Top 2 Games Similar to Phuzzled

Grayherring Inc
Puzzled- Endless Puzzle Fun on your phone!Puzzled lets you use your photos to create your owncustompuzzle. It offers 3 quick puzzle sizes and a custom settingthatallows you to make puzzles tailored toward your liking.Challenge your friends to beat your time on your favoritephotosor aim for a personal best.When you have this much control, the game is only as limitedasyou make it!Only loads the last 40 images saved on phone to deal withAndroidmemory limit and minimize load time...* Press play to see gallery of pictures (may take a minutetoload depending on number of pictures saved)* Tap picture to see preview and press 'PUZZLE-IZE' to turn it intoa puzzle* Pick preset puzzle size or custom (set custom settings intheoptions menu)* Tap piece to select it and swap it with the next pieceyoutap* When complete, you can either redo the puzzle, or pick a newonefrom the gallery4x4 recommended for beginners6x6 seasoned puzzle players8x8 veteran puzzle mastersCustom- based off your settingsNo AdsPossible Future Updates:- adding a folder that you can place pictures in so youreferencethat folder for future puzzles.- make load screen so you do not have to look at blacknesswhengallery is loading.- add a way to email Greyherring Inc.-add a way to share times to Facebook.-random button to select an image.- add setting to change the number of images that load inthegallery. (Less images will make load time shorter and possiblymorestable but you get less images to pick.)- add setting to let player tweak the quality of imagesloading(higher quality pictures look better but will take morememory)If it does not run on your phone let us know the model andwewill try to work on compatibility. Most likely your phonesavesimages to a different default folder than we anticipated. Ifthisis the case it will take images from "/sdcard/yourPuzzles". Youcanmove images there manually as a temporary fix.
Yo! Phuzzle 1.1.8
Stop sharing photos and make yourfriendsworkfor them! Turn your personal photos into funphotopuzzles(phuzzles) to send to your friends. Add an extra twistbyhidingphuzzle pieces of your personal photos and makeyourfriendcompensate you to reveal what you have hidden. Simpleenough,butmake sure you earn enough YOs (credits) to revealphuzzlepiecesthat your friends hide from you. Become the fastestinsolvingphuzzles and earn YOs playing versus your friends.Choose: the friend, the photo, the difficulty level andwhetheryouhide any phuzzle pieces. Your friend will have tocompletethephuzzle on your terms to keep the photo inoriginalformat.Remember, make any hidden pieces interesting inorder tomake yourcurious friends compensate you. If you never wantyourfriends toreveal the piece, make it really expensive for themto doso!If you like competing, battle your friends on who is fastestandearnyourself much needed YOs. Get good and move upthosewinners’rankings. Still in need of practice? Do not worry, theYoPhuzzleteam will be sending you weekly phuzzles, awarding youYOsjust forcompleting them!Modes:Do It Yourself - Upload your photo and completeyourownphuzzles.Phuzzle a Friend - Share phuzzle versions of your photos,withtheability to hide pieces from your friends.Phuzzle Battle - compete on who is the fastest tosolvepersonalphuzzlesStats - see where you stand amongst your friendsPhuzzle of the Week - the Yo Phuzzle team will send youweekly,funphuzzles for your pleasure and to increase your YObalance.