Top 18 Apps Similar to Asistente Docente

Asistente-Escolar 1.0
alice garcia
Esta aplicación está dedicada atodoslosdocentes, para tomar la asistencia de sus alumnos enclase,asícomo la generación de equipos de trabajo porcriteriosespecíficos,llámese edad, pasatiempo y aleatoriamente.Tambiénpermite aldocente establecer notificaciones para que no sele hagatarde yeste al corriente con sus materias. Esta aplicaciónes capazdealmacenar los datos de los alumnos la lista de asistenciaylosequipos generados en la tarjeta externa delteléfonoparaposteriormente ser consultada en una hoja de cálculo ouneditor detexto, a la vez facilita él envió de archivos pormediodel correoelectrónico … es práctica, interesante y fácildeutilizar.Thisapplicationisdedicated to all teachers to take attendance ofstudents inclassas well as the generation of staff for specificcriteria, beitage, hobby and randomly. It also allows teachers tosetupnotifications so that you are not running late andstaycurrentwith their subjects. This application is able to storedataforstudents the attendance and teams generated in theexternalphonecard for later be viewed in a spreadsheet or a texteditor,whileit facilitates sending files via email ... itispractical,interesting and easy to use.
Learn Japanese Phrasebook 0.8.2
Nugalis IT
Learn japanese easily with this phrasebook that helps youtomemorize.
Asistente Personal Cal 4.0.4
Cal is the most advanced personal assistant Google Play
My Piano Assistant 3.1.10a
The reference book of chords, scales and intervals for piano.
Asistente Online 1.2
Asistente OnlineEs la oportunidad de ofrecer un soporte administrativoycreativo,tanto en el ámbito comercial como empresarialmedianteuna SecretariaEjecutiva Virtual, permitiendo reducircostos deoficina, lograndotambién una mayor flexibilidadhoraria.La secretaria ejecutiva virtual (S.E.V) puededesempeñarseconéxito en diversas funciones, utilizando las últimastecnologíasdecomunicación y facilitación de procesos, comoson:formaciónadministrativa, relaciones humanas, ceremonialyprotocolo,redacción profesional, organización de agendas, viajesyeventosempresariales. También reuniones de negocio,acompañamientoymejora de la imagen tanto laboral como personal,atencióndelcliente, compras y presupuestos, entre otros.El servicio que le ofrecemos a nuestro clientelepermitira,obtener un mayor tiempo libre para sí mismo, asícomotambién unamejor y eficaz organización de su agenda diaria,unaevolución enla imagen de su negocio, atención máspersonalizadahacia susclientes (lo cual les permitirá unacercamiento). Enefecto, através de todos los servicios que lesofreceremos a susclientes,atraeremos también al público que aún nolo conoce, demaneracontundente, sincera y real, encontrando susnecesidadesymostrando el modo sencillo y eficaz desatisfacerlas.Entre otros servicios. ¿No esperes mas y descargalaaplicaciónpara conocerlos?assistant OnlineIt is an opportunity to provide an administrativeandcreativesupport, both commercially and business through aVirtualExecutiveSecretary, thereby reducing office costs, alsoachievinggreatertime flexibility.Secretary virtual executive (SEV) can functionsuccessfullyinvarious functions, using the latest communicationtechnologiesandfacilitation of processes, such as: managementtraining,human,ceremonial and protocol relations, professionalwriting,organizingagendas, travel and business events . Alsobusinessmeetings,monitoring and improving both work and personalimage,customercare, shopping and budgets, among others.The service we offer our client will allow you to getmorefreetime for yourself as well as a better andeffectiveorganization ofyour daily agenda, an evolution in theimage of yourbusiness, morepersonalized attention to its customers( an approachwhich willallow). Indeed, through all the servicesoffer theircustomers,also we will attract the public not even knowhim, blunt,honestand real way, finding their needs and showingsimple andeffectiveway of meeting them.Among other services. Do not wait any longer anddownloadtheapplication to know?
OK Phone ( Asistente por voz ) 1.0
No queremos competir con asistentesvirtualestipo Siri, queremos crear una app MUY SENCILLA Y ÚTIL.Haz tus llamadas, manda y recibe correos, SMS, chatea,buscainformación, localizaciones, vídeos, etc... sin necesidad detocarla pantalla. Este asistente es totalmente manos-libres graciasalsistema PocketSphinx de reconocimiento de voz continuo.Creemos que puede ser útil en el coche, en la bici,practicandorunning o cualquier otro deporte, en la cocina, o encualquiersituación en la que mirar la pantalla o tocarla supongaunproblema! También por simple pereza o curiosidad.Todo 100% gratis y sin ninguna utilización de tus datos. Esunproyecto 100% indie fruto de unas cuantas mentes locas poraprendery por hacer las cosas lo más sencillas posibles.Si gusta, seguiremos ampliando sus funciones y mejorandosuestabilidad y añadiremos otros idiomas. Todas vuestras críticasysugerencias son imprescindibles para nosotros!We do not want tocompetewith Siri virtual assistant type, we create a very simpleanduseful app.Make your calls, send and receive email, SMS, chat, searchforinformation, locations, videos, etc ... without touchingthescreen. This wizard is totally hands-free system thankstoPocketSphinx continuous speech recognition.We believe it can be useful in the car, on the bike, runningorpracticing any other sport, in the kitchen, or in anysituationwhere you look at the screen or touch be a problem! Alsofor simplelaziness or curiosity.All 100% free and with no use of your data. It is a 100%indieproject fruit of a few crazy minds to learn and do things assimpleas possible.If you like, we continue to expand their functions andimprovingstability and add other languages. All your criticismsandsuggestions are essential for us!
Actualidad Docente (CECE) 2.1.4
La app Actualidad Docente te ofrececontenidosyanálisis sobre el mundo de la educación y tambiéninformaciónsobrelos servicios que ofrece la Confederación Españolade CentrosdeEnseñanza (CECE) a todos sus asociados. Se trata deunapublicacióndigital online que nace con vocación universalistayreúnenecesidades y conocimiento de la gran comunidadeducativa,por mediode una edición innovadora que puede sercompartida enredessociales.En esta publicación digital interactiva podrás ponerte aldíasobretendencias, metodologías, experiencias,buenasprácticas,proyectos, noticias, personajes y otros asuntosprácticosrelativosal mundo de la educación. Desde el visor web omedianteapp, podrásseleccionar, visualizar y compartir el contenidoque másteinterese.Funciones y características (Features)-Diseño dinámico animado específicoparadispositivosdigitales.-Ofrece contenido interactivo y puede incluirdocumentosdevídeo.-Navegación mediante índices visuales eíndicetextualinteractivos.-Posibilidad de compartir el documento a travésderedessociales.-Cross-platform: la mezcla de aplicaciones nativas y lo másnuevoenHTML5 web reader garantizan una total accesibilidad.
Registro Docente 1.0
Es una aplicación que le permitealdocentellevar el registro diario de asistencia y calificacionesdesusestudiantesIt is anapplicationthatallows the teacher to take the daily attendancerecordandqualifications of its students
Notas U: School Planner 13.3.0
Class schedule, homework, grades and everything a student needs.
MobyPlanner Personal Assistant 1.0.3
MobyPlanner is a new personal assistant helping you schedulingyourday.
Shanna: Asistente personal 7.1
Descubre este asistente personal ayudadoporvoztotalmente personalizable y completamente en castellano.Tepermitiráacceder a gran parte de los contenidos quenecesitasdesde una solaaplicación. Descubre este novedoso sistemaconfuncionesconversacionales.Discoverthisvoicepersonal assistant helped fully customizable andcompletelyinCastilian. We provide access to much of the contentthey needfroma single application. Discover this new systemwithconversationalfunctions.
Teacher Aide 2.19.12
★★★New version - For Android 5.0 andhigher,tap the link below.★★★ by a teacher, for teachers! Works withGoogleClassroom.★ Best Teacher App Ever Award Winner Multiple YearsMain Features• Attendance & assignments• Seating chart & grade reports• Random student & groups• Sync roster from Google Classroom & much moreThis free version has use of 1 class so teachers can try out allthefeatures. The pro version allows up to 30 classes.YouTube HelpVideos: Tips: Tips: Tips: Doc Helpfile:***Try downloading the Blue Stacks Player from www.bluestacks.comifyou would like to run the app on your PC as well. ***Also, simply email me directly at [email protected] need any assistance. I love hearing from users.
Kaxlan-Hu Asistente de Idiomas 2.3
Asistente de Idiomas MayasIdiomas Incluidos:- Q'eqchi'- Poqomchi'- Español- InglesColabora agregando traducciones y ayuda apreservarnuestrosidiomas maternos.MayanLanguageAssistantIncluded Languages:- Q'eqchi '- Poqomchi '- Spanish- EnglishCollaborate adding translations and helps preserveournativelanguages.
e-Docente - EFII
O aplicativo e-Docente – EFIIpossibilitaaconsulta ao conteúdo de obras das Editoras Ática,ScipioneeSaraiva, associadas às matrizes do SAEB e SAEB Ciênciasematrizesregionais dos estados de SP, RJ, PR, MG, GO, BA, PE eCE.Comocomplemento ao conteúdo dos livros, o e-Docentetambémofereceplanos de aula e modelos de provas para serembaixadospeloprofessor.
Aptitud Numérica 1.1.1
Millions of tests and drills on Numerical Aptitude
Pruebas de Docentes 1.0.3
In this application you can practice with different kinds oftestsand questions
Asistente Excel abs 0.0.2
Asistente Excel busca ser un materialdeapoyopara sacar provecho a la hoja de cálculo Excel, y notenerquememorizar cada paso para realizar una función.Assistant Excel seekstobea material support to capitalize on the Excel spreadsheet,andnothave to memorize every step to perform a function.
Jarvis - My Personal Assistant
Jarvis is a one of a kind noveltypersonalassistant app with a cool factor like none other in thestore,skyrocketing your phone's coolness factor to a wholenewlevel.NOTE: Jarvis currently supports only English language.But don't get us wrong, Jarvis is more than just a show off, hecanbe your personal assistant keeping you informed aboutweather,news, calls, text messages and what more, control yourphonesettings like turning on WiFi, Flash, Bluetooth to name some,playsongs over bluetooth, set reminders based on people.Jarvis adds a cool factor to every thing he does making youlookawesome!Widget supportAccess Jarvis from your lock screen with a single tap. Savenotes& access them with Notes widget.Wearable supportJarvis runs on your Android wearable as well. Ask him to playsongsby name, update your phone's background, change phone'ssettings& the list goes on.WakeUp AlarmsUse Jarvis to set quick wake up alarms, this couldn't getanyeasier.Calls & MessagesMake calls & send text messages with Jarvis, all you have todois just tell him.CloudVoice Dynamic conversationsJarvis is dynamic in conversation. He has a variety of answersforvariety of questions & some of them are outright funny. Ifhedoesn't know any, he learns them over time.NotificationsGet voice notifications about weather, news, battery status&power levels.Automatic wallpaper updateJarvis can update your home screen wallpaper automaticallyalmostevery day keeping it refreshed.Theme supportCustomize the appearance of the app by selecting from Mark I,MarkII & Mark III themes.Device controlControl your phone settings like Flash, WiFi etcPeople reminderA one of a kind reminder which allows you to link reminders toyourcontacts so you get reminded when you get or make aphonecall.Media playbackPlay media by name, album, artist. Shuffle the list, playorstop.Bluetooth Support betaIf your device is running JellyBean or up, you can useyourbluetooth headset to control Jarvis, play media over it and dotonsof other stuffs. This feature is still in beta so don't bealarmedif some bugs pop up.General searchesAsk Jarvis general questions like "Who is the first presidentofUSA", "How many meters are in a kilometer", "Convert 100 cmtoinches"Office hours & Night modeIt's always irritating when your phone notifies you somethingwhenyou are in office or when you are home getting a good sleep.Jarvisunderstands that and has you covered with two modes, OfficeMode& Quiet hoursContextually AwareJarvis is contextually aware of time & device settings andheadapts himself based on when you wake him up.Easter eggsApart from the regular chores, Jarvis tries his best to keepyouentertained. There are some easter eggs hidden inside the app,seeif you can uncover them.If you encounter any bugs or want to see a feature getimplemented,please do write to us before giving a negativereview.Privacy No contents of your phone ever leave the devicetoany server (except the speech recognition).Please Note: "Jarvis - My Personal Assistant" is in nowayassociated or endorsed with the actual character. ( ProductCode:fd03e2cc6e )