Top 17 Apps Similar to Carnaval del Toro 2015

Toros Bous al Carrer 1.7
Bous al Carrer es la revista taurinadeFestejos Populares de referencia, en ella puede encontrar todalainformación relativa a festejos taurinos, encierros,vaquillas,toros, calendario de fiestas, etc.En su interior podrá encontrar algunos números gratuitos delarevista digital, adquirir los últimos números publicados,loscalendarios de festejos o suscribirse a la edición digital.Además, podrá descargar de forma GRATUITA la publicacióndenoticias, que se actualiza continuamente con lasúltimasnovedades.Bous al Carrer istaurinemagazine Popular Celebrations reference, it can findinformation onbullfights, bulls, heifers, bulls, holiday calendar,etc.Inside you will find some numbers free digitalmagazine,acquiring the latest issues, calendars celebrations orsubscribe tothe digital edition.In addition, you can download for FREE news publication thatiscontinually updated with the latest developments.
Sustos y Cogidas de Toros 1.1
En esta aplicación podrás encontrar una gran variedad de vídeosconlos mejores sustos y cogidas de toros y vacas tanto de Españacomode países latinoamericanos. La tradición taurina es muyreconocidaen muchos países, por lo que existen infinidad de vídeosque iremosrecopilando para que los disfrutes directamente desdeesta app.Aprovecha esta app para divertirte con tus amigos ydisfrutar delimpacto visual de estos vídeos. Además, tendrás laoportunidad depoder compartir cualquier vídeo con tus amigos, yasea porwhatsapp, facebook, twitter, etc. NOTA: Es recomendable quelosusuarios que descarguen esta aplicación sean mayores de 18 años,yaque algunos vídeos pueden herir la sensibilidad de la persona.
El Carnaval de Cádiz 2.8.3
Updated throughout the year!
Carnaval de Las Palmas de Gran 8.2
Aplicación oficial del Carnaval de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
PE no Carnaval 2023 5.9.0
The EP Carnival is an app aimed to publicize the CarnivalofPernambuco.
Kwèèkers Carnaval (Kweekers) 2.3
ePublisher BV
Dit is dé Kwèèkers app. Als je deKwèèkersalskent, wil je deze App zeker hebben. Ken je ze nogniet,daneigenlijk ook..Tijdens de carnaval is deze App eigenlijk onmisbaar.This is theappbreeders.If you know the breeders if you want this app forsure.Actuallyyou do not know yet, then ..During the carnival, this app is indispensable.
Carnaval de Cadiz 1.0
Contenidos XL
Carnaval de Cadiz la Aplicación te lleva atumóvil todo lo relacionado con el COAC 2016.Una guía para seguir el concurso día a día y no perderte nadadelCOAC.En Carnaval de Cadiz encontrarás el Orden de Actuación detodaslas sesiones de Preliminares, Cuartos de Final, SemifinalesyFinal.Además podrás ver una y otra vez todo lo que haganlasAgrupaciones. Fotos de Ensayos, Fotos de Preliminares,Actuacionesde Preliminares, Fotos de Cuartos de Final, Actuacionesde Cuartosde Final, Fotos de Semifinales, Actuaciones deSemifinales, Fotosde la Final y Actuaciones de la Final.Haremos un riguroso seguimiento a las siguientes- Chirigotas: Afuera te espero, Con mas Age no lo hay, DandolaTalla, El niño Jesus que tenia tu mare en la mesita de noche,Estoes Hollywood, Esto pa ti pa mi, La familia Vargasaki, La MisadelGallo, La Pela es la Pela, Los Agitadores, Los desanimaos, LosJuanLennon, Los Kevin Bieber, Los Kichi, Los Niños de la Susana,LosNiños Perdidos, Los Piratas Informaticos, Los Polvos Egipcios,Losque no sabian ni poner un espichi y quisieron ser concejalesdelKichi, Los que Vienen de Marea, Los que Viven de Gañote,Losrebujitos, Los Serenissimos, Los Supervivientes de la calleSanVicente, Los Trapos Sucios se lavan en Casa, No te valla amorirantes que yo, Nos Junta Andalucia, Oju, que Polvorono, Quitatedelmedio, Si me pongo Pesao me lo dices, Todo lo Malo se Pega,Unachirigota encubierta, Una especie en extincion, los chirigoterosyYo soy Presa.- Comparsas: A Tus Pies, Babel, Cazafantasmas, El AsesinodeComparsistas, El Barco del Arroz, El Capitan Babucha y la Tropaquele Escucha, El Creador, El Equipo Amarillo, El Gran Cadiz,ElMensajero, El Ministerio de la Esquina, El Negocio del Siglo,ElOrigen, El Reino de los Alegria, El Rey de Corazones, El VagondeCola, Febrero, La Alcantarilla, La Banda del Colorete, LaCantera,La Centenaria, La Comunidad, La Desconocida, La Escuela delArte,La Espera, La Estacion, La guayabera, La Resistencia, LaSelvaMadre, Las Historias del Viejo, Las Opiniones de un Payaso, LoqueQuedaba por Barrer, Los Arqueros, Los Camellos, Los Castratis,LosChatarra, Los Clandestinos, Los Cobardes, Los Cuervos,LosDesperdicios, Los Doce, Los Envidiaos, Los Guapos, Los HijosdelCaballero, Los Inanimados, Los Invencibles, Los Irresistibles,LosLibreros, Los Lunaticos, Los Malos del Cuento, Los Mareantes,LosRocamboles, Los Traidores, Los Trimilenarios, Luna Llena, OBDCLaVida es Bella, Payasos, Santisima Trinidad, Teatro delasMarionetas, Trabajo de Comparsista, Un Fallo lo tieneCualquiera,Un Pais Llamado Cadiz, Una Historia que Contar, Ventecon losMalos, Vida, Volver y Vuelven los Maestros.- Coros: Arriba el Telon, Capitanes del Sur, El Coroterapia,Ennombre del Padel, del Pijo y del Espiritu Franco, La Cazuela,LaCorte, La Guardia de la Noche, La Orden, La Vuelta a Cadiz en80mundos, Las Volteretas, Los Luchadores, Monopoly, Salimos delEuro,Sigo Siendo el Rey, Un Coro Genial, Vamonos pal Mentidero yWelcometo Cabaret.- Cuartetos: Asociacion Local de Comerciantes AsociadosreunidosAgrupados juntos y organizados, Cuento de Tronos, Este añosalimosde milagro, Las Aventuras de Tontin, Los mellizos de laChari, Losque tienen en Cadiz la Sarten por el Mango, Los VinDiesel y MeTienen que Matar.Como todos los años, tendrán el botón CAI para pegarte unCAIcada vez que lo necesites.¡¡Muchas novedades para la próxima versión!!Application Cadizcarnivaltakes you to your phone everything related to the COAC2016.A guide to follow the contest every day and not miss anythingofthe COAC.Carnival in Cadiz will find the order of performance ofallsessions Preliminary, Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Final.Plus you'll see again and again all you do clusters.PhotosEssays, Photos Trial, Trial Proceedings, PhotosQuarterfinals,performances Quarterfinals, Semifinals Photos,PerformancesSemifinal Final photos and Proceedings of theFinal.We will closely monitoring the following- Chirigotas: Outside I hope you With more Age there isnot,underperforming, The Jesus child who was your mare inthenightstand, this is Hollywood, This pa ti pa mi, The Vargasaki,LaMisa del Gallo, family The need the money, stirrers,desanimaos,The John Lennon, The Kevin Bieber, The Kichi, TheChildren ofSusanna, The Lost Boys, The hackers, powders Egyptians,who did notknow and put a espichi They want to be councilors Kichi,those fromTide, those who live gullet, Los rebujitos, LosSerenissimos,survivors of Calle San Vicente, The Dirty Laundry iswashed athome, Do not fence to die before me, We Junta Andalucia,Oju, whichPolvorono, Quitate medium, Pesao If I get what I say,EverythingBad sticks, An undercover joke, an endangered species,thechirigoteros and I'm Dam.- Troupes: At Your Feet, Babel, Ghostbusters, The Murdererofcomparsistas, Rice Boat, El Capitan and Troop Babucha Listenyou,the creator, the Yellow Team, Great Cadiz, The Messenger,TheMinistry of the Corner , the deal of the century, the origin,theKingdom of Alegria, King of Hearts, the caboose, February,Sewer,La Banda del Rouge, La Cantera, The Centennial, TheCommunity, TheUnknown, The School Art, Waiting, La Estacion, Laguayabera,endurance, Madre Selva, Old Stories, Comments of a clown,whatremained Sweep, Los Arqueros, camels, Castratis, junk,clandestine,Cowards, the Crows, Rubbish, The Twelve, The Envidiaos,thehandsome, Los Hijos del Caballero, inanimate, Invincible,TheIrresistible, booksellers, lunatics, Bad Story, The Merchants,TheRocamboles, The Traitors, The Trimilenarios, full moon, OBDCLifeis Beautiful, Clowns, Santisima Trinidad, Puppet Theatre,WorkingComparsista, a fault I have any, a country called Cadiz, astory totell, Come with the Bad Life , Back and return of theMasters.- Choirs: Curtain up, South Captains, The Coroterapia, Onbehalfof Padel, and the Spirit of Pijo Franco, La Cazuela, theCourt,Night Guard, The Order, The Tour of Cadiz in 80 worlds,Thetumbling, wrestlers, Monopoly, left the Euro, I'm still theKing, AGreat Choir, Liars and Vamonos pal Welcome to Cabaret.- Quartets: Local Merchants Association GroupedAssociatesgathered together and organized, Fairy Thrones miracleout thisyear, The Adventures of Dopey, Chari's twins, those inCadiz theupper hand, The Vin Diesel I have to kill.As every year, will the button to stick a CAI CAI wheneveryouneed it.Many new features for the next version !!
Guia da Boa 2.00
Guia da Boa
Lowering the Good Guide app you'll bejustaclick view the schedule of the best events of Brazil.Theeventschedule is updated daily and has content throughout theyear,ourschedule contains events of all genres as: Samba,Pagode,Forró,Country, Rock, Axe and etc. You will also have accessto thefullschedule of events related to New Year's Eve 2016Carnival2016Street Blocks 2016 Samba Schools 2016 Carnival Balls2016Festivalsof St. John in 2016, Shows and much more.The Good Guide application offers users an easyandobjectivenavigation. In addition to our schedule of events tobeorganizedby date and according to your interest, each event hasauniquepage containing all the necessary information so that youarewellinformed, there you can see the sights, address, date,time,price,video, photos and more.Available in Português, English, Français, EspañoleItaliano.Download our app and check it out!
Liga SP Carnaval
Aplicativo da Liga Independente dasEscolasdeSamba de São Paulo. Informações oficiais sobre osdesfilesdasescolas do Grupo Especial e do Grupo de AcessodoCarnavalPaulistano. Fácil e rápido.Baixe agora e acompanhe tudo com exclusividade.ApplicationoftheIndependent League of Samba Schools of SãoPaulo.Officialinformation about the parades of the schools of theSpecialGroupand Carnival Paulistano Access Group. Easy and fast.Download now and follow all exclusively.
Carnaval Ilha Terceira 1.5.3
Cybermap, Lda
Bailinhos de Carnaval – Ilha Terceira-AçoresAcompanhe o carnaval de ilha Terceira!Palco de mais de 50 danças e bailinhos de Carnaval é consideradoumadas maiores manifestações de teatro popular do mundo.Este ano, poderá acompanhar no seu dispositivo móvel o seubailinhoou salão preferido.Consulte informações dos bailinhos e dos salões, localize emquesalão está o bailinho ou veja a fila de espera de umsalão.Fornecido pela Associação Regional de TurismoDesenvolvido pela CybermapCom o apoio da WebaBailinhos Carnival-Terceira Island - AzoresFollow the carnival Terceira Island!Stage of over 50 dances and bailinhos Carnival is considered oneofthe greatest manifestations of popular theater in theworld.This year, you can track on your mobile device or bailinhoyourfavorite salon.See information from bailinhos and lounges, locate where theloungeis bailinho or check the waiting list for a room.Provided by Regional Tourism AssociationDeveloped by CybermapWith the support of Weba
Carnaval SP RJ 2020 - CarnaBlocos 9.21
Devs Cariocas
- LISTA DE BLOCOS DE RUA: Veja os blocos da cidade de formaordenadacom o uso do nosso filtro super detalhado, busque pelonome do blocoe confirme presença para inserir na sua agenda eencontrar seuCarnaCrush. - AGENDA: Compartilhe sua agenda deblocos com os seusamigos! Agora você nunca mais vai se perdercom a data e horados blocos mais divertidos! Basta confirmarpresença no aplicativoque faremos sua organização eenviaremos uma notificação 24hrs.antes do bloco começar! Alémdisso, você ainda pode filtrar a suaagenda com pré seleções como:"Hoje", "Amanhã", "Esta Semana", "EsteMês" e "SeleçãoCustomizada". - CARNACRUSH: O encontro já estámarcado!!! Acesse oCarnaCrush e curta aqueles que tambémconfirmaram presença nosmesmos blocos que você! Consiga umacombinação e troque mensagenscom a sua paquera através do nossochat! - FILTRO: Busque combase no bairro, zona, data,distância, número de confirmados,público estimado e outros! - MAPA:Todos os blocos das cidades maisbombadas do carnaval, com filtrosde mapa como: Hoje, A Partir DeHoje e Todos. Encontre a melhor rotapara chegar em qualquer blocoque você desejar da forma como vocêquiser graças a nossaintegração com Google Maps. - GÊNEROS: Afunção mais aguardada noCarnaBlocos chegou! Agora você poderáconhecer novos blocos atravésdo estilo musical e tema do bloco.Seja ele pagode, samba, axé ouaté mesmo um bloco familiar,infantil, adulto, LGBT e muito mais! -INFORMAÇÕES: __ Avalie aqualidade do bloco; __ Faça e observe seucomentário junto aosnossos usuários dentro do “chat em grupo”; __Veja seus amigos queconfirmaram presença; __ Busque amelhor rota para chegar atéseu bloco; __ Saiba o horário deinício e fim; __ Marque presençapara ser notificado; __ Veja aestimativa total de participantes nobloco; __ Encontre o percursoque o bloco irá fazer; __ Clique paracomprar ingresso (se houver);__ Veja a descrição do bloco; __Gênero musical; __ História dobloco; __ Link para página defacebook do bloco; __ Veja o percursode ruas __ Saiba o públicoestimado
Photo Montage Costumes 1.6
Wave of Fun
֍ All you fashion lovers around the world,hereis a brand new "photo editor" that will show you the funnyside ofthe fashion world! Photo Montage Costumes is a perfect"imageeditor" for creating funny photos and amazing photo albumsin a sec!Enter this awesome photo booth and start making "photomontages" asa true artist. Have tons of fun trying out various"fancy dresscostumes" and decide which one you should wear for amasqueradeparty! "Photo Montage Costumes" is a unique chance foryou tosharpen your creative skills and be your own fashionstylist.Sohurry up! Now is your turn to decorate your Android™device withfancy dresses of many colours and shapes.֍ ֍ ֍ This best of "dress up games for girls" offers you a chancetoplay with various fashion styles and share photofunia with allyourfriends! ֍ ֍ ֍֍ If you have run out of fancy dress ideas, the solution isjustaround the corner. Download this photo manipulation app forfreeand you will get addicted to beautiful costumes of yourfavouritemovie characters. And that is not all! You just have toadd your"face in hole" and in the blink of an eye you will betransformedinto a funny character from stories of your childhood.Revive yoursweet memories and awaken the child in you with thissimple butentartaining picture editing program. Take a look atitsfeatures:❇ A great number of amazing costumes to choose from asphotoframes!❇ Great number of fashion styles and colours!❇ Easy and fun to use image editing tool!❇ Edit your selfies like a pro!❇ Use a photo from your own gallery or take a picture withyourphone camera!❇ Choose your favourite costume and put your face in hole!❇ Save the pic of your new outfit in your photo gallery!❇ Set your new work of art as wallpaper on your phoneortablet!❇ Share your new look with all your friends on Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and other social networks!֍ Preparations for the most amazing fancy dress party havealreadystarted! You don`t have to spend your precious timewanderingaround clothes stores and browsing through piles ofcostumes tofind the perfect outfit. Just visit this magical picslab and startmaking magic while having lots of fun. Create a funnyphoto montagethat will bring out the best of your attractivenessand save it aswallpaper to cheer you up every time you glance atit. Give yourmobile device a stunning makeover with just a singlephoto. Getthis photo editing app Photo Montage Costumes and youwill be justa few swipes way from your gorgeous photo wonder!֍ If you want to refresh your ordinary pictures and give acreativespin to your old memories, you are on the right track. Makeyourphoto editing the most exciting activity! Create a funnyphotoalbum and let your masquerade party be remembered forever.Forgetabout complicated image editing software with many complexandboring options. This pic editing program is pure joy when itcomesto photo editing. Just add a few photo effects and indulge inaunique experience of creating magic with your own fingers!֍ If you want to surprise your friends on social networks,thisphoto montage program is your dream come true. Just take aselfie,embellish it with a fancy costume, post your photo onyourfavourite social networks and voila! You will be amazed howmanylikes and compliment you will receive for your new look. Spreadthenews among your friends: the best free photo montage creator isonthe market now and offers you the most memorable experienceofpicture editing. Wait no more, download it for free and havefunfor days!* Android is a trademark of Google Inc.* This app is ad – supported.
Carnaval PE 1.1
O aplicativo oferece uma agenda atualizadadosmaiores eventos e blocos do Carnaval de Recife e Olinda no anode2013 com detalhes como local, data e atrações. Monte suaprópriaprogramação e compartilhe sua agenda com seu amigos atravésdoFacebook.The application providesacurrent schedule of events and more blocks of the Carnival ofRecifeand Olinda in 2013 with details such as location, dateandattractions. Build your own schedule and share your schedulewithyour friends through Facebook.
Animal Sounds 1.8
Excellent and funny animal sounds app, now on your phone andtablet.
MASKED Avatar & Photo 1.85
3ller Team
Hide. Play. Enjoy. The ultimate app togoincognito! Share your selfies safely, get your MASK!+ Create the most amazing 3D masks with your exclusivedesign:Venetian Carnival, Mexican Wrestling, Día de losMuertos,Halloween… Make your disguise come true!+ Edit your best Pictures by choosing a 3D mask to fititperfectly in your face so you can have fun and keep your imagesafeon the net. Just take a selfie or browse your gallery!+ Save it or share it! Use your artistic skills to showyoursmartest masked profile on your favorite Online Games,Forums,Chats and Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,Instagram,WhatsApp, etc.VENETIAN: Carnival, luxury, lushness, mystery, darknessandsensuality.MEXICAN: Mexican wrestling masks, Day of the Dead.Let your art be unique!
CarnaUOL Blocos de Rua 2.4
UOL Inc.
O UOL já começa o aquecimento paraoCarnaval2016 com o app CarnaUOL, disponível para downloadgrátis.Oaplicativo traz informações como data, endereço, horário eolocalde saída dos cerca de 300 blocos de rua do Rio e de SãoPaulo.Você ainda pode montar sua lista de blocosprediletosecompartilhar tudo com os amigos nas principais redessociais.E não se preocupe em perder o horário, o CarnaUOL avisaquandoseubloco favorito passar.The UOL startsheatingforCarnival 2016 with CarnaUOL app, available for freedownload.Theapplication provides information such as date, address,timeand theoutput location of about 300 street blocks from the RioandSaoPaulo.You can even put together your list of favorite blocksandshareit with friends in the main social networks.And do not worry about losing time, the CarnaUOL alertsyouwhenyour favorite block pass.
Rio Street Carnaval 2015 3.15.2
Bruno Borges
** UPDATE 2015 (version 3.15.1) **Official schedule by City Mall of Rio de Janeiro. And discountforPREMIUM package to get access to Radar, Favorites, andmorefeatures.There are more than 550 Carnaval Street parties going tohappenin Rio de Janeiro, in this 2015 edition. With this app, youwillknow where and when there's a party going on, how to get thereandbe notified on the day of their parade. Open the Radar andknowabout near parties with your GPS. It has never been so easy tofindwhere to party during Carnaval in Rio! Blocos de Rua andmore!Here you have schedules with date, time and address.everythingOffline so you don't have to spend time waiting forthe"loading..." screen. You will only need Internet access to seetheMap and Radar.Features:- Offline navigation- List of all Carnaval Street partie ("Blocos de Rua"inportuguese)- List by date- List by neighbourhood- List by favorites- Parade notifications- Radar with the location of street parties on the current dayIt works on Android Tablets too :-)If you know some portuguese or know how to use theGoogleTranslator tool, here are our partners:Blog Bloco de Rua RJ - O Dia(blog about street carnaval) e Não Vou(website for ticket resale)