Top 2 Apps Similar to D2惡魔蛋糕

D2 惡魔 1.0.4
是一個從網路爆紅,許多媒體藝人都強力推薦的巧克力甜點品牌。成立至今,已全面從『D2惡魔蛋糕』轉型成為『D2惡魔可可法式烘培』,所推出的產品更多且更廣了。但你一定很好奇,為什麼要叫D2呢?D2就是DEVIL-惡魔;DESSERT-甜點的意思,意思是連惡魔都愛不釋手的甜點,創辦人塗建為認為:惡魔就是要教人輕鬆的享樂。D2惡魔的背後,是一個努力掙扎的年輕人白手起家的故事...當時雷曼兄弟宣布破產,全世界正值金融風暴,台灣經濟盪到谷底,每天新聞都圍繞無薪假打轉,社會大眾一邊感受到生活艱難的壓力,一邊又必須咬緊牙關過下去,在壓力這麼大的氣氛下,創辦人塗建為卻發現民眾消費巧克力的需求卻大增,原來巧克力是可以讓人舒解又感到快樂的最佳甜點。抱著這樣的想法,創辦人塗建為開始著手研發起巧克力蛋糕,雖然外界所販售的巧克力蛋糕動輒七、八百元,但創辦人本著要好吃又經濟實惠的蛋糕與大眾分享,在這樣的條件下,終於,D2惡魔蛋糕誕生了,伴著台灣跨過民國百年,陪著你度過人生許多歡樂的時光,這就是D2惡魔蛋糕。D2惡魔官方網站 http://www.devildessert.comIs an explosion ofredfrom the Internet, many media artists are highlyrecommendedchocolate dessert brand.Since its establishment, has been fully from "D2 devil'sfoodcake," transformed into a "devil D2 French baking cocoa,"thelaunch of the product of more and wider.But you must be very curious as to why it should be called D2D2is DEVIL- devil; DESSERT- dessert meaning, meaning that eventhedevil can love the dessert, founder Tu built for that:? Thedevilis to teach people relaxing pleasure.D2 behind devil, is a struggling young self-made story ...thenLehman Brothers declared bankruptcy when the financialturmoilaround the world, Taiwan's economic swing to the bottom,daily newsall around unpaid leave spin, while the community feelthe pressureof life is hard, while they have to bite the bullet andgo on,under the pressure of such a great atmosphere, founder Tubuilt forthe public consumption of chocolate but found demand isgreatlyincreased, the original chocolate can relieve people alsofeelHappy best dessert.With this in mind, the founder built for coat started todevelopfrom the chocolate cake, although outside the chocolatecakefrequently sold seven or eight hundred dollars, but the spiritofthe founder to be delicious and affordable cake to share withthepublic, Under such conditions, finally, D2 devil's food cakewasborn, accompanied by Taiwan across the Republic of Chinaforcenturies, through life with you many happy moments, this is theD2devil's food cake.D2 devil official website
塔吉特Touched:千層蛋糕第一品牌行動商城 2.15.0
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