Top 10 Apps Similar to Imagenes con frases de amor

Frases de Amor
Fonti Apps
"Frases de Amor " es una bellacolecciónde inspiradoras imágenes y frases románticaspara compartir a través de tu red social favorita.Descubre formas de decirle a esa persona tan especial, chico ochicalo que hace tiempo tienes reservado en tu corazón,a travésdemensajes de amor, y pensamientos románticos.Comparte las frases de amor más hermosas, junto con unabonitapostal , ahora en tu móvil!.Esta aplicación es ideal para el día de San Valentín, para decirleaella o el lo mucho que lo amas y cuanto amor hay en ti.En esta aplicación encontraras las mejores frases pasionales,frasesde amor y odio, frases románticas, o simplemente paracuandonecesitas olvidar ese amor perdido tan especial. " Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños de Amor, añadir textos ytuspropias fotografias, crear frases divertidas o amorosas,ademástienes unos alegres y estupendos stikers o pegatinas paracompletartus creaciones, y todo esto de una manera sencilla rápidaeintuitiva.Solo tienes que ir a las sección hazlo tú mismo escoger el fondoquemás te guste, escribe tu texto, coloca tus stikers guarda yenvíaasí de fácil.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- Esta aplicación es Totalmente gratis."Love phrases" isabeautiful collection of inspiring images and romanticphrasesto share via your favorite social network.Discover ways to tell that special, boy or girl person makingtimeyou have booked in your heart, through love messages, andromanticthoughts.Share phrases most beautiful love, along with a pretty picture,nowon your mobile !.This application is ideal for Valentine's Day, to tell her orhowmuch you love him and how much love in you.In this application you will find the lowest passionatephrases,phrases of love and hate, romantic phrases, or just whenyou needforget that love lost so special."New"Now you can create your own designs Love, add your own textandphotographs, create funny or romantic phrases, have a happyandgreat stikers or stickers to complete your creations, and allthisin a simple fast and intuitive.Just go to the section it yourself choose the background youlike,write your text, place your stikers stores and sosendseasy.- This application contains advertising.- This application is totally free.
Love Phrases in Spanish 4.0
Love phrases for lovers, greatandniceinspiring phrases to share (contacts, e-mailwhatsapp,facebook,etc.), illustrated with the most beautifulimages.Share all these nice phrases with your friends bye-mail,Whatsappor Line, use them in your wall.Recommend this application to your friends so that theytoocanfind their inspiration and enjoy like you.Offline support: enjoy your favourite thinkings evenwithoutanyInternet connection available.Meta: love, lovers, quotes, phrases, life,romance,culture,interesting, think, day, inspiration,philosophy.LEGAL NOTE: The ownership entity of this applicationreportsthatit contains images, some of which have been obtainedovertheInternet. These images are all public domain, since theyarenotidentified by symbols or other information indicatingtheexistenceof exploitation rights reserved thereon.Notwithstandingthis, aclear willingness to respect rights underRoyal LegislativeDecree1/1996, of 12 April, approving the revisedtext of theCopyrightAct, and compliance with the obligationsimposed by Law34/2002, ofJuly 11, services of the informationsociety andelectroniccommerce, the creator of this applicationcalls to anynatural orlegal person to be the owner of any imagescontainedtherein,accrediting via email [email protected],committing thecreator of the applicationto the immediate removalof said imageafter verifying, whereapplicable, the ownership ofthe protectedimage.
Amor Romántico
Fonti Apps
"Amor Romántico"Te presentamos una selección de las mejores frases y citas deamorpara enamorados.Frases de amor para hacer sentir diferente a ese alguienespecial,para hacerle un guiño, ligar o sacarle simplemente unasonrisa,para que sepa lo que piensas y cómo te sientes.Compártelas con esa persona especial a quien tanto quieresyaprecias, puedes enviarlas por la redes socialesmasconocidas.Elige tu frase de amor, tu frase romántica, y envíala o guárdalaesasí de simpleLas mejores frases pasionales,románticas y de enamorados paraesedía tan especial, no esperes a San Valentín para mostrarturomanticismo.Frases llenas de sentido y amor que no te dejarán indiferente yquete llegarán al corazón." Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños de Amor Romántico,añadirtextos y tus propias fotografías, crear frases divertidasoamorosas, además tienes unos alegres y estupendos stikersopegatinas para completar tus creaciones, y todo esto de unamanerasencilla rápida e intuitiva.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- Esta aplicación necesita de conexión a Internet para sucorrectofuncionamiento."Romantic Love"Here is a selection of the best quotes and love quotesforlovers.Words of love to feel different to that special someone, to makeawink, flirt or just get a smile, so you know what you think andhowyou feel.Share them with that special someone who both want andappreciate,you can send them in the most popular socialnetworks.Choose your words of love, your romantic phrase, and send orsaveit's that simpleBest passionate, romantic and in love for that special dayphrases,do not wait for Valentine's Day to show your romance.Sentences full of meaning and love that will not leaveyouindifferent and you will reach the heart."New"Now you can create your own designs Romantic Love, add your owntextand photos, create funny or romantic phrases, have a happy andgreatstikers or stickers to complete your creations, and all thisin asimple fast and intuitive.- This application contains advertising.- This application requires Internet connection tofunctionproperly.
Sad Sadness and Love 21.0.0
Sadness is temporary, love is eternal ...Wouldyou have left? Do not you think love? Unsure Valentines? Loveandheartbreak are necessary, one must know address them. Enjoywiththis simple app phrases, videos, pictures, songs .. both loveandheartbreak. Valentine appear at any time. When you think loveandsadness left you fill your life, you must mourn and let offsteam,but then change the mindset and know that love is essential,sadnessalone will evaporate. Do not look, love will find you inthe mostunexpected moment. You can send songs, videos, quotes,images oflove or heartbreak that person merezca.La it is momentarysadness,love is eternal and Valentine will not forget you ...Enjoy Sadnessand Love!
Love Quotes Images 30.0
Alma Games
Beautiful images of love for your phone,youcan save the image to SD, share it with friends by WhatsappLine,upload to social networks Facebook, Twitter, email, etc ...Features:- Set as wallpaper- Save to SD- Post directly on facebook, twitter etc...- Share by email and sms- Share by WhatsApp, Line etc ...- Set their status in social networksNote:This application contains advertising.
Love Romantic Images 30.0
Alma Games
The most romantic images of love foryourphone, you can save the image to SD, share it with friendsorWhatsapp Line, upload to social networks Facebook, Twitter,email,etc ...Features:- Set as wallpaper- Save to SD- Post directly on facebook, twitter etc...- Share by email and sms- Share by WhatsApp, Line etc ...- Set their status in social networksNote:This application contains advertising.
frases amor em imagens 5.0
O amor deixa a gente maravilhado,extasiadoefascinado. Encontre aqui frases que retratam essesentimentotãomaravilhoso e que nos preenche totalmente.Frases recheadas de amor para você mandar para aquelapessoatãoespecial. Compartilhe seus sentimentos e emocione suaalmagêmea.Este aplicativo é simples, fácil, leve e extremamenteútilaqualquer hora para compartilha nas redes sociais.★ Grátis:★ Baixar: Gostou salvo. você pode salvar todas as imagensquequiserem seu aparelho.★ Qualidade: São as melhores imagens disponívelemumaplicativo.★ Compartilhar: disponível para todas redes sociais com o toquedeumbotão.Love leaves usamazed,awedand fascinated. Here are phrases that depict thisfeelingsowonderful and that fills us completely.Stuffed phrases of love for you to send to that personsospecial.Share your feelings and thrill your soul mate.Thisapplication issimple, easy, light and extremely helpful atanytime to share onsocial networks.★ Free:★ Download: liked saved. you can save all the images you wantinyourphone.★ Quality: They are the best images availableinanapplication.★ Share: available for all social networks at the touchofabutton.
Frases Românticas p/ Whatsapp
Conquisar aquela pessoa nunca foi tãofácil,envie frases romanticas, do dia dos namorados, de amor emuito maismensagens que vão deixar o seu amor apaixonado porvocê!Você pode compartilhar via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, smsoucopiar e colar a frase onde quiser!Além disso você pode salvar as frases que você mais gostanosfavoritos!Você pode deixar o aplicativo escolher uma frase aleatóriap/você!Não perca mais tempo conquiste a pessoa amada, baixe oappagora!Os papeis de parede do aplicativo mudam ao passar de frase!Conquisar that personhasnever been easier, send romanticas phrases, Valentine's Day,loveand more messages that will leave your passionate loveforyou!You can share via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, sms or copy andpastethe sentence where you want!Also you can save the sentences that you like toyourfavorites!You can let the app pick a random phrase w / you!Do not waste time conquer a loved one, download the app now!The application wallpapers change when passing sentence!
Love Quotes & Love Story Videos 35.0
Love videos & Videos of love. Love quotes and lovestoryvideosto download. A beautiful love videos collection: -DownloadLovevideos for him and her: - Download Love quotes videos-DownlaodLove Story videos - Download Videos of love stories-DownloadVideos of love and romance
Love Quotes 2017 1.0
If what you're looking for, that lovequoteindicated to attract someone, or apologize for somethingstupid youdid, for which you do not find words, this is your chanceto haveat your fingertips countless phrases love for countlesssituationsthat will pass or daily. You no longer need to be lookingat allthose infinite fanpages and in his many publications, thatphraseever read, and today are looking for. We will approach, justoneclick! All those words of love, those postcards so romantic,thatwill save you, or will redeem either key dates indifficultmoments, or moments of happiness.The advantages of this app can be unlimited, their varietyofphrases, they will not fail to surprise, the speed with whichtheapplication makes it even more attractive is handled. Andmostimportantly today, it is quick and easy expansion to othersocialnetworks, WhatsApp, Instragram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Youcansimultaneously download any of the words of love to yourdevice,the phrase that catches your interest, or that express whatyou'refeeling on any given day or moment, and simply use it aswallpaper.In addition, each of their sentences, are presented withattractivebackgrounds and subtle, with nice touches that make itstand outabove all the content and real meaning of each of thesentences,still be romantic with dim or too inadequate anddrawingsexaggerated for style.Find sentences ideal love for Valentine's Day, to dedicateandexpress what might cost you a lot for you in your own words,that'swhat we're getting close to universal phrases, romantic love,andconducive. It is suitable content for everyone, simply becauseloveis for everyone. Although it hurts, though it's hard, butsometimesyou do not believe it will happen, and the best thing tohave onyour side is the application that will help you deal witheach ofits conflicts and dramas, and still remain as cute you canpass, soyou can not miss this application down and share each andevery oneof his love quotes.Our application provides:- Wide range of love quotes- Fast and intuitive interface- Download the love quotes to your device- Update love quotes- Sending funds via WhatsApp, Instagram and othersocialnetworks.Disclaimer: All images with words of love that are inthisapplication were created by designers exclusivelyforSensacionesOK, so is prohibited commercial use of any image thatiswithin this program without the consent of SensacionesOK .For some productions, they have used photos in the public domain,asthey are not identified in any way indicating the existenceofexploitation rights reserved.Any natural or legal person who was owner of one of thephotoscontained in this application, you can credit it to thefollowinge-mail [email protected], committing to theimmediatewithdrawal of that image once we have verified ownershipof theprotected sentence .