Top 6 Apps Similar to 珠宝圈

China News | 中国新闻 10.2
Fast and easy way to read China (中国) News (新闻) in Chinese (汉语/漢語)onAndroid.
Southern Weekly News Reader 3.1
Southern Weekly media group is one of themostinfluential media organizations in China.The Southern Weekly News Reader, brought to you,combines the group's professional journalism and breakingnewscoverage with digital innovations.
WSJ China for Android 1.0.4
Get on-the-go access to news from The Wall Street JournalChina'sOnline Edition.This application provides a Chinese audience with mobile accesstoglobal news coverage, in-depth analysis and real-time quotesinChinese language anytime, anywhere. Registered users have accesstoall articles for free.User Features:- Popular News: A Most Popular news section.- Multimedia News: including slideshows and video.- The ability to post comments to articles.- Offline reading: Read the past weeks downloadedarticlesoffline.- Save: Save favorite WSJ articles/videos/pictures forreadinglater.- Share: Share articles/images/video with friends via Email,Sinaand QQ weibo, and RenRen- Push Notifications: Receive breaking news notifications fromWSJChina.
澎湃新闻 8.3.6
澎湃新闻,中文互联网新一代原创新闻平台,不断进化的时政思想新媒体。你可能在网易新闻、腾讯新闻、今日头条、凤凰新闻、搜狐新闻等客户端上读过澎湃新闻的原创资讯,你应该开澎湃新闻看看这些资讯本来的样子,享受阅读乐趣。通俗但不庸俗,懂批评也懂建设。不激进也不保守,用热忱追寻世界的真相。产品特色:1 时政资讯澎湃新闻专注报道中国时政,动态跟踪政坛风云,解析经济时局变化。2 思想争鸣澎湃新闻精于分析思想动态,紧扣脉搏普及新知,坦率争论碰撞思想。新功能问答社区:澎湃问吧,高质量问答社区,姚明、吴晓波、陈凯歌、陈文茜……名人达人等你发问,趣味问答等你阅读。官方微博:@澎湃新闻官方微信:澎湃新闻 thepapernews
新闻联播 3.0.1
《新闻联播》节目官方客户端。《新闻联播》是中国中央电视台王牌节目,世界上观众最多、影响力最大的新闻节目。1978年1月1日开播,现于中央电视台综合频道(CCTV-1)、中央电视台新闻频道(CCTV-13)、全国各省级电视台卫星频道或第一卫星频道、部分上星城市电视台卫星频道、各城市电视台主要频道、各地方、县级电视台频道于19:00并机现场直播。本产品提供《新闻联播》的点播服务和部分频道的直播服务。本客户端完全免费,流量费由当地运营商收取"NewsNetwork" program official client."News Network" is China CCTV flagship program, the world'slargestaudience, the most influential news programs.  January 1, 1978 launch, now on CCTV integratedchannel(CCTV-1), CCTV news channel (CCTV-13), the provincial levelor thefirst satellite television satellite channels, and somecities onthe satellite TV satellite channels , the city majortelevisionchannels, local, county and local TV channels broadcastlive at19:00.This product provides "news network" on-demand services and partofthe channel's broadcast services.The client is completely free, traffic fees charged bylocaloperators
中国数字时代 2.8