Top 19 Apps Similar to Deep Hypnotic Meditative Sound

Sedona Meditation 1.04
Infinity Brain
*** The Call of Sedona book reached theNewYork Times Bestseller list. ***A captivating meditation guide full of stunning imagesandmultimedia experiences…Millions of people visit Sedona, Arizona each year, drawn byitsamazing red rocks, striking sunsets, and sense of peace.In his book, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, IlchiLeedescribes his own personal meditation journey in Sedona, and intheprocess shows how anyone can discover awakening, purpose,andfulfillment by experiencing the true spirit of Sedona—evenwithoutstepping onto Sedona’s soil.Now Infinity Brain brings the wisdom of Ilchi Lee’s book toyouin a multimedia format.With this app you can experience the spirit of Sedona everydaywherever you are. In it you’ll find:• 8 audio meditations set to music with 24breathtakingfull-screen photographs of Sedona.• inspirational messages from the book.• a map and directions to Sedona’s famous vortex sites.• videos introducing you to Sedona and the book.Featuring Voice Talents of Shondra Jepperson and Bob Coates
Chakra Attunement Audio Suite 0.5.13021.86088
Leigh Spusta
BTW : The "Chakra Attunement Deluxe Set" isnowavailable on google play, it includes this app and the GuidedChakraMeditation app! ...Introducing the Chakra Attunement Audio Suite - Over 100minutesof pristine, carefully crafted entrancing soundscapescreated byLeigh Spusta and powered by PsimatiX. These ChakraAttunements havereceived wonderful reviews internationally, and arenow availablein a convenient mobile app. This powerful app allowsyou to quicklytune in to a series of seven 15 minute immersive,relaxingcompositions, composed specifically to create analtered,meditative state, and to attune each of the seven chakras,orenergy centers in the body.According to ancient practice and wisdom in India, ourbodieshave a spiritual life force energy flowing through sevenvortexcenters, or wheels, each being associated with the sevenendocrineglands in the physical body. When these centers areflowingproperly, we are whole, harmonious and healthy, and whenimbalancedor constricted, the result is a lack of energy, illness,andstrife. We can bring balance and wellness into our livesbybalancing our chakras, by the means of atunement - the useofspecific sounds, and meditation ...Close your eyes and breathe deeply as these soundscapesattuneand balance each chakra, the seven energy centers of thebody.Establish a sense of blissful relaxation through the use ofthesetracks. It is helpful to visualize the color of each chakra asyoulisten. Targets an alpha brainwave state. UtilizingPsimatiX™proprietary audio technology. Each of the seven recordingsis onecontinuous 15 minute track. Do not use while driving oroperatingmachinery. This app streams via 3G or wifi connection.Composed by Brainwave Entrainment Audio Engineer, Leigh Spusta-psimatix.comBrainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy
Meditation Master Audio Suite 0.19.13165.59838
Leigh Spusta
"The PsimatiX™ Master Audio Suite" is herefora limited time... Brought to you by internationallyrecognizedBrainwave Entrainment Audio Expert and Composer, LeighSpusta -This application contains five powerful albums assembledtogetherinto one master suite, and each of these programs arespecificallydesigned to bring the listener into profound stated ofdeeprelaxation and heightened awareness. This makes this app aperfectchoice for creating space for your meditation practice,sleepenhancement, de-stressing and unwinding, spiritual andmetaphysicalwork, shamanic journeying, self-hypnosis to createpositivechanges, and to explore the fascinating realms ofconsciousness.This is possible due to the use of a variety ofmethods to createdeep mental and physical relaxation, including butnot limited to,binaural beats and other brainwave entrainmentrhythms.Never before have we released such a powerful program, and atthecurrent price, we are providing it at a major discount, but wearescheduled to have this available for a limited time pendingfuturechanges and releases, now is the time to get your PsimatiXMasterBrainwave Audio Suite! This is basically 5 apps in 1 potentandconvenient app!The PsimatiX™ Master Audio Suite is packed full - approximately4hours of deeply entrancing material to fuel your endeavorsinmeditation, self hypnosis, spirituality, and profoundrelaxation.Five albums are included : "Distant Images", "MysticAscension","Elemental Currents of Sound", "Opus Magnum", and "TheSonic Keysof Pythagoras". These albums target an alpha and/or thetabrainwavestate utilizing PsimatiX™ proprietary audiotechnology.Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietaryPsimatiX™therapeutic approaches and technologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy /Psychic / Intuition / ESP / Energy / Chakra / 3rd Eye /Pineal /Sound / Healing / Emotional / Release / Spiritual /Music
Mind-Expanding Hypnotic Sound 0.12.13088.74216
Leigh Spusta
Mind Expanding Hypnotic SoundAllow yourself to journey into expanded consciousness,relaxingvery deeply... Brought to you by internationallyrecognizedbrainwave audio entrainment expert, Leigh Spusta.Mind-Expanding Hypnotic Sound - "Distant Images"This album, "Distant Images - A Sonic Gateway for yourInnerJourney" has received international acclaim for it'srich,immersive quality. Utilizing PsimatiX™ proprietaryhypnoticbrainwave entrainment audio technology, the listener isguided intoa deep meditative space of mind expansion and blissfulrelaxation.Since this album uses methods aside from binaural beats,headphonesare not mandatory. This album also featuresvibro-acousticfrequencies, which can evoke quite powerful sessionswhen playedthrough stereos equipped to express bass ranges.The soundscapes on this recording have been specificallydesignedto produce states of profound relaxation and expandedawareness. Thesounds have a tendency to move throughout the body,vibrating at adeep level, bringing the listener to a state ofinsightful awarenessand balance. This makes for a perfect tool fordeep meditation, mindexpansion, and hypnosis. Targets a low alphaand theta brainwavestate. Utilizing PsimatiX™ proprietary audiotechnology. This albumcontains 10 different tracks totalingapproximately 40 minutes ofplaying time, and will play through asone track for convenience onyour mobile device. Do not use whiledriving or operating machinery.This app streams via 3G or wificonnection.Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietaryPsimatiX™therapeutic approaches and technologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy
Breathing Meditation 1.0
Learn Mindfulness in 15 minutes a day! Breathing Meditation.
Psychic Intuition Deluxe Set 0.68.13404.52334
Leigh Spusta
Psychic Intuition Program Deluxe - "TheOpeningof the Third Eye" and "Merlin's Gift Imagery Program"Two potent programs! Become initiated by Merlin andexperienceheightened awareness and increased psychic abilitythrough theseguided imagery, hypnosis, and powerfulsoundscapes...These two powerful programs have been created byinternationallyrecognized audio entrainment expert Leigh Spusta andare PoweredbyPsimatiX™ Brainwave Audio TechnologyThe Opening of the Third Eye - You will be guided intotheexpansion of consciousness and the opening and activation ofthe3rd eye center, through hypnotic language patterns, guidedimagery,and trance-inducing sound that is specifically designed tocreatedeep relaxation while resonating to activate the 3rd eyecenter.This powerful 30 minute program can be used when you seekinsight,but is most potent when used regularly, developing yourpsychicintuition steadily over time...The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mysticalandesoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakraincertain spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gatethatleads within to inner realms and spaces of higherconsciousness. InNew Age spirituality, the third eye mayalternately symbolize astate of enlightenment or the evocation ofmental images havingdeeply personal spiritual or psychologicalsignificance. The thirdeye is often associated with visions,clairvoyance (which includesthe ability to observe chakras andauras), precognition, andout-of-body experiences. People who havedeveloped the capacity toutilize their third eyes are sometimesknown as seers.Merlin's Gift Imagery Program - Prepare yourself to embark onanew journey in your life, opening up to heightenedawareness,greater intuition, and the development of your psychicabilities.Brought to you by internationally recognized brainwaveentrainmentaudio expert Leigh Spusta, you will be guided intohaving apersonal meeting with Merlin the wizard. He will guide youthroughan initiation and conversations to assist you in awakeningyourinner power and intuitive awareness. This powerful 26minuteprogram can be used when you seek insight, but is most potentwhenused regularly, developing your psychic intuition steadilyovertime...Each time you meet with Merlin he will have new insights foryouto lead you further on your path of discovery and increasedpsychicawareness.This 26 minute recording will bring you into an altered stateofexpanded consciousness, so you are advised to not listenwhiledriving. This app streams using 3G or wifi connection.Thisrecording has been produced utilizing the proprietaryPsimatiXªaudio entrainment methods to create powerful results.Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietaryPsimatiXªtherapeutic approaches and technologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy /Psychic / Intuition / ESP / Energy / Chakra / 3rd Eye /Pineal
Enlightenment Meditation Music 0.81.13461.02099
Leigh Spusta
Journey Through Mystical RealmsYour spiritual adventure begins as you move deeply into therichsoundscapes...Brought to you by internationally recognized BrainwaveAudioExpert Leigh Spusta, this is his most recent and perhaps,mostelevated soundscape yet...Embark onto a new journey through Mystical Realms, followthepath of the spiritual warrior, seekers of wisdom, mysticsandshamans. A new road to personal power and wisdom opens beforeyou,the landscape of Life is your guide in the unfolding ofyourenchanted experience. The rich tapestry of sound and musiccarriesyou through a series of shifts, sonic events that move youandenable you to access higher states of consciousness,yourmeditative journey deepens to new levels. This 30 minuterecordinguses solfeggio tuning to bring you closer to the harmonicsofnature, and has been encoded with a constant brainwave rhythmof4.7 Hz which is in the low theta range, allowing you to accessdeepstates of awareness, perfect for potent meditation, andmysticalexperiences.With this recording you may experience :Profound MeditationOut of Body ExperiencesLucid DreamsSpiritual InsightEmotional HealingIncreased Psychic AwarenessCommunication with Spiritual BeingsDeep RelaxationFeelings of Well-BeingReligious EcstasyThis 30 minute recording will bring you into an altered stateofexpanded consciousness, so you are advised to not listenwhiledriving. This app streams using 3G or wifi connection.Thisrecording has been produced utilizing the proprietaryPsimatiXªaudio entrainment methods to create powerful results.Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietaryPsimatiXªtherapeutic approaches and technologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy /Psychic / Intuition / ESP / Energy / Chakra / 3rd Eye /Pineal
Buddhist Meditation Temple 1.0
Your shrine room is the best placemeditate,worship or just to calm your self. What if you could takeyour ownshrine room where ever you go? YES now it ispossible.Welcome to Your own Buddha Shrine Room, This amazingandroidapplication lets you worship lord Buddha at your convenienceanyplace you carry your phone or tablet.Amazing Features include;- Five different shrine rooms to select from- Five different audio tracks to play- Ability to Play, Pause and Stop audio as you want- Worship lord Buddha with flowers by touching the screen- Very easy to use interface / applicationIMPORTANT INFORMATION BEFORE YOU PURCHASE:------------------------------------------After downloading the app will setup your shrine room anddownloadall audio and shrine rooms at the first start time youlaunch theapp.The app will require internet access for this first time setupandit will download approximately 8 MB of data onto your SD cardtogive you a better service.Make sure, you have internet connection for the first timesetupprocess and also you may be charged for internet usage (forapprox8MB downloading of data)After the first setup the application runs offline (withoutinternetaccess)If you require more info please email [email protected]
Lightning Bug -Meditation Pack 1.1
Mediation themed content for Lightning Bug!
Psychic Intuition Program 0.18.13141.57853
Leigh Spusta
The Opening of the 3rd EyeAwaken your psychic intuition and experience heightenedawarenessthrough guided imagery, hypnosis, and powerfulsoundscapes...Prepare yourself to embark on a new journey in your life,openingup to heightened awareness, greater intuition, and thedevelopmentof your psychic abilities. Brought to you byinternationallyrecognized brainwave entrainment audio expert LeighSpusta, you willbe guided into the expansion of consciousness andthe opening andactivation of the 3rd eye center, through hypnoticlanguagepatterns, guided imagery, and trance-inducing sound thatisspecifically designed to create deep relaxation while resonatingtoactivate the 3rd eye center. This powerful 30 minute program canbeused when you seek insight, but is most potent when usedregularly,developing your psychic intuition steadily overtime...The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mysticalandesoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakraincertain spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gatethatleads within to inner realms and spaces of higherconsciousness. InNew Age spirituality, the third eye mayalternately symbolize astate of enlightenment or the evocation ofmental images havingdeeply personal spiritual or psychologicalsignificance. The thirdeye is often associated with visions,clairvoyance (which includesthe ability to observe chakras andauras), precognition, andout-of-body experiences. People who havedeveloped the capacity toutilize their third eyes are sometimesknown as seers.This 30 minute recording will bring you into an altered stateofexpanded consciousness, so you are advised to not listenwhiledriving. This app streams using 3G or wifi connection.Thisrecording has been produced utilizing the proprietaryPsimatiXªaudio entrainment methods to create powerful results.Also check out the "Psychic Intuition Deluxe Set" foraddedcontent.Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietaryPsimatiXªtherapeutic approaches and technologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy /Psychic / Intuition / ESP / Energy / Chakra / 3rd Eye /Pineal/
A unique guide that will take you to allthechakras of the body through the establishment of a deepconnectionwith their own spirituality in the spiritual world.With melodies that incorporates the application will allowaquick connection to your subconscious to achieve any chakrahealingyour body.Mantras help you relax and have a quiet life becauseeveryoneknows we're constantly surrounded by stress.Audio of the mantras of the 7 chakras.The vibration of these sounds helps activate, strengthenandclean.The energy points that govern the physical body and regulatetheuptake and energy expenditure uninitiated or poorlydevelopedspiritually are closed or slightly open; when we developouretheric body.The energies directed to an astral body also act on thephysicalbody.To balance the flow of energy and put in different order havetoopen them and exercise them. The stones of the vibrationalenergy,and help us to induce the desired effect.
Nature meditation sound 2.0
Take a rest and get a peace with the Nature meditation sounds.
Om Mantra Chanting: Meditation 1.2
Meditation Trainer & Helper with Audio for Chanting thePowerfulOM Mantra.
Vishnu Mantra - Meditation 1.3
This app is ideal for meditation and lord vishnu prayer. Vishnuisthe Supreme god in the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism.InthePuranas, Vishnu is described as having the divine colour ofwaterfilled clouds, four-armed, holding a lotus, mace, shankha(conch)and chakra (wheel). Vishnu is also described in the BhagavadGitaas having a 'Universal Form' (Vishvarupa) which is beyondtheordinary limits of human perception or imagination. In almostallHindu denominations, Vishnu is either worshipped directly or intheform of his ten avatara, most famous of whom are Rama andKrishna.This app is dedicated to bhagwan vishnu.
Meditation Tracker Impermanence
Doo Reelkow
Keep track of the progress of your Buddhist practices.
Chakra Meditation Lite 1.3.1
Chakra Meditation is a simple yet beautiful training toolthatpromotes meditation using accurate visuals and sounds basedontraditional yoga practices. This is the Lite version ofChakraMeditation. Buying the full version will grant you thecapabilityof customizing your sessions, focusing on problem areasand get ridof those pesky ads. According to Eastern Philosophy,chakras areenergy centers rising from the base of your spine goingall the wayup to the crown. There are seven main chakras in ourbody whichgovern our psychological qualities. The four chakras inour upperbody govern our mental aptitude and the three in the lowerbodygovern instinctual properties. By learning to tune into theenergyof your chakras, you can begin to improve your overallhealth.Western medicine has done multiple studies, which suggestthatmeditation is beneficial for our health and well being.ChakraMeditation combines the strengths of technology withtradition tobring you focus, balance and energy. **UniqueFeatures** - Stunningvisuals with 3D Animation that let you viewthe placement andcolors of each individual chakra - Interactiveanimations -Authentic audio to follow along with and help you focus
Sleep Easily Guided Meditation for Relaxation 1.3
Sleep Easily Guided Meditation was written and read byShazzieLove.As an acclaimed author of five books, the creator ofseverallifetransformation programmes and an international speakerandworkshopfacilitator, her quest is always the same: to help youonyourjourney back to the centre of your own heart. Relaxintohersoothing words and let go fully into a deeplyrelaxingsleep.During this twenty six minute recording, you’ll begentlyguidedevery step of the way to relax your whole body andmind. Youcanalso set a wake-up alarm through the built-in alarmclockbeforelaunching the session. Throughout this beautifulrecording,you’llbe held by the music and sounds created by AliCalderwood.Ali isan accomplished musician and healer who alsoproduces theexquisitemusic of Anima. Ali’s uniquely crafted musicsoundscapeswithinthis guided meditation contains specificallydesignedcombinationsof healing frequencies which will have adeep,therapeutic effecton you. You will experience state of theartproduction techniquessuch as whispering echoed backgroundvocalswhich pan from left toright across the stereo range. Thisuniqueeffect will help yourelax deeper into the meditative sleep .Youwill also hear some 60BPM digital sound effects as well aspowerfulsubliminalsuggestions that compound the therapeutic effect.Thismeditationwill leave you refreshed, renewed and resonating somuchmore fromyour heart and a place of stillness. From there,you’ll beable toattract towards you everything your heart desires,withoutyourhead getting in the way. Do NOT listen while drivingoroperatingmachinery. If you suffer with serious depressionorepilepsy pleaseconsult your doctor before listening to thisApp.This AppIncludes: - Sleep Easily Guided Meditation (RunningTime:26:46) -Set wake-up time (built-in Alarm Clock) - How To UseThisApp -About Shazzie & Ali eBook - Diviniti Publishing Home-ShareThis App Developed by Arkenea Technologies( Publishing Ltd.
Meditation Sounds 1.0
Meditation Sounds contains soothing audiofilesthat are perfect for meditation. If you have trouble fallingtosleep you can listen to the gentle rain in the forest.Imaginyourself on a deserted island with the sound of waves lappingonthe beach. Relax to the sound of a forest stream with birds inthebackground. The audio files on our app are high quality.Meditation is a practice designed to promote relaxation andbuildinternal energy or life force. Thru meditation you candevelopcompassion, love, patience, forgiveness and generosity.Meditationwill help you can live a more healthy life.Includes a timer so you can have the app shut off after acertainamount of time to save your battery. Easily share our appwithothers by posting a link to your Facebook page.
Stress Relief & Anxiety Free 1.0.7

The new “Anxiety Free, Manage Stress&Embrace Peace Guided Meditation, Hypnosis & Subliminal”fromErick Brown helps you deeply relax and release from stressthatbrings on feelings of anxiety and panic. You have the powertorelax instantly and control your emotions. Thirty minutes ofthisdeep relaxation hypnosis will have you feeling peaceful,centered,and confident.Check out our in-app store sales today!This app features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedhypnotherapist Erick Brown* High quality, state of the art recordings 
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience* Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings:
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis 
* In-app store with multiple applications for purchase, fromweightloss to attracting love
Erick Brown and his team have worked hard to ensurethatwhatever you need to make your self-hypnosis session aseffectiveas possible has been included. Use hypnosis andhypnotherapy tohelp you lose weight, gain energy, sleep better andincrease yourconfidence and self-esteem so that you feel better,sexier, happierand more motivated!