Top 9 Apps Similar to DynamicDNS w/ Locale Plug-in

Servers Ultimate Pro 8.1.12
Ice Cold Apps
Run over 60 servers like FTP, MySQL and PHP plus WebDAV and more!
DynDNS client 2.3
Neil Boyd
This application assigns a fixed domain name to your Androidphoneeven though the IP address can change.This is the official app for the generic dynamic DNS client that works with all dynamicDNSproviders, including,,,,please see my other app.
Dynamic DNS client 2.3.1
Neil Boyd
This application assigns a fixed domain name to your Androidphoneeven though the IP address can change.Works with all dynamic DNS providers,,,,,, the official app please see my other app.For more information see website.
Dyn Dig 1.03
Dyn Inc
Dyn Dig is a utility application thatallowsusers to query a specified DNS server or their carrier'sDNSservers for common DNS records. The full query results arereturnedto the user and may e copied to the clipboard.Dyn Dig provides the following functionality:The ability to look up the following Resource Records(RRs)types: ANY, A, MX, NS, CNAME, TXT, PTR, SOAThe ability to specify any domainThe ability to specify the resolver to use for the lookup(otherwiseit will use the default resolver for the device)The elapsed time (in milliseconds) that the lookup tookA history list of the last 8 domains looked upA history list of the last 8 resolvers usedAn info page with links back to Dyn, and Dyn's social mediaoutlets(Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube)
Open Port Check Tool and DDNS Updater
DuckDNS Client (Dynamic DNS) 1.4
DuckDns Update Client for Android(Android Update Client for does it do?DuckDns Updater is an Android application (service) that allowsyouto keep dynamic hostname’s IP address of your Android phoneortablet up-to-date (and in sync) with DuckDns DNS service.DuckDnsUpdater application periodically checks your externalnetwork’s IPaddress and if it detects that IP address of yourAndroid devicehas changed, it will update the hostname setup inyour DuckDnsaccount with a new IP address. That way you can alwaysreachexternal services running on your device. Our applicationstartsthe service automatically on Android boot and runs inthebackground. Once you configure it, you no longer have toworryabout it, it does everything automatically.Why do I need this update client?Your device has a dynamic external IP address which changesquiteoften (weekly or even daily). This can make it very difficulttoconnect to home services running on Android from anexternalcomputer or another Android device. This application is forthosewant to connect to web, ftp, rdp & remote media servers -andother servers running on their Android devices.Requirements?Go to, setup a free hostname, mark down the domainnameand your token, insert it into Android DuckDNS Client (Updater)andyou’re all ready to go.Supported Platform: All Android devices (phones and tablets)withAndroid vs3.0 (HONEYCOMB) or higher.Is it really free?Yes, it’s completely free. We only include build in ads tosupportour development costs.However, if you can’t resist to say thanks, use followingdonationurl: service is DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service similar toservicesprovided by: DynDNS, DDNS. no-ip, opendns, tzo, opendns,easydns andzoneedit.
MyEZ DDNS 1.0.4
MyEZ DDNS client แอพที่จะช่วยอำนวยความสะดวกในการใช้งาน MyEZ Dynamic DNSFeature1.ใช้งานเป็น Client สำหรับการอับเดท IP Address ให้ sub domain2.ใช้อำนวยความสะดวกในการเข้าเช็ค สถานะPacketรวมไปถึงวันหมดอายุ3.ใช้สำหรับการตรวจสอบ IP Address ของแต่ละ Sub domainMyEZ DDNS client appsthatwill help facilitate the use MyEZ Dynamic DNS.Feature 1. Use a Client IP Address for updates via a subdomain. 2. facilitate the Status Packet to expire. 3. To check the IP Address of each Sub domain.
Donweb DNS 1.0.1
To use this application you must enable theDNSservice at DNS by DonWeb. Remote Access to your devices andfiles,with a unique domain and no stress. Free alternative topaidservices like DynDNS and No-IP.DDNS, DNS, DNS Dinámico, DynDNS, No-IP, Alternativa gratisaDynDNS, Alternativa gratis a No-IP, DonWeb, Alternativagratis,Dynamic DNS, Free alternative to DynDNS, Free alternative toNo-IP,Free Alternative.
Dynamic Dns Updater 2.5
This app will allow you to and dns hosts.It offers you to view your local IP (same,current IP (reverse dns lookup for hostname),remote IP (the actualIP stored with dns provider) and then allowyou to manually updatethe remote IP with your local IP Address orthe IP address of yourchoice by clicking on Local IP.