Top 7 Apps Similar to EDAM - 展覽、戲劇、活動、音樂

Day Day Play 免費台灣活動票券展覽資訊 1.11.1
Egist Li
Day Day Play讓你輕鬆發現身邊精彩活動!嚴選活動、特選城市專題,挑您愛的活動出門溜達溜達吧!豐富每一天如此簡單!健人就是腳勤,生活必備最佳app!
SayHi Local Deals & Activities 3.41.344
SayHi aggregates deals and discount information from themostpopular stores in Taiwan.
SkeGeo - 台灣活動網
SkeGeo專注於豐富個人日常活動與行程規劃,提供各式各樣精選活動,包含親子行程、免費活動、美食行程、夜生活、體育活動、地方慶典等數十項精選類別,時時豐富您的生活!想揪朋友一同參與活動,交給SkeGeo,幫您邀約Facebook、Line、E-Mail裡的朋友呦。此外,SkeGeo可將您想參與的活動,紀錄在行事曆中,讓您不錯失任何一場活動!SkeGeo特色:1.全台最豐富活動行程網羅全台各地精采活動,包含親子行程、好康特賣會、美食行程、藝術展覽、聯誼活動、體育活動、地方慶典、演唱會等數十項精選類別,不管是五月天、蘇打綠、超犀利趴、莎拉布萊曼、伍佰演唱會,吉卜力、小熊維尼、拉拉熊特展,通通在SkeGeo裡找得到,讓你天天有好玩,週週有樂趣。2.揪朋友邀約朋友一同參與活動,不用再辛苦打電話、傳簡訊啦!只要按下”揪朋友”,便可透過Facebook、Line、E-Mail廣邀四方朋友參加囉。3.活動日記一鍵按下,就可將App中的活動加到您的行事曆,方便無比!亦可成為您日常生活中的小記事本,建立個人化的活動行程與日程表喔。4.附近活動假日出遊太遙遠?按下”附近活動”,即時告知您周邊的活動訊息,音樂表演、美術展覽、好康特賣會、親子活動…等您來參加。5.分享留言線上即時互動,發表活動心得、票券徵求、時事討論等,話題不限,熱鬧強強滾! 6.線上報名立即報名參加熱門活動,不怕沒位置!【全台活動盡在SkeGeo】SkeGeo為全方位活動平台,個人、社團、公司組織皆可透過此平台推廣、宣傳活動與銷售活動票券。SkeGeo擁有全台最fun、最齊全的活動資訊,打開SkeGeoApp或網站,讓您走到哪,玩到哪!SkeGeo網站:
ACCUPASS - Events around you 5.9.0
To find events, swipe events and follow events, get on ACCUPASS!
肚肚 - 餐廳推薦 x 美食優惠 (吃貨必裝) 5.33
To the location for the center, giving you the most immediatefoodinformation. Micro upload and share food in mind, so thatpeoplewill be friends to eat
華文創-行動導覽系統 1.0.12
Lite免費試用版1.以中華電信目前高速4G行動上網環境,搭配大小範圍定位科技以及新穎數位影音技術,針對台灣特定文化場域,展現深度生動之數位化導覽模式。2. 軟體特色 ‧場域深度導覽 ‧最新特展資訊 ‧地圖定位搜尋 ‧收藏展覽介紹 ‧即時主動互動 ‧速度快且可靠3. 重點功能 ‧可透過第三方會員登入,提升使用方便性。 ‧場域選擇除地圖自動定位外,亦可透過列表直接選擇。 ‧ 場域資訊詳盡,有基本說明、交通資訊、開放時間、票價訊息等。 ‧ 特展與活動可透過行事曆,點選顯示特定日期當日所有展覽,並提供提醒功能,方便掌握喜愛展覽活動動態。 ‧展覽介紹詳細,除圖文說明外,亦可配合文創場域提供語音導覽、影片介紹或720度環景體驗服務。 ‧系統透過beacon定位技術,主動推播景點或展品介紹訊息予使用者,免去搜尋及點選動作。 ‧整合中華電信小額付款功能,購買輕鬆又安全,且結帳選擇多元化。Lite freetrialversion1. Chunghwa Telecom currently high speed 4G mobileInternetenvironment, with a size range of positioning technologyand newdigital video technology for Taiwan's particular culturalfield, toshow the depth and vivid digitized navigation mode.2. Software Features ‧ field depth navigation ‧ latest exhibition News ‧ Location Map Search ‧ Collection exhibition presents ‧ immediate initiative interaction ‧ is fast and reliable3. Key features ‧ available through third-party Login enhance ease of use. ‧ field alternative to automatically locate the map, it canalsobe selected directly through the list. ‧ detailed field information, there are basicinstructions,traffic information, opening hours, fare informationand soon. ‧ special exhibitions and events pervious calendar, clicktodisplay a particular date of all exhibitions and providealerts,easy to master the dynamic activities likeexhibitions. ‧ exhibition presents detailed, in addition tographicdescription, but also with the cultural and creative fieldprovideaudio guides, video presentation or a 720-degree viewserviceexperience. ‧ system through the beacon location technology, activepushinterest or EXHIBIT message to the user, eliminating the needtosearch for and click on the action. ‧ integrated micro-payment function, Chunghwa Telecom, easyandsafe to buy and checkout choose diversification.
Moyage 1.45
※※※【Moyage】The best mobile tour App for you※※※【Moyage】providesyouthe most convenient mobile exhibition services.Bunches ofshowinformation are here for you. Once you are near theshow; taptheApp. Enjoy the whole new visiting experience withyourFacebook/Google+ account. Versatile functions accompanywithvariousexhibitions. 【Moyage】 is your personal digital tour guy.Getlotsof exclusive offers and coupons in your fingertip: Justsharegreattour info with friends. Start brand new mobile touringwithiBeaconnow! 【Requirements】 *Android 4.3 and above *TurnonBluetooth *Turnon Internet