Top 21 Games Similar to Handball Rhône-Eyrieux Ardèche

Handball - Hand Score
A LIRE - IMPORTANT : La FFHB à misenplace une nouvelle sécurité qui empêche la consultation desFDMdepuis autre chose que leur site. Il n'existe pour l'instantaucunecorrection et nous en sommes les premiers navrés.Hand Score est la seule application pour le handballfrançaissans publicité et qui répertorie toutes lescompétitions(championnats, coupes, intercomités,interligues,interpôles...) !Vous êtes joueur de handball ? Entraîneur ? Supporter ?Voussouhaitez pouvoir suivre simplement les résultats des équipesdevotre club de handball préféré ? L'application HandScoreest faite pour vous !Hand Score est une application permettant laconsultationdes données relatives aux différentes compétitions duhandballfrançais depuis le site de la FFHB (Fédération FrançaisedeHandBall). (Application non officielle)Avec Hand Score, vous allez pouvoir :- Consulter les classements, résultatsparjournée- Consulter le classement des buteurs par championnat(sidisponible)- Consulter le calendrier de la saison pour une équipe- Visualiser les feuilles de match- Gérer vos favoris- Ajouter un match à votre calendrier personnel- Ouvrir dans Google Maps l'adresse correspondant au lieud'unmatch- Partager une affiche/résultat d'un match- Consulter les résultats des annéesprécédentes(fonctionnalité BETA à activer dans les paramètresdel'application)- Démarrer l'application sur vos championnats dehandballfavoris- Gestion d'un cache paramétrable pour la liste deschampionnats(durée en jours)- Gestion d'un cache paramétrable les détails d'unchampionnat(durée en minutes) (classement, résultats,statistiques)N'hésitez pas à noter l'application, donner votreavis,envoyer vos remarques, questions,propositionsou idées... C'est avec ces retours etcritiques quel'application Hand Score pourra évoluer etmieux répondre àvos attentes.Avant toute remarque sur l'absence de classementd'unchampionnat, merci de consulter le site de la FFHB pourvérifierque votre classement est bien présent sur le site, car dansle cascontraire il est normal de ne pas pouvoir le consulter viaHandScorePar mail : Facebook : Twitter : aux utilisateurs envoyant les "rapports deplantage"lorsque des erreurs apparaissent, cela permet unemeilleureréactivité pour la mise en place de corrections.Crédits image : JF TolagueraMots-clés : handball android, ffhb, hand, lnh,handscore, lfh, proD2READ - IMPORTANT:The FFHB to set up a new security that prevents consultationwithFDM from anything other than their site. There is no correctionfornow and we're sorry first.Hand Score is the only application for Frenchhandballwithout advertising , which lists allcompetitions(championships, cups, Inter, interleague, Interpôles...) < /i>!You are handball player? Coach ? Support ? Yousimplywant to track the results of your favorite team handballclub? Theapplication Hand Score is for you!Hand Score is an application for searchingdatarelating to different competitions of French handball from thesiteof FFHB ( HandBall French Federation ). (unofficialApplication )With Hand Score , you'll be able to:   - Consult the ranking , Results per day   - Consult the ranking of scorers withchampionship(if available)   - Consult the calendar of the season forateam   - View game sheets   - Manage your Favorites   - Add a match to your personal calendar   - Open in Google Maps the correspondingaddressinstead of a match   - Share Poster / result of a match   - Consult the results of Previous years(BETAfunctionality enabled in the application settings)   - Start the application on your favoritehandballchampionships   - Management of a configurable cache to thelistof championships (time in days)   - Management of a configurable hides thedetailsof a championship (time in minutes) (ranking,results,statistics)Please note the application, write view send notes,questions , proposals or ideas ... With these returns andcriticsthat the Hand Score will evolve and better meetyourexpectations.Before any comment on the lack of classification ofachampionship, thank you to consult the FFHB the site to verifythatyour ranking is present on the site, since otherwise it isnormalnot to be able to consult via Hand ScoreBy mail: (at) gmail.comVia Facebook: Twitter: you users sending " crash reports " whenerrorsoccur, this allows a better reactivity for the implementationofcorrections.Image credits : JF TolagueraKeywords : android handball, FFHB, hand, nhl,handscore lfh, PROD2
Handball Statistics 4.5
What The Appz
Create professional game and season statistics of yourhandballteams!
Handball Manager 12 4.1
★ More than 10,000 users on iOS worldwide!Joinin! ★Handball Manager 12 is coach's clipboard app and it costs only79cents!It gives you a great opportunity to plan and show your teamgametactics. You can place players and balls to the field andeasilynumber the players, move them on the field and draw lines toshowyour team how to play.It's easy to get started with Handball Manager 12 with thenewin-app instructions.The new color editor in Handball Manager 12 gives you agreatpossibility to change the colors of the players.Features:● Saving and loading tactics● Saving and loading colors● Add and remove players or balls● Auto numbering● High quality graphics● Easy to use menus● Player numbers● Drawing pen● Half field● Color editor● In-app instructions
Handball Bundesliga Predictor 3.21
LM Solutions
Handball Bundesliga is the most completeappofthe major national handball league in the world.HandballBundesligaworks offline, the app update the data when aconnectionisavailable, you can add matches to your calendar, livescoresforBundesliga 1 matches, and the exclusive Predictor feature.This season, the app brings the exclusivePredictorfunction,which predict the odds for a team becomechampion, wintheir games,or qualifying for the ChampionsLeague.Handball Bundesliga is the most complete app fortheGermanHandball league.
Tactic Board Handball 3.0
Tactic Board Handball
Handball Manager 13 1.0
★ Earlier versions have more than 12,000usersworldwide! Join in! ★Handball Manager 13 is coach's clipboard app. Create, planandanimate your tactics on the go. Wherever and whenever you getanidea of a new tactic, you're able to save it on your deviceandlater show it for your team.Move the players and balls on the field, draw lines, changethecolors of the players, number or name them and animate thetacticto create the best tactic you can.Watch the instruction video and in a few minutes you're readytostart creating.★ New Features ★• Animations- Unlimited length- Instant playback- Fast and easy to use• Player Naming- Name a player or use position names- Write anything you want★ Improvements ★• Brand new look• 9 times faster loading and saving• More save slots• Easier to use menus• Retina graphics• And much more!★ Features ★● Saving and loading tactics● Saving and loading animations● Saving and loading colors● Add and remove players or balls● Auto numbering● Retina graphics● Easy to use menus● Player numbers and names● Drawing pen● Half field● Color editor● Instruction videoTrailer: video:
Maximilian Holz
Die perfekte Vorbereitung auf denoffiziellenRegeltest für Handball-Schiedsrichter. DergesamteRegelfragenkatalog als App fürs Smartphone und Tablet -inklusivealler Regelbezüge und dem kompletten Regeltext!• Lerne gezielt anhand des offiziellen RegelfragenkatalogsalsVorbereitung auf den Regeltest.• Teste Dein Wissen im Prüfungsmodus und schau ob Du schon fitbistfür den Lehrgang.• Studiere die Regelbezüge zu den Regelfragen und festige soDeinWissen zum Regelwerk.• Blättere im Regelwerk wo immer Du gerade mit DeinemSmartphoneoder Tablet unterwegs bist.Handball ist ein intensiver und attraktiver Sport, der mitseinerAthletik und Schnelligkeit seine Fans zu begeistern weis.Neben denSpielern sind aufgrund der Vielzahl innerhalb kürzesterZeit zutreffender Entscheidungen die Schiedsrichter in besonderemMaße beidiesem Spiel gefordert. Grundvoraussetzung um dieseanspruchsvolleAufgabe übernehmen zu können ist daher einedetaillierte Kenntnisdes Regelwerks. Handball-Referee-Trainerunterstützt Dich ideal beider Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung, die inregelmäßigen Abständen vonjedem Handballverband von seinenSchiedsrichtern eingefordert wird.Und diese App leistet noch mehr:Mit ihr hast Du den vollständigenRegeltext immer in der Tasche, woimmer Du gerade mit DeinemSmartphone oder Tablet oder unterwegsbist.Die App besitzt zwei Modi zum Lernen der Regelfragen. ImRegeltestwerden Dir zufällig aus dem Katalog ausgewählte Fragengegeben. ImModus Fragenkatalog kannst Du die einzelnen Fragenstrukturiertdurcharbeiten, indem Du sie der Reihe nach abarbeitestoder gezieltzu der Fragenummer springst, mit der Du Probleme hast.Ergänzt wirddie App um die direkte Verlinkung der Regelbezüge zujedereinzelnen Frage. Hast Du eine Frage nicht korrektbeantwortet,kannst Du sofort mit einem Klick die Passagen ausdemHandball-Regelwerk aufrufen, die als offiziell alsRegelbezugangegeben sind. Handball-Referee-Trainer zeigt Dir somitnicht nurdie falsche Beantwortung der Frage an, sie hilft Die auchzuverstehen warum Deine Antwort nicht korrekt gewesen ist. Undalspraktische Lektüre für Bus, Bahn, Mittagspause undUmkleidekabineerhälst Du zusätzlich den gesamten Regeltext zumgezieltenNachlesen ganzer Regeln, so dass Du Dich auch auf dieseWeisebestens mit dem Regelwerk vertraut machen kannst.Hinweis: Die Entwicklung des Handball-Referee-Trainer ist einreinprivates Projekt, in welches eine Menge Freizeit investiertwurde.Diese App wird selbstverständlich auch in Zukunftweiterentwickeltund die Inhalte bei Änderungen am Regelwerk oderdem Fragenkatalogaktuell gehalten. Ich freue mich sehr über EuerFeedback,insbesondere wenn ihr noch Fehler in der Anwendungentdeckensollten. In diesem Fall schreibt mir bitte eine Email miteinermöglichst genauen Fehlerbeschreibung und ich werde michumgehend umdessen Behebung kümmern.The perfectpreparationfor the official control test for handball referee. Theentirecontrol questionnaire as an app for smartphones and tablets-including all rule references and the full rules text!• Meet targeted on the official control questionnaire inpreparationfor the regulatory test.• Test your knowledge in the test mode and see if you're alreadyfitfor the course.• Study the rule references to rules questions and firming asyourknowledge about the rules.• Skim the rules wherever you are just traveling withyoursmartphone or tablet.Handball is an intense and attractive sport-oriented withhisathleticism and quickness to inspire his fans. In addition totheplayers, the referees are highly demanded in this game due tothevariety within a short time more appropriate decisions. Be abletotake prerequisite to this challenging task is, therefore,adetailed knowledge of the rules. Handball Referee coachsupportsyou in the ideal preparation for the exam, which isdemanded atregular intervals of every handball association by itsarbitrators.And this app can do even more: With it you have thefull rule textis always in your pocket, wherever you are just usingyoursmartphone or tablet, or on the go.The app has two modes for learning the rules questions. Inthecontrol test you will be given randomly selected questions fromthecatalog. In the mode of questions for you to work througheachquestion textured, giving you they abarbeitest sequentiallyorselectively jump to the question number with which youhaveproblems. The app to the direct linking of the rule coversissupplemented to each question. Do not you have answered aquestioncorrectly, you can immediately with a single click thepassagesfrom the handball rules call specified as officially as acontrolreference. Handball Referee trainer does not only shows youthewrong answer to the question, it helps to understand why thewellyour answer was not correct. And as a practical reading forbus,train, lunch and locker room addition you will receive thefullrules text for the targeted future reference all rules so thatyoucan make yourself familiar with the rules in this way.Note: The development of Handball Referee Trainer is apurelyprivate project, in which a lot of free time has beeninvested.This app is developed naturally in the future and held thecontentswhen changing the rules or the list of questions to date. Iam verypleased with your feedback, especially if you still havefounderrors in the application. In this case, please drop me anemailwith an exact description of the problem and I'll see toitimmediately to resolve it.
Assistant Coach Handball 2.4.16
The most complete and professional app for handball coachestomanage teams.
Handball 3D Tactics 1 1.0.3
10 imagined and analyzed tactics byDidierDinart, one of the most successful handball players in theworld inthe French team.The detailed step by step tactics and their 3D facilityencourageusing different points of view, their understanding andhow to usethem in a match. This is useful for both coaches andplayers duringpractice, at halftime or when traveling as it ispossible to becarried as a game specifications guide so thateveryone can learn attheir own pace whenever and wherever theywant. The app is fun andcan be used with a VR headset for evengreater immersion.With you everywhere you go : for training, match dayandtravelling- 3D : space between players easier to see- Animation : real-life player speed and slow motion- Precision : player orientation, ID and trajectoriesUnderstanding : colour zones, arrows and notes,multipleviewpointsWith our app,Learn at your rhythmReplay when you wantDiscuss the playbook with the teamSave precious training time !Much better than just a drawing !Please note: this application does not allow you tocreatetactics, but it allows you to annotate those that itcontains.
Handball Training 1.05
Handball Training is the app with lotsofhandball training exercises with a complete training programthatcontains all the basic and advanced exercises toplayhandball.Today the professional and amateur handball player requires averyhigh level of training and fitness.With this application you will learn how to improve your fitnessandhow to execute the most complex handball passes withspecificphysical training exercises.This application includes:- Exercises of all kinds: technical, tactical, physical,specific,strategic and warm-up.- Specific training Exercises for goalkeepers.- Repetitive exercises to reduce response times and improveyourskills.- Ball control techniques and strategies to improve yourtechniqueat different positions on the field.- Best handball moments in Olympic Games.This application is part of a group of sports training apps suchasfootball, tennis, paddle tennis, basketball,paddleboarding,martial arts, kung fu, judo, home gym, cricket,cycling,golf, boxing and beach volleyball. Download now thistennistraining free app on your mobile or tablet device.
PSG Handball 2.1.1
Découvrez gratuitement la nouvelleapplicationofficielle du Paris Saint-Germain Handball sur votresmartphoneAndroid !Retrouvez dès maintenant et où que vous soyez toutel’actualitédu club de handball de la capitale.Accessible facilement à tous, l’application offre desqualitésgraphiques dernière génération !Profitez tous les jours de contenus variés :-Les infos en temps réel,-Effectif, calendrier, résultats et classement du PSG,-Photos et vidéos exclusives pour vivre de l’intérieurl’aventureparisienne,-Les comptes rendus de tous les matchs du ParisSaint-GermainHandball,-Accédez à la boutique du club et retrouvez les maillots devosjoueurs préférés,-Fotofan,Discover the newfreeofficial app of Paris Handball on your Android smartphone!Now find where you are and all the news from the capitalhandballclub.Easily accessible to all, the application offers the latestgraphicsfeatures!Enjoy every day of varied content:-The Information in real time,-Effectif, Calendar, results and standings of the PSG,-Photos And exclusive videos to live within theParisianadventure,-The Minutes of all games at the Paris Handball,-Accédez The club shop and find the jerseys of yourfavoriteplayers,-Fotofan,
Handball EC 2016 1.4
Track the results of the Handball EURO Cup 2016 in Polen!
Handball XXL 2015
Tournoi International de Nantes XXL 2015Tournoi international qui aura lieu les 9 et 10 janvier2015auHall XXL du Parc des Expositions de Nantes. L'équipedeFranceaffrontera l'Argentine, la Macédoine et l'Algérie.InternationaltournamentNantes XXL 2015International tournament to be held on 9 and 10 January2015inthe Hall of XXL Exhibition Nantes. The France teamwillfaceArgentina, Macedonia and Algeria.
Handball Board 3.3
This is the tactics board for Hand Ball.You can create strategy with animation and share with friend!For player, coaches, sir, spectator, and so on.I hope this application will help your team.Enjoy your sports life!!This application's functions(Field window)- move piece- plus button : record point of piece- start button : play back with animation- pencil button : draw line (3 color)- eraser button : erase all line- shake : reset record- config button : show Config window(Config window)- change cort size (full or half)- change back number and name- save data (max is 100)- load data- share with web (site "Sportsboard")How to use playback!1. move piece2. push plus button. The number under plus button willincrement.This is record num.3. repeat 1. and 2.4. push start button.
Scoreboard Handball ++ 7.14.80
Turn your smartphone or tablet into an Handball scoreboard.
Handnews 4.6.3
The application is Handnews declination website Handnews
International Handball 1.08
Information and news on Handball World.
Handball Statistics Demo
What The Appz
Create professional match and season statistics of yourhandballteams!
Handball Français 1.2
L'application "Handball Français" permetunaccès direct aux règles du handball, aux gestes des arbitres,auxinformations relatives aux matériels, et au site mobile de laFFHBpour obtenir les résultats des différents championnats
Handball 1.13.4
The official App from Dansk Håndbold Forbund, the danishhandballassociation
Handball training - HFV 1.2
• More than 350 handball exercises • With detailed descriptions•Video clips