Top 20 Games Similar to 歐吧龍騎士

口袋楓之谷 - 皇家騎士團 1.4.5
昔日冒險的起點,在手機版再次出發!風靡全台灣的超人氣RPG網路遊戲大作《新楓之谷》推出手機版本,誓要把昔日美好的回憶重新帶來!《口袋楓之谷》不僅承襲了一貫的經典元素,並因應手機裝置的特性加以改良設計而成,讓廣大喜愛楓之谷的玩家擁有嶄新的行動遊戲體驗。★再次冒險,重溫我們的楓之谷故事★在遊戲中還原最初冒險旅程的回憶,保留了印象深刻的經典地圖,令玩家們能重溫當年最真摰的冒險感受!★多人副本,重拾當年組隊歡笑回憶★參與多人組隊副本,享受一起挑戰經典 BOSS的快感,與隊友的合作默契將會是挑戰成功與否的關鍵喔!★創立公會,號召志同道合的戰友★讓三五好友形成一個像家的歸屬,一起完成不同的公會任務,共同朝著《口袋楓之谷》第一公會的目標前進!★突發地城,爽快的刷寶時光★每天會出現突發地城的特別副本!挑戰成功將有機會得到稀有道具。突發地城出現的時候,立刻呼朋引伴一齊刷刷樂!★獨特操控,台港澳玩家專屬★遊戲開發商特地為台港版本增加新的操縱方式,讓玩家擁有方向鍵以及虛擬搖桿兩種選擇,滿足玩家的遊戲體驗!★引領風潮,打造個人的時尚樂趣★遊戲中獨有的「紙娃娃」系統內設計專屬的外觀和造型,來透過不同的配搭引領一股時尚潮流風吧!官方粉絲團:
Seven Knights 7.6.00
Experience a visually-striking RPG like you’ve never seen before!
Garena 劍與魔法王國-遠古的女神 2.7.3
School of Dragons 3.31.0
Fly Fast. Train Hard. Learn Well. Be the Ultimate Dragon Trainer!
Stone Age Begins
Season 2 Update: Journey to the continent of Ruo!
龙城霸业HD - 蓝光级画质!这才是我要的复古76 1.4
Liming Yi
欢迎关注龙城霸业官方粉丝页千人同屏热血攻城,世界地图BOSS夺宝,500VS500公会争霸,带你重新回味激情飞扬的年代!——2016年复古76心动之作《龙城霸业》正式登场!强力战神、神炉锻造、寻宝系统、祝福翅膀……海量玩法激爽PK,特色活动惊喜不断;指尖攻城战,一触即发;角色永不离线,奖励不间断。现在进入游戏即可领取豪华礼包,更有十万现金大抽奖,多重大礼助力各位勇士登顶城主之位!【游戏特色】复古76完美复刻 经典再铸兄弟传奇完美复古76,传承战法道经典职业,简洁明了的技能系统,让你上手轻松自如;无锁定、无红名,即时PK自由无限制,感受任性杀戮的快感;个人BOSS+全服BOSS,道具装备无绑定掉落;野外夺宝、公会战、皇城战,让你酣畅PK。千人同屏畅爽攻城 即时语音呼唤战友经典皇城战、公会战一触即发,千人同屏震撼攻城,重回激情飞扬的年代!先进的引擎技术、真实的打击感,战法道三大职业炫酷技能,手机上实现千人同屏攻城的盛况!组队击杀世界BOSS,百人团战,多重互动玩法加入即时语音,聊天求援战友更便捷!顶级蓝光级画质 超越端游流畅操作游戏拥有着蓝光级画质,画面更高清、场景更精致技能更炫酷,完美呈现龙城大陆新面貌;人性化的游戏界面,可以智能收放,整体画面清新整洁;真实逼真的打击感,简单便捷的操作体验,超越PC端游的流畅操作,畅享即时PK自由无限。爆元宝自由交易 多重玩法妙趣横生《龙城霸业》无特殊戒指,更有天降元宝、夺宝奇兵、生命之树等爆元宝活动,非R也能玩得好;游戏全开放自由交易,可以任意交易装备、道具等,现实财富等你创造。战神系统新装上阵,威力大杀四方;神炉锻造,让你铸造自己的神兵利器;单体、群攻、辅助技能,自由选择搭配。攻城战之外,巢穴探险、称霸天下、竞技角逐……众多趣味玩法,让你每时每刻嗨不停!
Play an entirely new RPG made in classic FINAL FANTASY style!
세븐나이츠 5.8.10
Isabella Myth Awakening!
勇者鬥惡龍 怪物仙境 SUPER LIGHT 8.5.0
Mobimon Inc.
《勇者鬥惡龍 怪物仙境》SquareEnix日本國民RPG,史萊姆海外初登場!和《勇者鬥惡龍》系列熟悉的怪物在世界各地展開冒險,尋找怪物夥伴!
Mystic Kingdom 1.0.8
Masha', 'Elle', 'Hamir' - Only one empirewillemerge as the best!Experience the strategic RPG battle with various heroes andcreateyour own teamGame Specs■ Collect extraordinary heroes & heroinesNew Romance of the three kingdoms through cute, revamped heroes■Advance your heroes to unlock powerful abilitiesTrain all your heroes to their maximum potential throughpromotionsand evolutions!■Strategy with depth!"Place your heroes strategically to maximize their abilitiesTime abilities strategically to turn the tide of battle"■Raid or get raidedExperience the fun behind raids with other players and siegetheircastles!■ Explore an enormous world: 8 dungeons and 200 stagesExperience 8 special dungeons including 200 stages, PvP, GuildWar,BOSS fight, Infinity Dungeons and more!Experience the fun behind the strategies!Terms ofService: Requirements: CPU 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB
Wonder 5 Masters 1.0.9
▶ Game Style1. Breathtaking adventure in stunning graphics!- Heroes come to life in a realistic 3D high quality!- Brilliant graphics bring the skill of emotional outbursts onthescreen!2. Wonderful hero and team building to get rid ofyourenemies!- Create a team down the field and practice of such a warrior,mage,healer, and so much more!3. conquer and subdue your enemies through strategic playusingthe "drag-skill".- What is the "drag-skill"?New combat system to cast spells by dragging the screen.And a variety of styles!4. Content that gives you tremendous excitement are endless!5. PvP combat, and increase rank in real time!- Forget boring old PvP system.- Into the new world rankings in real time and new rewardswaitingfor you every day!
Knight Lord 1.0.5
Organize the ultimate party withpowerfultanks, devious rogues, eagle-eyed archers, mystical healersandmages.Powerful companions await your summons!Fun-based Controls and StrategiesPlan your strategies ahead of time: optimize your classes andskillsto form a 4-man party.Utilize features such as formations and focused attacks totakeadvantage of advanced battle tactics.Rich, Immersive Story ModeA grand, epic saga will take you through 110 stages in11chapters.Fight on, Guardian of the Nergas Continent!Thrilling CombatEvery attack may be the final blow! Dive into the thrillingcombatsystem.Numerous Game ModesDaily dungeons, EXP dungeons, training grounds, InfiniteDungeons,PvP, PvE…a treasure trove of content awaits you.Build up your town to prepare for enemy invasions!Defend and pillage! Fierce wars will erupt that only youcanwin!Feel the glory!
Knight Slinger 1.3.7
Goddess Odelia declares a war to vanquishtheblessed land--Oratoria.To put an end to the mayhem, Goddess Moira assembles a legionofknights and makes her way to the front line.■ Drag and launch! The ultimate slingshot RPG withexplosivepower!■ Stunning effects and unparalleled 3D graphics!■ Over 500 characters to collect!■ Form your own unique team!■ 6 classes and 5 elements!■ Build up your character through Enhance, Evolve, Awakening,andRune System!■ Various Game Modes: exciting Adventures, Dungeons, andreal-timePvP!Official Forum Facebook Twitter* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support: ofService:
龍狼傳說-穿越激鬥 1.3
Something Big
《龍狼傳說》是一款三國元素的超魔性全民互動RPG精品手遊,超強隨機性,創新未操作核心戰鬥機制,耐看二次元風格劇情。《龍狼傳說》,期待與你一起顛覆傳統!【遊戲特色】實體卡片,全民互動首創實體卡牌掃描玩法,魔法掃描,突破二次元!趣味關卡,機關重重!后放刷敵,防不勝防;百變機關,暗藏殺機;隨機大招,強力秒殺;天劫神獸,曠古之戰!只有你想不到,沒有你玩不到!國家相剋,奧義搭配!魏蜀吳三國武將相互克制;武將搭配激活奧義武技;武將特色鮮明,絕不摸魚;豐富陣容搭配,克敵制勝一擊破敵!Q萌武將,個性配音!精緻優美的場景,俊美的萌系武將,豪華的CV陣容,享受一場高規格的遊戲體驗!豪華福利,良心遊戲!開服發元寶紅包,每月簽到送神將。兩天就送“夏侯惇”,七天神將“趙雲”參上!如此福利,實乃業界良心!【加入我們,一起遊戲】客服郵箱:[email protected]官方網站:http://tw.legendofdw.com官方粉絲團:
FINAL FANTASY IV: THE AFTER YEARS is available on Android devices!
Software Box 11.0
Digital Satellite Receivers Software Free Downloads Center
狂龍 ( Crazy Dragon ) 1.0.1119
Taomee Games
韓國超人氣「騎龍戰鬥」手遊鉅作!!新職業華麗登場!加入《狂龍》一起戰鬥吧!★★★ 最新更新 - 弓箭手登場 ★★★🔹四個職業任你遊玩,玩出自己的個人外觀!🔹數百種獨特傭兵,組出自己的強力隊伍!🔹英雄傭兵相互援助,高速升級不等人!🔹多種戰鬥模式,策略合作就是狂!🔹即時PK連線,團隊挑戰一起來!★遊戲特色★【更換裝備改變英雄的外觀與能力!】- 狂戰士、魔法師、刺客、弓箭手,四種英雄供你選擇,九種裝備改變英雄外觀與能力!- 搭配屬性套裝,你可以變得更加強大!【數百種獨特傭兵,組出自己的強力隊伍!】- 騎乘型…召喚型…替換型…英雄可以與 2位傭兵組成一隊,在戰場上使用各式各樣的策略!- 傭兵星級越高擁有越多專用技能。- 騎上傳說的龍,展開更壯闊的戰鬥!【英雄傭兵相互援助,Level up超高速!】- 你可以使用英雄培養傭兵,也可以利用傭兵來培養英雄。- 你可以培養出總共 4個隊伍 12個角色的攻城部隊。【多種戰鬥模式,戰略合作一起來!】- 攻城戰、1:1 英雄戰、3:3 組隊戰、公會戰…,多樣化的戰鬥模式讓你從不無聊。【為了勝利,拿出最強的武器,使出連續技跟組合技吧!】- 數十種主動技能,活用連續技與組合技就可發揮出強大的威力!- 技能連擊、組合發動、招式蓄力,考驗你的應變能力!【集結在村莊裡開始冒險!】- 村莊是一個玩家間的開放空間,你可以在這邊結交好友、創建公會,或獨自執行任務。【最強幻想傳說!龍啊!咆哮吧!】- 拿起你的武器,加入《狂龍》,一起戰鬥吧!South Koreaultra-popular"dragon-riding combat" hand tour masterpiece! !Gorgeous new career debut!Adding "Kuanglong" fight with it!★★★ Latest updates - Archer debut ★★★🔹 four career no matter how you play, play their ownindividuallook!🔹 hundreds of unique mercenaries, set their own powerfulteam!🔹 hero mercenary mutual assistance, high-speed upgrade waits fornoman!🔹 a variety of battle modes, strategic cooperation is mad!🔹 instant connection PK, team challenges together!★ Game Features ★[Replacement of equipment and the ability to change theappearanceof the hero! ]- Berserker, magician, assassin, archer the four heroes tochoosefrom, nine kinds of equipment and the ability to changetheappearance of a hero!- with a property suit, you can become more powerful![Hundreds of unique mercenaries, set their own powerfulteam!]- Summon the saddle type ... type ... type ... hero can replacethetwo form a team of mercenaries, use a variety of tactics onthebattlefield!- the higher the mercenary stars have more special skills.- ride the legendary dragon, to conduct a moremagnificentbattle![Hero mercenary mutual assistance, Level up super-fast! ]- You can use the hero mercenary culture, you can alsousemercenaries to train a hero.- You can train a total of four teams 12 characterssiegetroops.[More battle mode, strategic cooperation together! ]- siege warfare, 1: 1 war hero, 3: 3 team battle, guild war...,diversified battle mode lets you never bored.[In order to win, to come up with the most powerfulweapons,resorted to a combination of continuous technology skillswith it!]- dozens of active skills, utilize combos and combos can playagreat power!- Skills batter, combined launch, moves Charge, testyourresilience![Adventure began gathering in the village! ]- Village is an open space between a player, you can makefriendshere, create guilds, or perform tasks alone.[Strongest fantasy legend! Long ah! It roar! ]- Pick up your weapons, adding "Kuanglong" fight with it!
!!!世紀絕美畫風橫向卷軸RPG.宮廷近衛軍美學風潮正流行!!!廣大世界觀七國設定小說式冒險劇情推圖化身近衛軍,管理世界正義!!!收集多元種族/職業.培養專屬於自己的英雄角色!!!三百位以上背景不同的英雄角色等著你擁有並逐一體會他們的喜怒哀樂!!!諸多戰鬥地域.不同對手與玩法考驗隊伍編制!!!維克地域、寶之島、團隊、排名賽多種戰隊屬性配合組隊對戰研究!!!透過競技對戰.展現英雄實力!!!來吧!到競技場切磋讓我看看你身為近衛軍的程度到哪裡!故事源起:三百年前,梵考帝國龍族統治者艾洛克,因為受到詛咒,變得殘暴不堪。後來,七位騎士團團長合力解除龍族政權。從此,步入七個帝國的時代。七個帝國代表經過了歷時七天七夜的一場合理的競技,最後約定推派出以利必農:昆恩為首,登基接掌來做為這個大陸的國王。其餘帝國亦各自選派出優秀人才,擔任國王的專屬近衛隊;其中不乏是國家繼承人。他們合力打造了一把聖劍,作為守護的象徵。從此步入繁榮的世代。但三百年後,利必農的第四代國王德歐托勒卻不幸遭到暗殺。同時間隸屬諾斯本寒地的近衛隊員藍傑,竟然也竊走了聖劍,不知去向。失去了國王和聖劍的大陸,又開始動盪不安。同樣隸屬近衛隊員的你,將與另外四名近衛隊的成員,出發去尋訪聖劍的下落…………「聖劍的後裔」Facebook粉絲團「聖劍的後裔」官方網站: !!!centurystyle side-scrolling RPG. Palace Guard aesthetics trend ispopular!!!Seven countries the majority view of the world setFictional adventure story FIG pushAvatar Guard, Justice Management World!!! Collecting multiracial / occupation. Cultureexclusivelytheir own heroes !!!More than three hundred different backgrounds of heroesWaiting for you to own and each experience their emotions!!! Battle many areas. Different opponents and play testteamprepared !!!Vic region, treasure island, teams, tournamentsTeam play against a variety of research team with the property!!! Through competitive battle. To show the strength of ahero!!!bring it on! Let me see the arena to learn the extent of yourguardsas to where!Origin story:Three hundred years ago, the Vatican Dragon Dynasty imperialrulersEloik as cursed and become unbearable cruelty. Later, thehead ofthe Knights of force to lift seven dragon regime. Sincethen, sevenentered the Age of Empire.After seven representatives Empire lasted seven days andnightsof a reasonably competitive, finally agreed to send pushLamictalAgriculture: Quinn headed, took over the throne for theking to dothe continent. Empire also choose to send the rest oftheirtalents, as the king's nearly exclusive Guard; many of themareheir country. Together they have created a sword as a symbolofguardian. From entering the generation of prosperity.But three hundred years later, the fourth generation offarmerswill benefit Deoutuole but unfortunately King wasassassinated.Same time under the North Frigid Guards memberspresent the BlueJay, surprisingly stole the sword, disappeared.King lost the swordand the mainland, began in turmoil. Guardsbelonging to the sameteam you will work with four other members ofthe Guard near, andset out to look for the whereabouts of the sword............"Sword of the descendants of" Facebook"Sword of the descendants of 'official website: