Top 3 Apps Similar to Paestum di notte

Multimedia-guide of Paestum 3.0
Edizioni TSM
Multimedia guide to the city of Paestum,whichin Ancient Greece was known asPoseidonia and was founded at the beginning of the 6th Achaeancolonists from Sybaris who settled on the fertile plain to thesouthof the river Sele.Conquered by the Lucani and then by the Latins, todayPaestumpresents three areas tothe visitor: two of these, the north and south sanctuaries,weresacred. The third areain the centre, for public use, was once the Greek Agora andlaterbecame the RomanForum.In the two sanctuaries there are three beautifullyconserveddoric temples: to the north,the temple of Ceres, dedicated to the goddess Athena, to thesouththe Basilica ortemple of Hera and the temple of Neptune, dedicated to Apollo.In the public area there are Ancient Greek buildings such astheEkklesiasterion, forpublic assemblies, and the Heroon (the underground tomb of theherothat founded thecity), and Roman buildings such as the forum, the Italic temple,theamphitheatre andliving quarters.The walls surrounding the ancient city have fourgatewayscorresponding to the cardinalpoints (Porta Aurea to the north, Porta Giustizia to thesouth,Porta Sirena to the east,and Porta Marina to the west).The map highlights points of interest where the visitor cangetmore information fromthe videos with photos, 3D reconstructions and commentaries.
Paestum tb 1.8
L'applicazione Paestum è unaedizionelimitataofferta in omaggio ai partecipanti alla XVIedizione (2013)dellaBorsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico,con scopodimostrativoe didattico.Una guida virtuale, semplice e completa per scoprirelebellezzedell’area archeologica di Paestum e delMuseoArcheologicoNazionale di Paestum.Un’interfaccia intuitiva ed immediata permette divisualizzareladislocazione dei vari punti d’interesse sullamappa,fornendopreziose informazioni testuali, fotograficheemultimediali.Una dettagliata mappa interattiva dell’area archeologicadiPaestum,completamente offline ed indipendente da segnale 3GoWiFi, guideràpasso passo l’utente rilevando la suaposizionerispetto ai puntid’interesse.L'app è stata realizzata con il contributodellaCommissioneEuropea nel quadro del progetto CREATIVE-CH.The applicationPaestumisoffered in a limited edition tribute to the participantstothesixteenth edition (2013) of Borsa MediterraneadelTurismoArcheologico, with educational and demonstrationpurposes.A virtual guide, simple and complete to discover the beautyofthearchaeological area of ​​Paestum and theNationalArchaeologicalMuseum of Paestum.An intuitive and immediately allows you to view thelocationofvarious points of interest on the map,providingvaluableinformation textual, photographic andmultimedia.A detailed map of the archaeological site ofPaestum,completelyoffline and independent of 3G signal or WiFiconnection,will guidethe user step by step by detecting itsposition withrespect to thepoints of interest.The app has been produced with the assistance oftheEuropeanCommission in the framework of the projectCREATIVE-CH.
Paestum at night 1.0.4
The marvel of the temples of Paestum, themostintact archaeological complex in the whole ofGreco-Mediterraneancivilization, comes to life again atnightfall.This app accompanies visitors on the discovery of one of themostbeautiful archaeological areas in the world, taking them alongtheilluminated trails which have been created for the City oftheTemples for the special 2016 nighttime openings.Let yourself be guided by the narration and enjoy thisenchantingwalk among the majestic temples of Paestum.The app is available in Italian and English.