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DIY Drawing Tutorial Practice 1.0
Keerun Apps
DIY drawing tutorial practice isanapplicationwhich contains step by step tutorial of drawingpicturewithpractices and lessons. Learners with this applicationwill beguidedto be able to have a pencil drawing and learnsketching witheasystep by step drawings. Art lessons for beginnersas inthisapplication are full of gallery of pictures collectedfrommanyinspirations and high pencil techniques that the learnerswillbeamazed. This sketching application shows how to drawacompletehuman body, animals, flowers, and manga cartoon.Penciltutorialthat will be explore in this application is abouthumanbody fromthe detail body to the whole such as tutorial todrawinghead,drawing nose tutorial, drawing hair tutorial, drawingeartutorial,drawing eyes tutorial, drawing shoulder tutorial,drawinghandstutorial, drawing waist tutorial, drawing legstutorial,drawingfoot tutorials, etc.Art projects of drawing like in this application arelittlemoredifficult from other projects because not many peopleareskilledand able to draw. Art drawing skill is something thatisowned bypeople with left brained but that does not closetheopportunityfor many people to be an artist. So many peoplearefascinated bythe capability of a skilled artist who drawcartoonsor figure stepby step drawing tutorial with less effort.But thiscreativeproject enables you to do all those difficultthings. Even6 – 8children are able to do this creative project byfollowing thestepby step instruction. Kids can learn faster to drawhumanbody,animals, and manga cartoon with the help of letters at averyyoungage. Work for kids as in this application is completedbyalphabetsto guide the learners which one to do firstandlatter.Art project for children and adults are needed to increaseoursenseof arts. Tough many people think that there are people whodonotpossess the talent of doing arts like a real artist. Itisstillpossible at least to do them as a hobby or just killingtime.Moreover if we do our maximal effort, we are possible to betherealpainter or manga anime sketcher. First, thisdrawingtutorialapplication will give you some basic drawing tipsand thenaskingyou to follow the step by step instruction and moreoftendopractices and see what you can make how to draw step bystepforbeginner in this application.