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Biography of Adolf Hitler 1.0
Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April1945)was an Austrian-born German politician who was the leader oftheNazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische DeutscheArbeiterpartei(NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party). HewasChancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Führer ("leader")ofNazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. As effective dictator ofNaziGermany, Hitler was at the centre of World War II in Europe andtheHolocaust.Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joinedtheprecursor of the NSDAP, the German Workers' Party, in 1919andbecame leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923 he attempted a coupinMunich to seize power. The failed coup resulted inHitler'simprisonment, during which time he wrote his autobiographyandpolitical manifesto Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"). After hisreleasein 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking theTreaty ofVersailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism,andanti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda.Hitlerfrequently denounced international capitalism and communismasbeing part of a Jewish conspiracy.Hitler's Nazi Party became the largest elected party intheGerman Reichstag, leading to his appointment as chancellor in1933.Following fresh elections won by his coalition, theReichstagpassed the Enabling Act, which began the process oftransformingthe Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, asingle-partydictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocraticideology ofNational Socialism. Hitler aimed to eliminate Jews fromGermany andestablish a New Order to counter what he saw as theinjustice ofthe post-World War I international order dominated byBritain andFrance. His first six years in power resulted in rapideconomicrecovery from the Great Depression, the denunciationofrestrictions imposed on Germany after World War I, andtheannexation of territories that were home to millions ofethnicGermans—actions which gave him significant popularsupport.Hitler sought Lebensraum ("living space") for the Germanpeople.His aggressive foreign policy is considered to be theprimary causeof the outbreak of World War II in Europe. He directedlarge-scalerearmament and on 1 September 1939 invaded Poland,resulting inBritish and French declarations of war on Germany. InJune 1941,Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union. By theend of 1941German forces and the European Axis powers occupied mostof Europeand North Africa. Failure to defeat the Soviets and theentry ofthe United States into the war forced Germany onto thedefensiveand it suffered a series of escalating defeats. In thefinal daysof the war, during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, Hitlermarried hislong-time lover, Eva Braun. On 30 April 1945, less thantwo dayslater, the two committed suicide to avoid capture by theRed Army,and their corpses were burned.Under Hitler's leadership and racially motivated ideology,theNazi regime was responsible for the genocide of at least5.5million Jews and millions of other victims whom he andhisfollowers deemed Untermenschen ("sub-humans") andsociallyundesirable. Hitler and the Nazi regime were alsoresponsible forthe killing of an estimated 19.3 million civiliansand prisoners ofwar. In addition, 29 million soldiers and civiliansdied as aresult of military action in the European Theatre of WorldWar II.The number of civilians killed during the Second World Warwasunprecedented in warfare, and constitutes the deadliest conflictinhuman history.
Hitler 0.1
Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945,andFührer ("leader") of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. Hewaseffectively dictator of Nazi Germany, and was at the centreofWorld War II in Europe and the Holocaust.Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joinedtheprecursor of the NSDAP, the German Workers' Party, in 1919andbecame leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted a coupinMunich to seize power. The failed coup resulted inHitler'simprisonment, during which time he dictated hisautobiography andpolitical manifesto Mein Kampf ("My Struggle").After his releasein 1924, Hitler gained popular support byattacking the Treaty ofVersailles and promoting Pan-Germanism,anti-Semitism, andanti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazipropaganda. Hitlerfrequently denounced international capitalism andcommunism asbeing part of a Jewish conspiracy.Hitler's Nazi Party became the largest elected party intheGerman Reichstag, leading to his appointment as chancellor in1933.Following fresh elections won by his coalition, theReichstagpassed the Enabling Act, which began the process oftransformingthe Weimar Republic into Nazi Germany, a single-partydictatorshipbased on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology ofNationalSocialism. Hitler aimed to eliminate Jews from Germanyandestablish a New Order to counter what he saw as the injusticeofthe post-World War I international order dominated by BritainandFrance. His first six years in power resulted in rapideconomicrecovery from the Great Depression, the denunciationofrestrictions imposed on Germany after World War I, andtheannexation of territories that were home to millions ofethnicGermans—actions which gave him significant popularsupport.Contents1 Early years1.1 Ancestry1.2 Childhood and education1.3 Early adulthood in Vienna and Munich1.4 World War I2 Entry into politics2.1 Beer Hall Putsch2.2 Rebuilding the NSDAP3 Rise to power3.1 Brüning administration3.2 Appointment as chancellor3.3 Reichstag fire and March elections3.4 Day of Potsdam and the Enabling Act3.5 Removal of remaining limits4 Nazi Germany4.1 Economy and culture4.2 Rearmament and new alliances5 World War II5.1 Early diplomatic successes5.1.1 Alliance with Japan5.1.2 Austria and Czechoslovakia5.2 Start of World War II5.3 Path to defeat5.4 Defeat and death5.5 The Holocaust6 Leadership style7 Legacy8 Views on religion9 Health10 Family
Kumpulan Hadits Pilihan 1.4
Muslim Media
Kumpulan Hadits Pilihan inimemuatberbagaimacam hadits yang berkenaan dengan keseharian kitaseperti:01. Seruan dan Peringatan Allah Ta’ala02. Perihal Nabi-Nabi dan Rasul-Rasul03. Muhammad Rasulullah Saw04. Ketinggian Al-Qur’an05. Larangan Mencaci Sahabat-Sahabat Rasulullah Saw06. Perintah Berpegang Pada Ad-Diin-Nya07. Islam – Iman – Ihsan08. Keistimewaan Muslimin dan Mukminin09. Keutamaan Mempelajari Fiqih dan Ilmu Agama10. Hari Kiamat dan Hisab11. Surga dan Neraka12. Sunnah-Sunnah Yang Utama13. Bid’ah dan Kesesatan14. Maut dan Kematian15. Syuhada16. Sabda Nabi Saw Tentang Kuburan17. Ibadah18. Perintah Takut Kepada Allah19. Keutamaan Do’a20. Niat Pangkal Seluruh Aktifitas,,21. Wudhu22. Shalat23. Shaum / Puasa24. Zakat dan Sodaqoh25. Haji dan Umrah26. Kebaikan dan Kebajikan27. Perintah Beramar Ma’ruf Nahi Mungkar28. Amal Perbuatan29. Syukur dan Tahmid30. Akibat Berbuat Maksiat31. Keutamaan Ikhlas32. Keutamaan Ta’at Kepada Allah33. Keutamaan Takwa34. Taubat dan Istighfar35. Perihal Mesjid36. Yang Berhak Mendapat Syafa’at38. Kenikmatan37. Rahmat Allah35. Perihal Mesjid36. Yang Berhak Mendapat Syafa’at37. Rahmat Allah38. Kenikmatan39. Bahaya Bersumpah40. Fitnah41. Kepemimpinan, Keadilan dan Politik42. Hakim dan Kehakiman43. Jihad dan Perang44. Mata Pencaharian dan Hasil Kerja45. Harta dan Kekayaan46. Kemiskinan47. Menunaikan Amanat48. Muamalah (Hubungan Kemasyarakatan)49. Dunia dan Segala Isinya50. Jaman51. Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebodohan52. Halal dan Haram53. Pergaulan54. Perkawinan55. Wanita56. Ayah – Ibu – Anak – Keluarga57. Tetangga58. Pembantu Rumah Tangga dan Para Budak59. Anak Yatim60. Akhlak61. Akhlak yang Buruk62. Adab63. Sabar64. Tolong-Menolong65. Benar dan Dusta66. Murah Hati – Boros – Kikir67. Keberanian dan Ketakutan68. Zuhud dan Tamak69. Kezaliman70. Riya dan Nifak71. Hasud dan Ketajaman Mata72. Cinta dan Benci73. Kesombongan74. Perzinaan75. Pembicaraan dan Ucapan76. Ujian dan Cobaan77. Perjalanan78. Kebersihan79. Makanan dan Minuman80. Persoalan-Persoalan Pribadi81. Pengobatan dan Penyakit82. Dukun dan Peramal83. HewanThis option containsacollection of hadith hadith berbagaimacam relating to ourdailylives such as:01. The call and warning of Allah Ta'ala02. Subject Prophets and Apostles03. Muhammad Prophet04. The height of the Qur'an05. Prohibition berate Friends of the Prophet06. Command Hold On his Ad-Deen07. Islam - Faith - Ihsan08. Privileges and Faithful Muslims09. The virtue Studying Fiqh and Religious Studies10. Doomsday and Hisab11. Heaven and Hell12. Sunnah-Sunnah The Main13. heresy and apostasy14. Death and Death15. Martyrs16. Word of the Prophet About Grave17. Worship18. Command Afraid To God19. The virtue of Benediction20. Intention Base Whole Activity ,,21. The ablution22. Prayer23. Shaum / Fasting24. Zakat and Sodaqoh25. Hajj and Umrah26. Goodness and Virtue27. Command ma'ruf Nahi unjust28. Charity Deeds29. Gratitude and Tahmid30. Due to Doing Maksiat31. The virtue Ikhlas32. The virtue obediently to God33. The virtue of Takwa34. Repentance and Istighfar35. Subject Mosque36. Eligible Gets Syafa'at38. Enjoyment37. Grace of God35. Subject Mosque36. Eligible Gets Syafa'at37. Grace of God38. Enjoyment39. Danger Vowing40. Slander41. Leadership, Justice and Politics42. Judges and Justice43. Jihad and War44. Livelihood and Work45. Assets and Wealth46. ​​Poverty47. accomplishing Mandate48. Muamalah (Community Relations)49. The World and Everything contents50. Age51. Science and Ignorance52. Halal and Haram53. Intercourse54. Marriage55. Women56. Father - Mother - Son - Family57. Neighbors58. Domestic Helper and The Slaves59. Orphans60. Morals61. Poor Morals62. Adab63. Patient64. Help-Helping65. True and Lies66. Generous - Boros - Stingy67. Courage and Fear68. Zuhud and Greed69. Injustice70. Riya and Nifak71. hasud and Acuity Eye72. Love and Hate73. Pride74. Adultery75. Discussion and Speech76. Trials and Trials77. Journey78. Cleanliness79. Food and Beverage80. Personal Issues81. Treatment and Disease82. Shamans and Seers83. Animals
كش ملك (رواية)حبيبة بدر 1.4
Arab novel Writer Badr Habiba
Prayer Everyone 1.4
«We pray together»In our modern world, we often do not have enough time to prayorread the Bible, so we stay away from God, and forget ourspiritualdevelopment. This is the best and largest Book of CommonPrayer,the Catholic prayer, which will help closer to God.Prayer is one of the ways spiritual growth. By reading a prayer,wecan turn to God, immortal, guardian angel, and ask for theirhelpand protection. This is particularly necessary when peoplefacelife in a different misfortune, such as illness,disaster,depression, injustice, unanswered love or otherdifficultcircumstances. Catholic prayer is to improve every aspectof theperfect life.When we read the Bible, or praying to God, which is communicatedtous creators of the best ways, because we directly talk to him,helistens to us at this particular moment. If we ask the help ofthesaints, we told them our information, they will ask God to helpus.The Catholic Church also called for prayers turn patronageandprotection of a guardian angel.Angels Catholic prayer - prayer dedicated to our guardian angel.Godhas given each person his guardian angel who protects hisinvisiblemisfortune and disaster warning throughout all his lifeon Earth,said, against sin, the terrible hour protection in thedeath, evenafter his death does not leave one person. Angels arepleased thatour virtues repentance and prosperity, trying to fillour spiritualthinking and help us in every good thing. The prayerbook containsmany important prayer that each day will become areliable assistantof a religious person.Daily reading.Prayer blessing - is another important category. Read prayers asweseek help and God's blessing.Sick of prayer - for their commitment to sick people, who areinneed of help, care and strong sponsorship category. Prayer canhelpsick people recover faster, because they help purify the soulfromevil.Padua Prayer of St. Anthony - is a commitment to St. AnthonyofPadua, a famous Catholic saint and preacher, who are poorcommutersand tourists very strong category.Content Category:Angel prayer - is dedicated to the guardian angel of ourcategories.We had a lot of our redemption and patronage ofdifferent angelprayer.Bedtime Prayers - by prayer areas for bedtime reading.Bedtimeprayer and prayer every day in some situations.Children's Prayer - is the category intended for children.Childrenprayer can care for their parents or relatives tend, forthose whoare sick or in need of help.Daily prayer - is the category suitable for everyday use.Religiousperson who is not close to the Bible can upload theapplication,and pray at any time they want. Daily prayer is theiridealsolution.Healing Prayers - is a class that can help people improvetheirhealth. Each prayer is heard God's healing prayer is what wemightneed in difficult times.Prayer of the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of categoriesincludingprayer. Pray the Holy Spirit can cleanse us from sin'sfilth, weare filled with the power of the saints.Jesus Prayer - is committed to Jesus Christ and the Catholicprayercategory. Jesus Christ have mercy on prayer or remissionofsins.Mary prayer - is dedicated to the Mother of God St. Marycategories.Mary prayer, very suitable for everyone, because theymean is thatif you have become your mother for help orprotection.Matins - is the category whole morning prayers every day. If youdonot have a Bible in hand, you can use the MatinsIf you think something is missing, the application's prayer book,orif you want to add some prayer or function in it, please let usknowthat it wrote to the US or comments, we will check all yourrequestsand suggestions, Try to implement.