Top 8 Apps Similar to Frases Virgen Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe 33.0.0
In this app you will find: - History of Our Lady of Guadalupe:"In1531 a "Lady from Heaven" appeared to a humble Native AmericanatTepeyac. - Relation of the apparitions: Based on thewrittennarrations by the Nican Mopohua or Huei Tlamahuitzoltica -Why thename Guadalupe? All the history about the name of Our LadyofGuadalupe - Prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe: * Novena to OurLadyof Guadalupe * Prayer of John Paul II * Morning Offering *Prayerfor Husbands and Wives - Saint Juan Diego: In April of 1990JuanDiego was declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II - Images ofOurVirgin of Guadalupe to share: Lot of pictures of our VirginofGuadalupe to share with your family and friends. You will beableto send lovely pictures of the Virgin to Whatsapp and othersocialnetworks. We hope you really enjoy the app! Thanks!
Bella la Virgen de Guadalupe 1.2
Acm Apps
Está aplicación está especialmentediseñadapara compartir con Whatsapp, Facebook, Correo, etc.Disclaimer:Las imágenes han sido recopiladas de páginas de internet, en lasqueno se establece relación de propiedad con las mismas. Noobstante,las marcas y señales no han sido modificadas paraconservar lafuente de las mismas.Nota Informativa:Está aplicación contiene publicidad para mantener los costosdeprogramación.This applicationisspecially designed to share with Whatsapp, Facebook,Mail,etc.Disclaimer:The images have been collected from websites, in which nopropertyrelationship with them is established. However, markingsand signshave not been modified to preserve the sourcethereof. Informative note:This application contains advertising to keep the costsofprogramming.
La Virgen Guadalupana 1.2
Acm Apps
Comparte las imágenes mas bellas de laVirgende Guadalupe y empieza tu día con la mejor motivación quesolamentela fe cristiana puede dar. Las mejores imágenes de laVirgen deGuadalupe las encontraras en esta App. Ademas con lafunción decompartir podrás enviarla a tus amigos o compartirlas entus redessociales favoritas. Que esperas descarga la app y empiezatu díacon las mejores imágenes de la Virgen de Guadalupe*Compartir imágenes de la Virgen de Guadalupe en tusredessociales y whatsapp* Calificar imágenes de la Virgen de Guadalupe.*Establecer como WallpaperShare the mostbeautifulimages of the Virgin of Guadalupe and start your day withthe bestmotivation that only Christian faith can give. The bestimages ofthe Virgin of Guadalupe the find in this app. In additiontosharing function can send to your friends or share them onyourfavorite social networks. You expect download the app andstartyour day with the best images of the Virgin of Guadalupe* Share images of the Virgin of Guadalupe on your socialnetworksand whatsapp* Rate images of the Virgin of Guadalupe.* Set as Wallpaper
Our Lady of Guadalupe 1.5
Majority Apps
Our Lady of Guadalupe is an app with the best collection ofimagesin HD quality. Set your homescreen with the Love images andmakeyour device or tablet more interesting. Every images is greatandperfect!. Share this beautiful images with in your socialnetworks.
La Guadalupana 1.4
Caimito Apps
Empieza tu dia con la mejor motivaciónquesolamente La Virgen de Guadalupe te puede dar. Las mejoresimágenesde nuestra señora La Vigen de Gudalupe, Que esperas paradescargarla app es completamente GRATIS, y podras compartir lasimágenes entus redes sociales favoritas.Start your day withthebest motivation to La Virgen de Guadalupe only you can give.Thebest images of Our Lady of La Vigen Gudalupe, you expecttodownload the app is absolutely FREE, and you can share yourimageson your favorite social networks.
La Virgen de Guadalupe II 1.1
Acm Apps
Está aplicación está especialmentediseñadapara compartir con Whatsapp, Facebook, Correo, etc.Disclaimer:Las imágenes han sido recopiladas de páginas de internet, en lasqueno se establece relación de propiedad con las mismas. Noobstante,las marcas y señales no han sido modificadas paraconservar lafuente de las mismas.Nota Informativa:Está aplicación contiene publicidad para mantener los costosdeprogramación.This applicationisspecially designed to share with Whatsapp, Facebook, Mail, etc.Disclaimer:The images have been collected from websites, in which nopropertyrelationship with them is established. However, markingsand signshave not been modified to preserve the sourcethereof. Informative note:This application contains advertising to keep the costsofprogramming.
La Virgen de Guadalupe 1.0
Acm Apps
Está aplicación está especialmentediseñadaparacompartir con Whatsapp, Facebook, Correo, etc.Disclaimer:Las imágenes han sido recopiladas de páginas de internet, enlasqueno se establece relación de propiedad con las mismas.Noobstante,las marcas y señales no han sido modificadasparaconservar lafuente de las mismas.Nota Informativa:Está aplicación contiene publicidad para mantener loscostosdeprogramación.Thisapplicationisspecially designed to share with Whatsapp,Facebook,Mail,etc.Disclaimer:The images have been collected from websites, in whichnopropertyrelationship with them is established. However,markingsand signshave not been modified to preserve thesourcethereof. Informative note:This application contains advertising to keep thecostsofprogramming.
Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe 1.0
Este Aplicativo foi construído com aintençãode conhecer a Aparição de Nossa Senhora deGuadalupe(México).Através de links você pode acessar a história daaparição, o siteoficial do santuário de Guadalupe, Rezar o terçosemanal, ver asvideoaulas do professor Felipe Aquino no youtube eassistir aosfilmes da aparição no youtube. Caso seu dispositivosejaincompatível no play store você pode baixar o aplicativo pelolink:,dessa forma, chegaremos a mais pessoas.This application wasbuiltwith the intention of meeting the Apparition of Our LadyofGuadalupe (Mexico). Through links you can access the history oftheappearance, the official site of the Shrine of Guadalupe,prayweekly third view of Professor Felipe Aquino video classesonyoutube and watch the movies from the appearance on youtube.Ifyour device is incompatible in the play store you can downloadtheapplication by link: we will reach more people.