Top 22 Apps Similar to Kalkulator Fiqih

Kalkulator Zakat 1.0
Kalkulator zakat dapat membantu anda dalam menghitung seberapabesarzakat yang anda keluarkan dari Harta, Profesi dan Usahaanda.Denganmenyesuaikan harga emas terkini melalui yahoofinace.Sumber :**
Kalkulator Zakat 1.0
Kalkulator zakat adalahaplikasiuntukmenghitung berapa jumlah zakat yang dikeluarkandaripribadi.Kalkulator zakat menghitung zakat yang harusandakeluarkan.Dilengkapi dengan penjelasan dan bagaimanarumusperhitungannnya.Berisi hitungan untuk Zakat Penghasilan danZakatMaal.Zakat Calculatorisanapplication to calculate how much charity issued fromthepersonal.Zakat Calculator calculates zakat should youspend.Equipped withan explanation and how the formulaperhitungannnya.Contains acount for Income Zakat Maal andZakat.
Aplikasi Waris Islam 1.03
Ramdhan Ahaz
Syariat Islam menetapkan aturan warisdenganbentuk yang sangat teratur dan adil. Di dalamnyaditetapkankepemilikan harta bagi setiap manusia, baik laki-lakimaupunperempuan dengan cara yang legal. Syariat Islam jugamenetapkan hakpemindahan kepemilikan seseorang sesudah meninggaldunia kepadaahli warisnya, dari seluruh kerabat dan nasabnya, tanpamembedakanantara laki-laki dan perempuan, besar atau kecil.Di dalam Islam imu faraid atau lebih dikenal dengan ilmumawarismerupakan ilmu yang membahas pembagian harta warisan. Tujuanilmufaraid adalah untuk menyelamatkan harta benda si matiagarterhindar dari pengambilan harta orang-orang yang tidakberhakmenerimanya dan agar jangan ada orang-orang yang makan hartahakmilik orang lain, dan hak milik anak yatim dengan jalan yangtidakhalal.Orang-orang yang mempunyai ilmu faraid (ilmu mawaris)sangatjarang dan pembagian waris yang diatur menurut syariat Islamsudahtidak banyak dilaksanakan oleh umat Islam sendiri. Kalau adaorangyang mati meninggalkan harta warisan, tidak segera dibagikankepadayang berhak menerimanya, sehingga akhirnya harta warisan ituhabistidak terbagi.Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam sudah mensinyalirkeadaanyang demikian, sehingga beliau sangat menekankan kita kaummusliminuntuk mempelajari ilmu faraid, karena ilmu ini lama-lamaakanlenyap, yakni orang-orang menjadi malas untuk melaksanakanpembagianpusaka menurut semestinya, yang diatur hukum Islam.RasulullahShallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam bersabda :“Pelajarilah faraid (pembagian harta warisan) danajarkanlahkepada orang lain. Sesungguhnya aku adalah seorangmanusia yangbakal dicabut nyawa. Dan sesunguhnya ilmu itu pun akanikuttercabut pula. Juga akan hadir fitnah-fitnah sehinggaterjadilahperselisihan antara dua orang karena hal warisan.Kemudian merekaberdua itu tidak mendapatkan orang yang akan memberikeputusan(terhadap masalah yang diperselisihkan itu) di antaramereka berduaberdua.” (Hadits Riwayat Al-Hakim)Mempelajari ilmu faraid hukumnya fardhu kifayah, artinyakalaudalam segolongan umat sudah ada orang yang mengerti danmemahamiilmu faraid, yang lain tidak lagi diwajibkanmempelajarinya.Sedangkan apabila dalam segolongan umat sama sekalitidak ada yangmengerti ilmu faraid, maka segolongan umat ituberdosa. Mengapahukum waris Islam merupakan segi hukum yang sangatpenting,sehingga digolongkan fardhu kifayah. Dalam kaitan iniRasulullahShallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam bersabda :“Pelajarilah faraid dan ajarkan dia karena ia seperdua ilmudania akan dilupakan dan dialah yang pertama akan dicabutdariumatku.” (Hadits Riwayat Ibnu Majah dan Daruqutni)Aplikasi Pembagian Waris Islam ini merupakan aplikasiyangdigunakan untuk mempelajari bagaimana cara menghitungpembagianharta warisan berdasarkan syariat Islam beserta dilengkapidenganmateri-materi berupa ayat-ayat waris, hadits-hadits warisdanpermasalahan-permasalahan seputar pembagian waris.IslamicShari'ainheritance rules define the shape of a very orderly andfair. Init are set property ownership for every man, both men andwomen ina way that is legal. Islamic Sharia also establishes theright oftransfer of ownership of a person after death to theirheirs, ofall relatives and nasabnya, without distinguishing betweenmale andfemale, large or small.In Islam imu Faraid or better known as Mawaris science isthescience that addresses the division of inheritance. Faraidsciencegoal is to save the possessions of the dead in order toavoidmaking treasure those who do not deserve it and so do somepeoplewho eat other people's property rights, and property rightsoforphans with roads that are not kosher.People who have Faraid science (science Mawaris) is very rareandthe division of inheritance are governed by Islamic law isnotwidely carried out by Muslims themselves. If there are peoplewhodie leaving the estate, did not immediately distributed tothosewho deserve it, so that eventually it runs out inheritance isnotdivided.Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam already indicatedsuchcircumstances, so he was very stressed us Muslims to learnFaraidscience, because science is a long time to disappear, thatpeoplebecome lazy to implement the division of inheritanceaccording toproper, regulated Islamic law. Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi Wasallamsaid:"Learn Faraid (division of inheritance) and teach it toothers.Actually I was a man who would be deprived of lives. And itreallyscience will also be pulled out as well. Will also presentslandersso there was a dispute between two people because ofinheritance.Then they both were not getting people who will give adecision (onthe disputed issues) between them both. "(Hadithhistory ofAl-Hakim)Faraid studying legal fardhu kifayah, meaning that if theclassof people already there are people who know and understandthescience Faraid, others are no longer required to learnit.Meanwhile, if the class of people who have absolutelynounderstanding of science Faraid, then a party that innocentpeople.Why Islamic inheritance law is a very important legal point,soclassified fardhu kifayah. In this regard the Prophetsallallaahu'alaihi Wasallam said:"Learn Faraid and teach him because he is half science anditwill be forgotten and he was the first to be deprived ofmypeople." (Hadith of Ibn Majah history and Daruqutni)Applications division Waris Islam is an application that isusedto learn how to calculate the division of inheritance basedonIslamic law and its equipped with materials in the formofinheritance verses, hadiths inheritance and issues surroundingthedivision of inheritance.
Attashil Inheritance Calc 2.2
Attashil is an inheritance calculator basedonIslamic law. This application was created to help Muslimsincalculating the inheritance based on Al-Quran andAs-Sunnah.
Zakat Calculator 1.3
My Qalam
Zakāt (Arabic: زكاة‎ [zæˈkæːt], "that whichpurifies"),oralms-giving is the practice of charitable giving byMuslimsbasedon accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all whoare ableto doso. It is considered to be a responsibility for everyMuslimtoease economic hardship for the other Muslims. The practiceisoneof the Five Pillars of Islam. Don't know how tocalculateyourzakat (Zakah)? This app is specially designed for you.Asimpletool to calculate your yearly zakat. First selectcategory(gold,silver, business, agriculture, etc.) and enter thepropertiesyouhave, in each of the categories. Zakatcalculatorwillautomatically calculate zakat from each of them andgive youfinalresults. Features: - Beautiful and easy user interface-allcategories of properties given - check zakat ofeachcategoriesindividually - check total detailed zakat too Note:Thisfree Appis supported by Ads. Jazak Allah Kheir.
Stylish Calculator - CALCU™ 4.3.3
The smart, stylish, calculator you can customize or just enjoy!
GST Calculator, Loan,Tax & Age Calc, Unit Converter,Compass,Currency converter
Mobi Calculator : free + totally no ads 1.4.2 free
Handiness universal percentage calculator for simple andengineeringcalculations. Ad Free! Mobi Calculator is a freecalculator forandroid for everyone who appreciate great usabilityandfunctionality. Working with the calculator brings pleasure,sincethe easy to use interface is thought through to trifles. Thisis asimple calculator that will suit both school childrens,students andin work, and for everyday household calculations. - noads! - timecalculator - correct percentage calculator - realtimeresult - thisis calculator with full featured history ofcalculations, commentsand sharing of calculations - classicalmemory feature (M+, M-, MR)- multiple string expressions - bigbuttons and beautiful themes -multilanguage - customizable buttonson main screen - spends verysmall memory space - high accuracy, upto 30 digits - HEX/BIN/OCTmode, up to 64 bits in PRO-version -does not require unnecessarypermissions like Internet connection,geo-position, contacts and SMSIt's not "All in one" tool. Weappending only really essentialfeatures that usable during workand everyday householdcalculations. Other features: - calculationmodes: operationpriorities, rounding, etc. - modern Material andbattery safe darkthemes - trigonometrical functions, sine, cosine,etc. - radians,degrees calculations with DMS displaying mode(degree-minute-second)- logarithmic and other functions - basicfeatures, square/cube/n-throot, power, percentages In thePRO-version only: * Ability to storerecords of the history (up to1000, FREE - 50) * Ability to editexpression with up to 7 lines onthe screen (FREE - 5) * Additionalthemes (Business, Ice CreamSandwich) The list will be increased! Thanks toour translators: Chinese(Simplified) (免费计算器) - Nexus Sun Chinese(Traditional) - WhaleMajida French - NEVEU Sylvai German - BreazMarius Hellenic -Kaparos Spiros Hungarian - István Kriskó Italian -Claudio PerckyKorean - Jo Joon Hee(Gomdolius,[]( Polish -acosh(i) Russian(русский калькулятор) - olgapol Slovak (partial) -Loránt Gerencsér([]( Turkish - BurakÇelik (Synertic)Ukrainian - VladBorovik([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]))
Scientific Calculator 1.19
Scientific Calculator - easy to use
Fraction Calculator Plus Free 5.3.2
I'm Fraction Calculator Plus and I'm thebestand easiest way to deal with everyday fraction problems.Whetheryou're checking homework, preparing recipes, or working oncraft oreven construction projects, I can help:- Wish you could find the time to check your kids' mathhomework?Now checking fraction math takes just seconds.- Need to adjust recipe quantities for a larger guest list? Letmeadjust your cup and teaspoon quantities.- Working on a craft or home project in inches?Stopdouble-or-triple calculating on paper - let me do itonce,accurately.I'm attractive and effective and I make great use of either aphoneor tablet display:- I show your calculations in crisp, clear, elegant type thatyoucan read at-a-glance from a distance.- My innovative triple keypad display lets you type fast!(enteringthree and three quarters takes just 3 taps!).- Every fraction result gets automatically reduced to itssimplestform to make your job easy.- Every result is also shown in decimal to make conversionabreeze.- It couldn't be easier to add, subtract, multiply, anddividefractions.Let Fraction Calculator Plus turn your phone or tablet intoaneveryday helping hand.This is an ad supported version - our ad-free version isalsoavailable.Fraction Calculator Plus (C) 2017 Digitalchemy, LLC
Scientific Calculator Free 1.0
Faqih Studio
This scientific calculator we provide to you for free
Scientific Calculator 2.9.1
MDroid Apps
★ Scientific Calculator withPercentageCalculator, Currency Converter, Standard and TipCalculator★This calculator app is All In One calculator for youreverydaycalculations.You can use this app as math calculator with range offunctions,Currency converter with live rate updates - for exampleto converteuro to dollar, Percentage calculator for calulatingdiscounts andpercentage or Tip calculator to split the bill betweenany numberof people.☆ Features of Scientific Calculator:► Scientific Calculator✓ Scientific, engineering and fixed-point display modes✓ Calculation memory support✓ Decimal degrees into degrees, minutes, and secondsconverter✓ Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in radians, degreesandgrads✓ Unit conversions✓ Physical constants table✓ Result history✓ Percentages✓ Permutations (nPr) & Combinations (nCr)✓ Several themes available► Standard Calculator✓ Traditional algebraic operation✓ Percentages (20 + 10% = 22)✓ Support for memory calculation✓ Several themes available► Currency converter✓ Track Currencies from around the world✓ Live currency rates✓ Easily convert between your favorite currencies (for examplefromeuro to dollar)► Percentage Calculator✓ Calculate percentage✓ Calculate discount, tax, margin and other► Tip Calculator✓ Calculate tip quickly and easily✓ Split the bill between any number of peopleEnjoy this handy Scientific Calculator. Keep track of live ratesforyour favorite currencies with Currency converter.By installing this app you agree to the following
Calculator 3.3.7
The best colorful calculator! Choose your style!
Simple Calculator
This is a simple calculator app.
Classic Calculator 1.51
The most natural and realistic calculator on the Market.
Graphing Calculator + Math 4.15.160
Graphing Calculator by Mathlab is ascientificgraphing calculator integrated with algebra and is anindispensablemathematical tool for students from high school tothose in collegeor graduate school, or just anyone who needs morethan what a basiccalculator offers. It is designed to replace bulkyand costlyhandheld graphing calculators and works on virtually anyAndroidphone or tablet.Free version requires internet connection and contains ads!Upgradeto PRO!Video: site with instructions andexamples:http://help.mathlab.usIf you have a question, send email to [email protected] CALCULATOR• Square root, cube and higher roots (hold √ key)• Exponent or power, use x^ key, (x^2)• Logarithms ln(), log(), log[base]()• Trigonometric functions sin π/2, cos 30°, ...• Hyperbolic functions sinh, cosh, tanh, ... (hold "e" keytoswitch)• Inverse functions (hold direct function key)• Complex numbers, all functions support complex arguments• Derivatives sin x' = cos x, ... (hold x^ key)• Scientific and engineering notation (enable in menu)• Percent mode• Binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers, 0b1010, 0o123, 0xABC• Save and load historyGRAPHING CALCULATOR• Multiple functions graphing• Implicit functions up to 2nd degree (ellipse2x^2+3y^2=1,etc.)• Polar graphs (r=cos2θ)• Parametric functions, enter each on new line (x=cos t,y=sint)• Function roots and critical points.• Graph intersections• Tracing function values and slopes• Slide to scroll• Pinch to zoom• Fullscreen graphs (PRO)• Function tables• Save graphs as images• Save tables as csv• 3D graphs (PRO)FRACTION CALCULATOR• Simple and complex fractions 1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6• Mixed numbers, use space to enter values 3 1/2• Use parentheses (1+2)/(3+4)=3/7ALGEBRA CALCULATOR• Linear equations x+1=2 -> x=1• Quadratic equations x^2-1=0 -> x=-1,1• Approximate roots of higher polynomials• Systems of linear equations, write one equation per line,x1+x2=1,x1-x2=2• Polynomial long division• Polynomial expansion, factoring• Linear and quadratic inequalitiesPROBABILITY AND STATISTICS• Hold n! key to enter functions, double tap dot toentercomma• Combinations nCr(5,2)=10• Permutations nPr(5,2)=20• Sample A=[1 2 3 4 5]• Sample B=[2 3 4 5 6]• Sum sum(A) = 15• Average avg(A) = 3• Median median(A) = 3• Sample variance var(A) = 2.5• Population variance varp(A) = 2• Standard deviation stdev(A) = 1.58..., stdevp(A) = 1.41...• Covariance cov(A,B) = 2.5• Correlation corr(A,B) = 1MATRIX CALCULATOR• Matrix and vector arithmetic operations• Vector cross product, dot product (hold *) and norm• Matrix determinant, inverse, transpose and trace functionsLIBRARY• Physical constants (PRO)• User defined constants and functions (PRO)• Save expressions for future reference
Cami Calculator 2.2.1
Cami & Jun
Calculator, easy to use and useful in real life.
Geometry 2.8.4
Expects the majority of geometric shapes on the given parameters
Math Calculator
GK Soft
Scientific calculator for math,physics,economics and many more! With most importantmathematicalfunctions:- arithmetic and trigonometric functions- store multiple values in memory- universal, physical and technical constants- history of calculations- float, fixed and scientific modeVery easy and fast tool for school, college and work!
Smart Calculator 1.0.3
Smart Calculator that tries to include graphing andmatrixmathwithout losing its simplicity. Slide left and right toaccessmorepanels.This calculator is a all in one calculator, if you arelookingforsomething simple with advanced features this calculatorisforyou.Features:• Basic arithmetic (+, -, *, /)• Trigonometry (sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan)• Complex numbers (5+7i)• Graphs X,Y functions (Y=X^2)• Basic matrix math (+, *, inverse, transpose)• Hexadecimal and Binary support (1A+E)• Animated history (Long press to copy)• Hide pages you don't need• Tablet and Smartphone supported• Widget
Panecal Scientific Calculator 7.5.2
For engineers and students
Calculator Pro free 2.1
Apalon Apps
Calculator Pro is designed for everyonelookingfor simplicity and functionality. You can enjoy using astandardcalculator for basic operations or extend it into ascientific onefor more complex calculations. Just tilt yourAndroid device intothe landscape mode!Whether you’re a diligent student, an accountant, abankingmanager, a housewife in charge of the family finances oreven amaths genius, this calc will save both your effort and timeand letyou calculate anything you need!Two сalc modes are available: do basic calculations inthePortrait Mode or tilt your smartphone or tablet and go advancedinthe Landscape ModeDegrees and Radians calculationsMemory buttons to help you out with complex calculationsChoose the skin that suits you (additional calc skinsavailablethrough in-app purchase)Accidentally input the wrong number? Just swipe with yourfingerto edit it!Copy and paste results and expressions directly into thecurrentcalculationHistory Bar: see your full calculation history directly onthecalc screenFeel free to use it as an office calculator for all kindsoffinancial and statistical computationsUse Calculator Pro for college studies, accounting, algebraandgeometry lessons, engineering calculations and much moreWork with decimal fractions, algebraic formulas, solveequationsor just master your math skillsNow you can do any calculations on the go seamlessly!