Top 20 Games Similar to 武林聯萌

武林至尊(全球公測) 1.7.5
chen yaoyi
梦武林-四灵圣兽 5.0.5
Sam Bui
梦武林(Kung FuMaster3D)是一款再现真实武术世界的特殊战略游戏,游戏剧情描述了一个正邪不分的大乱江湖。玩家将会扮演每个宗派的掌门人,逐步挑战武林,收复群雄,成为江湖第一宗门,统一武林。在游戏内各位掌门还有机会招募到震荡武林之人:杨过、萧峰、令狐冲、东方不败、郭庆、独孤求败......各位掌门人将会有机会体验超酷3D画面的战斗以及最美的技能特效。请不要错过精彩的武林论剑......一切将尽在梦武林-智能手机独特的3D战斗剑侠游戏。特色:- 武林大会-比武选盟主

- 九大门派大战光明顶- 失传秘籍争夺战- 解救雁门关- 开放全服攻城战帮会功能- 跨服武林大会- 八卦阵–天刚陈- 黄金甲功能(提升武将级别、增加装备指数)- 论剑获取黄金参加Kung Fu Master 3D,将有机会立即获得给力礼包- 新手礼包:赤兔神马,金蛇剑,六脉神剑秘笈,黄金宝箱,白银宝箱...- 邀请好友礼包:金元宝,洗髓丹,武功秘籍...- 首充翻倍,立即赠送装备、高级武功秘籍游戏支持以下设备系列:- 兼容当前所有市场通用设备款式,如SamSung、HTC、Sony、Huawei、LG、KindleFire、GoogleNexus, Xiaomi...- Android 4.0版本以上参考:- 官网: 客服:[email protected] Facebook:由 MobGame发行
大掛江湖-武林至尊傳 1.0
RPG Room
什麼是江湖?人即是江湖!什麼是江湖?恩怨即是江湖!大掛江湖!萬人同服!行走武林!唯我獨尊!在江湖里,你可以和你的朋友共奏一曲“笑傲江湖”!也可以憑著自己的絕頂聰明,找尋傳說中的秘籍,練就絕世的武功!也可以打一把自己的劍,十步殺一人,千里不留行,成為傳說中的孤獨劍客!這就是江湖!《大掛江湖》是2016年最新最休閒的武俠放置類RPG手遊,自動打怪,自動練級,自動撿裝備!離綫收益,徹底解放你的雙手!這是史上最懶的武俠手游RPG,這意味著你再也不用熬夜刷副本,或者上班、上課偷偷玩手機,只需花費極少的時間進行換裝等操作,就可以快速提升實力!更有海量福利相贈哦!更有超強好康,等你來拿!這裡擁有超乎你想像的簡單玩法!快來挑戰各大門派!快來收集武功秘笈,根本停不下來的遊戲!離線掛機系統是本遊戲的最大特色。玩家在退出遊戲後,玩家角色仍然會自動打怪,並且能夠正常地獲得裝備和經驗。當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。對,你沒有看錯,就是如此神奇如此誘人!遊戲特色:- 創建你的專屬俠客少林!唐門!武當!三大門派六位各具職業特色的俠客,快來選擇並開始一段江湖傳奇!- 無盡的戰鬥戰鬥永遠不會停止,甚至在你睡覺的時候!- 全新的RPG體驗給你的大俠添加傳奇裝備,學習新的技能,稱霸武林!- PVP競技場挑戰競技場,團戰或者一對一,稱霸武林,指日可待!- 武林爭霸!同門情深!和志同道合的玩家加入門派聯合起來!互相幫助,達到頂峰!- 三大護法!三大職業護法,伴你左右,令你的江湖路不再寂寞在這裡,裝備自動撿,BOSS自動打,你需要的只是稱霸武林!
玩命武林 2.3.2
年度武俠鉅作,全新3D技術重金打造,飛天入地轉瞬之間!展現最高自由度!正邪兩派任你選擇,豪華的技能施放及豐富的社交系統,最真實的江湖世界由你來「掌」控!不囉嗦!快來掀起這場腥風血雨吧!★★★《活動熱烈舉辦中》★★★新手禮包✥更多請見>>>❖❖❖遊戲特色❖❖❖✔3D視覺無死角:超高自由度,無束縛的遊戲世界!✔三大武林勢力:江湖世界劃分為獨具特色的中原、南疆與西域!✔九大經典門派:正宗門派,經典絕學再現!江湖情仇,一招擊破!✔真實武學系統:擁有大量武學秘笈並任意搭配技能,展現最強武功!✔多元PVP系統:不再單一模式,絕對顛覆以往固定路線跑圖!✔強大社交系統:群俠聚首!多種管道結交戰友共闖江山!✔超多樣玩法,樂趣無限多:只怕時間不夠用!任務、副本解到手軟~===【溫馨提示】===機型需求:智慧型手機或平板√基本配備:Android2.3以上版本,CPU雙核,記憶體1.5G以上,解析度960*540√推薦配備:Android2.3以上版本,CPU四核,記憶體1.5G以上,解析度1280*720✜✜✜ 《玩命武林》經典武林絕學再現!✜✜✜遊戲官網:粉絲團:客服中心:
武林群俠(熱血江湖)-超好玩最經典RPG遊戲免費激活版 1.0.1
㊣數百萬單機玩家的選擇,超好玩的RPG!㊣經典再現,角色扮演舍我其誰!贊!武俠RPG絕對巔峰上乘之作,手游江湖不朽傳奇!生死之戰在即,玄武宮外的莫小邪與易無雙最終能否聯手破解驚天陰謀?江湖路上紅顏相伴雙修情侶技能,柔情戚柔薇、潑辣小仙女、冷傲九姑娘,左擁右抱不是夢,讓你體驗在江湖路上真男人的感覺。還有各式NPC爆笑出場,讓你體味不一樣的江湖路。《武林群俠-熱血江湖》完美詮釋華語經典武俠RPG的真諦。劇情龐大,感情豐富,讓你體驗超越經典角色扮演類游戲仙劍奇俠傳的愛恨情仇!超強的代入感讓你與遊戲合為一體!支線任務別有洞天,還有開運輪等小遊戲讓你流連忘返,更有江湖誌等你書寫不敗神話。集齊八大神器,挑戰心魔,即可逆天改命,主宰遊戲結局。注:本遊戲內語言為中文(數万字的劇情很難翻譯成其他語言,RPG遊戲特殊的文化背景也決定了這一點,請非中文玩家理解見諒…)【溫馨貼士】1、遊戲中請及時存檔進度,尤其在遇強敵前2、系統設置可取消半透明、震動及戰鬥閃屏【遊戲資費】遊戲免費下載免費玩,可免費激活全部劇情!部分特殊道具可以使用谷歌錢包選擇性購買,非強制請放心。【支持機型】本遊戲全面支持各種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。但是部分特殊屏幕(如960X540分辨率)會出現下方顯示不全的情況,請選擇性下載,也可以與我們客服郵箱聯繫回報問題,謝謝。=============================《武林群俠-熱血江湖》評測(來自玩家cabbagexie)《武林群俠-熱血江湖》是一款非常受到玩家喜愛的角色扮演類游戲,充分展現了角色扮演類游戲的魅力之處。隨著遊戲的發展,玩家會完全與遊戲的劇情融為一體!有歡笑,有悲傷,有感動,有激情!十分神奇的感覺,卻在這個遊戲裡完全體現了出來!在這款遊戲之中,你的所作所為將決定著最終的結局的走向。【遊戲開頭】★★★★遊戲開篇有一句話“是不是選擇任何方向,都會游向同一宿命呢?”,這句話已經揭示了這款遊戲的主題,到底你在遊戲之中的選擇會不會達成不同的結局呢?你是否有能力逆天改變自己的命運呢?儘管地來嘗試一下吧。【遊戲特色】★★★★★坐騎系統:遊戲一開始便可以把十分帥氣的機關獸收為坐騎,行走速度大大提高,一方面增強了玩家的遊戲體驗感,另一方面又加快了打怪升級的速度。戰鬥系統:人物可以修煉多種武功技能以及被動身​​法,其它角色收入隊伍後還可以習得十分強力的合體技。戀愛養成:敢愛敢恨的菁菁,孤高冷傲的小櫻,柔情似水的蘭兒,你到底喜歡誰呢?遊戲之中你做出的種種選擇將決定最後的結局。【遊戲畫面】★★★★遊戲最出彩的地方就是遊戲之中幾個主要人物的肖像刻畫了,基本上都十分的有表現力,將各個人物的性格都分明的體現了出來。其它值得稱讚的一個小細節在於人物對話中加入了表情系統,十分生動的將人物心理狀態表現出來了。【遊戲操作】★★★★【2】鍵、【8】鍵、【4】鍵、【6】鍵:向上下左右移動角色;【5】鍵:確定、對話、開啟寶箱;【7】鍵:劇情提示;【9】鍵:機關神獸;【3】鍵:無鬼窟;左軟鍵:確定、遊戲中調出商城菜單;右軟鍵:返回、遊戲中調出角色屬性菜單;【總結】★★★★★優點:RPG上乘之作!感動人心的愛情故事,在多位女性之中做出自己的選擇吧!缺點:裝備系統相對比較單調,希望可以繼續努力。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]㊣ millions of single player's choice, superfunRPG!㊣ classic reproduction, role play but myself! Thumbs up!The absolute pinnacle of martialartsRPG superior of hand travel rivers and lakeslegends!Shengsizhizhan soon, basaltic ectopic Mo Xiao Xie YiWarriors caneventually teamed up with cracks sinister? Rivers andlakes on theway the roots of spiritual development accompanied by acouple ofskills, tenderness Wei Qi soft, pungent fairies, Lengaonine girls,left hold the right owner is not a dream, let youexperience thereal man in the arena road feel. There are all kindsof hilariousNPC appearances, let you appreciate the differentcorners of thecountry road."Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang"theperfect interpretation of the classic Chinese martial artsRPGessence. Drama huge, rich feelings, let you experience beyondtheclassic role-playing game Paladin's both good and bad! Superletyou into a sense of the game into one! Quests amazing, therearelucky wheel and other small game to keep you entertained,morerivers and lakes waiting for you to write blog unbeaten myth.Eightcollect artifacts, challenges demons, Guards change it todominatethe game ending.NOTE: The in-game language isChinese(tens of thousands of words of the story is difficult totranslateinto other languages, RPG game special cultural backgroundalsodetermines this, the non-Chinese players to understand forgiveme...)[Warm Tips]1, before the game please archiving progress, especially in thecaseof a strong enemy2, the system is set to cancel translucent, shock andsplashbattleGames tariff]Download free games free to play, free to activate the fullstory!Some special props use Google Wallet to purchaseselective,non-mandatory, please rest assured.[Support model]This game is full resolution and supports a variety ofterminalspopular models, especially for low-end models ofperfectadaptation. However, some special screen (such as960X540resolution) Show below appears incomplete, pleasedownloadselectivity can also contact our customer service mailboxreturnquestions, thank you.============================="Martial arts Heroes -Yulgang"evaluation (from the players cabbagexie)"Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang" isavery loved by the players of role-playing game, fullofrole-playing games of the charm. With the development of thegame,players will be fully integrated with the game story! Thereislaughter, there is sadness, there are moved, there is passion!Verymagical feeling, but in this game is completely reflected out!Inthis game among your actions will determine the final outcomeofthe strike.[Beginning of the Games ★★★★Game begins a word "is not an option in any direction, itwilltravel to the same fate?", This sentence has revealed the themeofthe game, in the end you will not achieve a different outcomeofthe game itself in the choice of what? Guards whether you havetheability to change their destiny? Although the ground totryit.[Game Features] ★★★★★Mount system: Beginning of the game will be able to receive averyhandsome animal organs as mounts, walking much faster, on theonehand to enhance the player's gaming experience a sense, ontheother hand to speed up the upgrade Daguai speed.Combat system: People can practice a variety of martial artsskillsand leave law is, income after other roles team can alsolearnedvery strong fit technology.Love to develop: Jingjing, aloof and arrogant Sakura, gentleenoughGanaiganhen Laner, who do you like in the end? Among all thegamesyou make choices will determine the finaloutcome.[Game screen] ★★★★Games most out of color is the portrait of the main charactersofthe game itself portrayed, basically are veryexpressive,individual character's personality is clearly reflectedout. Asmall detail that other laudable character dialogueaddedexpression system, very vivid mental state willfigureshown.[Gameplay] ★★★★[2] key, key [8], [4] key, [6] key: to move up and downtherole;[5] key: OK, dialogue, open the chest;[7] key: Drama prompt;[9] key: animal organs;[3] key: no ghost cave;Left soft key: OK, the game menu to bring up the mall;Right softkey: Back, role in the game to bring up thePropertiesmenu;[Summary] ★★★★★Advantages: RPG superior of! Love story touched people's hearts,inthe number of women among make their own choice!Disadvantages: equipment system is relatively monotonous, hopingtocontinue their efforts.Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer Service Mail: [email protected]
武俠風雲傳 - 這是你的江湖! 1.3
☆金庸VS古龍 正宗武俠原味重現☆☆正邪分說 百大群俠 任憑差遣☆☆神兵寶甲 兵器譜上 谁與爭鋒☆☆蓋世神功 武林絕學 重現江湖☆☆臨兵佈陣 智取天下 笑盡英雄☆《武俠風雲傳》是一款同時包含金庸與古龍元素的3D武俠遊戲,超越時空與背景的束縛,一次解決所有武俠迷的疑惑,究竟東方不敗若不去救楊蓮亭是否會輸給令狐沖!?為什麼武功高明許多的葉孤城會被西門吹雪一劍刺死!?獨孤求敗與掃地僧到底是不是同一個人!?武俠世界中最強的角色又會是誰!?這些問號與未解之謎,將於本遊戲中,得到答案。而在遊戲中,玩家將選擇正邪兩方的門派,化身為一派掌門,統領門派,募集弟子,帶領其闖蕩江湖,懲惡揚善,剿匪除魔,更可參加論劍,稱霸江湖!【遊戲特色】正邪對立:玩家自創建角色之時,即可選擇正派或邪派,區別於其他遊戲,正邪兩派在日後遊戲中將形成多領域玩法的競爭與抗衡,讓你體驗真正的江湖對決!豐富互動:MMORPG模式主城交互,同全屏玩家切磋、交友,甚至綁架他人,極大增加遊戲趣味性。個性展示:角色外觀avatar效果,直觀展現你的武林盟主地位!戰術多變:靈活的俠客搭配,多變的陣形排布,發揮不同戰鬥效果,制霸武林!全面養成:裝備收集、強化、精煉,角色升級、習武、元氣、培養……諸多提升戰力的途徑盡在《武俠風雲傳》!【主要功能】角色&弟子:弟子可分為丙、乙、甲三個等級。甲級弟子又分為1-2-3星。武功&裝備:通過精煉可以提升裝備的強化等級。精煉消耗裝備或裝備碎片。副本:按章節分為多個副本,豐富的劇情讓你體驗行走江湖的快感。活動:單人或多人闖關模式,可以同好友一同闖蕩江湖,論劍、黑木崖、除魔、禁地、段天、藥圓……多種玩法任你選!幫會:攜眾多江湖人士打造屬於自己的武俠夢!奇遇:偶遇江湖豪俠,切磋指點,提升武學,贏得神兵!事件:豐富玩法每日不斷,福利贈送high翻天!Facebook粉絲頁:官方網站:☆ VS Jin Yong GuLongauthentic martial arts flavor to reproduce ☆☆ good and evil Takahashi sent Baida Heroes despite ☆☆ ☆ rival the arsenal of magic treasure☆ matchless magic martial arts secret comeback ☆☆ Pro lineup outsmart soldiers to make the world laugh hero ☆"Martial arts situation Biography" is one that containsbothelements of Jin Yong and Gu 3D martial arts game, beyondtheshackles of time and space with the background, resolve onceallWuxia Mi doubts, if not to save what unassailable whetherYangLianting will lose Linghu! Why? Many Ye Gucheng wise martialartsXimen sword is stabbed to death!? uncontested top dog andsweepingmonk in the end is not the same person!? martial arts worldwhowill be the strongest character!? These question marksandmysteries will this game, get an answer.In the game, players will choose both good and evil sects,theincarnation of faction head, commanding sects, raisingdisciples,led it wherever they went, good and evil, bandits slayer,but mayparticipate swordfight, dominate the arena![Game Features]Confrontation between good and evil: the time since the creationofthe role of the player, you can choose upright or Xiepai,differentfrom other games, good and evil factions compete and tocompete inthe future in various fields play a game, so youexperience thereal arena showdown!Rich interactive: MMORPG interactive mode the main city,withfull-screen players learn, make friends, and evenkidnappingothers, greatly increasing the game interesting.Personality show: Role avatar appearance effect, visually showyourMartial status!Changing tactics: knight with flexible, varied lineuparrangement,play different combat effects, system of hegemonymartialarts!Fully develop: equipment to collect, strengthen, refining,upgradingthe role, martial arts, strength, training ...... manyways toenhance the combat capability of all in "martial artssituationBiography"![Main function]Roles & Disciple: Disciples can be divided into C, B, Athreegrades. Class A disciple is divided into 1-2-3 stars.Martial arts & Equipment: You can upgrade by refiningenhancedlevel of equipment. Refining consumption equipment orequipmentdebris.Copy: by chapter is divided into multiple copies, rich story toletyou experience the thrill of walking dead.Activities: single or multiplayer mode checkpoints, cantogetherwith friends wherever they went, swordfight, dark woodCliff,slayer, forbidden, Duan days, drug round ...... variety ofplay nomatter how you choose!Gang: to bring many rivers and lakes to create their ownmartialarts dream!Scrubs: occasional gallant rivers and lakes, learn pointers,liftingmartial arts, magic win!Event: rich continue to play daily, welfare Gethighearthshaking!Facebook fan page: https: // website: http: //
武林群俠-熱血江湖【超好玩!2016最強武俠巨作】 1.0
㊣數百萬單機玩家的選擇,超好玩的RPG!㊣經典再現,角色扮演舍我其誰!贊!武俠RPG絕對巔峰上乘之作,手游江湖不朽傳奇!生死之戰在即,玄武宮外的莫小邪與易無雙最終能否聯手破解驚天陰謀?江湖路上紅顏相伴雙修情侶技能,柔情戚柔薇、潑辣小仙女、冷傲九姑娘,左擁右抱不是夢,讓你體驗在江湖路上真男人的感覺。還有各式NPC爆笑出場,讓你體味不一樣的江湖路。《武林群俠-熱血江湖》完美詮釋華語經典武俠RPG的真諦。劇情龐大,感情豐富,讓你體驗超越經典角色扮演類游戲仙劍奇俠傳的愛恨情仇!超強的代入感讓你與遊戲合為一體!支線任務別有洞天,還有開運輪等小遊戲讓你流連忘返,更有江湖誌等你書寫不敗神話。集齊八大神器,挑戰心魔,即可逆天改命,主宰遊戲結局。注:本遊戲內語言為中文(數万字的劇情很難翻譯成其他語言,RPG遊戲特殊的文化背景也決定了這一點,請非中文玩家理解見諒…)【溫馨貼士】1、遊戲中請及時存檔進度,尤其在遇強敵前2、系統設置可取消半透明、震動及戰鬥閃屏【遊戲資費】遊戲免費下載免費玩,可免費激活全部劇情!部分特殊道具可以使用谷歌錢包選擇性購買,非強制請放心。【支持機型】本遊戲全面支持各種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。但是部分特殊屏幕(如960X540分辨率)會出現下方顯示不全的情況,請選擇性下載,也可以與我們客服郵箱聯繫回報問題,謝謝。===========================《武林群俠-熱血江湖》評測(來自玩家cabbagexie)《武林群俠-熱血江湖》是一款非常受到玩家喜愛的角色扮演類游戲,充分展現了角色扮演類游戲的魅力之處。隨著遊戲的發展,玩家會完全與遊戲的劇情融為一體!有歡笑,有悲傷,有感動,有激情!十分神奇的感覺,卻在這個遊戲裡完全體現了出來!在這款遊戲之中,你的所作所為將決定著最終的結局的走向。【遊戲開頭】★★★★遊戲開篇有一句話“是不是選擇任何方向,都會游向同一宿命呢?”,這句話已經揭示了這款遊戲的主題,到底你在遊戲之中的選擇會不會達成不同的結局呢?你是否有能力逆天改變自己的命運呢?儘管地來嘗試一下吧。【遊戲特色】★★★★★坐騎系統:遊戲一開始便可以把十分帥氣的機關獸收為坐騎,行走速度大大提高,一方面增強了玩家的遊戲體驗感,另一方面又加快了打怪升級的速度。戰鬥系統:人物可以修煉多種武功技能以及被動身​​法,其它角色收入隊伍後還可以習得十分強力的合體技。戀愛養成:敢愛敢恨的菁菁,孤高冷傲的小櫻,柔情似水的蘭兒,你到底喜歡誰呢?遊戲之中你做出的種種選擇將決定最後的結局。【遊戲畫面】★★★★遊戲最出彩的地方就是遊戲之中幾個主要人物的肖像刻畫了,基本上都十分的有表現力,將各個人物的性格都分明的體現了出來。其它值得稱讚的一個小細節在於人物對話中加入了表情系統,十分生動的將人物心理狀態表現出來了。【遊戲操作】★★★★【2】鍵、【8】鍵、【4】鍵、【6】鍵:向上下左右移動角色;【5】鍵:確定、對話、開啟寶箱;【7】鍵:劇情提示;【9】鍵:機關神獸;【3】鍵:無鬼窟;左軟鍵:確定、遊戲中調出商城菜單;右軟鍵:返回、遊戲中調出角色屬性菜單;【總結】★★★★★優點:RPG上乘之作!感動人心的愛情故事,在多位女性之中做出自己的選擇吧!缺點:裝備系統相對比較單調,希望可以繼續努力。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]㊣ millions of single player's choice, superfunRPG!㊣ classic reproduction, role play but myself! Thumbs up!The absolute pinnacle of martialartsRPG superior of hand travel rivers and lakeslegends!Shengsizhizhan soon, basaltic ectopic Mo Xiao Xie YiWarriors caneventually teamed up with cracks sinister? Rivers andlakes on theway the roots of spiritual development accompanied by acouple ofskills, tenderness Wei Qi soft, pungent fairies, Lengaonine girls,left hold the right owner is not a dream, let youexperience thereal man in the arena road feel. There are all kindsof hilariousNPC appearances, let you appreciate the differentcorners of thecountry road."Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang"theperfect interpretation of the classic Chinese martial artsRPGessence. Drama huge, rich feelings, let you experience beyondtheclassic role-playing game Paladin's both good and bad! Superletyou into a sense of the game into one! Quests amazing, therearelucky wheel and other small game to keep you entertained,morerivers and lakes waiting for you to write blog unbeaten myth.Eightcollect artifacts, challenges demons, Guards change it todominatethe game ending.NOTE: The in-game language isChinese(tens of thousands of words of the story is difficult totranslateinto other languages, RPG game special cultural backgroundalsodetermines this, the non-Chinese players to understand forgiveme...)[Warm Tips]1, before the game please archiving progress, especially in thecaseof a strong enemy2, the system is set to cancel translucent, shock andsplashbattleGames tariff]Download free games free to play, free to activate the fullstory!Some special props use Google Wallet to purchaseselective,non-mandatory, please rest assured.[Support model]This game is full resolution and supports a variety ofterminalspopular models, especially for low-end models ofperfectadaptation. However, some special screen (such as960X540resolution) Show below appears incomplete, pleasedownloadselectivity can also contact our customer service mailboxreturnquestions, thank you.==========================="Martial arts Heroes -Yulgang"evaluation (from the players cabbagexie)"Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang" isavery loved by the players of role-playing game, fullofrole-playing games of the charm. With the development of thegame,players will be fully integrated with the game story! Thereislaughter, there is sadness, there are moved, there is passion!Verymagical feeling, but in this game is completely reflected out!Inthis game among your actions will determine the final outcomeofthe strike.[Beginning of the Games ★★★★Game begins a word "is not an option in any direction, itwilltravel to the same fate?", This sentence has revealed the themeofthe game, in the end you will not achieve a different outcomeofthe game itself in the choice of what? Guards whether you havetheability to change their destiny? Although the ground totryit.[Game Features] ★★★★★Mount system: Beginning of the game will be able to receive averyhandsome animal organs as mounts, walking much faster, on theonehand to enhance the player's gaming experience a sense, ontheother hand to speed up the upgrade Daguai speed.Combat system: People can practice a variety of martial artsskillsand leave law is, income after other roles team can alsolearnedvery strong fit technology.Love to develop: Jingjing, aloof and arrogant Sakura, gentleenoughGanaiganhen Laner, who do you like in the end? Among all thegamesyou make choices will determine the finaloutcome.[Game screen] ★★★★Games most out of color is the portrait of the main charactersofthe game itself portrayed, basically are veryexpressive,individual character's personality is clearly reflectedout. Asmall detail that other laudable character dialogueaddedexpression system, very vivid mental state willfigureshown.[Gameplay] ★★★★[2] key, key [8], [4] key, [6] key: to move up and downtherole;[5] key: OK, dialogue, open the chest;[7] key: Drama prompt;[9] key: animal organs;[3] key: no ghost cave;Left soft key: OK, the game menu to bring up the mall;Right softkey: Back, role in the game to bring up thePropertiesmenu;[Summary] ★★★★★Advantages: RPG superior of! Love story touched people's hearts,inthe number of women among make their own choice!Disadvantages: equipment system is relatively monotonous, hopingtocontinue their efforts.Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer Service Mail: [email protected]
劍靈闖江湖 1.0.1
啪啪江湖 1.0.21
=====啪啪江湖=====玩膩卡牌遊戲了嗎?啪啪將是您最好的選擇~啪啪?絕對跟你想像的不同江湖?顛覆傳統武俠風格與思維!地球上最強武俠手機遊戲「啪啪江湖」台港澳登場!快號召朋友一起「啪啪江湖」吧!圓你一個不一樣的武林江湖夢啪啪 江湖官方網站:啪啪江湖官方粉絲團:啪啪 江湖客服信箱:[email protected]=====遊戲特點=====✔ 「啪啪江湖」您就是呼風喚雨的掌門!!✔ 「啪啪江湖」超越KOF連擊戰鬥效果✔ 「啪啪江湖」玩家專屬小師妹陪你打點門派事務✔ 「啪啪江湖」上百種絕世武功任您搭配✔ 「啪啪江湖」超過50位美女佳人~各大武林名士等著當您的弟子=====遊戲簡介=====「啪啪江湖」是顛覆武林史的鉅作APP遊戲,故事背景身處在亂世武林中,身為一代掌門的玩家們,如何在爾虞我詐的江湖中,招募到眾多知名武林人物與美女佳人的協助,並通過層層劇情關卡後,將自創的門派威震於天下。一部韓劇顛覆了外星人的印象,而「啪啪江湖」中該如何顛覆武林門派的興盛正等著玩家來考驗。
瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇 1.0.17
《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》以家喻戶曉的東方神話「封神演義」為背景,玩家可以體驗到刺激驚險的「武王伐紂」經典戰役,更有眾多著名的神祇門徒「姜子牙」、「趙公明」等待玩家來征服!此外,遊戲首推「仙侶奇緣」系統,玩家選擇對應的仙侶門徒上場,搭配專屬的裝備和法寶,角色之間就會產生強烈共鳴效果,大幅提升隊伍戰力。還有可愛趣味的「守護獸系統」、互助合作的「助威系統」等,營造出不同以往的神話遊戲體驗。給你宛如仙劍奇俠的感動,比無雙更有爆發力的戰鬥,媲美楓之谷的可愛人物角色,比武媚娘傳奇更神話的磅礡劇情。【超可愛東方神祇登場,眾多門徒等你征服】想要和鼎鼎大名的『姜子牙』、『哪吒』、『蘇妲己』一起征服世界嗎?遊戲中提供眾多家喻戶曉的封神角色,讓您可以任意挑選喜愛的人物,陪您上山下海盡情通關!更重要的是,玩家透過關卡闖關,就有機會取得這些稀有門徒,不必再花大錢拚機率抽取,只要每天暢快玩遊戲,就可以組織出強力隊伍唷!【四大職業挑戰策略機智,玩出你最獨特的組合】《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》為回合制戰鬥玩法,每次開戰前都能調整自己的門徒組合和陣型。遊戲中提供各種加成陣法和職業技能,玩家不但可以選擇想要的陣型效果,更能為門徒們裝備上各式各樣的法寶和特殊技能,高自由度的搭配內容,讓您能玩出最與眾不同的隊伍組合。【和朋友互動最有趣,激烈競技玩法讓您大呼過癮】玩《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》就是要和親朋好友們一起玩才刺激!社交好友系統,讓您能和朋友們互相贈送體力,還能查看對方組合,研究出擊倒對方的應對陣型!此外,豐富多元的PVP封神壇玩法更是不容錯過的競技活動,天下高手都會聚集在此較勁實力,到底誰能登上首席寶座?"God mad Heroes UnitedMoe- martial arts Q Legend" with well-known oriental myth "Gods"as thebackground, players can experience the thrills of "King Wu"aclassic battle, more renowned gods disciple"late-bloomer""Zhaogong" waiting for players to conquer! Inaddition, the mostimportant game "Xianlvqiyuan" system, playersselect thecorresponding Xianlv disciples play, with exclusiveequipment andmagic, it will have a strong resonance effect betweenroles,significantly increasing the combat capability of the team.Thereare lovely taste of "guardian beast system" mutualcooperation"cheer systems", etc., creating a myth different fromthe pastgaming experience.Paladin you like to move, more explosive than theunparalleledbattle, comparable to Maple Valley cute characters,more legendarymyth contest seductive woman 磅礡 story.[Super cute oriental gods on stage, waiting for you toconquermany disciples]Want and the famous "bloomer", "Rebels", "Su Daji" togethertoconquer the world? The game offers many household Gods role, soyoucan pick any favorite characters, to accompany you to enjoythemountains to the sea clearance! More importantly, theplayersthrough the checkpoint checkpoints, have the opportunity toacquirethese rare disciples, do not have to spend big money tofight theprobability of extraction, as long as a day of fun playingthegame, you can organize a strong team yo![Four major professional challenge strategy wit, play outyourmost unique combination]"God mad Heroes United Moe - martial arts Q Legend" isturn-basedfighting games are played, before each battle can adjusttheirportfolios and formation of disciples. FIGHTING game offersavariety of bonus and vocational skills, players can not onlychoosethe desired effect formation, the better for all kinds ofequipmenton the disciples of magic and special skills, with a highdegree offreedom of the contents, so you can play the most unusualteamcomposition.[Most interesting interaction with friends, allowing you toplayintense athletic hooked]Play "God mad hero linked Moe - martial arts legend Q" is toplaywith friends and family who just exciting! Social buddy system,soyou can give each other strength and friends, but also seeeachother combination, developed to deal with down the other sideofthe formation! In addition, a rich and diverse Gods altar PVPplayis not to be missed athletic activities, world experts willgatherstrength in this rivalry, in the end who boarded thechiefthrone?
大唐雙龍傳 1.8.0
由黃易老師代表作《大唐雙龍傳》改編而成的3D武俠手遊,以原汁原味的任務劇情、生動細膩的CG動畫、精彩爆表的戰鬥特效,以及架構完整的遊戲系統作為亮點,逐步導引玩家成為足以左右武林局勢、攀上武學顛峰的絕頂高手。粉絲團:遊戲官網:***********遊戲特色***************【熱血,奔流不息;武俠,痛快淋漓!】回歸本心,武俠是甚麼?戰鬥是甚麼?人們想從武俠遊戲中獲得甚麼?《大唐雙龍傳》重新探討遊戲本質,武俠就是要熱血,戰鬥就是要痛快!拳拳到肉的打擊節奏,痛快淋漓的招式光影、血脈賁張的戰鬥風格,你將在遊戲中充分體驗這場聲光俱全的武俠饗宴!【武林神話,霸氣回歸!】我們將史上最強運的雙主角武俠經典-《大唐雙龍傳》,以手遊之姿完美移植,重現武林神話的絕代風華!兩個少不更事的小伙子,在揚州城中屢獲奇遇,結識高手,一路絕處逢生,化險為夷,終習得絕世武學,踏上江湖爭霸之路!玩家將從一開始便加入他們的行列,成為新一代的武林傳說!【武道會跨服決戰,江湖再掀波瀾!】江湖流傳,武林中最大的跨服PK盛事「武道會」開打了!快把你千錘百鍊的角色、辛苦培育的高手、攻守兼備的完美隊伍,在武道會中與其他玩家比試一番!或許可以輕鬆取勝,但有時自信滿滿卻也會踢到鐵板,此時方知「人外有人,天外有天」!朝向最後的武林盟主前進吧,天下第一總有一天要手到擒來!【闖先天武學之境,拼心法雙修奧義!】遊戲內武學系統豐富多元,佛道魔三大陣營,對應各自不同功法,佛主剛猛,道法自然,魔走邪道;當玩家等級提升到某種程度,還能透過途徑修練心法雙修,讓自己的武功更上一層樓,一窺武學「先天之境」的奧秘!另外,遊戲內獨特的「1+1+2+3」戰鬥系統,讓玩家自由選擇不同類型的高手,搭配對應不同戰鬥情境的絕佳組合,獲得最終勝利!【強者,不必言說!】高手藏於民間,如同折凳藏於民居,鋒芒雖不外露,不代表沒有鋒芒。我有多強難道真的要告訴你?真正的強者,不多說,只做。基本的裝備、角色強化系統已經不夠看,轉生、進化、真武、印法各系統,勤練持之以恆,必能脫穎而出!**********************************依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔12級。遊戲內容涉及: 暴力(武俠動作)、部分角色有凸顯胸、臀之服飾。本遊戲部分內容需另行支付費用。請合理安排時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。*建議系統版本:Android4.0及以上CPU:1.0GB及以上RAM:512MB及以上注意事項:需保有500MB及以上存儲空間建議機型:Samsung Galaxy Note 2以上
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——充滿魔力皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨的魔力,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的魔力法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起擁有魔力的武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰時代來臨。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送擁有魔力翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣以及各種寶貝物品,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
Emperor Legend 1.2.2
Camel Games
Jump into the most stunning 3D hero RPGformobile!Be a kung fu hero! Recruit kings and beauties to fight byyourside as your crush evil demons. Explore the dynasties throughover20 gorgeously painted story levels overcome with incrediblefantasycreatures. Wield amazing skills in epic 3D battles sobeautiful andexciting your jaw will drop and your blood willboil!Choosing from dozens of heroes and skills, you’ll createalegendary team that will shock your friends and overwhelmyourenemies, and build a glorious dynasty of your very own!RECRUIT EPIC HEROES- Choose your Heroes from the kings and beauties of EastAsianlegend- Promote and Ascend them to teach them awesome new skills- Equip them with full upgradeable gear, soul-shreddingch’iattacks, and rare Relics that unlock their specialabilitiesFIGHT STUNNING 3D BATTLES- Lead your team personally into battle and fight inperfectlyrendered 3D!- Immerse yourself in dynamic, fully-animated battleeffectsincluding lightning bolts, earthquakes, light auras, andmore!TONS OF GAMEPLAY- Legend: Lead your Heroes through over 20 Chapters ofStoryMode- Guild Wars: Join your friends and fight real players inHUGE15-on-15 battles- Dojo: Climb PvP rankings and win rare rewards by pitting yourteamagainst other players- Tower Trial: Ascend the levels of Heaven to reachlegendaryrewards!- Journey: Lead a campaign out into the savage lands!- Savage Wars: Face waves of enemies, including a Demon Army andthemystic Dragon Turtle. The farther you get, the more lootyouwin!
完美武俠 2.0.8
【核心玩法】交易:玩家自主進行,您可以蹲點、撿漏,也可以一擲千金、豪情萬丈!遭遇戰:真正的武林一定是不期而遇、血戰到底、酣暢淋漓!豪俠招募:不僅可以通過“抽卡”獲得,也可通過冒險機緣進行徵召!掠奪:看他不順眼?搶他就對了!秘笈:練就絕世武功,提升海量屬性!進階:不一樣的進階功能,完美合成打造屬於自己的絕世豪俠!冒險、BOSS戰、試煉塔、論劍爭鋒……更多玩法盡在《完美武俠》!【新手福利】新玩家可獲得強大道具、最高級金招募令、銀兩等,保送至滿級!累計登入可以獲得高級卡牌,小若、獅王、小蓉助您稱霸武林!——遊戲討論——《完美武俠》官方粉絲團:完美武俠-MoFun/305057143014087客服回報:[email protected]※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,此軟體為輔導級,12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。
新天上碑手遊 2.0.8
[遊戲特徵]◎ 更快更強的即時Real Time系統,副本組隊系統構成,讓你輕鬆找尋夥伴完成江湖夢。◎ 創造專屬的武功連續技,透過遊歷江湖各地收集並習得武功,藉此掃蕩異教徒。◎ 修練的同時並取得神話級道具、擊殺Boss來獲得的稀世套裝,成為武林高手第一人。◎ 擁有遊戲結束後,依然可以獲得道具與修練能力值的離線遊玩系統。◎ 一次即可獲得大量道具的”江湖探險”與可無限修練能力值的『修煉場』。
熱血江湖-武林群俠(全民都愛玩的經典單機RPG) 1.0
㊣數百萬單機玩家的選擇,超好玩的RPG!㊣經典再現,角色扮演舍我其誰!贊!武俠RPG絕對巔峰上乘之作,手游江湖不朽傳奇!生死之戰在即,玄武宮外的莫小邪與易無雙最終能否聯手破解驚天陰謀?江湖路上紅顏相伴雙修情侶技能,柔情戚柔薇、潑辣小仙女、冷傲九姑娘,左擁右抱不是夢,讓你體驗在江湖路上真男人的感覺。還有各式NPC爆笑出場,讓你體味不一樣的江湖路。《武林群俠-熱血江湖》完美詮釋華語經典武俠RPG的真諦。劇情龐大,感情豐富,讓你體驗超越經典角色扮演類游戲仙劍奇俠傳的愛恨情仇!超強的代入感讓你與遊戲合為一體!支線任務別有洞天,還有開運輪等小遊戲讓你流連忘返,更有江湖誌等你書寫不敗神話。集齊八大神器,挑戰心魔,即可逆天改命,主宰遊戲結局。注:本遊戲內語言為中文(數万字的劇情很難翻譯成其他語言,RPG遊戲特殊的文化背景也決定了這一點,請非中文玩家理解見諒…)【溫馨貼士】1、遊戲中請及時存檔進度,尤其在遇強敵前2、系統設置可取消半透明、震動及戰鬥閃屏【遊戲資費】遊戲免費下載免費玩,可免費激活全部劇情!部分特殊道具可以使用谷歌錢包選擇性購買,非強制請放心。【支持機型】本遊戲全面支持各種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。但是部分特殊屏幕(如960X540分辨率)會出現下方顯示不全的情況,請選擇性下載,也可以與我們客服郵箱聯繫回報問題,謝謝。===========================《武林群俠-熱血江湖》評測(來自玩家cabbagexie)《武林群俠-熱血江湖》是一款非常受到玩家喜愛的角色扮演類游戲,充分展現了角色扮演類游戲的魅力之處。隨著遊戲的發展,玩家會完全與遊戲的劇情融為一體!有歡笑,有悲傷,有感動,有激情!十分神奇的感覺,卻在這個遊戲裡完全體現了出來!在這款遊戲之中,你的所作所為將決定著最終的結局的走向。【遊戲開頭】★★★★遊戲開篇有一句話“是不是選擇任何方向,都會游向同一宿命呢?”,這句話已經揭示了這款遊戲的主題,到底你在遊戲之中的選擇會不會達成不同的結局呢?你是否有能力逆天改變自己的命運呢?儘管地來嘗試一下吧。【遊戲特色】★★★★★坐騎系統:遊戲一開始便可以把十分帥氣的機關獸收為坐騎,行走速度大大提高,一方面增強了玩家的遊戲體驗感,另一方面又加快了打怪升級的速度。戰鬥系統:人物可以修煉多種武功技能以及被動身​​法,其它角色收入隊伍後還可以習得十分強力的合體技。戀愛養成:敢愛敢恨的菁菁,孤高冷傲的小櫻,柔情似水的蘭兒,你到底喜歡誰呢?遊戲之中你做出的種種選擇將決定最後的結局。【遊戲畫面】★★★★遊戲最出彩的地方就是遊戲之中幾個主要人物的肖像刻畫了,基本上都十分的有表現力,將各個人物的性格都分明的體現了出來。其它值得稱讚的一個小細節在於人物對話中加入了表情系統,十分生動的將人物心理狀態表現出來了。【遊戲操作】★★★★【2】鍵、【8】鍵、【4】鍵、【6】鍵:向上下左右移動角色;【5】鍵:確定、對話、開啟寶箱;【7】鍵:劇情提示;【9】鍵:機關神獸;【3】鍵:無鬼窟;左軟鍵:確定、遊戲中調出商城菜單;右軟鍵:返回、遊戲中調出角色屬性菜單;【總結】★★★★★優點:RPG上乘之作!感動人心的愛情故事,在多位女性之中做出自己的選擇吧!缺點:裝備系統相對比較單調,希望可以繼續努力。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]㊣ millions of single player's choice, superfunRPG!㊣ classic reproduction, role play but myself! Thumbs up!The absolute pinnacle of martialartsRPG superior of hand travel rivers and lakeslegends!Shengsizhizhan soon, basaltic ectopic Mo Xiao Xie YiWarriors caneventually teamed up with cracks sinister? Rivers andlakes on theway the roots of spiritual development accompanied by acouple ofskills, tenderness Wei Qi soft, pungent fairies, Lengaonine girls,left hold the right owner is not a dream, let youexperience thereal man in the arena road feel. There are all kindsof hilariousNPC appearances, let you appreciate the differentcorners of thecountry road."Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang"theperfect interpretation of the classic Chinese martial artsRPGessence. Drama huge, rich feelings, let you experience beyondtheclassic role-playing game Paladin's both good and bad! Superletyou into a sense of the game into one! Quests amazing, therearelucky wheel and other small game to keep you entertained,morerivers and lakes waiting for you to write blog unbeaten myth.Eightcollect artifacts, challenges demons, Guards change it todominatethe game ending.NOTE: The in-game language is Chinese (tens of thousands of wordsofthe story is difficult to translate into other languages, RPGgamespecial cultural background also determines this, thenon-Chineseplayers to understand forgive me ...)[Warm Tips]1, before the game please archiving progress, especially in thecaseof a strong enemy2, the system is set to cancel translucent, shock andsplashbattleGames tariff]Download free games free to play, free to activate the fullstory!Some special props use Google Wallet to purchaseselective,non-mandatory, please rest assured.[Support model]This game is full resolution and supports a variety ofterminalspopular models, especially for low-end models ofperfectadaptation. However, some special screen (such as960X540resolution) Show below appears incomplete, pleasedownloadselectivity can also contact our customer service mailboxreturnquestions, thank you.==========================="Martial arts Heroes -Yulgang"evaluation (from the players cabbagexie)"Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang" isavery loved by the players of role-playing game, fullofrole-playing games of the charm. With the development of thegame,players will be fully integrated with the game story! Thereislaughter, there is sadness, there are moved, there is passion!Verymagical feeling, but in this game is completely reflected out!Inthis game among your actions will determine the final outcomeofthe strike.[Beginning of the Games ★★★★Game begins a word "is not an option in any direction, itwilltravel to the same fate?", This sentence has revealed the themeofthe game, in the end you will not achieve a different outcomeofthe game itself in the choice of what? Guards whether you havetheability to change their destiny? Although the ground totryit.[Game Features] ★★★★★Mount system: Beginning of the game will be able to receive averyhandsome animal organs as mounts, walking much faster, on theonehand to enhance the player's gaming experience a sense, ontheother hand to speed up the upgrade Daguai speed.Combat system: People can practice a variety of martial artsskillsand leave law is, income after other roles team can alsolearnedvery strong fit technology.Love to develop: Jingjing, aloof and arrogant Sakura, gentleenoughGanaiganhen Laner, who do you like in the end? Among all thegamesyou make choices will determine the finaloutcome.[Game screen] ★★★★Games most out of color is the portrait of the main charactersofthe game itself portrayed, basically are veryexpressive,individual character's personality is clearly reflectedout. Asmall detail that other laudable character dialogueaddedexpression system, very vivid mental state willfigureshown.[Gameplay] ★★★★[2] key, key [8], [4] key, [6] key: to move up and downtherole;[5] key: OK, dialogue, open the chest;[7] key: Drama prompt;[9] key: animal organs;[3] key: no ghost cave;Left soft key: OK, the game menu to bring up the mall;Right softkey: Back, role in the game to bring up thePropertiesmenu;[Summary] ★★★★★Advantages: RPG superior of! Love story touched people's hearts,inthe number of women among make their own choice!Disadvantages: equipment system is relatively monotonous, hopingtocontinue their efforts.Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer Service Mail: [email protected]
大侠来一刀 1.5.2
Game Dreamer
1.游戏概述本游戏是一款RPG策略手游,完美的装备养成系统,独特的武侠碎片集成,以及智慧的战斗策略给玩家带来乐趣体验。如果你憧憬武林,向往江湖,那么就加入吧。游戏将带领我们进入一个充满爱恨情仇、恩怨纠葛的武侠时代。精致的游戏画面,卡通形式的武侠彰显可爱又不失风情,战斗过程更是刀光剑影,6个武侠技能齐放,天昏地暗,激烈的战斗带来的是对实力的执着追求。此外,我们准备了非常丰富的创新玩法,包括元素神坛、华山论剑、闯王宝库、名楼征战等等,各大模式中所提供的关卡与奖励都有所不同,大侠可以根据自己的需求来选择挑战。精致画面,震撼对决,玩法新颖,尽在《大侠来一刀》!2游戏特色【战斗】组建特色武侠,历练剧情副本,装备养成,佩戴专属宝物,激情PVP。【物件】所有热爱武侠,所有寻找轻松愉快模式,所有寻找游戏快乐本质的真玩家!【玩法】时尚新颖的触划式战斗体验;独创名将楼玩法,巅峰对决;霸气形象+稀有光效,专属外观征服天下!【定位】一款齐聚各部武侠著作代表人物的卡牌+RPG手游巨著。【画面】2D竖版,可爱风人物造型,6名武侠上阵对决。【操作】简便操作,轻松体验,震撼对决!【系统】武侠阵容选择与排布,装备升级与宝物搭配,推图PK两不误,挑战名将争第一。【题材】百名萌侠齐聚的卡牌+RPG手游。3.核心玩法【职业】初选角色,提供了前期稳定的过图能力和养成方向。【等级】主角等级影响副本、系统玩法的开启和装备强化等级上限。【属性】通过武侠资质培养和突破,可以大幅提升武侠的战斗能力并改变炫酷造型。【铜币】游戏中的基础货币,可在游戏中源源不断的免费获得,可用于所有系统。【粮食】武侠升级所需要的资源,主要通过“闯王宝库”活动产出。【宝物】宝物佩戴给专属武侠,可触发缘分效果,大幅提升武侠能力。【炼化】炼化武侠碎片获得武魂,用于兑换心仪的武侠。【帮派】除了结朋交友,还可以学习帮派技能,增加战斗元素。【联系我们】官方网站:台湾专线: 02-7745 5511香港专线: 8175-8094Email:[email protected]服务时间: AM 9:00-AM 1:001.ABOUT the GameThe latest Mobile Game perfectly combines Card Game element withRPGStrategy Game element, players can enjoy the great fun inthefantastic Equips Development system, unique Wuxia PiecesCollectionfeature and the wisdom of the Battle Strategy. If you aWuxia Loverattracted by the Styles of Wulin and Jianghu, this gameis exactlywhat you are looking for. Join in the game and enjoyyourself inthe Ancient world of love and Hatred!This game is a kawaii and ancient style with its Exquisitegamepictures & cartoon-like Wuxia design.Six amazing battle special effects create an intense battlescene,Wuxia master VS Wuxia master, who’s the strongest? In thisgame,you will find there are many creative unique game plays, suchasSubstance Temple, HuaShan Competition, The Brave TroveandMing-house Warriors... Players can choose different trials baseonyour own power, and each pass will richly rewarded. Join me inthe《大俠來一刀》experience the beautiful game scenes , fierce battleandunique game play.2. Major Features【Battles 】Freely choose distinctive warriors ; ChallengedifferentCopy; strengthen equips; wear exclusive pets; intensePVP.【For You 】Wuxia lovers; Players who are looking for the realleisureand happy Games.【Plays 】Creative slice-touching battle experience; UniqueMing-houseWarriors, who’s the strongest one? Aggressive characterimages +rare light effects, creates your own Jianghu!【 Focus 】An amazing RPG mobile game with cards integrating allkindof warriors from various of famous Wuxia novels.【 Pictures 】Vertical version, 2D; Kawaii characters, PVP6 !【Operation】Easy handle, leisure play, Shocking VS【System 】Warrior selection &Formations; Equips level up;Petsmatching; Twitter& PK;【Themes】Cards with hundreds of kawaii pets + RPG Mobile Game.3. Core Plays【Roles 】First Selection provides a steady basis forfurtherdevelopment.【Levels】Levels of the character decides the limits of theCopy,system opens and the equips level up.【Property】Developing and raising the qualification of thewarriorscan largely upgrade the powers and change the looks ofthewarriors【Copper Coins 】The basic currency in game, can be achieved viagamemissions and are available in different systems【Food】The major staff for warriors to level up, can be achievedviaThe Brave Trove.【Values】 The exclusive accessories for exclusive warriors,canlargely raise the power of the warriors【Alchemy】Use the warrior pieces to alchemize the better qualityofwarriors, make you become more powerful.【Leagues】The leagues provide you a place to know more friends,learnmore powerful skills, add more battle elements .Contact Us《大俠來一刀》Official site: Hotline: 02-7745 5511HongKong Hotline: 8175-8094Email: [email protected] Time: 9:00AM-1:00AM, GMT+81. Game OverviewThis game is a strategy RPG hand tour, the perfect equipmenttodevelop the system, a unique martial arts debris integration,aswell as the wisdom of the combat strategy to bring players thefunexperience. If you are looking forward to the martial arts,longingdead, then join it. The game will lead us into a full loveandhate, martial arts era of grievances and disputes.Exquisite game screen, highlight the cute cartoon form ofthemartial arts style, yet, it is the process of fighting swords,sixmartial arts skills lit, incredibly hard, fierce fighting istobring the strength of the pursuit. In addition, we have preparedavery rich innovative gameplay, including elements of thealtar,Huashan Mountain, Chuang Wang treasure, famous buildingcampaign,etc., points and rewards offered by the major modes aredifferent,according to their heroes needs to choose the challenge.Finescreen, shocking showdown, innovative gameplay, all in the"heroesto a knife!"2 Game Features[Fight] established features martial arts, a copy of thestoryexperience, equipment, develop, wearing exclusive treasure,passionPVP.[Thing] all those who love martial arts, all looking for arelaxedmode, all looking for the true essence of the gameplayershappy![Play] stylish new touch-type combat experience planning;originalstar floor play, match-ups; domineering image + rare lighteffects,exclusive appearance conquer the world![Location] a martial arts book gathered representativesofministries card + RPG hand travel masterpiece.[Picture] 2D vertical version, lovely wind character modeling,sixmartial arts battle showdown.[Operation] is simple, easy to experience, shocking showdown![System] martial arts team selection and arrangement,equipmentupgrades and treasures with push Figure PK correct,challengechampion first fight.[Theme] one hundred gathered in the Meng Xia card + RPGhandtour.3. The core gameplay[Career] primary role, providing the ability to pre-stabilizeanddevelop over map directions.[Grade] level of influence protagonist copy the system on andplayequipment to strengthen the level cap.[Properties] to break through martial arts trainingandqualifications, can significantly enhance the ability ofmartialarts fighting and change cool styling.[Copper] game in the base currency in the game can get asteadystream of free, available for all systems.[Food] resources needed to upgrade the martial arts, mainlythrough"Chuang Wang treasure house" activity output.[Treasure] treasure wear to the exclusive martial arts, cantriggerfate effects, greatly enhance the ability of martialarts.[Refinery] refining martial Wuhun debris get used to convertyourfavorite martial arts.[Gang] In addition to the peer node friends, gang can alsolearnskills to increase combat elements.Contact usOfficial website: Line: 02-77455511Hong Kong Line: 8175-8094Email: [email protected] time: AM 9: 00-AM 1:001.ABOUT the GameThe latest Mobile Game perfectly combines Card Game element withRPGStrategy Game element, players can enjoy the great fun inthefantastic Equips Development system, unique Wuxia PiecesCollectionfeature and the wisdom of the Battle Strategy. If you aWuxia Loverattracted by the Styles of Wulin and Jianghu, this gameis exactlywhat you are looking for. Join in the game and enjoyyourself inthe Ancient world of love and Hatred!This game is a kawaii and ancient style with its Exquisitegamepictures & cartoon-like Wuxia design.Six amazing battle special effects create an intense battlescene,Wuxia master VS Wuxia master, who's the strongest? In thisgame,you will find there are many creative unique game plays, suchasSubstance Temple, HuaShan Competition, The Brave Trove andMing-house Warriors ... Players can choose different trials base onyourown power, and each pass will richly rewarded. Join me inthe"heroes to knife" experience the beautiful game scenes,fiercebattle and unique game play.2. Major Features[Battles] Freely choose distinctive warriors; ChallengedifferentCopy; strengthen equips; wear exclusive pets; intensePVP.[For You] Wuxia lovers; Players who are looking for the realleisureand happy Games.[Plays] Creative slice-touching battle experience;?UniqueMing-house Warriors, who's the strongest one Aggressivecharacterimages + rare light effects, creates your ownJianghu![Focus] An amazing RPG mobile game with cards integrating allkindof warriors from various of famous Wuxia novels.[Pictures] Vertical version, 2D; Kawaii characters, PVP6![Operation] Easy handle, leisure play, Shocking VS[System] Warrior selection & Formations; Equips level up;Petsmatching; Twitter & PK;[Themes] Cards with hundreds of kawaii pets + RPG Mobile Game.3. Core Plays[Roles] First Selection provides a steady basis forfurtherdevelopment.[Levels] Levels of the character decides the limits of theCopy,system opens and the equips level up.[Property] Developing and raising the qualification of thewarriorscan largely upgrade the powers and change the looks ofthewarriors[Copper Coins] The basic currency in game, can be achieved viagamemissions and are available in different systems[Food] The major staff for warriors to level up, can be achievedviaThe Brave Trove.[Values] The exclusive accessories for exclusive warriors,canlargely raise the power of the warriors[Alchemy] Use the warrior pieces to alchemize the better qualityofwarriors, make you become more powerful.[Leagues] The leagues provide you a place to know morefriends,learn more powerful skills, add more battle elements.Contact Us"Heroes to knife" Official site: Hotline: 02-7745 5511HongKong Hotline: 8175-8094Email: [email protected] Time: 9:00 AM-1:00AM, GMT + 8
小小萌神(輕策略格鬥手遊) 1.1.2
《小小萌神》是首款策略格鬥輕手遊!遊戲劇情講述諸神宇宙紀元,徵召眾多英靈,為了拯救世界而向諸神不斷發起挑戰,遊戲中集合了最萌最Q的英靈聯手並肩作戰,異次元英雄齊聚一堂。讓你絕對重燃街機格鬥的熱血豪情,感受策略格鬥的酣暢淋漓!遊戲特色玩法:【超萌英靈陪你打打】最萌最Q的英靈聯手並肩作戰,畫面最萌的策略格鬥輕手游!激萌畫風,亞歷山大、埃及豔后、呂布、波野多結衣…異次元英雄齊聚一堂。只陪你一起打打~【超殺技能 獨有戰鬥模式】華麗無極限,霸氣沖天,炫目特效引爆英靈專屬超殺技能,搭配華麗的超殺動畫,將挑戰你的視覺戰鬥神輕。更新版本時前,請先記住帳號密碼,解除安裝,再重新安裝!【技能屬性搭配無極限】格鬥無極限,多樣技能隨心搭配,自動手動結合。擺脫傳統戰鬥模式的枯燥乏味,重拾你對遊戲熱血激情。【百變玩法系統】世界BOSS組隊挑戰,輪迴塔十二星座循環挑戰,金銀島財寶爭奪...等。突破無極限層層突破挑戰進階歷練,層層挑戰,沒有最強的英靈,只有最強的玩家!!【公會系統社交無極限】你受夠了,在遊戲中獨自一人冒險總是覺得少了些什麼嗎?想要擁有夥伴、需要互相扶持的戰友,公會系統絕對讓你旅行冒險中過程將不再寂寞!!【武鬥大會與英雄榜 創造個人榮耀】我就是強者!!藉由武鬥大會 將創造屬於你的個人榮耀,在這裡只有你才是王者!!英雄榜單系統,則是將你推進人生之巔峰,讓你傲視群雄不再是夢想!======================================================請合理安排時間,避免沉迷於遊戲官 網:客服信箱:[email protected]粉絲團:本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔12級。"Small meng God" is the first policy of fightinghandtravel light!Game story about the era of the gods of the universe, enlistedmanysouls, to save the world and to continue to challenge the gods,thegame set the most Meng Q most souls together alongsideheroesgathered in a different dimension. Let you definitelyrekindlearcade fighting blood pride, feeling tacticsfightinghearty!Thegamefeatures gameplay:[Super Meng souls with you playing]Most Meng Q most souls together alongside the most adorablepicturestrategy of fighting hand travel light! Shock Mengstyle,Alexander, Cleopatra, Riboud, wave wild multi-Yui...extradimensional heroes gathered. Only accompany youplaying~[overkillskills unique battle mode]Gorgeous without limits, domineering sky, dazzling specialeffectsskills to detonate souls exclusive overkill, overkill withgorgeousanimations that will challenge your visual combat lightofGod.When anupdatedversion of the former, please remember account password,uninstalland re-install![Skillsattribute with no limit]Fighting without limit, diverse skills with a heart, automaticandmanual binding. Get rid of the boring traditional battle modebloodregain your passion for the game.[System]amazing gameplayWorld BOSS team challenge, reincarnation tower zodiaccyclechallenge, Treasure Island treasure compete ... and soon.Unlimited layers breakthrough breakthrough experiencethatchallenges advanced layers of challenges, not the strongestofsouls, only the strongest players! ! [Society of the system of social Unlimited]You had enough in the game alone adventure always feel lessofanything? Want to have a partner, you need to support eachothercomrades, guild system definitely let you travel adventure intheprocess will not be lonely![militantAssembly and the Armory create personalglory]I am strong !! Assembly by resorting to violence will createyourown personal glory, where only you are the king!Hero list system, you sucked advance pinnacle of life, so thatyouno longer chasing a dream!======================================================Please arrange your time, avoid indulging in the gameOfficial website: http: // Service: [email protected] Fans: https: // software under ROC hierarchical management approachareclassified as: auxiliary 12.
我的學妹不可能那麼萌:社團來襲 1.131.0
◎遊戲介紹◎《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》自2016上線以來,深獲玩家好評肯定,每週改版更新均不停加入並萌化了三國時代的英雄豪傑,還將其作為戰姬等你收錄旗下,同時將即時策略與手動操作等特色結合並融入其中。玩家們在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中遨遊時,不僅要理解各個戰姬的特色技能的搭配、還要有裝備道具的合理分配和精細的操作,讓你除了收集知名武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及各個關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時享受與其他玩家互相競技的刺激快感。◎11月新戰姬發表◎1.淩統:前排物理型Tank,天生屬於機械娘,自帶機械屬性,因此,外冷內熱,天然呆萌,但絕對服從主人的命令,作為她的主人不要忘記為她清洗機體唷~2.顏良:前排物理型殺手,來至【月之國】神秘忍術家族的正中繼承人,因其母親在敵對家族的偷襲中去世后性格發生巨變,為了保護最疼的妹妹【文醜】不受傷害越發的堅毅勇敢不服輸!3.文醜:同姐姐【顏良】一樣屬於前排物理型殺手,從頭到尾徹底的【姐控】:姐姐大人的胖次,姐姐大人的歐派,姐姐大人的一切,都是我的!4.孫悟空:前排敏捷型殺手,元氣活力型美少女戰姬,武技高超,所向披靡!◎遊戲特色◎★★★社團活動超刺激,相互競爭拼人氣★★★11月最新上線系統大公開!放課後無聊嗎?加入社團與戰友們共同征戰打拼,除了令人臉紅心跳的『學妹借我玩』之外,還能夠與戰友們共享下午茶,增加社團的凝聚力,也為之後的社團大戰培育新力量!★★★ 不爽上頂樓,全國制霸由你書寫 ★★★《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》最大特色,遊戲中萌化了近百位富有傳奇色彩的三國英雄,追隨玩家們四處征戰。這些戰姬是《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中核心的遊戲特色,每個戰姬都有其不平凡的經歷和獨特的技能。若是想要在召喚師世界中稱霸,就需要深入瞭解每個戰姬的特色技能,運用你的智慧來搭配戰姬形成殺傷力極大的combo連續技組合,讓你輕鬆打遍天下無敵手。★★★ 微動作畫面,指揮戰姬釋放大招 ★★★遊戲中不僅有華麗且酷炫的絕招特效,同時各個戰姬的表情、動作都是由設計師通宵達旦所精心打造的。無論在戰鬥中或是在休息時,戰姬們的行走、揮舞道具和賣萌等每個動作,隨處可見其精細的3D畫面設計。在召喚師帶領戰姬征戰的過程中,都需要你的手指行動力,無腦跑畫面不再適合現在的遊戲了。★★★ 指尖微操作,勝負就在一瞬間 ★★★手動釋放技能的手遊已經過時了!在戰鬥中需要時時觀察戰況,並對戰姬進行微操作,像打斷敵方施法扭轉局勢或是變換施法方向運用策略欺敵等等。做為《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中的另一個賣點,為了不讓玩家覺得就是在玩遊戲數據,體驗真正的指揮樂趣,在遊戲中的戰鬥力只能作為參考,戰力低也能通過微操作改變劣勢,讓你一舉反敗為勝!★★★ 福利社投飲料,滿滿的校園元素 ★★★暑假過了一個月,是否想念福利社的早餐呢?在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中,還有各種測驗來考較你的實力,除了豐富並龐大的世界觀外,還有無數的任務供你自由選擇發揮,不服氣?那就上頂樓單挑吧!將眼前所有的障礙掃除,朝著全國制霸的夢想邁進吧!────────────────加入《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》台灣官方臉書就可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋: 我的學妹不可能那麼萌)────────────────攻略,活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址↓☞官方粉絲團:☞《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》客服信箱: [email protected] ID:moemoegirls我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。Game description ◎◎"My younger sister can not be so Moe" on-line since 2016,praisedthe players certainly deep, revised weekly updates areconstantlyadded and the sprouting of the Three Kingdoms era ofheroes, whichwill wait for you as a war Kyi's included, while thereal-timestrategy with manual operation and other characteristicscombinedinto one. When players travel in "My school girl can not besoMoe", not only to understand the characteristics of each battleKyimix of skills, but also a reasonable allocation of equipment,propsand delicate operation, so that you collect in additiontowell-known generals outside more can experience the richstorylineand the various levels of the campaign to bring the funwith otherplayers while enjoying the stimulation of competitivemutualpleasure.November ◎ ◎ new war Kyi released1. Ling Tong: front physical type Tank, naturally belongs tothemechanical mother, comes with mechanical properties,therefore,Raisin, natural stay Meng, but absolutely obey themaster's orders,as her owner do not forget to wash her body yo~2. Yan Liang: front physics killers, come to [country]mysteriousNinjutsu months median family heir, after his mother diedbecauseof changes in family hostile attack occurred in character,in orderto protect Loved Wen Chou's sister [not] hurt morecourageousperseverance admit defeat!3. Wen Chou: Yan Liang [sister] with the front part of thesamephysical type killer, from start to finish completecontrol[sister]: adult sister fat times, adults Opie sister, sisterof alladults are mine!4. Monkey: Front agile killer strength Vigor girl Kyi war,martialsuperb, invincible!◎ ◎ Game Features★★★ super exciting community activities, compete with each othertofight Popularity ★★★November Latest system open to the public! Put after-schoolbored?Join the community together with his comrades fought hard, itis inaddition to blush, "school girl by my play", but also be abletoshare with his comrades tea, increase community cohesion, butalsoto cultivate new strength for the community war after!★★★ unhappy on the top floor, the national system ofhegemonywritten by you ★★★"My younger sister can not be so adorable," the mostprominentfeature of the game Moe hundred legendary hero of theThreeKingdoms, players follow the campaign around. These war Kyi is"Myschool girl can not be so adorable" in the core feature ofthegame, each battle Kyi has its extraordinary experience anduniqueskills. If you want to dominate the world in the Summoner,you needto understand the characteristics of each battle Kyiskills, useyour wisdom to battle with the formation of highlylethal combo Kyicombos combination, allowing you to easily hottopic invinciblehand.★★★ micro motion picture, directing big move ★★★ warKyireleaseThe game is not only gorgeous and cool trick effects, whileeachbattle Kyi's facial expressions, movements are carefullycrafted bythe designer of the night. Whether in combat or at rest,war Kyi'swalking, waving to sell Meng and other props and eachaction, youcan see its fine 3D graphics design. In Summoner Kyi ledwarcampaign process, we need your finger action, no brain nolongersuitable now run the screen game.★★★ fingertip micro-operation, the outcome in the moment ★★★Manual release of the skills of hand travel has become obsolete!Inthe battle need to constantly observe the fighting and warKyimicro-operations, like magic to reverse the situation, ortointerrupt the enemy caster transform direction usingdeceptiontactics like. As "My school girl can not be so Moe"another sellingpoint, in order to prevent players feel that playingthe game data,experience the real fun of command, combat in thegame only as areference, but also low combat capabilitydisadvantages changethrough micro-operation, so that you win thegame in one fellswoop!★★★ canteen vote drinks, full campus elements ★★★After a month of summer vacation, whether canteen missbreakfastthen? "My sister can not be so adorable school", there areavariety of quizzes to test your strength compared, in addition toarich and vast view of the world, there are numerous you are freetochoose to play for the task, not convinced? then it singled outtheattic! remove all the obstacles in front, toward the dreamofbecoming the national system of hegemony it!────────────────Adding "I can not be so adorable school girl" Taiwan canparticipatein the official face bookExciting activities organized by the official, win more giftsandimportant messages.(In Facebook search: My school girl can not be so Meng)────────────────Raiders News, activities, etc! ! Please click on theofficialwebsite ↓☞ official fan group: https: //☞ "My school girl can not be so Moe" CustomerService:[email protected] ID: moemoegirlsWe will listen carefully to the voice of each player, thank youforyour support.
劍靈闖江湖-無盡的深淵 1.0.0