only memory improvement applicationthat isoptimized for all Android pads, tablets, and mobile phones.Thisfull featured flash cards application uses advanced gesturingandtext-to-speech capability to provide users of all ages with afullyinteractive brain building experience.Improve your memory at lightning fast speed using triedandtested multi-sensory training techniques utilizing all pathwaysoflearning (visual, auditory, kinesthetic or seeing,hearing,touching) simultaneously. Use digital flashcards on yourAndroidphone or tablet to teach children the times tables or how toread,to help students study for exams, learn a new language,practicevocabulary, or to prepare for an upcoming presentation.Easy-to-use features include: play multiple decks at thesametime, shake to hide memorized cards during playback, navigateflashcards using finger gestures, shuffle, sort in multiple ways,trackspeed with timer, share decks via email, create or convertoldflashcards for free using developer website, swap questionandanswer, backup flash cards database to SD card, and liveaudioplayback in multiple languages using built intext-to-speechengine.Other uses and advantages of the app include:self-improvementand self-help, boost memory through high-techmemorizationtechniques, remember tasks and facts better withmulti-sensoryfeatures, teaching children and kids math withsubtraction andaddition and the alphabet with letters like ABCs,use as a game ortraining aid to build your brain and study fortests. The mostimportant feature of this app is the ability to readthe flashcards out loud and talk back to the user facilitatingauditorysenses and the learning of new languages like Spanish,French,Italian, and German. Use the application to study orteacheducational topics for the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, IQtests, AP,TOEFL, PCAT, VCAT, HSPT, AHPAT, OAT, NCLEX, PRAXIS, MBE,FE, MPJE,and ASVAB etc... The app is ideally suited for trainingandpractice for cognitive and speech therapy or learningdisability.Targeted for all ages and grades including: adults,children, kids,college, university, kindergarten, elementaryschool, middleschool, high school, graduate, Doctoral, Masters,PhD, andscientist.
Anki Aniki 2.68
"Anki Aniki is a useful learning toolforstudents of the Japanese language who are starting to learnKanjior know some Kanji already. It is also an excellent way tolearnfor the Japanese Language Proficiency Test." - ghacks.netAnki Aniki is your ULTIMATE study buddy for the JLPT! Learn allofthe kanji for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test - levels N5toN1! Learn, memorize, take quizzes, drill yourselfwithflashcards!FAQ:What is Anki Aniki?Anki Aniki is a tool for learning the kanji that appear intheJapanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). It covers alllevelsfrom N5 to N1.What isn’t Anki Aniki?Anki Aniki is not for learning vocabulary or grammar. It isstrictlya tool for learning kanji.Is Anki Aniki affiliated with AnkiDroid?No. This app is not in any way affiliated with AnkiDroid/Anki.How does it work?Anki Aniki uses a Spaced Repetition System (SRS) to train yourbraininto memorizing kanji on a long-term level. Each day, youwill learn5 to 20 new kanji which you will be quizzed on. If youanswerincorrectly for an item, it will show up sooner on afollowing quiz.Conversely, if you answer correctly on an item itwill be longerbefore you see it again. The more you answer an itemcorrectlywithout getting it wrong, the less frequently it willappear - untilyou have it completely memorized.What are the prerequisites?Anki Aniki assumes that you know hiragana. You will be tested onhowto read kanji, and romaji is not provided. Realistically, youshouldnot be attempting the JLPT or even learning kanji before youhavemastered hiragana, anyway!How Long Does It Take?Learning takes time. Learning kanji (there are a lot of them)takesa long time. At minimum, it takes at least one and a halfmonthsfor Anki Aniki to mark a learned item as memorized. Tomemorize allof the kanji in Anki Aniki it can take as little as 150days or asmuch as 2 years depending on your ability and yourambition. Don’tlet the numbers discourage you, though. It’s not arace. The maingoal is retention.Learn Kanji with ANKI ANIKI!
Flash Card Maker Pro Free! 7.6
AWARD WINNING FLASHCARD APP!! Top 100apponAmazon!Never buy flashcards again! This app allows you to make asetofflashcards and view them in either a simple format or use theminagame. The app also allows you to add additional flash cardstothecard sets that you have already made. Create unlimitedcards,andgroup them by topics. Have fun with it!If you love our app help support our development effortsandbuythe ad-free version.Your flash card decks are automatically synced tothecloud!Search and download other people's flash card decks andeditthemas you choose! Moving devices? Upgrading to our proversion?Noworries, take your flash card decks with you!Editing downloaded flash card decks only affects yourlocalcopyand not the deck on the cloud.Please leave us a good review if you like our app =)Click on a card in any of the view modes, edit, delete,andsave!Shuffle your cards using the options menu.Hundreds of new downloadable flash cards setavailableeachday!NEW! Shuffle your flash cards using the options menu.All screens look great on tablets. No other flash cardmakerlooksbetter.Search Terms: Flashcard flash card flashcard flash cardstudyhelpfreeAdded language support forgermanfrenchspanishitalianportugeuserussiankoreanjapanese
Flashcard Maker 2.5
Imad K
Flashcard Maker is a simple andeasy-to-useapplication that assists studying and memorization ofterms. Thisapplication allows for the manual creation of unlimitedsets offlashcards within your device AND importation of existingflashcardsets from Quizlet! Have any doubts about how well you'vemastered adeck? Try one of the three excellent quiz modes!Strongerpreparation for courses is guaranteed with thisapplication. Theapplication's features allow for maximum studyingefficiency withminimal time investment. Application featuresinclude:-Ability to create a set for any subject or test necessary.Allcards are separated into their own unique sets.- A View-Only mode which displays all the cards in the orderthatthey were created in. Users can freely maneuver throughout thedeckand shuffle it.-A Review Mode which first shuffles the set and displays thecards.Users can run through the deck and mark the terms that areeasilyrecognizable. At the end of the deck, they will be promptedtocreate a new deck containing only the terms that werenotmarked.-A multiple choice Quiz Mode-A matching Quiz Mode-A fill-in-the-blank Quiz Mode-Ability to import existing flashcard sets from Quizlet's websitebysimply copying and pasting the set's Quizlet URL and enteringacorresponding set name of your choice.-Ability to share and exchange flashcards with others.-Ability to go back and update the set to edit or deleteanyexisting cards (or the entire set).-A shuffle button to diversify the order and truly mastereachset.-A set of fixed instructions within the application, guidinganydifficulties one may encounter while using it. Flashcards 1.6.11
Cram, LLC.
Memorize anything and improve grades with the officialCram.comflashcard app!
암기짱 - 직접 만드는 암기노트, 나만의 플래시카드. 2.0.6
Studio A.
카카오톡 친구 찾기에서 @암기짱 을 검색하고 추가해주세요. 암기짱을사용하면서생기는 궁금한 점이나 건의사항이 있다면 알려주세요~신규 안드로이드 버전에서 푸시알림이 잘 오지 않는 문제에 대한 업데이트 진행 중입니다. 최대한 빠르게 문제 해결후업데이트하겠습니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다!핸드폰의 기종에 따라 앱 업데이트 시 앱의 데이터가 손실되는 경우가 발생할 수 있습니다. 반드시 주기적으로백업을하시기 바랍니다.SD카드 백업의 경우, 내장 메모리가 SD카드로 인식되는 경우가 있습니다. 관련하여 업데이트 준비 중이니가급적클라우드백업 이용을 부탁합니다.** 2016. 8. 12 업데이트 - 버전 2.0 **► 묶음 폴더기능 추가.► 푸시알림 기본 7개 설정 가능 및 푸시 알림 받을 폴더 선택 추가.► 푸시알림 유료버전 알림 무제한 + 알림 주기로 설정 추가.► 카드 별표 3단계로 나누어 표시 가능.► 다양한 카드 목록 옵션 추가(1, 2열로 보기, 정답 접고 펼침, 텍스트 크기 조절 등)► 카드 작성 시 롱터치로 이미지/오디오 등 순서 변경 추가.► 음성 녹음기능에서 외부 음성 파일 가져오기 추가.► 백업 및 복원 시 화면을 나가도 백그라운드에서 진행.(완료 시 푸시알림)► 작성한 카드의 이미지/오디오 저장기능 추가.► 갤럭시 노트 등에서, 멀티윈도우 지원 추가.► 카드 추가 시 폴더 선택이 없으면 앱이 강제종료되는 버그 수정.► 테스트 모드에서 사진 3장이상 보이지 않는 버그 수정.** 업데이트 예정 **► 테스트 모드의 풀이노트 유료기능 기능 추가.► 사진 대량 일괄등록 기능.► 손글씨 노트기능의 사진 추가 기능.► 앱 야간모드 (어두운 배경).► 학습 통계 및 자주 틀리는 문제 복습기능.► 사진 편집기능.영어단어, 외국어, 각종 시험문제 등 필요에 맞게 사용자가 직접 만들어 쓰는 플래시 카드 앱입니다.본인에게 필요한 내용만 구성할 수 있어 학습 효과를 높여줍니다.카드를 만들면서 1차 학습, 카드 목록을 보면서 본격적인 학습, 테스트 모드에서 복습, 푸시알림을 통해 
공부의모든과정을 빈틈없이 지속할 수 있습니다.암기과목 공부가 필요한 수험생, 고시생, 시험을 준비하는 학생, 두뇌 훈련이 필요한 누구나 사용해보세요.학습에 집중할 수 있는 사용자 친화적인 UI와 깔끔한 디자인, 암기 테스트와 복습, 푸시알림 등 암기를 도와주는최고의기능.• 학습 주제를 폴더 별로 묶어 관리할 수 있습니다.• 암기카드는 텍스트, 사진, 손글씨 노트, 오디오를 이용해서 만들 수 있습니다.• 카드 목록에서 카드 정렬, 정답 접기, 2열로 목록보기, 글자 크기 조정 등 다양한 옵션을 통해 학습에 최적화된환경을만들 수 있습니다.• 각 카드에 별표시를 해서 중요도를 표시할 수 있습니다. 별 폴더에서 별 카드만 모아서 볼 수 있습니다.• 카드는 다른 폴더로 이동하거나 암기중 카드는 암기완료로, 암기완료 카드는 암기중으로 보낼 수 있습니다.• 암기 테스트 모드를 활용해보세요. 여기에서는 문제를 보고 정답을 맞히는 테스트를 할 수 있습니다.• 본인이 정한 시간에 도착하는 푸시알림을 통해 잊지 않고 암기를 이어갈 수 있도록 도와줍니다.• 데이터 백업/복원 기능으로 스마트폰을 바꾸거나 분실 하여도, 다시 복구할 수 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :(070) 7847-7080Please findinKakaoTalk friends search for @ memorize her to add. Pleasememorizethe questions arising, using her know if improvementsorsuggestions ~The update of progress on issues that are not wellpushnotifications from the new Android version. We will updatequicklyas possible after solving the problem. Sorry fortheinconvenience!it can occur if the data at the time of the app and updatedappslosses depending on the type of mobile phone. Please be suretoback up regularly.If your SD card backup, you may be aware that the built-in memorytothe SD card. Related to favor the possible use of cloudbackupyou're ready to update.** 2016. 8. 12 Update - Version 2.0 **► Add a bundle folder features.► Push Notifications base 7 can be set, and add pushnotificationsto receive selected folder.► Add Push Notifications + unlimited paid versionnotificationsettings notification period.► Available display is divided into three stagesasteriskcard.► Add a variety of card options list (see 1, 2 rows,spreadingcollapse correct, adjust the text size, etc.)► Add a card to change the order, such as image / audio with alongtouch when it is created.► additional import external audio files from voicerecordingcapabilities.► going on in the background during the screen go out backupandrestore (upon completion of push notifications)► create images of card / additional audio storage.► Add the Galaxy Note, etc., multi-window support.► If you do not select the folder when adding cards Fixed abugwhere the app is killed.► Fixed a bug invisible 3 or more photos in a test mode.** Be Updated **► Add notes pay pool features functions of the test mode.► Photos large bulk registration features.► Additional features photos of handwritten notes feature.► Night Mode app (dark background).► Statistics and learning problems often mistakenReviewfeature.► photo editing features.To meet your needs, such as English words, languages, andvariousExam is a flash card app, write your own produce.It can be configured to only what you need to you will increaseyourlearning., Creating the cards can continue to study the whole processoflooking at the list without gaps primary learning card throughareview of push notifications in an authentic learning,testmode.Students study subjects to memorize ready the necessarycandidates,gosisaeng, test, try to use all the brain trainingisrequired.The best user-friendly features that help you to focus onlearningand clean UI design, test and review memorized, pushnotifications,and memorization.• You can bind a management learning Topic by folder.• Flashcards can be created using text, photos, handwrittennotes,audio.• You can create an environment optimized for learning throughavariety of options such as cards View list of card sorting,foldinganswer, in two columns in the list, font sizeadjustment.• You can display the importance to the stars displayed oneachcard. You can see only the Stars Collect cards ineachfolder.• The card is to move it to another folder or memorization ofcardsto memorize complete, complete memorization cards can be sentintothe memorization.• Please utilize the memorized test mode. Here you can testyourproblems mathineun the answer.• Do not forget to help through push notifications that arrivetothe time you have set can continue to memorize.• be changed or lost your smartphone as a data backup /restorefeature, you can recover again.
Flashcards Maker 2.3
Ducky apps
create and study note cards - flashcards
Gambit Flashcards
Artur Dryomov
Flashcards — as simple as it should be
스터디킹 암기카드 1.0.0
yong un choi
스터디킹은 빠른 암기에 초점을 맞춘 암기카드 프로그램입니다.다른 사람이 만든 카드를 암기할 수도 있고, 직접 카드를 만들수도 있습니다.영어, 일본어등 외국어 단어 외우기에 정말 좋습니다.저는 헝가리어를 배우는데 사용하고 있습니다.광고 없고, 무료입니다.King Studyflashcardsprogram is focused on the fast memorization.May memorize the cards created by others, you also make yourselfacard.English and Japanese languages ​​is really good atmemorizingwords.I use to learn Hungarian.No ads, free.
기초 영단어 3.12.26
From the alphabet to basic words and TOEIC words. How tolearnEnglish words smartly!
Flashcards Deluxe Lite 4.58
An easy to use yet powerful and full-featured flashcard study app.
FreezingBlue Flashcards (Lite) 4.9.4
Create your flashcards and carry them around in convenientdigitalformat!
Digital Electronics 7
Digital Electronics is an important subject, commonforElectrical,Electronics, and Instrumentation Engineeringstudents.It dealswith the theory and practical knowledge of DigitalSystemsand howthey are implemented in various digital instruments.ThisApp havebeen developed based on the latest GATE syllabus andwillbe usefulfor Electronics Engineering students as well as forGATE,IES andother PSU exams preparation. Digital Electronics isanElectronicsthat uses binary numbers of 1 and 0 torepresentinformation 1.Number Base System 1.1 Logic Operations1.2Mathematical Operations1.3 Building Circuits with Breadboards1.4Digital Logic Gates 2.Logic Gates 2.1 LogicGates/FundamentalDigital Gates 2.2 LogicGates/Combinational Gates2.3 LogicGates/Basic Logic Gates Summary2.4 Logic Gates Summary 3.DigitalDevice 3.1 Mathematic and LogicOperations 3.2 SynchronousDevice3.3 Asynchronous Device 4.Digital Signal Processing 4.1DigitalData 4.2 Data Encoder 4.3Data Selector 5. DigitalControllers 5.1Controller Concepts 5.2Arduino 5.3 Blinking Light 6.CommunicationStandards 6.1 OpenStandards 6.2 ANSI 6.3 ISO Some ofthe topicsCovered in the appare: 1. Decimal System 2. Binary System3.Representing BinaryQuantities 4. Octal and Hexadecimal System5.Binary-To-Decimal andDecimal-to-binary Conversion6.Binary-To-Octal / Octal-To-BinaryConversion 7. HexadecimaltoDecimal/Decimal to HexadecimalConversion 8.Binary-To-Hexadecimal/Hexadecimal-To-BinaryConversion 9.Floating-Point Numbers 10.Binary Codes 11. NonWeighted Codes 12.Binary - Gray CodeConversion 13. Gray Code -Binary Conversion 14.Gray CodeApplications 15. AlphanumericCodes-ASCII code 16. EBCDICcode 17.Seven-segment Display Code 18.Error Detecting Codes 19.ErrorCorrecting Codes. 20. BooleanSwitching Algebras 21. BooleanAlgebraTheorems 22. Minterms andMaxterms 23. Sum Of Products (SOP)andProduct Of Sum (POS) 24.AND-Logic Gate 25. OR-Logic Gate26.NOT-Logic Gate 27. NAND-LogicGate 28. NOR-Logic Gate 29.XNOR-LogicGate 30. Universal Gates 31.Realization of logic functionusingNAND gates 32. Realization oflogic gates using NAND gates33.Realization of logic functionusing NOR gates 34. Realizationoflogic gates using NOR gates. 35.Tristate Logic Gates36.AND-OR-INVERT Gates 37. Schmitt Gates 38.Karnaugh Maps39.Minimization Technique 40. 2-Variable K-Map41.Grouping/CirclingK-maps 42. Example of 2-Variable K-Map groups43.3-Variable K-Map44. Example of 3-Variable K-Map 45.4-VariableK-Map 46. Example of4-Variable K-Map 47. 5-Variable K-Map48.QUINE-Mccluskeyminimization 49. QUINE-MccluskeyminimizationMethod-Example 50.Multiplexer 51. 2x1 Multiplexer 52.Design of a2:1 Mux 53. 4:1 MUX54. 8-to-1 multiplexer from SmallerMUX 55.16-to-1 multiplexer from4:1 mux 56. De-multiplexers 57.MechanicalEquivalent of aDe-Multiplexer 58. 1-to-4 De-multiplexer59.Boolean FunctionImplementation using Mux and de-Mux 60.3-variableFunction Using4-to-1 mux 61. 2 to 4 Decoder using Demux62.Arithmeticcircuits-Adders 63. Full Adder 64. Full AdderusingAND-OR 65. n-bitCarry Ripple Adder 66. 4-bit Carry RippleAdder67. Carry Look-AheadAdder 68. BCD Adder 69. 2-digit BCD Adder70.Subtracter 71. FullSubtracter 72. Parallel Binary Subtracter73.Serial BinarySubtracter. 74. Comparators 75. Encoders76.Decimal-to-BinaryEncoder 77. Priority Encoder 78. IntroductiontoSequential Circuit79. Concept of Sequential Logic 80. Inputenablesignals 81. RSLatch 82. RS Latch with Clock 83. Setup andHoldTime 84. D Latch85. JK Latch 86. T Latch 87. R-S Flip-FlopwithActive LOW Inputs88. R-S Flip-Flop with Active HIGH Inputs 89.R-SFlip-FlopImplementation with NOR gates 90. Clocked R-SFlip-FlopDigitalElectronics is part of electronics engineeringeducationcourses andtechnology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Wordroid Voca(Flash Card) 2.0.08
Youn Hoyoul
This application is made for studying awordeasily based on Flash Card.You should study a word steadilyforlong time.But,you know that this is very hard job.So,thisapplication provides several tools to study a word. And,itmanagethe information of word systematically in order to study awordefficiently.Thanks[Wordroid2's New Function]- Loading WordSet from Google SpreadSheet.- Runnig more fast with cache system.- Adding Bookmark.- Changing the layout of the list of Wordset.
암기왕 1.0
암기를 하는 가장 좋은 방법은 무엇일까요?틀린 내용만 추려내서 계속 반복 학습하는 것입니다.이 간단한 루틴은 가히 암기의 왕도라 불리만큼 탁월한 학습 효과가 있습니다.저는 이 방법을 저는 암기카드이론이라고 부릅니다.암기왕은 암기카드이론이 적용된, 오직 "암기"를 서포트하기 위해 만들어진 앱입니다.암기왕은에는2015년9월10일 현재- 일반상식 3000여개- 영어 중고교 필수 단어 3000여개 및 독해 문장 2000여개- 일본어 능력시험 1급~5급 필수 단어 8000여개가 등록되어 있습니다.그리고 앞으로 자격증과 중/고교 중간고사 기말고사 대비 암기과목 위주의 카테고리가 추가될 예정입니다.암기왕이 여러분의 학습 진전에 조금이나마 도움이 되길 진심으로 바랍니다.What is the best waytomemorize?False information will only continue to cull up torepeatlearning.This simple routine is called as an excellent learningdisadvantagesof the royal memorize notch.I call, I memorized card theory this method.King flashcards to memorize the theory has been applied, theappis designed to support only the "memorize".The king has memorized September 10, 2015 Current- 3,000 common senseEnglish secondary schools 3,000 essential words andsentencecomprehension 2,000Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 ~ Level 5 over8000essential words are registered.And the future qualifications and mid / high school midtermexamwill be added to the category of memorization intensive finalexampreparation courses.I am sincerely want to memorize king a little bit to helpyourlearning progress.
Flashcards Maker 1.4
ABTO Software
With our app you can learn capitals or create own flashcardswithany content.
Flipit Flashcards 2.0
Flashcards!! But on your phone; and withaccessto Quizlet flashcardsThis is the only Flashcard app with TONS of CUSTOMIZATIONfromcolor to font...and the best part: TUTOR MODE (the fun way to learn)TUTOR MODE takes advantage of the brains natural shorttermmemory capacity to reinforce content as you go. You willcontinueto get tested on cards you struggle with while movingthrough yourset. Simply mark the cards appropriately and learnquickly, andnaturally.With Flipit Flashcards, you can prepare for a wide arrayofcourses by making your own cards, or searching through millionsofcards provided by Quizlet.comFlipIt Flashcards is the perfect mobile solution forstudyingflashcards, without the hassle of carrying paper cards.
Learn Korean Flashcards 3.64
Voclab helps you to learn more than 5000 Korean words in no time.
AnkiApp Flashcards 3.8.4
Admium Corp.
Learning Chinese characters? Kanji?Medicine?Another subject with lots to memorize? With that much tolearn, youneed the right flashcard app, to get the most from yourstudytime.That's why Anki App uses an improved form of SpacedRepetition(SRS), built with Artificial Intelligence (AI), tomaximize theamount of learning you get done in each study session.When you goto study, the AI chooses which flashcards you need towork on,based on a detailed analysis of your progress. It's like acoach,for your brain.Make your own flashcards, styled how you like. Anki App lets youusecolors, bulleted lists, and more. Or search through millionsofflashcards that are ready for you to download. Your choice.You get all this power, wrapped in a simple, polished app.SIMPLE• Easy to add cards directly from the mobile app• Format your cards using colored text, bulleted lists,underlines,and more, all without knowing CSS• Flip your decks to study back-to-front, with a couple taps• Syncs automatically with desktop, web app, and your otherphonesand tablets• Create decks on the go• Make cards using photos from your camera• Share any deck with a friend by putting in their emailPOWERFUL• Fully-featured—-NOT a "companion" app that requiresacomputer• Detailed stats on each of your decks, and individualcardstoo• For advanced formatting, supports HTML and CSS• Text-to-speech (TTS) that reads parts of your cards in Englishorother languages• Study offline, and your new cards and progress sync whenyou'reback onlineUSER-FRIENDLY• Dashboard that shows your overall progress• Study at any time; doesn't force you to study cards on arigidschedule• Study your recent decks from the Dashboard in just 2 taps• "Night Mode" that's easy on your eyeballs when studying inthedark• Settings sync across all your devicesRanked #1 Education app in multiple countries world-wide.Featuredas one of the "Best Apps To Learn Foreign Language"byTechTimes.Learn more at or email [email protected].
Card Generator 1.1
Alan Bazán
This application generates fake creditcardnumbers, they are generated randomly and validated with theLuhnalgorithm. This tool was created for the testing of anywebsitethat allows buy by credit card and see how it processtheinformation. Many software developers use this kind of toolstotest their projects before they be released.You should not use the numbers in any commercial transaction.Theuser is the only responsible of the use of thisapplication.IT DOES NOT GENERATE PEOPLE'S CARDS AND IT DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYBANKIDENTIFICATOR NUMBER.