Top 2 Apps Similar to Hotel App V.3

Hotel App V.2 1.9
Hotel App V.2 is a comprehensive androidappconsisting of integrated modules for various aspects ofhotelmanagement designed and developed by GISI Ecreations Pvt Ltd.Themain attraction of the app is the latest revolution in the worldofrestaurants i.e. the Digital Menu. For hotels, Hotel App V.2wouldmean improving satisfaction levels of customers, retainingthem fora long period and boosting sales.IN THIS APP YOU WILL FIND:1. Admin module to Manage Hotel Menua. Add Categories – The admin can change or add maincategoriesaccordingly in the menu, so that it reflects the same inthefront-end.b. Add Sub Categories- Under the main categories , the admincanalso add or change new sub categories. This helps the customerstoview the entire list of dishes in the hotel.c. Add Items with images – The app also allows the admin toaddimages to the respective categories and sub-categories.2. Hotel Menu view via front end – Diners can find the digitalmenuon each table, which helps them to get the look and feel ofeachdish. This feature can be updated every day by the admin, sothatthe diners can only view the available dishes which savetheirvaluable time.3. Customer Feedback submission - The customer can postsuggestionsand submit reviews from his / her real time experience,which canbe extremely valuable. The hoteliers encourage thecustomers toshare opinions, both favorable and unfavorable.4. Admin module for Feedback view - The admin can evaluatethereviews and suggestions posted by the customers. Based ondifferentcategories, the reviews can be sorted and viewed.5. Admin module for Feedback report Graphical view - The adminhasthe privilege to analyze the given data throughgraphicalrepresentation, which helps in effectiveinterpretation.6. Admin module to manage greetings words- This app allows theadminto manage and customize as many greetings wanted.7. Automatic Birthday / Anniversary greetings- The customerscanreceive automatic greetings during their birthday andanniversary,as the dates are tracked initially in the registrationprocess.
Hotel App V.1 1.9
FB 1.1 – FEEDBACK FORM +GRAPHICALREPRESENTATIONGone are the days where hotels are reliant on pen-paperfeedbackforms to keep in contact with their customers. GISIEcreations PvtLtd has designed and developed the ecr Hotel App – FB1.1, whichwill help hoteliers improve guest satisfaction, increaserevenuesand improve their presence in the industry. Thisdistinctiveapplication keeps your hotel and restaurant brandingstrong andenables you to customize the total look and feelaccording to yourown brand.IN THIS APP YOU WILL FIND:1. Dynamic Feedback Form creation - The app is fully customizabletothe look and feel of the Hotel in terms of logos, colors,fonts,content and images.2. Customer Feedback submission – The customer can postsuggestionsand submit reviews from his / her real time experience,which canbe extremely valuable. The hoteliers encourage thecustomers toshare opinions, both favorable and unfavorable.3. Admin module for Feedback view – The admin can evaluatethereviews and suggestions posted by the customers. Based ondifferentcategories, the reviews can be sorted and viewed.4. Admin module for Feedback report Graphical view – The adminhasthe privilege to analyze the given data throughgraphicalrepresentation, which helps in effectiveinterpretation.5. Admin module to manage greetings words- This app allows theadminto manage and customize as many greetings wanted.6. Automatic Birthday / Anniversary greetings – The customerscanreceive automatic greetings during their birthday andanniversary,as the dates are tracked initially in the registrationprocess.ecr Hotel App can be indeed a unique partner that will helpgoahead; thanks to the real time experience of your customers.