Top 50 Apps Similar to DEKRA i-Check

Automile 3.8.2
Fleet Management, GPS Fleet & Asset Tracking and Mileage Log
Lumiform - Digital Inspections 2.2.2
Lumiform GmbH
Easy to use app for digital checklists, inspections & audits.
Logbook - TripTracker PRO 10.6
SZ Software
Driver's log with automatic Bluetooth-Start/Stop, OBDII and carcostmanagement
Bill of Sale Maker 2.2.1
This Bill of Sale App helps users conveniently create aMotorvehiclebill of sale or other Bill of sale forms. The app usestheautomatedform to draft an agreement by inserting the dataofsellers, buyers,cars, boats, property from the database. Youcandraft your MotorVehicle Bill of Sale agreement andOdometerDisclosure Statement, andother Bill of Sale forms fast andnotlosing any data.
Ease CheckIn 4.19.0
Infobric AB
Ease CheckIn makes it quick and convenient to managedailyattendanceusing Infobric’s attendance ledger. You canmanageseveral sitessimultaneously and constantly monitor yourattendancehistory. Checkyour colleagues in and out. Sites whereyou arealready registered inthe ledger are automatically visibleand itis easy to add yourselfto other sites. You can also use theapp toconfigure and unlock EaseSmart Lock, a digital door lockforconstruction sites. Ease CheckInis free to download. Features:•Check yourself in and out. • Sitethat are available forcheck-inare displayed on the list My sitesand the rest appear onthe listExpired sites. • Search through siteswhere use of the apphas beenactivated and easily add yourself tonew sites. • Siteswhere youare already registered in the ledger areautomaticallyvisibleamong your sites. • View detailed informationabout siteswithcontact details and a map view etc. • Favourite yourfrequentsitesfor quick access. • Review your check-in and check-outeventsasreported by the app in the site log book. • Checkyourcolleaguesin and out if the site permits. • Manage your ownlistofcolleagues with contact details and create favouritesforquickaccess. • New! Use the app to unlock the digital lockEaseSmartLock Additional features for Swedish sites: •Displayinformationon steps to take during inspection visits fromtheSwedish TaxAgency.
Univest 2.34.424
Univest is your personal financial advocate that givesyoutheability to aggregate all of your financialaccounts,includingaccounts from other select banks and creditunions, into asingleview. It’s fast, secure and makes life easierby empoweringyouwith the tools you need to manage your finances.Here’s whatelseyou can do with Univest. - Keep your transactionsorganizedbyadding tags, notes and photos of receipts and checks -Setupbalance and transaction alerts to stay on top of accountactivity-Make payments, whether you’re paying a company or afriend-Transfer money between your accounts - Deposit checks in asnapbytaking a picture of the front and back - Temporarilydisableyourdebit card if you’ve misplaced it or report itlost/stolen -Viewand save your monthly statements - Find branchesand ATMs nearyouSecure your account with a 4-digit passcode andfingerprint orfacereader on supported devices.  To use theUnivest app,simplydownload it and follow the prompts. Univest Bankand TrustCo. isMember FDIC.
Motimate 3.8.2
Motimate AS
Making great e-learning content and sharing it with yourpeershasnever been easier. Using Motimate, everyone cansharesuccesses,seek knowledge and learn from one another. That iswhy wesay thatMotimate is learning made fun and easy.
Jenji - Expense Tracker 4.4.6
Life is too short to spend time on doing business expenses!Gotreceipts, per-diem, invoices, trip expenses, mileage claims?Jenjitakes care of it all! Use our receipt scanner on yourbusinessexpenses to get the reimbursement, import your digitalinvoices,claim per diems or manage trip expenses with our precisemileagetracker/mile logger. Stay compliant, no more lost orrejectedbusiness receipts! The best part of it, it’s that Jenji isa freeexpense management solution! • It’s Paperless: Your companycanadopt an ecological, productive, and economical approach bygoingpaperless on your expense management just by using ourreceiptscanner and our expenditure tracker. • It’s Automated: Allyourbusiness receipts and invoices are processed automatically,withouterrors after using the Jenji receipt scanner. • It uses AI:Jenjiartificial intelligence allows you to analyze all your dataandgives you a global view of your business expenses. It’s muchmorethan just an expenditure tracker or a mile logger. • It’s easytointegrate: Our Jenji Platform integrates all your internalandexternal data sources into a single point. Making yourexpensereimbursement faster and smarter. Jenji is not justanexpenditure/receipt tracker, mileage tracker, or a smartscannerfor you to manage receipts. Jenji is an app that isreinventing theway companies are managing their business expenses.Companies andpeople can benefit from one of the fastestexpense/receipt scannersof the market and a precise mileagetracker, giving you real-timedata and visibility through apaperless and automated expensetracker. Nowadays more than 35.000companies all over the worldtrust Jenji! You can start improvingyour company business expensestoday, download the app or get incontact with us on our website:
Yardi Inspection Mobile 7.1
Yardi Systems
Yardi Inspection Mobile augmentsthefunctionality of Yardi Inspection with the ability to accessandenter inspection results from a smartphone or tablet withoutusingthe full Yardi Voyager™ browser client. Yardi InspectionMobilerequires Yardi Inspection Plug-in 4.1 for Voyager 6 orPlug-in 3.3for Voyager 7S.Key Features• Review assigned inspections: Your assignedinspectionsautomatically appear on your phone or tablet.• Sort: Quickly sort your inspections by schedule date,property,inspection status, inspection entity, inspection type, zipcode,address, and due date.• Create work orders: Automatically create work orders fromyourobservations.• Add photos and voice notes: Capture photos and recordvoicemessages for inspection details.• Complete inspections: Log inspection results thatautomaticallyupdate Yardi Voyager™ records.• Add new inspections: Create new inspections while you’reonsite.• Create re-inspections: Create follow-up inspections inthedatabase• Use the app in areas without a cellular or wirelessconnection:Yardi Inspection Mobile will synchronize your data onceyourconnection is reestablished.
Paycheck Nanny: DIY Pay, Time, Taxes 3.9.3
If you employ a nanny or caretaker, save time, frustrationandmoneywhen navigating the nanny tax. Schedule upcoming work,tracktime,create paychecks, generate required reports, andgettimelyreminders. Use it when and where it's most convenient.Oursolutionadvises you on the steps you need to take in order topayyournanny or babysitter legally. You'll save a fortune overafullservice payroll provider such as HomePay by Care.comorHomeWorkSolutions. Developed as an affordable solution for onthegoparents by on the go parents. What Paycheck Nanny Provides:*AnAffordable alternative to high priced fullservicepayrollservices. * Mobile Solution - use the tools when andwhereit'smost convenient. * Guidance - Our solution advises you onthestepsyou need take in order to pay your nanny legally. *IntuitiveToolsall in one app - Scheduler, time tracker, paystubmaker,andhousehold employer advisor. Easily email or Saveyourgeneratedpaystubs to Google Drive right from your device.*Supportsmultiple caretakers, nannies, or other householdemployees.Startyour free 21 day subscription today! Visitusat
EASE Audits 3.00.0
Mobile Plant Floor Audit Solution for Manufacturers
Field Service Scheduling App 3.4.8
Job scheduling and dispatching app for field serviceprofessionalsand Handyman
Vehicle Trip Logbook Tracker 1.11.17
Make Your life easier by using this app to track tripsforpersonal,business, reimbursement or tax deduction purposes.It'seasy to useand makes most of work for you. TRIPS * Createtripsusing GPStracking. App automatically determines tripdistance,travel time,start and end addresses. * Driving route onthe map. *Dashboard:current speed, elapsed time and distance. *Create tripentriesmanually: You can use template trip, copy anexisting tripor entermanually all data. * Add notes to the trips.AUTOMATICRECORDING *Automatic trip start, pause and resume onbluetoothdeviceconnect/disconnect events. LOGBOOK * Filterablelogbook:Filter byvehicle, trip type, trip reason or bypredefined/manuallydefinedtrip periods. * Grouping: Group logbookentries by day,week ormonth. Groups can be expanded/collapsed. *Automaticdeterminationof gaps between trips. REPORTS * Supportedformats:PDF, XLS andCSV. * Designed reports which includescompany,driver, car andtrips data * Include reimbursement orfringebenefit amounts toreports * Choose report period bypredefined ormanually pickedranges Note: To use reportsfunctionality You haveto make in-appsubscription (1 payment per 6months). But beforepurchasing, theapp offers to see sample reportsso You can see ifthe reports suitsfor You. APP PERMISSIONS *Location: for usingGPS. * Full networkaccess: for getting tripaddressesautomatically. * Read/Modify thecontents of SD card: fordatabasebackup. * Bluetooth: for automaticrecording onbluetoothconnect/disconnect events. SUPPORTEDLANGUAGES * English *Estonian
FieldService App 1.4.3
Field Service Application is dedicated to technicians,handlingtheirdaily assignments while working at the customer'ssite. Alldatarelated to the onsite visit is entered in the form ofa reportandsynchronized on the back-end upon completion. Theapplicationenablesthe user to: - view a structured list of tasks -track theprogresswhen solving tasks - report task completion bycollectingallrelevant documentation Field Service Application issolely usedbythe permanent employees of one specific customer ofFieldcode.Itwill ask for the technician's permission to access thelocation(GPS)data with initial login. The technician's currentlocationdata isused to see their assigned jobs in the mapfunction. Thelatestlocation is also submitted while the app. isused in thebackgroundto plan the same day activities by the backoffice andto fulfil andmanage contractual obligations of thecustomers.
INRIX ParkMe 2.0.46
Download our free award-winning app to find the cheapest,closestparking around
RocketRoute FlightPlan 7.9.2 (3702)
RocketRoute, the fastest way to take-off. Simply plan, file and fly
ServiceMonster 1.4.3
Organize your business. Schedule jobs, take notes,createinvoices,process payments, and manage your technicians andtheirroutes.Business management simplified. Simple scheduling tofityourworkflow. Day, week, month, and agenda view. The homescreenwitheverything you need. Search your account, add newcustomers,manageyour leads, view account recent activity, manageallactivities,customize company settings, Complete job managementfromyourphone. Check-in and out of jobs easily, takephotoson-site,contact customers, collect signatures, and edit workordersallfrom one screen. Manage from the field. With the powerofourmobile app, you can run your entire business from aphoneortablet. No more paper. No more mess.
kvCORE 2.7.0
The kvCORE Android app is your mobile connection to your kvCORECRMand the fastest way to make the calls that keep yourbusinessmoving. You don’t have time to babysit your laptop. ThekvCOREAndroid app gives you a personalize dialer with calls servedupautomatically to you every day based on the leads and contactsmostimportant for you to call today. You can also use it to reachoutto groups of leads from your hashtags or any other set ofpeople.Hit go, and talk on bluetooth while you run around town. Weget it,you’re balancing a lot, so your tech needs to be mobile withyou.Try it out, and you’ll never go back.
YeikCar - Car management
Manage simple, fast and powerful way all expenditures ofyourvehicles!
My Test - Test and share your 1.0.4-paid
My Test is a simple App that can test a person or a party withExcelquiz file.
CareerOneStop Mobile
CareerOneStop can help you find a job, explore trainingoptions,plan your career and more. Use this app to search for localjobs,salaries, and training programs; locate your closest AmericanJobCenter to access job search assistance; learn how to fileforunemployment benefits; and more with this app from theU.S.Department of Labor’s CareerOneStop –online resources forcareer,training, and jobs. Get stared with any of the selections:•American Job Center Finder helps you quickly locate andcontactyour closest American Job Center, where you can accessassistancewith career planning, training options, and job search.Enter yourcity, state, or ZIP code to get started. • Job Finderprovideslocal job postings for any city, state, or ZIP code. Jobpostingsare updated daily from America’s Job Exchange, CareerBuilder,Indeed,, and state job banks. • Veterans Job Findermatchesmilitary job experience to civilian careers and displayslocal joblistings for those careers. Enter your military job titleorMOC/MOS code and view job listings by city, state, or ZIP code.•Salary Finder displays average hourly wages or annual salariesbyoccupation and location. Enter an occupation and your state orZIPcode to get started. • Local Training Finder helps you locatelocaleducation and training programs—search by occupation, program,orschool, and find detailed program information as well as howtocontact schools. • Unemployment Benefits Finder helps you findyourstate’s unemployment program information—including how to filebyphone or online. CareerOneStop is a suite of onlinecareer,training, and job search resources sponsored by the U.S.Departmentof Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. Sendyourfeedback to [email protected].
testo Combustion
App to show measure data from the analyzers testo 320, 324,327,330, 340, 350
HSEQ+ | Safety Reports, Quality Audit, Timesheets 7.3.11
Mellora AS
No subscriptions needed. Install and start using itimmediately!Areyou looking for a safety app to generate accidentreports andnearmiss reports? Do you also want a quality audit andinspectionapp tomake sure your organization / company meets allrequirementsrelatedto quality and the work environment? Meet theaward-winningHSEQ+which saves money, time and effort byofferinguser-friendlyreporting and case management tools for HSEandquality. No useraccount or subscription is required. Installthequality and safetyhse app and start using it immediately! ►5EASYTO USE &HELPFUL MODULES: HSEQ + is an app designed tosimplifyand improvean organization's HSE and quality reporting. Inthe appyou willfind 5 different and user-friendly modules: ◉ QUICKREPORTS-Choose between 6 types of reports: Non-ConformanceReport,AccidentReport, Observation Report, Near Miss Report,ImprovementReport,Prevention Report. - Enter important details suchas Dateand Time,Location, Department, Type of Incident,Project/Reference,IssueDescriptions, Actions Taken, GPS location,Images. - Sendthereports to the relevant manager, sector orauthorities. Useyourname or stay anonymous to protect youridentity. - Keep anarchiveof all your reports created with our hseapp. ◉ INSPECTIONSANDAUDITS: Make use of checklists for safetyrounds and auditsrelatedto quality and the work environment. - Ouraudit app enablesyou toassess and do thorough audits and understandthe context ofeachaudit. May also be used for all kinds of riskassessment. -Neatlyoverview all your inspections in the New, InProgress&Completed sections ◉ SAFE-JOB ANALYSIS (SJA): CreateSJA byaddingDate, Name, Participants. Do the safe job analysis toassesstherisk of all work operations that may involve a certainrisktopeople, the environment, machines etc. Send the finishedsafejobanalysis with detailed reporting within the app. ◉ TIMESHEETS:Noneed to use separate apps to manage your workdays. Usethein-builtTimesheets so you can easily document your working day.Adddetailssuch as Employee No., Department, Entries, Summary,Overtimeandsend them to your managers. View all of the timesheetsyou’vesentat one place too. ◉ DOCUMENT CENTRE Occupational safetyandhealth,or health and safety at work, quality procedures,andsafetyinspections are complicated fields. That’s why inourDocumentcenter you can find Procedures, Instructions,Manuals,Templates,Datasheets on both Quality & HSE. ►CUSTOMIZETHE APPFOR YOURORAGNIZATION Every organization has the opportunityto haveits owncustomized version of the app. Tailored versions ofHSEQ canbelinked to our database HSEQ Reports for an evenmorestreamlined,innovative, and easy way to handle HSE andqualitymanagement.►MEET ALL CUSTOMER & GOVERNMENTREQUIREMENTSProperly used, ourhealth and safety at work &qualityinspection and audit appwill meet all customer andgovernmentrequirements, such as theInternal Control Regulations,ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO 45001, andall Achilles qualifications(JQS,Sellicha, TransQ, StartBANK, andAutomotive). 👉SEE WHY: .. In2013,HSEQ+ was named Norway's bestwork environment product 🏆 ..Isbranded and trusted by globalcompanies and organizations ☑️ ..Isused by tens of thousands ofusers 📲 Get this hseq app now andtryit completely for FREE!
DealCheck: Real Estate Calculator & Analysis 4.33.0
DealCheck is the simplest and fastest way to analyzeandcompareinvestment properties on your phone or tablet. Trustedbyover150,000 real estate investors and agents, it's atop-rankingrealestate investing app that has been featured byForbes,MSN,BiggerPockets and others. Whether you’re a new investorwhowantsto learn how to analyze investment properties, oranexperiencedprofessional who needs 24/7 access to powerfulanalysis,projectionand reporting tools, you’ll love this realestatecalculator.ANALYZE ANY INVESTMENT PROPERTY DealCheck willhelp youcrunch thenumbers and perform due diligence on any rentalproperty,BRRRR,flip, rehab project, multi-family or commercialbuildinginseconds. Quickly import property data from public recordsorenterit through a step-by-step wizard. Our app will calculateacompleteanalysis of the deal, including closing costs,mortgagepayment,cash flow, ROI, profit and more. You can look uprecentsales andrental comps, create and share detailed reports,comparepropertiesagainst your purchase criteria and performreversevaluationanalysis to determine your highest offer to theseller.Your datasyncs to the cloud and is available on any phone,tabletorcomputer. You can start your work on one device andcontinueonanother without missing a beat. ALL-IN-ONE INVESTOR'STOOLKIT•Analyze single-family, multi-family and commercialrentals,BRRRR's(buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat), Airbnb's,house flipsandwholesale deals • Import property description, value&rentestimates, tax assessments and photos from publicrecordsandlistings • Manage and itemize closing costs, rehabbudgets,holdingcosts and operating expenses • View in-depthpropertyanalysis,including purchase breakdown, financing, cashflow,profitprojections and investment returns • Calculatethecapitalizationrate (cap rate), cash on cash return (COC), returnoninvestment(ROI), internal rate of return (IRR), grossrentmultiplier (GRM),debt coverage ratio (DCR) and more • Quicklyvaryyour assumptionsand view long term holding projections forrentalsand profitprojections for flips • Look up recent salescomps,comparablerental listings and market statistics to helpyouestimate afterrepair values (ARV) and rent • Calculate yourmaxallowable offersto sellers based on target criteria • Viewthenames and contactinformation of current property owners •Exportand shareprofessional PDF reports with your personalizedbranding,contactinformation and logo • Find investor-friendlylendersthorough abuilt-in directory • Learn about real estateinvestingwith abuilt-in real estate glossary GET AN EDGE OVEROTHERINVESTORS Stoprelying on complicated Excel spreadsheets orother’sadvice and letDealCheck help you find your next realestateinvestment. Whileother real estate investors make mistakes intheiranalysis, youcan be sure that your proforma calculations andprofitprojectionsare 100% accurate, complete and unbiased. AndwithDealCheck'sbeautiful property reports, you can get youroffersaccepted fasterand impress your lenders, partners orclients.REGULAR UPDATES& NEW FEATURES We are committed tokeeping thisthe best realestate calculator for Android andregularly releasenew features.We'd love to include your suggestionsin our nextupdate - send usyour ideas to [email protected]:https://dealcheck.ioHelp Center: http://help.dealcheck.ioTerms ofUse:
DoliDroid for Dolibarr ERP-CRM DoliDroid Pro 3.0
DoliDroid, the Android frontend client for Dolibarr ERP &CRMweb software.
PocketSuite Booking & Payments 4.27.17
Appointments Scheduling, Contracts & Invoicing. TheOnlyBusiness App You Need.
Insite - Audit & Snag 3.1.10
Fast, easy to use, site inspection, snagging & punchlistauditing
QuickShifter easy (iQSE) 2.7.6
Free app to setup the HealTech QuickShifter easy moduleviaBluetooth.
Novade Enterprise 6.59
Quality, Safety & Site Diaries: Smart field management software
Tradify - Easy Job Management 6.17.0
The easy tool for contractors & tradespeople toestimate,invoice & manage jobs.
Breezeway: Property Care & Maintenance Operations
Breezeway is a mobile solution for intelligent propertycareandmaintenance. Combining custom checklists,automatedworkflows,data-driven property inventory with simpletaskmanagement thatstaff will use, Breezeway helps managerscoordinateinspections,cleaning and maintenance tasks and improvethe qualityof theirback office operations. Enjoy seamless rentalturnovers andshowcare for the properties you manage. WithBreezeway, youcan:Schedule tasks based on property turnover orfrequencyCompleteproperty inspections and include condition, photosandcommentsBuild the property inventory and maintenancerecordsAddmaintenance work, with itemized costs and photosCommunicatewithyour team on specific tasks Breezeway is integratedwithleadingproperty management software including HomeAway,Streamline,RNS,VRM, Barefoot and BookingSync. The Breezeway app isavailabletousers with a PRO account for free.
Dearborn Real Estate Exam Prep 8.04.6340
Ultimate Real Estate Study tool with 460+ Test Prep Questions!99%Pass Rate! – Find Parking 3.48.0
Parking shouldn’t be a hassle. Let’s get you parked and on tothebigger things.
Car service 5.3
Car maintenance in one click!
RizePoint Mobile-Auditor 10.2.11
RizePoint Mobile Auditor optimizes quality andoperationsaudits.Save time by streamlining the audit process,andeliminateadditional data entry by instantly uploadingauditresults.RizePoint Mobile Auditor seamlessly syncs withRizePoint, aSaaSapplication that securely collects data from MobileAuditorandconsolidates, correlates, and organizesinformationintointelligent, actionable reports and correctiveactionworkflows.This allows the right people, at the right time,toreceive alertsas critical issues arise, identify trends as soonasthey appear,and manage corrective actions through completion.TheRizePointEULA is available here:
MKE Park
A Smarter Way to Park in Milwaukee
REcolorado 3.9.6
Find The Home That Fits You!
Land Rover InControl Remote
Connect with your car, wherever you are
UFODRIVE: 24/7 EV Car Rental 4.10.0
24/7 Access, Free Fuel and Charging. Book, Unlock and Drive aTesla& EV's
iDispatch Dispatcher 2.3
Streamline businesses with a driver tracking app Letyourtransportation business transform the way it works by gettingasuper-efficient, intuitive driver tracking app. WithiDispatch,we’re empowering shipping businesses to maximize theirproductivitylevels by tracking their driver’s location. That way,atransportation company doesn’t waste time coordinating withitsfleets—instead, it earns the extra work hours to grow andinnovate.With our driver tracking app, monitoring your driver’slocationbecomes as simple as a touch and a swipe. Plus, since thetrackingis done in real time, it can happen anytime, anywhere.iDispatchrevolutionizes the way drivers are tracked throughmonitoring,driver communication, information storage,company-to-companytracking, and the like. This app not only tracksyour driver’sexact location but also prevents any unauthorized useof yourvehicles. Overall, this app lets transportation businessessavesome quick bucks and precious time while keeping them relaxedabouttheir driver’s and vehicle’s safety. iDispatch highlights •Trackdrivers in real time: Track your driver’s current location,speedand distance without running around. • Makecompany-to-companytracking possible: Track the location of othercompany’s drivers ifit is permitted. • Track drivers through anotification: If adriver is unable to cover a specified distancewithin a given timeframe, then immediately escalate the situationwith the concernedcompany. • Provide the history of driveractivities: Retrieve thelist of driver activities for the last 24hours. • Available foriOS/Android: You don’t need to spend money ongetting expensivehardware. Just download this app on your iPhone orAndroidsmartphone and get ready to track a driver in real time.•Customize alerts: For driver’s safety, custom alert can be sentinemergency cases. • Provide essential data: With thisrevolutionaryapp, critical data on the number of trips and trucksis just atouch away. iDispatch will improve a driver’s performanceand willlet you stay focused on achieving your prime businessgoals. We areone of the leading companies that deploy advancedtechnology todeliver effective solutions. We promise you to deliverefficientdriver-tracking services at the most competitive rates.We’reappreciated by our clients for delivering high-endtrackingservices. At iDispatch, we only focus on our core valuesofexcellence, dedication and quality to deliver themostgroundbreaking driver-tracking app that’s known for itssimplicityand scalability. We have over 20 years of experience inthetrucking sector, and that makes us capable to deliveroutstandingservices to satisfy customers. To enjoy our services,just downloadthe app right now. If, however, you’re facing anyissue whiledownloading or using the app, or if you want to givesuggestions toimprove the app, then contact us [email protected].
Service Report 3.4
Reiko Klein
With 'Service Report' you create service reports which canbesavedin a database and distributed as a PDF file. Theservicereportsare subdivided according to company, constructionsite andclient.Any number of attendances, executed work andprocessedmaterialscan be included in each service reports.According to thesettings,you can assign the attendances of aservice report toindividualemployees or a number of employees.Depending on theversion, youcan import employees, materials or aroom book, assigna logo toeach company and display it in the headeraccording to thesettingson each PDF document. On the Android deviceas of Android7.0Nougat you can drag & drop companies,constructionsites,clients, employees and rooms between our apps.With theexportfunction, daily wages can be exported as * .XML andimportedonanother device with the daily wages app. All employeesand roomsaswell as the company, client and construction site willbetakenover. The data in the XML file is encrypted and can onlybereadout via the app. The service reports can be signed directlyintheapp by the client. Where the client signature is not savedbutforprivacy reasons directly written in a PDF. If aservicereportsigned by the client is processed, the client'ssignaturewill belost. In the settings, you can change the title oftheform"Service Report" as well as the name of the constructionsite,nameof the contractor's signature and the name oftheclient'ssignature.
gastronovi Office 1.8.3
gastronovi Office is the software solution for gastronomy.
Remote EX for NISSAN 1.3
Dare Apps
Activate several accessories from your NISSAN car remote
FieldPulse 5.3.16
Flicent Inc
Take FieldPulse with you on the go with the FieldPulseAndroidapp.Run your service business from anywhere; easilymanagecustomers,schedule jobs, dispatch team members, and sendoutinvoices andestimates. Keep a pulse on your business with realtimestatusupdates and full traceability. Whether a company of 1or100,FieldPulse helps keep your service business organizedandrunningsmoothly. -Customer management and historical data-Jobschedulingand team member dispatching -Mobile estimatesandinvoicing -Taskmanagement -Activity feeds and status updatelogging-File andphoto attachments -Team member location mappingAFieldPulseregistered account is required to log into theFieldPulseAndroidapp.
valido - die Mitarbeiter-App 7.0
valido GmbH
valido – The employee app Secure internalcorporatecommunicationsfor employees, customers, partners andsuppliers.Employees of “allgenerations” can be reached quickly,online &mobile, andtransparently kept at a common state ofknowledge. Inaddition tothe internal Wikipedia, we have implementedall relevantfunctionsof WhatsApp & Facebook – encrypted – inour system,with thecrucial advantage that all data are stored onGermanservers (ISO27001 / EU-GDPR) and your generated employee dataarenot marketed!The employee app is equally well suited forcustomers,partners,suppliers etc. An authorisation system lets youeasilydeterminewho is permitted to see what and when, and whocancommunicatedirectly with whom, online and mobile. Theemployeeapp/mobileIntranet tool encompasses the followingmodules:Team-MessengerChat (including voice messages), Information/ WikiCalendar -automatically synchronise calendar entries(includingrecurringones) with the Exchange calendar., Events,E-mail -automaticallysynchronise with the Exchange, Video Call,Rights,Rest periods,Staff directory, Active Directoryinterface,Statistics Fingerprintlogin, PC-Version and nativeApp.Registration: After download ofthe valido employee-App pleaseenterthe customer key of yourcompany. Login takes place with usernameand password. You canchoose between subscriptions that offer10,20, 30, or 40 possibleuser registrations for yourorganization.When you purchase one ofthe subscriptions thispurchase will beapplied to your iTunesaccount. The subscriptionswill automaticallyrenew after 1 or 6months depending on your chosenproduct unlessauto-renew is turnedoff at least 24 hours before theend of thecurrent period. You cancancel a subscription 24 hoursbefore theend of the current periodwith your iTunes accountsettings. Anyunused portion of a freetrial period, if offered, willbe forfeitedwhen the you purchas asubscription to that publication.For moreinformation view ourTerms of Service (ToS) andPrivacyPolicy.
Notebook+ "Evernote" client 2.6.13
Apps that anyone can use offline notebook features
Mortgage Calculator - Mortgage 1.4.0
Mortgage Calculator, Mortgage Payment Calculator, HomePurchase,Mortgage Rates
Maxoptra Driver App
Simplified route optimisation. Customer experience.Effortlesslydelivered.
SpendCatcher by MobileXpense 4.5.6
Create expenses, expense notes, mileage claims and daily allowances
Site Checklist : Safety 1.0
Saroj Vadekar
For safety & quality inspections and audits to streamlinestheprocess.