Top 22 Apps Similar to Historia Jovenes Adventistas

Devoción Matutina Adventista 7.2.0
Now since you can enjoy the Morning Youth, Adults and Women!
Sabbath School & PM 4.30.0 (3111)
The official General Conference Sabbath School andPersonalMinistries app.
Escuela Sabática 3.2.13
Aplicación que permite la lectura de la Escuela Sabática delaIglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día.Navegue entre las lecciones del trimestre y lea los contenidosenla comodidad de su teléfono móvil con la posibilidad de comentarycompartir sus opiniones con toda la comunidad de usuariosalrededordel mundo.Además, puede escuchar las lecciones de EscuelaSabáticadirectamente en la aplicación con el Reproductor deMediosintegrado.Diseñada pensando en aquellos que no tienen una conexión dedatospermanente. Ideal para quienes sólo pueden utilizar Wi-Fi ensusteléfonos.Anapplication that allows the reading of the Sabbath SchoolSeventhDay Adventist ChurchNavigate between the lessons of the quarter and read thecontentin the comfort of your mobile phone with the ability tocomment andshare your views with the community of users around theworld.Also, you can listen to Sabbath School lessons directly intotheapplication with integrated Media Player.Designed with those who do not have a permanent dataconnection.Ideal for those who can only use Wi-Fi on theirphones.
Beliefs of 7th Day Adventists Devarim
A description of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the 7th dayAdventistChurch.
SDA Sabbath School Quarterly 5.0.237
Sabbath School Quarterly app allows you to take yourstudieswherever you go.
La Sociedad de Jovenes 1.0
In this app you will find more than100programs, games and other resources for La Sociedad deJovenes.With this app you can have a full program for the wholeyear. Note,all resources are in spanish.
World History 3.42
"A journey through the fascinating history of mankind"
Seventh Day Adventist Hymnal. Adan
Seventh Day Adventist Hymnal.
EGW Writings 2.1.2
The Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White. A free apponAndroid devices
Hinário Adventista 7.0
Aleluiah Apps
Hinário Adventista para dispositivos AndroidLeve consigo para utilizar em todos os lugares e aqualquermomentos os hinos da Igreja Adventista.Atenção: Esta é uma versão não oficial, portanto, nãopossuinenhum vínculo à Igreja Adventista.Nunca foi tão fácil ter todos os louvores do HinárioAdventistaem mãos com este aplicativo!!!Baixe agora o Hinário Adventista e tenha acesso ao melhor e aomaiscompleto hinos e louvores para o seu dispositivo Android.Este aplicativo é GRÁTIS e é OFFLINE, ou seja, não necessitadeconexão ao 3G, 4G e nem WI-FI para funcionar.Veja as outras vantagens e recursos do Hinário AdventistadaAleluiah Apps:- Possui todos os 609 hinos;- Layout leve, bonito e intuitivo;- Possui ferramentas que permite uma leitura mais agradávelcomobotões para: diminuir ou aumentar a fonte e leitura noturnaoudiurna.- Você poderá guardar e ler posteriormente os hinosem"Favoritos"- Aplicativo leve e rápido para baixar;- Não ocupa muito espaço no seu celular;- Permite compartilhamento via redes sociais, WhatsApp, e-mail,SMS,etc.- Permite busca super rápida do hino com sugestão de hinos.Por favor, se você gostou deste aplicativo, apoie o nossoprojetodando a sua nota e o seu depoimento no Google Play.Leva apenas alguns segundos.Todas as críticas serão bem vindas.Nosso e-mail para sugestões é:[email protected] abençoe a todos vocês!AdventistHymnal for Android devicesBring to use everywhere and at any time the hymns oftheAdventist Church.Warning: This is an unofficial version therefore has no linktothe Adventist Church.It has never been so easy to have all praises Adventist Hymnalinhand with this app !!!Download now the Adventist Hymnal and get access to the bestandmost complete hymns and praises for your Android device.This application is FREE and is OFFLINE, ie does notrequireconnection to 3G, 4G and or WI-FI to work.See the other advantages and features of Adventist HymnalofAleluiah Apps:- Has all 609 hymns;- Layout light, beautiful and intuitive;- It has tools enabling a more enjoyable read as buttonsfor:decrease or increase the font and night or daytimereading.- You can save and read later hymns in "Favorites"- Application light and quick to download;- Do not take up much space on your mobile;- Allows sharing via social networks, WhatsApp, e-mail,SMS,etc.- Allows quick search of the super anthem with suggested hymns.Please if you like this app, support our project giving yournoteand his testimony in Google Play.It only takes few seconds.All criticisms are welcome.Our e-mail for suggestions is:[email protected] bless you all!
El Desafío del Amor 2.0
Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada con la colaboración de másde25jóvenes locutores, y el apoyo de Espacio Único Adventista,enestaapp encontraras los 40 capítulos del Desafío del Amor entextocomoen audio, para poder escucharlos es necesario contarconconexión aInternet, aunque también podrás descargarlosyguardarlos en tuteléfono para escucharlos más tarde ocompartirloscon tus amigosusando otras aplicaciones.
Historia Adventista 2.0
Este libro analiza lascaracterísticasdelremanente desde el Genesis al ApocalipsisThis bookanalyzesthecharacteristics of the remnant from Genesis toRevelation
Historias Bíblicas 1.0
Igor Apps
Historias de la Biblia para niños y padresenespañolSe han tomado del libro más grandioso del mundo, la Biblia.Losrelatos te dan una historia del mundo desde cuando Dios empezóacrear hasta nuestro mismo día.Las historias se cuentan en lenguaje sencillo. Muchosniñitospodrán leerlas por sí mismos. Las citas de la Biblia en estelibroestán parafraseadas. Se han puesto en lenguaje sencillo paraque alos niñitos se les haga posible captar el sentido de ellas.Lasreferencias que se dan al fin de cada historia suministranlafuente bíblica.Bible Stories forChildrenand Parents in SpanishAre taken from the world's greatest book, the Bible. Thestoriesgive you a history of the world from when God began tocreate up toour own day.The stories are told in simple language. Many little childrencanread for themselves. The Bible quotations in this bookareparaphrased. Have been put in simple language so thatlittlechildren can make them make sense of them. References aregiven atthe end of each story provide the biblical source.
Devoción Matutina [PRO] 4.0.1
Now you can enjoy the Morning! [No Advertising]
World History Trial 3.22
"A journey through the fascinating history of mankind"
Escola Sabatina
Keep the tool to your Sabbath School.
Respostas Bíblicas 1.0.2
Durante muitos anos a Escola Bíblica daNovoTempo tem recebido perguntas de pessoas interessadas emconhecermais sobre a Bíblia e o que esse livro diz sobre váriosaspectos davida diária. Esse aplicativo reúne um acervo de mais de2000respostas e você poderá acessar facilmente digitando o temaoupalavra-chave.Para saber mais sobre a Bíblia ou fazer alguma novaperguntaacesse: many years theBibleSchool of Novo Tempo has received questions from peopleinterestedin learning more about the Bible and what that book sayson variousaspects of daily life. This application brings togetheracollection of over 2000 answers so you can easily access bytypingthe topic or keyword.To learn more about the Bible or do some new question goto:
EGW Writings 2 7.6.0
The Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White available in137languages.
Comentario Bíblico 3.1
Biblical Commentary, simple and easy to use Bible reference queries
Whats IncludedComplete Seventh day Adventist hymnal (695 hymns +Canticles,prayer, call to worship, offertory sentences andbenedictions)SDA Hymns comlpete with mp3 and midi tunes867 Other popular English hymns and choruses used inchurches120 popular Kids and children hymnsChildren hymns complete with mp3 children voices156 Popular Youth songs with mp3 tunes*** Ability to add songs to your favouriteAlso view SDA Hymns in categoryThe Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal is the official hymnal oftheSeventh-day Adventist Church and is widely used byEnglish-speakingAdventist congregations. It consists of words andmusic to 695hymns including traditional favorites from the earlierChurchHymnal that it replaced, American folk hymns, modern gospelsongs,compositions by Adventists, contemporary hymns, and224congregational responsive Scripture readings. Published in 1985byReview and Herald Publishing Association, the Hymnal hasbeenthrough multiple printings and is available in variousbindingcolors.
Meditação Matinal Adventista 1.0.17
Leitura diária para meditação matinal e reflexão matutina.Ótimopara começar seu dia com uma boa reflexão.